Volume 62, Issue 4 p. 1586-1595

Subcellular Fractionation on Percoll Gradient of Mossy Fiber Synaptosomes: Morphological and Biochemical Characterization in Control and Degranulated Rat Hippocampus

Philippe Taupin

Philippe Taupin

INSERM U 29, Paris, France

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Sylvie Zini

Sylvie Zini

INSERM U 29, Paris, France

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François Cesselin

François Cesselin

NSERM U 288, Paris, France

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Yezekiel Ben-Ari

Yezekiel Ben-Ari

INSERM U 29, Paris, France

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Marie-Paule Roisin

Corresponding Author

Marie-Paule Roisin

INSERM U 29, Paris, France

Address correspondence to Dr. P. Taupin and reprint requests to Dr. M.-P. Roisin at INSERM U 29, 123 Boulevard de Port-Royal, 75014 Paris, France.Search for more papers by this author
First published: April 1994
Citations: 42


Abstract: A method for preparation of hippocampal mossy fiber synaptosomes directly from the postnuclear pellet is presented. This method represents an adaption of that previously described for the isolation of synaptosomes by centrifugation through Percoll gradients directly from the supernatant fraction. We have characterized by electron microscopy two fractions, PII and PIII, enriched in mossy fiber synaptosomes; fraction PIII had 75% mossy fiber synaptosomes with well-preserved morphology (large size 3 μm, complex morphology, high synaptic vesicle density, multisynapses), whereas fraction PII contained 12%. These fractions were enriched in lactate dehydrogenase activity indicating that the integrity of synaptosomes was preserved. Compared with the other synaptosomal fractions, these fractions showed greater levels of dynorphin A (1–8) immunoreactivity and endogenous zinc, which are particularly concentrated in hippocampal mossy fiber terminals. Furthermore, we prepared synaptosomes from adult hippocampus after neonatal irradiation, which destroys the majority of granule cells and associated mossy fibers. The levels of dynorphin and zinc decreased by 88 and 70% in fraction PII and by 95 and 90%, respectively, in PIII. These results suggest that the rapid Percoll procedure is convenient for the purification of mossy fiber synaptosomes.

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