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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 2, 2013

TMS and TMS-EEG techniques in the study of the excitability, connectivity, and plasticity of the human motor cortex

  • Florinda Ferreri

    Dr. Florinda Ferreri received honours in Medicine in 2001 and certification in Neurology in 2006 from the University Campus Biomedico of Rome, Italy, under the direct supervision of Professor P.M. Rossini. In 2006 she was research fellow at the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Wisconsin, USA, where she worked with Professor G. Tononi and his group in EEG-TMS co-registration field. In 2011 she received the PhD degree in Clinical Neurophysiology from the University of Eastern Finland (thesis reviewers: Professors M. Hallett and U. Ziemann; official opponent Professor J. Rothwell). Dr. Ferreri is currently a neurologist consultant with expertise in Neurophysiology, teaching and research duties, at the University Hospital Campus Biomedico of Rome, Italy, where she works in the group of Professor V. Di Lazzaro. She is also research consultant at the Department of Clinical Neurophysiology of Kuopio University Hospital, Finland. Dr. Ferreri’s research areas focus on TMS in cognitive sciences, integrated brain functional imaging (particularly EEG-TMS), neurophysiology of aging brain and dementia.

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    and Paolo Maria Rossini

    Prof. Paolo Maria Rossini received honours in Medicine in July 1974. He was appointed Assistant Professor in Neurology in 1978 and until 1984 he took part in various research projects in the United States, collaborating with Roger Cracco and his group on Somatosensory Evoked Potentials. He was appointed Associate Professor in 1985 and until 1990 actively participated in the development of clinical applications in transcranial electrical and magnetic stimulations. He worked as Visiting Professor at the University of Irvine (California) in 1989. From 1995 to 2003 he edited, as Editor-in-Chief, the journal “Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology” (later Clinical Neurophysiology). In 2000 he was appointed Full Professor of Clinical Neurology at the University Campus Biomedico of Rome. From 2011 he is Director of the Institute of Neurology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome. He is a member of the Italian Superior Council of Health since 2003 and he currently is the President-Elected of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN; 2010–1014).

From the journal Reviews in the Neurosciences


Increasing evidence supports the notion that brain plasticity involves distinct functional and structural components, each entailing a number of cellular mechanisms operating at different time scales, synaptic loci, and developmental phases within an extremely complex framework. However, the exact relationship between functional and structural components of brain plasticity/connectivity phenomena is still unclear and its explanation is a major challenge within modern neuroscience. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), with or without electroencephalography (EEG), is a sensitive and objective measure of the effect of different kinds of noninvasive manipulation of the brain’s activity, particularly of the motor cortex. Moreover, the key feature of TMS and TMS-EEG coregistration is their crucial role in tracking temporal dynamics and inner hierarchies of brain functional and effective connectivities, possibly clarifying some essential issues underlying brain plasticity. All together, the findings presented here are significant for the adoption of the TMS and TMS-EEG coregistration techniques as a tool for basic neurophysiologic research and, in the future, even for clinical diagnostics purposes.

Corresponding authors: Florinda Ferreri, Department of Neurology, University Campus BioMedico, Via Alvaro Del Portillo 200, Trigoria, I-00100 Rome, Italy; and Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Kuopio University Hospital, University of Eastern Finland, FIN-70100 Kuopio, Finland

About the authors

Florinda Ferreri

Dr. Florinda Ferreri received honours in Medicine in 2001 and certification in Neurology in 2006 from the University Campus Biomedico of Rome, Italy, under the direct supervision of Professor P.M. Rossini. In 2006 she was research fellow at the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Wisconsin, USA, where she worked with Professor G. Tononi and his group in EEG-TMS co-registration field. In 2011 she received the PhD degree in Clinical Neurophysiology from the University of Eastern Finland (thesis reviewers: Professors M. Hallett and U. Ziemann; official opponent Professor J. Rothwell). Dr. Ferreri is currently a neurologist consultant with expertise in Neurophysiology, teaching and research duties, at the University Hospital Campus Biomedico of Rome, Italy, where she works in the group of Professor V. Di Lazzaro. She is also research consultant at the Department of Clinical Neurophysiology of Kuopio University Hospital, Finland. Dr. Ferreri’s research areas focus on TMS in cognitive sciences, integrated brain functional imaging (particularly EEG-TMS), neurophysiology of aging brain and dementia.

Paolo Maria Rossini

Prof. Paolo Maria Rossini received honours in Medicine in July 1974. He was appointed Assistant Professor in Neurology in 1978 and until 1984 he took part in various research projects in the United States, collaborating with Roger Cracco and his group on Somatosensory Evoked Potentials. He was appointed Associate Professor in 1985 and until 1990 actively participated in the development of clinical applications in transcranial electrical and magnetic stimulations. He worked as Visiting Professor at the University of Irvine (California) in 1989. From 1995 to 2003 he edited, as Editor-in-Chief, the journal “Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology” (later Clinical Neurophysiology). In 2000 he was appointed Full Professor of Clinical Neurology at the University Campus Biomedico of Rome. From 2011 he is Director of the Institute of Neurology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome. He is a member of the Italian Superior Council of Health since 2003 and he currently is the President-Elected of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN; 2010–1014).


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Received: 2013-6-5
Accepted: 2013-7-4
Published Online: 2013-08-02
Published in Print: 2013-08-01

©2013 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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