Volume 8, Issue 3 p. 131-143

Theological Educators and their Concerns about Technology

Steve Delamarter

Steve Delamarter

George Fox Evangelical Seminary

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First published: 23 June 2005
Citations: 11


Abstract. Based on results from interviews with theological educators at forty-five seminaries in North America, the author begins by listing twenty-six concerns expressed about technology in theological education, particularly the concerns about electronically mediated distance education. These concerns are categorized loosely under three headings: Practical and Personal Concerns, Pedagogical and Educational Concerns, and Philosophical and Theological Concerns. More important than the list is the sociology of decision-making surrounding technology among theological educators. In the final section of the article entitled, “how concerns about technology function within institutions,” the author discusses how it is that these concerns are allowed to function in very different ways across the spectrum of theological education today.

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