St. Benedict's Psalmody
A schedule of psalms for the Opus Dei, according to Benedict's Rule.

Chapters 9 through 18 of the Rule of St. Benedict describe a specific schedule of psalmody for the Opus Dei, the Work of God that consisted of the daily rounds of monastic offices. I have attempted to chart that schedule here. Where Benedict is precise, I am precise. Where he left exact divisions unclear (in Vigils, Prime and Vespers) I have divided the psalter according to what clues he did give (i.e. splitting the longer psalms, as he suggests in RB 18:21).

NOTE: Numbers according to the Greek numbering.
Numbers in brackets are according to the Hebrew numbers.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
94 [95] 94 [95] 94 [95] 94 [95] 94 [95] 94 [95] 94 [95]
20 [21] 32 [33] 45 [46] 59 [60] 73 [74] 85 [86] 101 [102]
21 [22] 33 [34] 46 [47] 60 [61] 74 [75] 86 [87] 102 [103]
22 [23] 34 [35] 47 [48] 61 [62] 76 [77] 88a [89a] 103a [104a]
23 [24] 36a [37a] 48 [49] 65 [66] 77a [78a] 88b [89b] 103b [104b]
24 [25] 36b [37b] 49 [50] 67 [68a] 77b [78b] 92 [93] 104a [105a]
25 [26] 37 [38] 51 [52] 67b [68b] 78 [79] 93 [94] 104b [105b]
26 [27] 38 [39] 52 [53] 68a [69a] 79 [80] 95 [96] 105a [106a]
27 [28] 39 [40] 53 [54] 68b [69b] 80 [81] 96 [97] 105b [106b]
28 [29] 40 [41] 54 [55] 69 [70] 81 [82] 97 [98] 106a [107a]
29 [30] 41 [42] 55 [56] 70 [71] 82 [83] 98 [99] 106b [107b]
30 [31] 43 [44] 57 [58] 71 [72] 83 [84] 99 [100] 107 [108]
31 [32] 44 [45] 58 [59] 72 [73] 84 [85] 100 [101] 108 [109]
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
66 [67] 66 [67] 66 [67] 66 [67] 66 [67] 66 [67] 66 [67]
50 [51] 50 [51] 50 [51] 50 [51] 50 [51] 50 [51] 50 [51]
117 [118] 5 42 [43] 63 [64] 87 [88] 75 [76] 142 [143]
62 [63] 35 [36] 56 [57] 64 [65] 89 [90] 91 [92]
148 148 148 148 148 148 148
149 149 149 149 149 149 149
150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
118a [119a] 1 7 9b [10] 12 [13] 15 [16] 17b [18b]
118b [119b] 2 8 10 [11] 13 [14] 16 [17] 18 [19]
118c [119c] 6 9a [9] 11 [12] 14 [15] 17a [18a] 19 [20]
118d [119d]
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
118e [119e] 118n [119n] 119 [120] 119 [120] 119 [120] 119 [120] 119 [120]
118f [119f] 118o [119o] 120 [121] 120 [121] 120 [121] 120 [121] 120 [121]
118g [119g] 118p [119p] 121 [122] 121 [122] 121 [122] 121 [122] 121 [122]
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
118h [119h] 118q [119q] 122 [123] 122 [123] 122 [123] 122 [123] 122 [123]
118i [119i] 118r [119r] 123 [124] 123 [124] 123 [124] 123 [124] 123 [124]
118j [119j] 118s [119s] 124 [125] 124 [125] 124 [125] 124 [125] 124 [125]
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
118k [119k] 118t [119t] 125 [126] 125 [126] 125 [126] 125 [126] 125 [126]
118l [119l] 118u [119u] 126 [127] 126 [127] 126 [127] 126 [127] 126 [127]
118m [119m] 118v [119v] 127 [128] 127 [128] 127 [128] 127 [128] 127 [128]
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
109 [110] 113 [114/115] 129 [130] 134 [135] 138a [139a] 141 [142] 144b [145b]
110 [111] 114 [116a] 130 [131] 135 [136] 138b [139b] 143a [144a] 145 [146]
111 [112] 115/116 [116b/117] 131 [132] 136 [137] 139 [140] 143b [144b] 146 [147a]
112 [113] 128 [129] 132 [133] 137 [138] 140 [141] 144a [145a] 147 [147b]
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
90 [91] 90 [91] 90 [91] 90 [91] 90 [91] 90 [91] 90 [91]
133 [134] 133 [134] 133 [134] 133 [134] 133 [134] 133 [134] 133 [134]

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Daily office division of psalms according to the Rule of St. Benedict.