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Latitude:   +45.767222 Longitude:   +4.833333

Antipode: -45.767222 , -175.166667

Sunrise: 04:27 GMT     Sunset: 18:48 GMT
Daylight: 14 h 21 m 25 s      Solar noon: 11:38 GMT

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Near spots:
Name Country Feature Latitude Longitude Dist. (km) Dist. (mi) Bearing Direction
Albigny France Populated place 45.86436 4.83174 10.81 6.72 N
Brignais France Populated place 45.67358 4.75484 12.08 7.51 210° SSW
Brindas France Populated place 45.72181 4.68973 12.25 7.61 246° WSW
Bron France Populated place 45.74022 4.92242 7.54 4.69 247° WSW
Cailloux France Populated place 45.85147 4.87585 9.94 6.18 19° NNE
Caluire France Populated place 45.79041 4.84112 2.65 1.65 13° NNE
Champagne France Populated place 45.79548 4.78569 4.86 3.02 50° NE
Chaponnay France Populated place 45.63097 4.94299 17.4 10.81 209° SSW
Chaponost France Populated place 45.70592 4.74441 9.71 6.03 225° SW
Chaponost-le-Vieux France Populated place 45.7 4.75 9.9 6.15 221° SW
Chapotin France Populated place 45.65205 4.92954 14.84 9.22 210° SSW
Charbonnières France Populated place 45.7842 4.7463 7.02 4.36 74° ENE
Charly France Populated place 45.65255 4.7961 13.09 8.13 193° SSW
Chasselay France Populated place 45.87524 4.7734 12.89 8.01 21° NNE
Chassieu France Populated place 45.74225 4.96777 10.81 6.71 255° WSW
Chazay France Populated place 45.86016 4.72494 13.33 8.28 39° NE
Civrieux France Populated place 45.85965 4.7132 13.88 8.63 42° NE
Collonges France Populated place 45.82197 4.8398 6.11 3.8 N
Corbas France Populated place 45.6679 4.89627 12.09 7.51 204° SSW
Couzon France Populated place 45.84461 4.82674 8.63 5.36 N
Craponne France Populated place 45.74684 4.72661 8.59 5.34 255° WSW
Crépieux France Populated place 45.80274 4.87686 5.2 3.23 41° NE
Croix Rousse France Populated place 45.77739 4.83034 1.16 0.72 12° NNE
Cuire France Populated place 45.78998 4.83505 2.54 1.58 N
Curis France Populated place 45.87063 4.82286 11.54 7.17 N
Dardilly France Populated place 45.80506 4.75342 7.5 4.66 56° NE
Décines France Populated place 45.76899 4.97277 10.83 6.73 89° E
Dommartin France Populated place 45.834 4.70871 12.2 7.58 52° NE
Écully France Populated place 45.77726 4.77481 4.68 2.91 76° ENE
Feyzin France Populated place 45.66728 4.85971 11.31 7.03 190° S
Fleurieu France Populated place 45.86381 4.84455 10.79 6.7 N
Fontaine France Populated place 45.83377 4.84834 7.5 4.66 N
Fontaines-Saint-Martin France Populated place 45.84478 4.85489 8.79 5.46 11° N
Fontaines-sur-Saône France Populated place 45.83377 4.84834 7.5 4.66 N
Fourvière France Populated place 45.76023 4.81426 1.67 1.04 242° WSW

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