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The potential UK carbon savings from small-scale wind energy and how small wind turbines can best be sited to save most carbon.

Publication date: August 2008

Small-scale wind energy (wind turbines <50 kW rated capacity) is receiving increasing interest as one of a number of microgeneration technologies with potential to reduce carbon emissions. But the overall potential of small-scale wind energy to reduce carbon emissions, and the conditions under which maximum carbon reductions can be made, have not been entirely clear. Recognising this, the Carbon Trust commissioned research from the Met Office and Entec to determine:

  • The potential UK carbon savings from small-scale wind energy; and
  • How small wind turbines can best be sited to save most carbon


Two reports describe the outcomes of this work:

Small-scale Wind Energy Policy insights and practical guidance CTC738 (PDF) - For government policy makers and organisations considering installing small wind turbines. It gives policy insights and practical guidance based on research by the Met Office and Entec.

Small-scale Wind Energy Technical Report (PDF) - For engineers and scientists working in the field.