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Another Book

 Jesus' Revelation of His Father: A  Narrative-Conceptual Study of the Trinity with Special Refernece to Karl Barth
(Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2006) Available at Amazon.
This is an acadamic book on the Trinity, based on the author's doctoral thesis. The late Professor Daniel Hardy of Cambridge University wrote in the foreword of the book,

'The combination of scriptural and doctrinal study in this book is remarkable, and the case it presents is enriching for both. It is especially illuminating for its redevelopment of the notion of revelation, and for its understanding of the Spirit as the power in which Jesus moved, and at the same time the power of his Father present in him... This is a profoundly helpful study.'

Daniel W. Hardy, Senior Member of the Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge, formerly Van Mildert Professor of Divinity, University of Durham, and Director of the Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton

(i) the Table of Contents and (ii) Foreword
Click here to view the first chapter of the book. Or you may like to see details of the following book, which is a more accessible layman version of Jesus' Revelation of His Father, by clicking this book cover here:

The Forgotten Jesus and the Trinity You Never Knew