
The focus of Dr. Wiese's research is increasing the understanding, early detection, and prevention of Alzheimer's disease in rural populations. This interest extends from her own mother’s diagnosis and family’s experience with dementia in her native West Virginia.

Dr. Wiese was the recipient of a 2019 K01 Career Development Grant from the National Institute of Aging at the National Institutes of Health. This three-year grant supported her growth as a community-based participatory researcher, in which applied the “Faith Moves Mountains” model by Dr. Nancy Schoenberg among rural, racially, and ethnically diverse older adults at risk for cognitive decline. Dr. Wiese next received a Consortium grant from the Florida Department of Health, Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Research Program, in partnership with colleagues from the University of Miami Comprehensive Brain Health Center and Palm Beach State College. The Consortium proposal was built upon a previous 2017 Moore pilot grant, and involved local nursing students and providers, home visits by traveling nurse practitioners, and universities in a comprehensive approach titled “Optimizing Rural Community Health through Interdisciplinary Dementia Detection and Care” (ORCHID). Dr. Wiese cites training during the first “Alzheimer’s Association Interdisciplinary Summer Research Institute” (2021) and “IMPACT-AD” (2023) as also being instrumental in advancing her program of research.  Currently, Dr. Wiese is leading an R01, with Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Christine Williams and six other Co-Investigators from three additional universities (Washington State, Colorado State, and the University of Miami), to study the intersection of social engagement, built environment, and air quality, and potential effects on cognition, in the Lake Okeechobee Florida region. Other recent rural, community-engaged research projects have included 1) wearable technology to detect patterns of dementia risk (Drs. Cook and Schmitter-Edgecombe as mentors/funding from Washington State University), 2) increasing digital literacy and engagement in online chair yoga among older adults mentored by high school students (with Dr. JuYoung Park, funded by FAU “I-Health”), and 3) Health Ministry Corners (funded by BeWellPBC Foundation).

Dr. Wiese is also a Nurse Coordinator for Dr. James Galvin’s rural-focused R01, investigating vascular dementia risk in the Glades community. Dr. Wiese states that her most important work is that of the resident-led  “Faith Health Educators” collaborative launched in 2017 during her K01. It continues to be sustained by community stakeholders, leaders, and partners, including the Diabetes Coalition of Palm Beach County, the American Heart Association, and the “Healthier Glades” division of Palm Health Foundation. This diverse group of community members and health care providers offer monthly education and health screenings to decrease risk of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias in the rural and racially/ethnically diverse communities.

During the dissertation, with her colleagues Dr. Tappen and Dr. Williams, Dr. Wiese designed and piloted the Basic Knowledge of Alzheimer’s Disease (BKAD) survey for use in underserved populations. Small grants awarded by the Association of Community Health Educators and the C.E. Lynn College of Nursing’s Iota Xi chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International supported the BKAD research. The BKAD has since been applied in numerous studies, translated into four languages, and presented at numerous national and international conferences, including the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference and the Gerontological Society of America.  Dr. Wiese currently serves on the Planned Approach to Community Health (PATCH) Board of the Glades Initiative and the Palm Health Foundation. Discovering "What Matters Most" from Boykin and Schoenhofer's (2001) philosophy and science of Nursing as Caring is the essential concept guiding her research, teaching, and practice.


Advanced Nursing Research - Applied Quantitative Design and Methods, Foundations of Caring in Nursing Situations, Population Health Nursing, Professional Preparation, Chronic Care of the Aging Adult, Nursing Situations in Individuals, Families, and Groups (Community Health)

Grants Awarded

  • Florida Department of Health. Ed and Ethel Moore Research Foundation.  “Optimizing Rural Community Health through Interdisciplinary Detection and Care.” (ORCHID). Consortium Grant. 2022.  Direct Cost: $250,000.
  • I-Health Pillar, Florida Atlantic University Foundation. “Testing a Digital Learning and Chair Yoga Intervention Among Rural Underserved Older Adults at Risk for Cognitive Decline.” Co-PI (with Dr. JuYoung Park, FAU Department of Social Work. 2022. $25,000.
  • Washington State University. “Testing the Feasibility of Wearable Technology to Detect Dementia Risk in a Rural Older and Racially/Ethnically Diverse Setting.” 2022. $44,000.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Aging (K01),1  K01AG064047-01: Detecting Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias in Rural Underserved Communities through Community Based Participatory Research. 2019-2022. Total Direct Cost: $379,242. 
  • Florida Department of Health, Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Research Program (2017-2018). “Dementia Detection and Treatment Benefits through Home Health Care as Compared to Clinic Care in a Rural Florida Underserved Population”, $95,133; to study the effectiveness of a home health approach to cognitive screening in rural populations.
  • Florida Department of Public Health Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Research Program. (2015-2017). “Cuidandote” (Caring for You), $250,000; to support dementia caregivers. (Galvin PI). Role: CO-I
  • Association of Community Health Nursing Educators (2014-2015). “Basic Knowledge of Alzheimer’s Disease in Ethnically Diverse Populations”, $2,500; to study the effectiveness of a home health approach to cognitive screening in rural populations.
  • Sigma Theta Tau International, Iota Xi Chapter. (2012-2013). “Basic Knowledge of Alzheimer’s Disease in Ethnically Diverse Populations”, $1,500; one year pilot grant to study the effectiveness of a home health approach to cognitive screening in rural populations.  

Recent Publications

  • Wiese, L., Williams, I., Schoenberg, N.., Galvin, J., & Lingler, J. (2022).  Employing the Moca-T (telephone) as a means of cognitive screening in a rural, ethnically diverse population during Covid-19 restrictions. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 17: e055624.
  • Wiese, L., Williams, I., Schoenberg, N.., Galvin, J., & Lingler, J. (2021).  Overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic for dementia research: Engaging rural, older, racially and ethnically diverse church attendees in remote recruitment, intervention and assessment. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. 7. PMID: 34825019; PMCID: PMC8609097.
  • LaRose, S. B., Wiese, L., Ortega (formerly Ordonez), M. (2021). Improving Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms and Cognitive Status of Participants with Dementia through the Use of Therapeutic Interactive Pets.  Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 10.1080/01612840.2021.1979.142 PMID: 34644221 DOI: 10.1080/01612840.2021.1979142
  • Wiese, L.K., Love, T., & Goodman, R. (2021). Responding to a simulated disaster in the virtual or live classroom: Is there a difference in BSN student learning?  Journal of Nurse Education in Practice, 55:103170.
  • Wiese, L.K., Lingler, J., Lindauer, A. (2021). Discerning differences between two common types of dementia: Alzheimer’s disease and Lewy body dementia. American Nurse Journal: Official Journal of the American Nurses’ Association, 16(1), 10-17.
  • Daccarett, S., Wiese, L. K., & Ángeles Ordóñez, M. L. (2021). Enhancing Dementia Education and Cognitive Screening in A Haitian Population: A Faith-based Approach. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 38(2), 103–119. PMID: 33949259 PMCID: PMC8456582
  • Wiese, L. K., Williams, C. L., Hain, D., Newman, D., Houston, C. P., Kaack, C., & Galvin, J. E. (2021). Detecting dementia among older, ethnically diverse residents of rural subsidized housing. Geriatric Nursing 42(2), 524–532. PubMedPMID: 33039199.
  • Abdul-Akbar, P. & Wiese, L.K.  (May 2020). Investigating Relationships Between Hypertension, Sleep, and Cognitive Risk in a Rural, Ethnically Diverse Cohort. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Healthcare, 20 (1).  London: Taylor & Francis.
  • Wiese, L. K., Williams, I., Williams, C. L., & Galvin, J. E. (2021). Discerning rural Appalachian stakeholder attitudes toward memory screening. Journal of Aging & Mental Health, 25(5), 797–806. PMID: 32081028 PMCID: PMC8456570
  • Wiese, L. K., Williams, C. L., Tappen, R. M., & Newman, D. (2020). An updated measure for investigating basic knowledge of Alzheimer's disease in underserved rural settings. Aging & Mental Health, 24(8), 1348–1355. PMID: 30869990 PMCID: PMC8474126
  • Wiese, L., Williams, C., Galvin, J., Hain, D., & Newman, D. (2019).  Learning from In-Depth Cognitive Assessments Conducted in Rural Independent Living Facilities. Innovation in Aging, 3, Issue suppl_1, November 2019, Pages S553–S554,
  • Wiese, L.A., Hicken, B. & Weaver, R. (2018).  Exploring Barriers to Service Use Among Older Rural Residents. Innovation in Aging, 2, Issue suppl_1, November 2018, Pages 867–
  • Wiese, Kirk L., Galvin, J. E., & Williams, C. L. (2019). Rural stakeholder perceptions about cognitive screening. Journal of Aging & Mental Health, 23(12), 1616–1628. PMID: 30588841 PMCID: PMC8330816
  • Wiese, L. K. & Williams, C.L. (2018). Nursing students’ knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 8(11). doi:
  • Wiese, L. K. & Williams, C.L. (2018). An Appalachian perspective of Alzheimer’s disease: A rural health nurse opportunity. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care: The official journal of the Rural Nurse Organization, 18(1), 180-209. doi:
  • Wiese, L. K., Williams, C. L., Tappen, R., Newman, D., & Rosselli, M. (2017). Assessment of basic knowledge about Alzheimer's disease among older rural residents: A pilot test of a new measure. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 25(3), 519-548. PMID: 29268833 DOI: 10.1891/1061-3749.25.3.519 doi: 10.1891/1061-3749.25.3.519. Springer Publishing Geriatric/Gerontological Award for a Distinguished Single Work of Research in Geriatric/Gerontological Nursing
  • Wiese, L.K., Williams, C.L., Tappen, R. M. & Newman, D. (2017). Alzheimer’s disease knowledge and health literacy in rural residents of Florida and West Virginia.  Innovation in Aging, 1; Issue suppl_1, 1352.
  • Williams, C., Tappen, R., Wiese, L., Newman, D., Corbett, M., Pinos, S., ... & Murray, B. (2016). Stress in persons with dementia: Benefits of a memory center day program.  Archives of Psychiatric Nursing,  30(5), 531-538. doi:10.1016/j.apnu.2016.04.011
  • Wiese, L. & Wolff, L. (2016). Supporting safety in the older adult driver. Journal of Public Health Nursing. PMID: 27263475 doi: 10.1111/phn.12274
  • Wiese, L., & Williams, C. (2015). Annual cognitive assessment for older adults: Update for nurses. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 32, 1-13. PMID: 26529104 doi: 10.1080/07370016.2015.1087244. 
  • Wiese, L. K., Williams, C. L., & Tappen, R. M. (2014).  Analysis of barriers to cognitive screening in rural populations in the United States. Advances in Nursing Science, 37(4), 327-339. PMID: 26529104 doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000049

Selected Presentations

  • Wiese. L. Judy C. Kandzari Memorial Lectureship: “Creating a Culture of Caring for Older Adults in Rural Settings.” Invited. West Virginia University College of Nursing, April 28th, 2022.
  • Wiese, L. Answering a Universal Distress Signal to Create a Better Normal (2021). Invited.  International Council of Nursing 10th annual Conference. November 25, 2021.
  • Wiese, L., Williams, I., Schoenberg, N., Galvin, J., & Lingler, J. (2021). Promoting Inclusivity in Dementia Education/Screening in an Ethnically Diverse, Rural Community during a Pandemic. Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Nov. 9-13. Podium.
  • Wiese, Ifill, A., Hain, D., Walters, D., & Mann, J. October 22, 2021. "Keeping Your Brain Healthy?", Mind, Body, and Spirit: Keynote Speaker and Panel Member: In collaboration with Healthier Glades. Virtual.
  • Wiese L., Williams, I., Schoenberg, N., Galvin. J.E., Lingler, J. Employing the Moca-T (Telephone) as a Means of Cognitive Screening during Covid-19 Restrictions. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC), Annual Scientific Meeting.  July 26-30, 2021. Poster #55624. Virtual.
  • Wiese, L.K. (April 2021). Symposium Discussant: “Age-Related Health and Wellness. (Five Papers). Invited. Southern Gerontological Society 42nd Annual Conference. Virtual.
  • Malatyali A., Gordon, S., Morris, J., Wiese, L., & Williams, C. (Feb., 2021). Effects of Lifestyle Activities on Episodic Memory of Older Persons in the United States. Paper presented at 35th Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, Virtual.
  • Wiese, L.K. October 25, 2020.  “Mentoring Up.” Invited. University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, Doctoral Program. Virtual.
  • Wiese, L.K., Mitchell, A., & Washington, M. October 22, 2020. "Train the Brain", Mind, Body, and Spirit: Invited Keynote Speaker and Panel Member: Ways to Keep your Brain Healthy".  In collaboration with Healthier Glades. Virtual.
  • Wiese, L & Williams, I. (2020). Health Justice as the Catalyst for Improving Health in Underserved Settings. Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting-Online. Podium. Nov. 3-7.
  • Wiese, L., Lingler, J., Williams, I., Schoenberg, N., & Galvin, J. (2020). Engaging Rural Older Minority Adults in Dementia Research During a Pandemic-associated Quarantine”. Virtual Poster. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference July 17-22, 2020.
  • Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Disease Research project. Project title Opening and Sustaining Loving, Caring Conversations for Advance Care Planning for Patients and Families Living with Alzheimer’s Disease .
  • Wiese, L.K, Williams, C.L., Hain, D., Galvin, J., & Newman, D. (2019). Learning from In-Depth Cognitive Assessments Conducted in Rural Independent Living Facilities. Gerontological Society of America annual scientific meeting. Podium. Session: Rural Health Interest Group: Innovations that Support Rural Older Adult Health and Well-Being. November 3, Boston, MA. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igz038.2040
  • Wiese, L.K, Williams, C.L., Hain, D., Galvin, J., & Newman, D. (2019). Detecting Dementia in Older, Ethnically Diverse Residents in Rural Subsidized Housing. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. Podium. Session: Global Initiatives to Improve Assessment, Diagnosis and Care for Cognitive Disorders in Underserved Populations. Diversity and Disparities Professional Interest Group Symposium. July 17, 2019. Los Angeles.
  • Wiese, L., Williams, C., Tappen, R., Newman, D. “Alzheimer's Disease Knowledge and Health Literacy in Rural Residents of Florida and West Virginia”. Podium Presentation: International Congress on Geriatrics and Gerontology, San Francisco, July, 2017.
  • Wiese, L., Williams, C., Tappen, R., Newman, D. Testing a Measure of Basic Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge in Varied Rural Populations. Presentation:  Geriatric Society of America, New Orleans, November, 2016.
  • Wiese, L.K, Williams, C. L., & Tappen, R. M. “Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge in Ethnically Diverse Rural Older Adults”. State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research: Determinants of Health. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, September 16, 2016. Washington, D.C.
  • Wiese, L.K.  (2016). “Conducting Cognitive Assessment when Assessing Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge in Rural Older Adults”. National Gerontological Nurses Association, July 23, 2016.  Indianapolis, IA.
  • Wiese, L.K, Williams, C. L., & Tappen, R. M. “Measurement of Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge in Rural Older Adults”. Joint meeting of Association of Community Health Nursing Educators and Association of Public Health Nurses joint meeting, June 4-6, 2016, Indianapolis, IN, June 4-6, 2016.
  • Wiese, L.K. “Empowering Rural Residents to Access Web-Based Patient Teaching Materials Using IPADS”. Florida Atlantic University; Teaching with Techonology 2016 Showcase. April 16, 2016, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Wiese, L. K., Williams, C. L., Tappen, R. M., “Development and Testing of a Novel Measure of Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge in an Older Appalachian Population.”  Presented at the National Rural Health Association conference, Philadelphia, PA, April 17, 2015.
  • Wiese, L. K., Williams, C. L., Tappen, R. M. “Evaluation of the Feasibility, Readability and Usability of a Novel Measure of Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge for Rural Appalachian Older Adults.” Presented at the 27th annual Southern Nursing Research (SNRS) conference, Tampa, FL, February 26, 2015.
  • Wiese, L. K., Williams, C. L., Tappen, R. M., “Development and Testing of a Measure of Alzheimer’s Disease in a Rural Population.” Presented at the annual scientific conference of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 8, 2014.
  • Wiese, L. K. “Nursing’s response to America’s view of Alzheimer’s dementia from the late 1800s to the early 21st century.” Poster presented at the American Association for the History of Nursing, Cleveland, OH, September 27, 2013.
  • Wiese, L. K. “Intentional Listening Presence:  A Model of Caring.”  Poster presented at the 34th annual International Association of Human Caring” conference, Orlando, FL, May 31, 2013, Orlando, FL.


  • 2021 Hartford Institute of Gerontological Nursing: Distinguished Educator in Gerontological Nursing 
  • 2021 Founding Co-Chair of the AAIC Rural Health Disparities workgroup of the Diversity and Disparities Professional Interest Association 
  • 2020 Florida Department of Health, Priority 9 State Health Improvement Plan Committee, Alzheimer’s Disease/Related Diseases 
  • 2020 Florida Nurses Association 2020 “Nurse Educator Icon” Award
  • 2020 “Degree of Difference” award presented by FAU National Alumni Assn. 
  • 2019 Service Award, Florida Atlantic University 
  • 2014 Hartford Institute for Gerontological Nursing 2014 Summer Research Scholar (APHN-BC) 
  • 2017 Daisy Faculty Award
  • Parliament of Owls (Older, Wiser, Owls) Recent Outstanding Graduate Award
  • 2013 FAU Biomedical and Health Sciences Graduate Student Research Award
  • 2013 Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society Inductee
  • 2013 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Nominee
  • 2012 Daisy Award Nominee, Nursing Adjunct Faculty, FAU
  • 2011 FAU Doctoral Student Stipend Awards FY 2011, 2012, & 2013
  • 1994 Employee of the Month, St. Mary's Hospital
  • 1984 Sigma Theta Tau Inductee
  • 1984 Recipient; two academic scholarships for Masters of Science Program of study; University of Virginia
  • 1979 Ambassador of Good Will to the State of WV Award
  • 1978 Outstanding Student Nurse of Graduating Class Award
