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Volume 268, Issue 21 p. 5617-5626
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Regioselective desulfation of sulfated l-fucopyranoside by a new sulfoesterase from the marine mollusk Pecten maximus.

Application to the structural study of algal fucoidan (Ascophyllum nodosum)

Régis Daniel

Régis Daniel

Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Macromolécules, CNRS UMR 7540, Université Paris, France;

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Olivier Berteau

Olivier Berteau

Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Macromolécules, CNRS UMR 7540, Université Paris, France;

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Lionel Chevolot

Lionel Chevolot

Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Macromolécules, CNRS UMR 7540, Université Paris, France;

Laboratoire Biotechnologie et Molécules Marines, VP/BM, IFREMER, Nantes, France;

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Anne Varenne

Anne Varenne

Laboratoire d'Electrochimie et Chimie Analytique, CNRS UMR 7575, ENSCP, Paris, France;

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P. Gareil

P. Gareil

Laboratoire d'Electrochimie et Chimie Analytique, CNRS UMR 7575, ENSCP, Paris, France;

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Nicole Goasdoue

Nicole Goasdoue

Laboratoire de Chimie Structurale Organique et Biologique, CNRS UMR 7613, Université Paris France

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First published: 19 August 2003
Citations: 54
R. Daniel, Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Macromolécules, CNRS UMR 7540, Université Paris 13, avenue J.-B. Clément, 93430 Villetaneuse, France. Fax: + 33 1 49 40 20 37, Tel.: + 33 1 49 40 44 05, E-mail: [email protected]


The study of the structural bases of the biological properties of algal fucoidan (Ascophyllum nodosum) led us to look for enzymes able to modify this sulfated polysaccharide. In this context, we found a sulfoesterase activity in the digestive glands of the common marine mollusk Pecten maximus, which is active on fucoidan. This sulfoesterase activity was shown by capillary electrophoresis and 13C–1H NMR (500 MHz) analysis of the enzymatic hydrolysis of the fucoidan, of fucoidan oligosaccharides and of sulfated fucose isomers. We report the exhaustive list of all proton and carbon chemical shifts for each of the three isomers of sulfated-l-fucose (including of their α/β anomers), i.e. the 2-O-, 3-O- and 4-O-sulfated fucose, which have been useful reference values for the assignments of NMR spectra of fucoidan oligosaccharides upon enzymatic desulfation. Our results demonstrated a high regioselectivity for this sulfoesterase, which hydrolyzes only the sulfate group at the 2-O position of the fucopyranoside. Therefore, this sulfoesterase is a helpful tool in the structure–activity study of the fucoidan, as the literature data suggest that the 2-O-sulfation level play a central role in the biological properties of the polysaccharide.


  • PNCS
  • p-nitrocatechol sulfate
  • CE
  • capillary electrophoresis
  • Algal fucoidan is a sulfate-based polysaccharide endowed with important properties in several biological mammalian systems [1]. Its molecular structure as well as the structural basis of its biological properties still remain to be established. Its biological properties have been shown to rely mainly on the sulfate groups [2]. Recent studies that have been carried out in an attempt to relate biological activities to a particular sulfation pattern have provided new, albeit limited, data [3,4]. The use of enzymes has proven to be a fruitful strategy for elucidation of complex biological structure and for the establishment of structure–activity relationships. In this way, glycosidases have been used in the study of biologically active sulfated polysaccharides [5].

    Looking for enzymes able to modify algal fucoidan, we have found a sulfoesterase activity in the digestive glands of the West Atlantic shellfish Pecten maximus, which is active on fucoidan. Our purpose was to exploit this sulfoesterase activity as an enzymatic tool that could be used without further extensive purification. In the present paper, we investigate the action of this sulfoesterase on fucoidan from the brown algae Ascophyllum nodosum. We report data showing that this sulfoesterase removes regioselective sulfate groups on sulfated l-fucose. This is the first report of a sulfate-l-fucose sulfoesterase. Data has been reported in literature concerning the position of the sulfate groups in algal fucoidan, fucose residues being proposed to be sulfated at position 2 and/or 4 and/or 3 [4,6–8]. We took advantage of the regioselectivity of the sulfoesterase activity to gain new insight into the structure of fucoidan. The use of this sulfoesterase activity might be a valuable approach to ascertain the biochemical importance of particular sulfate groups for the biological properties of fucoidan.

    Materials and methods


    p-Nitrocatechol sulfate (PNCS) and p-nitrophenyl glycosides were purchased from Sigma (France). The pure sulfated fucose isomers (2-O-, 3-O- and 4-O-sulfated l-fucose) prepared as a mixture were kindly provided by M. McLean (Grampian Enzymes, Orkney, Scotland). Fucoidan (Mr 13 000) used in this study was extracted from the brown algae A. nodosum and purified as previously described [9,10]. It contains ≈ 43% (w/w) fucose units, 34% (w/w) sulfate groups and 5% (w/w) uronic acid functions. Oligosaccharides were prepared by mild hydrolysis of fucoidan in 75 mm H2SO4 for 3 h at 60 °C. After neutralization with NaOH, the resulting hydrolysate was filtered on a membrane (molecular weight cut-off = 1000 Da). The oligosaccharides contained in the filtrate were then purified by gel filtration on a Biogel P4 column (1.5 × 100 cm) equilibrated with 0.5 m ammonium hydrogenocarbonate buffer, pH 8.3 (flow rate 7 mL·h−1). Oligosaccharides containing fractions were freeze-dried. Anhydrous sodium sulfate and oxalic acid were from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany) and sodium dichromate was from Sigma (France). Others chemicals and reagents were obtained from current commercial sources at the highest level of purity available. All buffers and solutions were prepared with ultrapure water produced by a laboratory water purification system (Purite).

    Preparation of the sulfoesterase

    The marine mollusk Pecten maximus was kindly provided by P. Roy (IFREMER, Nantes, France). Digestive glands of P. maximus were homogenized, and proteins were extracted by fractionated ammonium sulfate precipitation according to a previously described procedure [11]. The resulting protein solution was dialyzed against 50 mm sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.2, and the lipids were removed by a washing step with 30% (v/v) ethyl acetate. The aqueous phase, which retained the sulfoesterase activity, was recovered by centrifugation and dialyzed against 50 mm sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.2. After concentration by ultrafiltration with a Millipore Ultrafree 5K device, the protein solution (15 mL) was applied to a Sulfopropyl Fast Flow Sepharose column (5 × 12 cm) equilibrated with the above-mentioned acetate buffer as mobile phase at a flow rate of 1 mL·min−1. After a wash step with 3 col. vol. of the same buffer, the elution was carried out with a 0–0.5 m linear gradient of NaCl. The fractions containing sulfoesterase activity were eluted at a NaCl concentration of 0.15 m. The active fractions were concentrated by ultrafiltration using a Millipore Ultrafree 5K device, and then aliquots (200 µL) were applied to a Superose 12 column (1 × 30 cm) equilibrated with 0.1 m sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.5 (flow rate 0.5 mL·min−1; fraction volume 0.25 mL). Active fractions were pooled and concentrated. The resulting concentrate was stored at −80 °C and made up the enzyme preparation used in this study. Protein concentrations were determined by the Bio-Rad dye binding method with BSA as the standard [12].

    Spectrophotometric assays

    Sulfoesterase activity was routinely assayed with p-nitrocatechol sulfate as substrate using the spectrophotometric determination of p-nitrocatechol at 515 nm (ε515 = 12 200 m−1·cm−1) [13]. The reaction was initiated by the addition of enzyme extract (5 µL) in 0.5 mL of 0.1 m acetate buffer, pH 5.5, containing 3.5 mm substrate. The reaction was carried out at 50 °C for 10 min, then 750 µL of 1 m NaOH were added to stop the reaction and to reveal the absorbance at 515 nm. Enzyme specific activity was defined as the amount of µmoles of p-nitrocatechol released per minute per milligram of protein.

    Capillary electrophoresis assays

    The sulfoesterase reactions on fucoidan were performed at 30 °C in 20 mL of 0.1 m sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.5. The fucoidan was incubated at a concentration of 5 mg·mL−1 with 0.5% (v/v) of enzyme extract. Fifty-microlitre aliquots taken from the reaction mixture were mixed with an equal volume of a stop solution (prepared with 2 m ethanolamine, 15 mm sodium hydroxide and 0.44 mm oxalic acid, added as internal standard) prior to performing capillary electrophoresis (CE) assay. For a full kinetic study, this protocol was repeated throughout the time course of the enzymatic reaction.

    CE assays were carried out with a HP3DCE capillary electrophoresis system (Hewlett Packard, Waldbronn, Germany) equipped with a diode array detector. The data was handled by a HP Vectra XA computer equipped with chemstation acquisition software. Bare fused silica capillaries, (50 µm inside diameter, 360 µm outside diameter × 38.5 cm in length, 30 cm to detector) were from SGE (Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, France). Samples were introduced in the electrokinetic mode, applying a negative voltage of 10 kV at the capillary inlet for 180 s. Separations were performed under a negative voltage of 15 kV (electric field: 390 V·m−1, current intensity: 45 µA). The temperature in the capillary cartridge was set at 25 °C. The separation electrolyte was prepared by mixing 10 mm sodium dichromate and 40 mm Tris so that its final pH was 8.1, and its final composition was 20 mm chromate, 20 mm Tris/H+, 20 mm Tris, 20 mm Na+. It was sonicated for 5 min and filtered through 0.2-µm filter units before being loaded into the apparatus. Prior to each sample injection, the capillary was rinsed with the separation electrolyte for 3 min. A blank electrokinetic injection of electrolyte was systematically performed before proceeding with any quantitative measurement. Analytes were detected by indirect UV absorbance at 254 nm using chromate anion in the electrolyte.

    The sulfate quantitation was performed as previously described [14] using oxalate as the internal standard. The standard matrix used for calibration purposes was prepared by mixing 5 mm acetic acid, 15 mm NaOH and 20 p.p.m oxalic acid, added as internal standard. The final composition of this matrix was 5 mm acetate, 0.22 mm oxalate, 15 mm Na+ and 9.5 mm OH (pH 12). The standard sulfate solutions were prepared from a 0.1% anhydrous sodium sulfate stock solution in the standard matrix and subsequent appropriate dilutions in the same matrix. The sulfate-to-oxalate peak area ratio (relative area) was plotted as a function of sulfate concentration.

    NMR spectroscopy experiments

    NMR spectroscopy was performed on a Bruker DMX 500 spectrometer, operating at the proton Larmor frequency of 500.11 MHz. The experiments were performed with a 5-mm probe, equipped with self-shielded Z-gradients. Spectra were recorded at 298 K or 323 K with suppression of residual solvent (H2O/D2O) signal by presaturation. Chemical shifts are reported in p.p.m. using sodium 3-trimethylsilylpropanoate as the internal reference.

    One-dimensional spectra were acquired over 32 000 data points using a spectral width of 5000 Hz. Two-dimensional TOCSY, NOESY, ROESY, HSQC, HMQC and HSQC-TOCSY experiments were recorded in the phase-sensitive mode using time proportional phase incrementation [15]. HMBC were recorded in the magnitude mode. TOCSY spectra were run with a spin lock field of about 8 kHz and mixing times of 25 ms and 150 ms. NOESY spectra were obtained with mixing times of 300 and 500 ms, and ROESY spectra with spin-lock duration of 300 or 500 ms 1H–13C long range coupling were investigated with an inverse detected HMBC experiment using delays of 50 and 80 ms. TOCSY and NOESY spectra were collected over a 5000-Hz spectral width using a 2048 × (256–512) data points matrix. Data points were zero-filled in the indirect F1 dimension and apodization by a 90° shifted cosine-squared weighting function was applied in both dimensions prior to Fourier transformation.

    The samples of monosulfated fucopyranoses and of fucoidan were exchanged twice with 99.8% D2O (Sigma) with intermediate lyophilization and dissolved in 0.5 mL of 100% D2O for NMR analysis. The enzymatic reaction was performed in the NMR tubes containing the substrate, i.e. either the mixture of sulfated fucopyranose isomers (12.5 mg) or fucoidan (10 mg) dissolved in 0.5 mL of deuterated acetate buffer 0.1 m, pH 5.5. The reaction was initiated by addition of enzyme which was obtained as a lyophilized powder after two exchanges in D2O.

    Results and discussion

    Enzymatic desulfation of algal fucoidan

    Investigation of hydrolase activities contained in a protein extract from digestive glands of P. maximus showed a high sulfoesterase activity on the synthetic substrate p-nitrocatechol sulfate. An average specific activity of 0.6 µmol·min−1·mg−1 at pH 5.5 was usually obtained. As the protein extract was a complex medium containing other hydrolases like glycosidases (not shown), the protein extract was submitted to a two-step chromatographic procedure in order to obtain a semipurified sulfoesterase preparation free of fucosidase activity. Indeed, fucosidase activity could interfere with the action of sulfoesterase on fucoidan. After a first cation-exchange chromatography, fractions with sulfoesterase activity and free of fucosidase were eluted from a Superose 12 gel filtration column at a molecular mass around 47 kDa. Study of the pH effect (not shown) indicated that the sulfoesterase was an acid hydrolase with the maximal activity on synthetic substrate at pH 5.

    The sulfoesterase activity on algal fucoidan (Mr 13 000) was analyzed by a capillary electrophoresis method previously described [14]. This method allows the direct measurement of sulfate anions in a complex biological mixture containing high molecular mass polyanions. The analysis of the produced sulfate was achieved in counter-electro-osmotic flow migration mode (negative separation voltage) and with electrokinetic injection of the sample (negative injection voltage) so that fast migrating sulfate anions can be loaded without loading the ionic polymer and other slow migrating anions that are present in the matrix, thus obviating most of interference from the reaction mixture. A fucoidan sample derived from the brown algae A. nodosum was incubated with the sulfoesterase preparation at pH 5.5, slightly higher than the optimal pH in order to prevent the acid hydrolysis of the polysaccharide. The variation of the free sulfate concentration in the fucoidan solutions during the incubation is shown in Fig. 1. A trace of sulfate was detected at time zero in the reaction medium containing fucoidan, mainly resulting from the residual sulfate content in the purified fucoidan and is in keeping with its extraction procedure (see Materials and methods). The sulfoesterase activity on fucoidan was clearly demonstrated by the increase of the sulfate concentration in the fucoidan/enzyme mixture for a period of three days. No desulfation was observed in the control incubation (fucoidan alone) indicating no self-desulfation of fucoidan in the reaction conditions. Sulfur elemental analysis of fucoidan confirmed this desulfation upon enzymatic reaction. A rough calculation based on the initial sulfate content of the fucoidan sample (34% w/w) led to a hydrolyzed sulfate ratio of ≈ 10%. We checked that the slow down of the desulfation reaction was not due to enzyme inactivation as sulfoesterase activity on the synthetic substrate remained almost constant during the incubation. We assume that it is probably related to the enzyme regiospecificity, which is of a major interest for subsequent structure elucidation and property alteration.

    Details are in the caption following the image

    Capillary electrophoresis monitoring of the sulfate release during incubation of algal (A. nodosum) fucoidan with the sulfoesterase extracted from P. maximus. Symbols: (◆) incubation of fucoidan with sulfoesterase; (●) control incubation of fucoidan without sulfoesterase.

    Enzymatic desulfation of the sulfated-l-fucose isomers

    It was then important to ascertain the regioselectivity of the sulfoesterase. Sulfoesterase was incubated with a mixture of the three isomers of sulfated-l-fucose, i.e. the 2-O-, 3-O- and 4-O-sulfated fucose in D2O acetate buffer. The action of the sulfoesterase on these isomers was easily followed by 1H-NMR (500 MHz) as the three sulfated fucose derivatives exhibited distinct chemical shifts, notably for the anomeric protons H-1. We point out that these noncommercial sulfated fucose isomers are the building units of fucoidan, and therefore they have to be considered as standards, a key element lacking in the published structural studies of fucoidan. We took the opportunity to report here the exhaustive list of all proton and carbon chemical shifts for each of the isomers, as useful reference values for this and forthcoming studies.

    The NMR data for each O-sulfated l-fucose isomer are presented in Tables 1 and 2. TOCSY spectra lead to connectivity for H-1 through to H-4 and for H-5 to H-6. TOCSY experiment performed with a mixing time of 150 ms, affords H-6, H-5 and H-4 assignments in spite of small coupling constant between H-4 and H-5 (J4,5 < 1 Hz) in the case of fucopyranosides. Assignments of H-6, H-5 and H-4 were confirmed with NOESY and HMBC experiments. Proton chemical shifts determined here confirmed those previously reported for certain sulfated fucose isomers obtained by mild hydrolysis of fucosylated chondroitin sulfate [16]. The 13C chemical shift values for each component were determined by 1H-13C HSQC and HSQC-TOCSY experiments.

    Table 1. Proton chemical shifts (p.p.m.) and sulfation shifts of sulfated fucopyranoses. Values in bold type indicate positions bearing sulfate groups. Proton chemical shifts measured at 500 MHz in D2O at 298 K. Values in parentheses correspond to chemical shift difference (p.p.m.) with the corresponding unsulfated anomer of l-fucose. Values in italic and in brakets for H-1 correspond to 3J1,2 (Hz) (α-p, J1,2 : 3.6–4 Hz; β-p, J1,2 : 7.8–8 Hz; α- and β-J2,3 : 10.2–9.8 Hz; α- and β- J3,4 : 3.1–3.4 Hz; α- and β-J5,6 : 6.5 Hz).
    compound H-1 (J1,2)c H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 H-6
    α-l-Fucp 5.20 (3.9) 3.77 3.86 3.81 4.20 1.21
    α-l-Fucp-2-O-SO3 5.49 (3.6) 4.41 4.00 3.89 4.27 1.22
    (0.29) (0.64) (0.14) (0.08) (0.07) (0.01)
    α-l-Fucp-3-O-SO3 5.26 (4.0) 3.94 4.54 4.17 4.27 1.23
    (0.06) (0.17) (0.68) (0.36) (0.07) (0.02)
    α-l-Fucp-4-O-SO3 5.22 (3.7) 3.81 3.98 4.62 4.34 1.27
    (0.02) (0.03) (0.12) (0.81) (0.14) (0.06)
    β-l-Fucp 4.55 (8.0) 3.46 3.63 3.75 3.80 1.26
    β-l-Fucp-2-O-SO3 4.69 (7.8) 4.20 3.84 3.82 3.84 1.27
    (0.14) (0.74) (0.21) (0.07) (0.04) (0.01)
    β-l-Fucp-3-O-SO3 4.66 (7.9) 3.60 4.32 4.10 3.86 1.27
    (0.11) (0.14) (0.69) (0.35) (0.06) (0.01)
    β-l-Fucp-4-O-SO3 4.59 (8.0) 3.49 3.77 4.55 3.94 1.31
    (0.04) (0.03) (0.14) (0.80) (0.14) (0.05)
    Table 2. Carbon chemical shifts (p.p.m.) and sulfation shifts of sulfated fucopyranoses. Values in bold type indicate positions bearing sulfate groups. Carbon chemical shifts measured at 125 MHz in D2O at 298 K. Chemical shift difference (p.p.m.) with the corresponding unsulfated anomer of l-fucose (values in brackets). ND, not determined.
    compound C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6
    α-l-Fucp 93.12 69 .09 70 .29 72 .79 67 .10 16 .33
    α-l-Fucp-2-O-SO3 93.22 78 .62 70.21 75.00 69.03 18.36
    (0.10) (9 .53) (−0.08) (2.21) (− 0.07) (2.04)
    α-l-Fucp-3-O-SO3 95.11 69.00 80 .82 73.05 69.03 18.36
    (1.99) (− 0.09) (10 .53) (0.26) (− 0.07) (2.04)
    α-l-Fucp-4-O-SO3 95.11 71.26 71.26 83 .66 68.46 ND
    (1.99) (2.17) (0.97) (10 .87) (2.72)
    β-l-Fucp 97.15 72.73 73.93 72.35 71.64 16.33
    β-l-Fucp-2-O-SO3 97.66 83 .09 74.61 74.61 ≈ 74 18.36
    (0.51) (10 .36) (0.68) (2.26) (2.04)
    β-l-Fucp-3-O-SO3 98.93 72.51 83 .55 72.55 73.34 18.36
    (1.78) (− 0.22) (9 .62) (0.20) (1.70) (2.04)
    β-l-Fucp-4-O-SO3 99.09 74.84 74.93 82 .75 72.83 18.97
    (1.94) (2.11) (1.00) (10 .40) (1.19) (2.64)

    All of the O-sulfated l-fucose isomers were mainly present in the fucopyranosyl form based on their coupling constants and chemical shifts of anomeric protons (Table 1). A low proportion of furanosyl form (< 5%) could also be observed (data not shown). l-Fucose is the more abundant enantiomer in nature, and has only been found in the pyranose configuration. The less abundant d-fucose could also occurs as furanoside and pyranoside form [17]. β-l and β-d fucofuranosides have been recently synthesized and exhibit typical coupling constants (α-f, J1,2 : 3–5 Hz; β-f, J1,2 : 0.5–1.5 Hz) different from those of fucopyranosides [17–19]. According to the relative signal intensities in the 1H spectra, the three isomers were present at different proportion in the mixture, and with different anomeric ratio (Fig. 2A): 24.5% of α-l-Fucp-2-O-SO3 (ratio α/β = 80/20), 64% of α-l-Fucp-3-O-SO3 (ratio α/β = 32/68), 11.5% of α-l-Fucp-4-O-SO3 (ratio α/β = 37/63). For the reference sample α-l-fucopyranose in solution, the equilibrium anomeric ratio α/β was 30 : 70. It is well known that anomeric ratio α/β of pyranoses differ considerably between aldoses, and that different substitutions exert varying degrees of α-anomerization in saccharides [20]. In the O-sulfated fucoses mixture, it is interesting to note that 2-O-sulfo-fucose is the only isomer to exhibit major α-anomerization. This effect is probably related to an increase of the anomeric effect from the substitution on the vicinal 2-O position. Downfield shift effects of sulfation observed for 1H and 13C sulfated positions (Tables 1 and 2) are in agreement with data described for sulfated polysaccharides [2,4,21–23].

    Details are in the caption following the image

    Partial 1H spectra (500 MHz, 298 K) of the 2-O, 3-O, and 4-O-sulfated fucose (A) before and (B) after the enzymatic desulfation. Expansions of the H-1 signals (α and β anomers) is shown from 5.6 to 4.5 p.p.m. and of the H-6 protons (methyl) from 1.35 to 1.1 p.p.m. Asterisks indicate α, β-2-O-sulfated fucose signals vanishing upon enzyme incubation (see text and Table 1 for assignments). Triangles mark unsulfated α, β-Fucp. Unfilled circle indicates residual HOD signal.

    Enzymatic reactions were carried out in NMR tubes, and spectra were recorded at appropriate time intervals. When the mixture of O-sulfated l-fucopyranosides was incubated at 298 K, the 1H NMR spectra revealed a continuous decrease in the signals at 5.49 p.p.m. and 4.69 p.p.m. originating, respectively, from the anomeric protons H-1-α and H-1-β of 2-O-sulfo-l-fucopyranoside. Signals at 5.20 p.p.m. and 4.55 p.p.m. appeared and increased concomitantly, resulting from the formation of free unsulfated fucose, respectively, in the α and β anomeric form (Fig. 2B). Anomeric signals of H-1-α- and H-1-β-2-O-sulfo-l-fucopyranose vanished completely within 20 h of incubation with the enzyme. Anomeric signals of α/β-3-O- and 4-O-sulfated l-fucopyranosides remained unaffected. These results demonstrated a high regioselectivity of the sulfoesterase, which hydrolyzes only the sulfate group at the O-2 position of the fucopyranoside. Given its very high regioselectivity, this sulfoesterase is a helpful tool in the structural study of the fucoidan, particularly to address the question of the sulfation pattern and of its role in the biological properties of the polysaccharide.

    Enzymatic desulfation of fucoidan oligosaccharides

    Given the regioselectivity on synthetic monosulfated fucose, the sulfoesterase activity was then studied on fucoidan oligosaccharide prepared by mild hydrolysis of A. nodosum fucoidan. The oligosaccharides preparation obtained was analyzed by NMR prior to start the enzymatic reaction. The one-dimensional 1H-NMR spectrum (Fig. 3A) displayed characteristic anomeric proton chemical shifts and coupling constants consistent with the presence of α-l-fucopyranosyl and β-l-fucopyranosyl units. Anomeric H-1 signals spread out from 5.6 to 4.9 p.p.m. correspond to α-l-isomers, whereas β-l-anomers exhibited H-1 signals from 4.9 to 4.5 p.p.m. These latter signals are strongly overlapped by the other ring proton resonances, but could be unambiguously assigned by their 13C anomeric chemical shifts through heteronuclear 13C–1H-HMQC spectrum. The integral value of the methyl signals accounted for three protons and was normalized to 3 units. To one methyl group, i.e. three protons, correspond one anomeric proton so that the integral value of all anomeric protons (α + β) is normalized to 1 unit with a ratio of 0.74 unit for α-anomeric protons and 0.26 for β-anomeric protons, indicating that the oligosaccharides were mainly composed of α-l-fucopyranosyl residues.

    Details are in the caption following the image

    Partial 1H spectra (500 MHz, 298 K) of oligosaccharides from A. nodosum fucoidan (A) before and (B) after the enzymatic desulfation. Expansion of H-1-α signals is shown from 5.6 to 4.9 p.p.m. and from 4.8 to 4.5 for H-1-β anomer signals. Asterisks indicate units which strongly decreased upon enzyme incubation and filled arrows indicate new emerging units or increasing units (see text and Tables 3 and 4 for assignments).

    Signals for the anomeric proton were distributed in several main groups on the spectrum, and were labeled from A to H for H-1-α-l-fucopyranosyl anomers, and I, J and K for H-1-β-l-fucopyranosyl anomers (Fig. 3A). Relative integrations of groups A to H showed that the major groups A and E accounted, respectively, for about 22% and 51% of α-L-H-1 signals. Owing to overlap of β-L-H-1 signals with other proton resonances, the relative ratio of group I, J, K could be only very roughly estimated as 25 : 50 : 25.

    Starting from anomeric protons, connectivity from H-1 to H-4 could be established for all group resonances with TOCSY spectra. The TOCSY spectrum with 150 ms mixing time allowed determination of some H-5 and nearly all H-6 chemical shifts, which were confirmed by ROESY experiments.

    The analysis of the 1H chemical shifts of group A revealed that this signal at δ = 5.49 p.p.m. belongs to at least four residues (labeled A1, A2, A3 and A4 in Table 3), all sulfated at the O-2-position (downfield for H-2 of +0.6 to +0.7 p.p.m. with respect to H-2 of fucose). 1H chemical shifts of A4 coincide exactly with those of the monosaccharide standard 2-O-sulfated fucose above described. The heteronuclear 13C–1H-HMQC spectrum showed that C-1 of the four units A1, A2, A3 and A4 exhibited identical chemical shifts at 93.4 p.p.m. The HMBC spectrum showed only C-1/H-5 intramolecular coupling. It indicates that A1, A2, A3 correspond to terminal reducing fucose units or to monosulfated fucose for A4. For the second major group E, TOCSY and ROESY spectra revealed a strong overlap of at least four residues labeled E1, E2, E3 and E4 in Table 3. The units E1, E2, E3 are 2-O-sulfated according to downfield shift of H-2 (+0.70 p.p.m.), whereas E4 is a 2-O unsulfated unit. The minor unit E3 is also 4-O-sulfated (+0.91 p.p.m. for H-4 with respect to fucose) and is then a 2,4-di-O-sulfo-α-l-fucose unit. ROESY spectrum showed strong cross-peak correlation between H-1 of E1 and both H-4 (3.95 p.p.m.) and H-6 (1.36 p.p.m.) of α-A1 unit. The methyl signal at 1.36 p.p.m. for A1 was characteristic of a fucose branched at O-4 with another fucose [21]; all these data point to a 2-O-di-sulfated difucose α-E1-(1→4)-α-A1 as one of the main oligosaccharides. This α-(1→4) linkage is confirmed by HMBC spectrum where an anomeric carbon at 102.1 p.p.m. (E1) showed interresidue correlation with H-4 of A1 (3.95 p.p.m.).

    Table 3. Proton and carbon (C-1) chemical shifts (p.p.m.) for residues of main oligosaccharides observed before the enzymatic reaction. Values in bold type indicate positions bearing sulfate groups. Proton and carbon chemical shifts measured at 500 MHz in D2O at 298 K. ND, not determined.
    Spin system
    H-1 C-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 H-6
    A1 5.49 93.4 4.43 4.08 3.95 4.32 1.36
    A2/A3 5.49 93.4 4 .50–4.52 4.05–4.08 3.94–4.05 4.24 1.24
    A4 5.48 93.4 4 .40 4.00 3.88 4.26 1.22
    B1 5.39 96.7 4 .60 4 .72 4.22 ND 1.23
    B2 5.37 97.2 4 .59 4 .72 4.22 ND 1.23
    C 5.34 97.1 4 .45 4.10 3.90 ND 1.23
    D 5.28 95.2 4.00 4 .59 4.20 4.28 1.36
    E1 5.25 102.1 4 .48 4.13 3.94 4.44 1.22
    E2 5.23 101.2 4 .45 4.23 3.92 4.45 1.27
    E3 5.22 101.2 4 .45 4.23 4 .72 4.64 1.27
    E4 5.22 95.2 3.80 3.92 3.88 ND ND
    F 5.20 95.2 3.78 3.86 3.80 4.20 1.20
    G1 5.11 ND 3.99 4 .62 4.16 4.49 1.24
    G2 5.09 98.6 3.95 4 .60 4.16 4.49 1.23
    H 5.02 102.8 3.83 4.06 4 .64 4.56 1.31
    I 4.70 99.0 3.66 4 .34 4.14 3.82 1.38
    J1 4.61 99.2 3.47 3.70 3.99 3.88 1.37
    J2 4.61 99.2 3.60 3.70 3.82 3.85 1.37
    K 4.56 99.1 3.44 3.64 3.75 3.75 1.26

    Residues A2 and A3 that showed a methyl signal at 1.24 p.p.m. were not O-4 branched. Compared to A1 and A4, their stronger downfield shift of H-2 (+ 0.73 and 0.75 p.p.m. with respect to fucose) was in agreement with 2-O-sulfo-3-O branched fucose [2]. The 1H chemical shifts of group B revealed that the signals belong to two residues B1 and B2 having similar nearest environment (Δδ < 0.02 p.p.m. between each proton). The strong downfield shift of H-2 and H-3 (+ 0.83 and + 0.86 p.p.m., respectively, with respect to fucose) corresponded probably to 2,3-di-O-sulfated residues, assuming that sulfation increments of chemical shifts are additive (Table 1). H-1 resonances of B1 and B2 are upfield shifted of −0.15 and −0.17 p.p.m and indicated an O-1 linkage. Methyl signals for B1 and B2 occurred at 1.23 p.p.m. (no O-4 linkage). The HMQC spectrum showed that H-1 for B1 and B2 were correlated, respectively, with carbons at 96.7 and 97.2 p.p.m. In the ROESY spectrum interresidue cross-peaks can be seen between H-1 of B1 and protons at 3.94 and 4.06 p.p.m. relative to H-4 and H-3 of A2 (A3). These data account for a tri-sulfated disaccharide α-B1-(1→3)-α-A2.

    The 1H chemical shifts of residue C are consistent with O-2 sulfation and O-1 linkage (H-1 upfield shifted of −0.14 p.p.m. with respect to H-1 of 2-O-sulfo-fucose). H-1 correlated in the HMQC spectrum with C-1 at 97.1 p.p.m. ROE between H-1 and a proton at 4.08 p.p.m. is obvious and could be assigned to H-3 of A2 or A3, but it remains ambiguous due to strong overlap of H-3 protons for residues A.

    Residue D showed a downfield shift for H-3 (+0.73 p.p.m. relative to fucose) and for H-6 (δ = 1.36 p.p.m.). It can be therefore deduced that unit D is 3-O-sulfated and 4-O linked, in agreement with the 13C chemical shift of anomeric carbon (95.2 p.p.m.) that is similar to the C-1 chemical shift of 3-O-sulfo-α-l-fucose (Table 2). Despite the difficulty of ascertaining the linkage for E3 and E4, interresidue ROE from cross-peak between H-1 of these minor units at 5.22 p.p.m. and H-4 of D provides evidence for a α-E-(1→4)-α-D linkage.

    Signals labeled G in Fig. 3A belong to two units G1 and G2 having a similar nearest environment. The strong downfield shift of H-3 (+0.75 p.p.m.) means that G1 and G2 units are 3-O-sulfated. An upfield shift of H-1 (−0.15 p.p.m.) with respect to 3-O-α-l-sulfo-fucose and a ROESY cross-peak between H-1 of G2 and a proton at 4.08 p.p.m. is in agreement with a linkage α-G2-(1→3)-α-A2 (or α-A3 because overlap of H-3 for A units).

    Unit H is 4-O-sulfated (downfield shift of + 0.83 p.p.m. for H-4). The methyl chemical shift at 1.31 p.p.m. and ROESY correlation between H-1 and a methyl at 1.35 p.p.m. as well as with a proton at 4.14 p.p.m. indicated α(1→4) linkage. The proton at 4.14 p.p.m. was not clearly identified and the linked unit remained ambiguous.

    The minor unit F (3%) corresponds to free α-l-fucose (same 1H and 13C chemical shifts as for the reference fucose).

    For β-l-fucosyl units labeled I, J, K in Fig. 3A, the only sulfated unit is I, which is 3-O-sulfated (downfield shift of +0.71 p.p.m. for H-3). Analysis as described above of α-l-units evidenced a 4-O link for I. A 1→4 linkage between the 2-O-sulfated α-l-fucopyranosyl E2 and I is indicated by HMBC spectrum where anomeric carbon of E2 (101.2 p.p.m.) showed a correlation with H-4 of I at 4.14 p.p.m. Furthermore, the ROESY spectrum showed strong cross-peak correlation between H-1 of E2 and H-6 of the β-I unit. This data is in agreement with the disaccharide α-E2 (1→4)-β-I.

    Signal J corresponds to the overlap of two units J1 and J2. Analysis as described above of α-l-units showed a 3-O link of J1. Interresidue cross-peaks with H-1 of B2 was observed at 3.70 and 3.99 p.p.m., which correspond to β-H-3 and β-H-4 of J1 residue. This data agrees with a α-(1→3) linkage between residues B2 and J1.

    Signal K displayed the same chemical shifts for all protons as for free β-l-fucose.

    In summary, the fucoidan sample chosen for incubation with the sulfoesterase enzyme is a mixture of monosaccharides (α- and β-l-fucose and 2-O-sulfo-α-l-fucose) and disaccharides (mono, di and trisulfated), α-(1→4) and α-(1→3) linked. The NMR spectroscopy analysis of the mixture is in agreement with data reported for fractions of A. nodosum fucoidan of higher molecular mass (Mr≈ 3900–10 000) [4].

    After incubation at 25 °C for 24 h, the 1H-NMR spectrum (Fig. 3B) exhibited a significant decrease in the signals originating from the 2-O sulfated residues of the main groups of α-l-anomers A and E. With regards to all α-H-1-anomeric protons, a decrease of 41% and 66% was observed, respectively, for H-1-A units and for H-1-E units. Simultaneously, free α-l-fucose F and β-l-fucose K exhibited an increase in signal (10% instead of 3% initially for F).

    It is noteworthy that protons of the initial major groups A and E, of which all but E4 were 2-O-sulfo-α-l-fucopyranosyl units, strongly decrease, whereas 3-O or 4-O-sulfo-α-l-fucosyl units (G and H) remained unaffected. In the same manner chemical shifts observed initially for β-H-1 protons of the 3-O-sulfo-β-l-fucosyl unit I remained unchanged (Δδ≈ 0.02 p.p.m.). New additional signals labeled M, N and P simultaneously appeared that accounted, respectively, for 7, 17 and 15% of all α-H-1 anomer signals and were 2-O-unsulfated units.

    The remaining signals A (labeled A′1, A′2, A′3, Table 4, Fig. 4) exhibited the same chemical shifts for all protons as initially (Δδ ≈ 0.02 p.p.m.) and remained 2-O-sulfated, but anomeric signals were more spread out. For example, the methyl signal of unit A′1 appeared at 1.30 p.p.m. instead of 1.36 p.p.m. before the enzymatic reaction. This indicated that the initial 4-O linked unit E1 is modified, probably due to the enzymatic hydrolysis of its O-2 sulfate group. The remaining signals arising from the group E corresponded to at least three units (labeled E′1, E′2, E′3, Table 4, Fig. 4), and showed two kinds of anomeric carbon shifts at 95 and 101.5 p.p.m. (Fig. 5). Anomeric carbon at 101.5 p.p.m. correlated in HSQC-TOCSY spectrum with H-1 to H-4 protons of unit E′1; these protons showed downfield shifts (downfield ≈ +0.7 and +0.9 p.p.m. of H-2 and H-4 resonances) characteristic of a 2,4-di-O-sulfation. Both E′2 and E′3 are 2-O-unsulfated, E′3 being in addition 4-O-sulfated. As it did not exist previously, it is likely that E′3 results from the 2-O-desulfation of the initial E3 unit (2,4-di-O-sulfo-fucose). In NOESY spectra, cross-peak correlations between H-1 of E′1 (E′2), E′3 and methyl signals at 1.36 and 1.33 p.p.m. displayed 1→4 linkages with J and I-β-units.

    Table 4. Proton and carbon (C-1) chemical shifts (p.p.m.) for residues of main oligosaccharides observed after the enzymatic reaction. Values in bold type indicate positions bearing sulfate groups. Proton and carbon chemical shifts measured at 500 MHz in D2O at 298 K. ND, not determined.
    Spin system
    H-1 C-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 H-6
    A′1 5.50 93.3 4 .46 4.08 3.92 4.28 1.30
    A′2 5.48 93.3 4 .48 4.05 4.06 4.23 1.23
    A′3 5.46 93.3 4 .40 4.00 3.88 4.23 1.21
    B1 5.39 96.7 4 .60 4 .72 4.22 ND 1.23
    B2 5.37 97.2 4 .59 4 .72 4.22 ND 1.23
    E′1 5.23 101.5 4 .46 4.21 4 .70 4.58 1.26
    E′2 5.23 95.0 4.02 4.20 3.92 ND ND
    E′3 5.21 95.1 3.88 4.09 4 .60 4.40 1.24
    F 5.20 95.2 3.78 3.86 3.80 4.20 1.20
    G1 5.11 98.0 3.99 4 .62 4.16 4.49 1.24
    G2 5.09 98.6 3.95 4 .60 4.16 4.49 1.23
    H 5.02 102.8 3.83 4.06 4 .64 4.56 1.31
    M 5.29 95.2 4.00 4 .59 4.17 4.27 1.31
    N 5.00 102.8 3.79 3.94 3.83 4.45 1.25
    P 4.96 103.5 3.84 3.97 3.84 4.49 1.18
    I′ 4.70 98.9 3.65 4 .33 4.12 3.87 1.35
    J′2 4.59 99.1 3.59 3.68 ND 3.83 1.36
    K 4.54 99.1 3.44 3.63 3.74 3.78 1.25
    Details are in the caption following the image

    Partial TOCSY spectrum (500 MHz, 323 K) of oligosaccharides from A. nodosum fucoidan after the enzymatic desulfation. Mixing time: 150 ms. Spin systems are labelled for H-1-α units (see text and Table 4 for assignments).

    Details are in the caption following the image

    Partial (HSQC)-1H-13C correlation spectrum (500 MHz, 323 K) of oligosaccharides from A. nodosum fucoidan after the enzymatic desulfation. Anomeric H-1-α/-β correlations are showed (see text and Table 4 for assignments).

    A new anomeric α-H-1 labeled M corresponds to a 3-O-sulfated unit (downfield of H-3 proton), 4-O linked given the 1H methyl resonance at 1.31 p.p.m. and significant downfield of + 7 p.p.m. for C-4 carbon. New emergent units labeled N and P with H-1 at 5.00 p.p.m. and 4.96 p.p.m. are 2-O-unsulfated and showed anomeric carbons at 102.8 and 103.5 p.p.m. In the NOESY spectrum, interresidue NOEs can be seen between H-1 at 5.00 p.p.m. and a methyl signal at 1.33 p.p.m. (large envelope) as well as with signals at 4.12 and 4.17 p.p.m. Cross-peak correlation is observed between H-1 at 4.96 p.p.m. and a methyl signal at 1.30 p.p.m. as well as with a H-4 signal at 3.92 p.p.m. HMBC spectrum confirmed those H-1/H-4 correlations and established 1→4 linkages. The pattern of NOEs observed for the anomeric proton of N could be compatible with both 1→4 linked disaccharides: α-N-(1→4)-β-I and α-N-(1→4)-α-M. Correlations seen for H-1 of P could be in agreement with α-P-(1→4)-α-A′1.


    A sulfoesterase active on algal fucoidan with a high regioselectivity for the O-2 position of the fucopyranoside was evidenced by capillary electrophoresis and NMR analysis of the enzymatic hydrolysis. This is the first report of a O-sulfated fucopyranosyl sulfoesterase endowed with such a regioselectivity. A substantial amount of sulfoesterase could be easily obtained as a semipurified preparation without an extensive and time consuming procedure, affording an easy implementation as a tool for structural study. Structural elucidation of biologically important sulfated polysaccharides has already been reported to benefit from the use of specific glycosyl sulfoesterase [24]. The NMR data obtained here for A. nodosum fucoidan showed that two types of glycosidic bonds linked l-fucose units in this polysaccharide, i.e. α-(1→4) and α-(1→3), as we and others had previously proposed from studies of more complex and heavier fucoidan fractions [4,7]. It is worthwhile noting that different fucoidans from other brown algae species such as Fucus vesiculosus[8], Ecklonia kurome[25], Chorda filum[26], and Cladosiphon okamuranus[27] have been described in the literature that all involve only the α-(1→3) linkage. The two main groups A and E (accounting for ≈ 75% of the anomeric signal) observed on NMR spectra resulted from fucosyl units almost completely 2-O-sulfated indicating a predominant 2-O-sulfation of A. nodosum fucoidan. In addition, we showed that this algal fucoidan is also sulfated at the two other possible positions, i.e. C3 and C4 but to lesser extent. Finally disulfated fucose also occurred, not only 2,3 di-O-sulfated fucose as previously reported [28] but also 2,4-di-O-sulfated fucose as observed with E3 and E′1. Numerous biological activities have been ascribed to fucoidan: anticoagulant and antithrombotic as being an activator of both antithrombin and heparin cofactor II [29,30], anti-inflammatory [31,32], anti-tumoral [33], contraceptive by inhibiting penetration of the human zona pellucida [34] and antiviral as reported in the case of human cell invasion by retroviruses including human immunodeficiency virus [35]. With regards to the anticoagulant activity, which has been thoroughly studied, the molecular basis is still unclear, but it is generally assumed that this property is related to a pattern of sulfation allowing interaction with targeted proteins of the coagulation cascade [29]. It has been previously shown that the anticoagulant activity of fucoidan depends on the molecular mass and the sulfate content [36]. More recently, it has been proposed that the anticoagulant activity was dependent on the 2-O-sulfation and the 2,3-O-disulfation levels [4]. Given its high regioselectivity for the 2-O sulfated position, this new sulfoesterase is a valuable tool that we currently use in order to modulate the level of the 2-O sulfation of the polysaccharide and to assess the role of this specific sulfate group in the biological activity of fucoidan.


    We are indebted to Dr P. Roy (IFREMER, France) for his precious assistance in providing the digestive glands from P. maximus.