Pictorial Essay
Gastrointestinal Imaging
November 2008

MRI for Detection of Extramural Vascular Invasion in Rectal Cancer


OBJECTIVE. Extramural vascular invasion is a pathologic feature predictive of distant relapse and poor survival among patients with colorectal cancer. This article illustrates the use of high-spatial-resolution MRI to identify extramural vascular invasion.
CONCLUSION. Objective MRI features that correlate with histopathologic findings can be identified and used to evaluate extramural vascular invasion on preoperative images. The MRI extramural vascular invasion score provides additional staging information, which is important when selective neoadjuvant therapy is being considered.


The accuracy and reproducibility of preoperative MRI in identifying prognostic risk factors such as depth of invasion and safety of the surgical circumferential resection margin are accepted [1, 2]. MRI-based staging is increasingly recommended [3] because patients at highest risk can undergo preoperative adjuvant treatment, which has a better outcome and less toxicity than does postoperative treatment [4].
Histologic extramural vascular invasion has long been recognized as an independent predictor of local and distant recurrence and poorer overall survival [57]. It is defined as the presence of malignant cells within endothelial cell–lined blood vessels beyond the muscularis propria [8] and is reported to occur in as many as 52% of cases of colorectal cancer [5, 810]. It is possible to detect extramural vascular invasion with MRI [11]. It has been found that the severity of MRI-detected extramural vascular invasion correlates with relapse-free survival [12] and may be important when preoperative treatment strategies are being considered for patients with this particularly poor prognostic feature. To our knowledge, the radiologic characteristics of extramural vascular invasion have not been adequately described in the literature. This article illustrates the imaging criteria associated with extramural vascular invasion by showing the correlation between findings on MR images and in whole-mount pathologic sections. The grades of severity important in the preoperative assessment of extramural vascular invasion are depicted.

Recognizing Vascular Structures with MRI

High-spatial-resolution MRI facilitates visualization of vascular structures in situ within the mesorectum over a series of adjacent images. Veins may be recognizable on T2-weighted images as serpiginous or tortuous linear structures [11]. Larger vessels may appear black owing to signal void, and smaller vessels may be recognized because of tortuosity and branching (Fig. 1). Very small unnamed vessels may radiate outward from the edge of the muscularis propria into the perirectal fat (Fig. 2). Larger named vessels, such as the superior rectal vein and middle rectal vein, may be visualized in a consistent anatomic position, and a contralateral paired vessel may be present, helping with identification (Figs. 3 and 4). It is not always possible, however, to determine with absolute certainty whether a structure is vascular, and this lack of clarity is an important limitation in the radiologic assessment of extramural vascular invasion.
Depth of tumor invasion can indicate the potential for extramural vascular invasion. By definition, histologically defined extramural vascular invasion must be associated with tumors that are at least category T3. Therefore, a small tumor clearly limited to within the muscularis propria (category T2 or T1) has no potential for invading extramural vessels. Assessment of MR images for features suggestive of extramural vascular invasion must include the following four components: pattern of tumor margin, location of tumor relative to major vessels, caliber of vessel, and vessel border.

Pattern of Tumor Extension and Margins

Radiologically, the tumor margin may appear nodular or smooth. Tumor invasion into the small noncharacterizable veins that radiate outward from the bowel wall gives rise to a nodular border (Fig. 5A, 5B). This finding can be differentiated from desmoplasia, which appears as fine stranding of low signal intensity (Fig. 6A, 6B, 6C).

Location of Tumor Relative to Vessels

Whenever tumor is seen to lie close to a vessel, the radiologist should consider the possibility of extramural vascular invasion (Fig. 7A, 7B). Histologically, vascular invasion occurs when the tumor directly penetrates a vessel wall before extending along the lumen. Therefore, the presence of tumor signal intensity within a vascular structure is highly suggestive of extramural vascular invasion.

Vessel Caliber and Border

As tumor invades along the lumen, the vessel expands. Tumor signal intensity is intermediate (gray), and therefore any expansion of a low-signal-intensity vessel by tumor invasion usually is identifiable. The caliber or size of any vessels seen on MR images can be described as normal, slightly expanded (Fig. 8), or grossly expanded (Fig. 9). Eventually, the tumor may expand through and beyond the vessel wall, disrupting the border, which can be described as either smooth (normal) or irregular or nodular (Fig. 9).

Grading the Severity of MRI-Detected Extramural Vascular Invasion

The degree of extramural vascular invasion visible at MRI ranges from very minimal to very extensive. According to the four criteria (tumor margin, tumor location relative to vessels, vessel size, and vessel border), a 5-point grading system for the MRI-based preoperative assessment of extramural vascular invasion has been proposed [12]. This MRI extramural vascular invasion score is logical. The lowest score, 0, correlates with the absence of any feature suggestive of extramural vascular invasion. The maximum score, 4, is given when the most overt features (grossly expanded and irregular vessel border) are seen. It is helpful for radiologists to be able to score MRI extramural vascular invasion because it has been shown that higher scores are associated with poor survival. Lower scores are not associated with histologic extramural vascular invasion or with adverse outcome [12]. Stratification of patients into prognostic groups according to MRI extramural vascular invasion score is clinically relevant both for preoperative treatment of patients at high risk and for postoperative follow-up.

Limitations and Strengths of MRI-Based Assessment of Extramural Vascular Invasion

Because of limitations of resolution, microscopic examples of extramural vascular invasion are not detectable with MRI (Fig. 7A, 7B). Patients with large-vessel invasion have the worst outcome [8]. Therefore, the clinical significance of extramural vascular invasion not detectable on MR images may be minimal [12]. In contrast, extensive vascular invasion can destroy the vessel wall, leaving little evidence of normal venous cellular architecture, and such cases may be underreported by pathologists. The main advantage of using contiguous 3-mm slices for MRI is the ability to ascertain that tumor actually lies within a vessel, either because the vessel is seen in the typical anatomic position of one of the main vascular structures, such as the middle rectal vein (Fig. 10A, 10B, 10C, 10D), or because a normal, unexpanded vein is seen extending beyond the area of tumor signal intensity in the same or an adjacent image slice (Fig. 11A, 11B, 11C, 11D).


Extramural vascular invasion is an important prognostic factor in colorectal cancer. Recognition of invasion is important in the preoperative staging of rectal tumors. The criteria used for MRI extramural vascular invasion scoring are based on pathologic and anatomic considerations, and the scoring system is straightforward and logical. Prognostic stratification based on MRI extramural vascular invasion score has been found to correlate with clinical outcome. In addition, MRI can be seen to contribute additional staging information, depicting gross vascular invasion that is not necessarily recognized histologically.
Fig. 1 79-year-old man with bulky upper rectal tumor. T2-weighted sagittal MR image shows serpiginous structure (white arrow) with very low signal intensity. This appearance is typical of major vessel, in this example, superior rectal vein. Smaller tributaries (black arrow) also are tortuous but of high signal intensity.
Fig. 2 54-year-old man with low rectal tumor. T2-weighted axial MR image shows serpiginous vessels radiating outward from edge of muscularis propria into mesorectal fat.
Fig. 3 50-year-old man with rectal tumor. Sagittal T2-weighted MR image shows paired veins (arrows) running posteriorly in mesorectum distal to confluence with superior rectal vein.
Fig. 4 59-year-old woman with upper rectal tumor. Axial T2-weighted MR image below level of tumor clearly shows right middle rectal vein (black arrow). Origin of left middle rectal vein (white arrow) emerging from edge of muscularis also is evident.
Fig. 5A 70-year-old woman with rectal cancer. Axial MR image shows multiple small nodular protrusions (arrows) of intermediate signal intensity (MRI extramural vascular invasion score 1).
Fig. 5B 70-year-old woman with rectal cancer. Histopathologic photograph of megablock section corresponding to A shows circumferential involvement of entire wall extending into perirectal fat. Nodular protrusions (arrows) are not associated with vascular invasion. (H and E, ×1.5)
Fig. 6A 61-year-old man with rectal cancer. Adjacent axial MR images show multiple areas of stranding extending radially from tumor edge. Some stranding is simply desmoplasia, defined by fine low-signal-intensity spikes evident in C. However, at least one example of more irregular nodular intermediate-signal-intensity stranding (arrow, B) represents MRI extramural vascular invasion score 3.
Fig. 6B 61-year-old man with rectal cancer. Adjacent axial MR images show multiple areas of stranding extending radially from tumor edge. Some stranding is simply desmoplasia, defined by fine low-signal-intensity spikes evident in C. However, at least one example of more irregular nodular intermediate-signal-intensity stranding (arrow, B) represents MRI extramural vascular invasion score 3.
Fig. 6C 61-year-old man with rectal cancer. Histopathologic photograph of megablock section corresponding to A and B shows circumferential tumor extending into perirectal fat in posterior aspect. Focal evidence of extramural vascular invasion (arrows) is present. (H and E, ×1.5)
Fig. 7A 82-year-old woman with polypoid tumor of rectum. Axial T2-weighted MR image shows vein emerging from edge of bowel wall very close to base of tumor, but vessel is of normal caliber, and no definite tumor signal intensity appears within it (MRI extramural vascular invasion score 2).
Fig. 7B 82-year-old woman with polypoid tumor of rectum. Photograph of histopathologic section corresponding to A shows invasive moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma arising in severely dysplastic tubulovillous adenoma. Tumor invades posterior wall of rectum, extending into perirectal fat. Focal microscopic evidence of vascular invasion (arrow) is beyond resolution of MRI. (H and E, ×2.5)
Fig. 8 61-year-old man with rectal tumor. Axial T2-weighted MR image shows multiple small veins containing tumor of intermediate signal intensity. One vessel (white arrow) is slightly expanded by tumor, and another (gray arrow) is of normal caliber (MRI extramural vascular invasion score 3).
Fig. 9 53-year-old woman with rectosigmoid tumor. Sagittal T2-weighted MR image shows gross nodular expansion of vessel (white arrow) draining into superior rectal vein (gray arrows). Tumor of intermediate signal intensity is evident within superior rectal vein at this level, slightly expanding it. Normal-caliber vessel containing signal void extends inferiorly beyond expanded section (MRI extramural vascular invasion score 4).
Fig. 10A 75-year-old man with rectal cancer. Coronal MR image shows tumor growing along line of vein (white arrow) on right side forming expanding nodule (black arrow). Normal vein (gray arrows) also is present (MRI extramural vascular invasion score 4).
Fig. 10B 75-year-old man with rectal cancer. Photograph of histopathologic section confirms presence of extramural deposit (arrow), but its relation to vascular structure cannot be appreciated in this axial section. Consequently, any extramural vascular invasion can easily be overlooked by pathologist, who does not have benefit of multiple contiguous H and E–stained sections through tumor. (H and E, ×1.5)
Fig. 10C 75-year-old man with rectal cancer. Photograph of same histologic section as B specially treated with Van Gieson stain because of lack of clarity in B. Stain colors elastic tissue black, collagen red, and other tissue yellow, making it clear that extramural vascular invasion is present. Tumor cells are evident in lumen of small venule (white arrow). Adjacent arteriole (black arrow) does not contain tumor.
Fig. 10D 75-year-old man with rectal cancer. Medium-power view shows incomplete rim of collagen (arrows) surrounding tumor. Rim likely represents remnant of wall of larger vein.
Fig. 11A 49-year-old man with rectal tumor. Photograph of histopathologic section shows tumor nodule apparently extending laterally from right side of primary tumor. Extramural vascular invasion within nodule is not visible. (H and E)
Fig. 11B 49-year-old man with rectal tumor. Serial ascending axial MR images through tumor suggest nodule lies within tubular structure running parallel to bowel wall and signal void (arrow, D) indicating structure is vein (MRI extramural vascular invasion score 4).
Fig. 11C 49-year-old man with rectal tumor. Serial ascending axial MR images through tumor suggest nodule lies within tubular structure running parallel to bowel wall and signal void (arrow, D) indicating structure is vein (MRI extramural vascular invasion score 4).
Fig. 11D 49-year-old man with rectal tumor. Serial ascending axial MR images through tumor suggest nodule lies within tubular structure running parallel to bowel wall and signal void (arrow, D) indicating structure is vein (MRI extramural vascular invasion score 4).


We thank M. Elmahallawy for preparing the Van Gieson stain and Barbara Bannerman for assistance in the preparation of the manuscript. We thank the radiologists, pathologists, surgeons, and nurse specialists who were members of the MERCURY Study Group and were responsible for the conception and design of the study and collection of data in the original MERCURY study. The following hospitals took part in MERCURY: Pelican Cancer Foundation, The Ark, North Hampshire Hospital; Royal Marsden Hospital Colorectal Network, Royal Marsden Hospital; Epsom and St. Helier NHS Trust; Mayday University Hospital; North Hampshire Hospital; Leeds Hospitals Teaching Hospitals, Leeds General Infirmary; St. James's University Hospital; Norwegian Radium Hospital; Frimley Park Hospital; Ashford and St. Peter's NHS Trust; Krankenhaus im Friedrichshain; Llandough Hospital; Karolinska University Institute.


Presented as a poster at the 2007 annual meeting of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, Glasgow, Scotland.
N. Smith's research post was funded by the Croydon Colorectal Cancer Charity, which had no involvement in the study design; in the collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data; or in the writing of the report.
Address correspondence to G. Brown ([email protected]).


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Information & Authors


Published In

American Journal of Roentgenology
Pages: 1517 - 1522
PubMed: 18941094


Submitted: May 19, 2008
Accepted: May 29, 2008


  1. colorectal cancer
  2. extramural vascular invasion
  3. MRI



Neil J. Smith
Department of Surgery, Mayday University Hospital, Croydon, United Kingdom.
Oliver Shihab
Pelican Cancer Foundation, North Hampshire Hospital, Basingstoke, United Kingdom.
Abed Arnaout
Department of Histopathology, Mayday University Hospital, Croydon, United Kingdom.
R. Ian Swift
Department of Surgery, Mayday University Hospital, Croydon, United Kingdom.
Gina Brown
Department of Clinical Radiology, Royal Marsden National Health Service Trust, Downs Rd., Sutton, Surrey SM2 5PT, United Kingdom.

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