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Anointing/Prayers for the Sick

Q. What is the LCMS position on anointing and offering prayers for the sick?

A. The LCMS does not have an "official position" on anointing with oil in connection for prayers for healing. Some commentators believe that oil was used in a medicinal way in New Testament times, which may explain its use at that time (cf. James 5:14) in contrast to today, when other forms of "medicine" are used (also by Christians, together with prayer). Other commentators believe that the oil spoken of in James 5:14 may have had some symbolic significance (e.g., oil as a symbol of the healing power of God the Holy Spirit). Clearly, no miraculous power is ascribed to the oil as such, and there is nothing in this passage to suggest that this rite described by James is intended to be regarded as a "means of grace" like the sacraments instituted by Christ. The use of oil today in connection with prayers for healing, therefore, is essentially a matter of Christian freedom and personal/pastoral judgment and discretion.

