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Volume 277, Issue 10 p. 2238-2254
Free Access

Structures of human proteinase 3 and neutrophil elastase – so similar yet so different

Eric Hajjar

Eric Hajjar

Dipartimento di Fisica, University of Cagliari (CA), Italy

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Torben Broemstrup

Torben Broemstrup

Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway

Computational Biology Unit, BCCS, University of Bergen, Norway

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Chahrazade Kantari

Chahrazade Kantari

Inserm, U845 and U1016, Paris, France

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Véronique Witko-Sarsat

Véronique Witko-Sarsat

Inserm, U845 and U1016, Paris, France

Institut Cochin, Université Paris Descartes, CNRS (UMR 8104), France

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Nathalie Reuter

Nathalie Reuter

Computational Biology Unit, BCCS, University of Bergen, Norway

Department of Molecular Biology, University of Bergen, Norway

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First published: 26 April 2010
Citations: 61
N. Reuter, Department of Molecular Biology, University of Bergen, Thormohlensgt 55, N-5008 Bergen, Norway
Fax: +47 555 84295
Tel: +47 555 84040
E-mail: [email protected]


Proteinase 3 and neutrophil elastase are serine proteinases of the polymorphonuclear neutrophils, which are considered to have both similar localization and ligand specificity because of their high sequence similarity. However, recent studies indicate that they might have different and yet complementary physiologic roles. Specifically, proteinase 3 has intracellular specific protein substrates resulting in its involvement in the regulation of intracellular functions such as proliferation or apoptosis. It behaves as a peripheral membrane protein and its membrane expression is a risk factor in chronic inflammatory diseases. Moreover, in contrast to human neutrophil elastase, proteinase 3 is the preferred target antigen in Wegener’s granulomatosis, a particular type of vasculitis. We review the structural basis for the different ligand specificities and membrane binding mechanisms of both enzymes, as well as the putative anti-neutrophil cytoplasm autoantibody epitopes on human neutrophil elastase 3. We also address the differences existing between murine and human enzymes, and their consequences with respect to the development of animal models for the study of human proteinase 3-related pathologies. By integrating the functional and the structural data, we assemble many pieces of a complicated puzzle to provide a new perspective on the structure–function relationship of human proteinase 3 and its interaction with membrane, partner proteins or cleavable substrates. Hence, precise and meticulous structural studies are essential tools for the rational design of specific proteinase 3 substrates or competitive ligands that modulate its activities.


  • α1-PI
  • α1-proteinase inhibitor
  • ANCA
  • anti-neutrophil cytoplasm autoantibody
  • hNE
  • human neutrophil elastase
  • hPR3
  • human proteinase 3
  • human cathepsin G
  • hCatG
  • mbPR3
  • membrane hPR3
  • PR3
  • proteinase 3
  • Introduction

    Human neutrophil elastase (hNE), human cathepsin G (hCatG) and human proteinase 3 (hPR3) (also termed myeloblastin [1] and p29b [2]) are serine proteases mostly expressed in polymorphonuclear neutrophils, but also are found in monocytes. All three enzymes are homologous, although hNE and hPR3 share 56% sequence identity for the mature enzymes, whereas their similarity to hCatG is approximately 35%. Neutrophil serine proteinases are considered to be crucial elements in neutrophil effector mechanisms [3,4]. Using knockout mice invalidated for either hNE or hCatG, it has been clearly demonstrated that both enzymes are required for complete and adequate microbicidal activity [5,6]. Despite the lack of hPR3 knockout mice, a similar function has been assigned for PR3 [2]. In addition, it is now clear that these enzymes are also involved in non-infectious inflammatory processes and cell signaling [7,8]. A salient feature of hPR3 is its identification as the main target antigen of the anti-neutrophil cytoplasm autoantibodies (ANCA) in a particular type of vasculitis, the Wegener’s granulomatosis, which is a systemic inflammatory disease involving the lung, skin and kidney. The mechanisms underlying this specific autoimmunization against hPR3, and not against its homologs such as hNE, are still unknown [9]. Because of the high sequence similarity between hNE and hPR3, the substrate specificity and the resulting functions of hPR3 have often been extrapolated from the available data on hNE. Together with the lack of structural and biophysical studies on hPR3, relative to hNE, this has contributed to a functional annotation of hPR3 that is too simplistic. In recent years, however, more attention has been paid to the structural properties of PR3 [10–14]. A better understanding of the structure–function relationship of the enzyme will contribute to the elucidation of its original functions and help with the design of specific substrates for one or the other enzyme. So far, the identification of the presence and hence the respective role of either hPR3 or hNE in complex biological models (both in vitro and in vivo) is impaired by a lack of reliable specific inhibitors.

    We review the sequence and structural data available on both enzymes and highlight their similarities and differences. We then summarize and discuss the latest findings on three particular aspects of hPR3: ligand specificity, membrane binding and putative ANCA epitopes. We also address the similarities and differences between murine and human enzymes, and their consequences with respect to the development of animal models for the study of human PR3-related pathologies.

    PR3 and NE are highly similar chymotrypsin-like serine proteases

    All serine proteases are named after the nucleophilic serine in their active site. The family of serine proteases comprises four distinct clans, named after proteins representative of each clan: chymotrypsin, subtilisin, carboxypeptidase Y and caseinolytic protease [15]. PR3 and NE are chymotrypsin-like serine proteases. Despite the absence of any conservation of secondary or tertiary structure elements, the four clans of serine proteases all have the same active site consisting of three amino acids: His, Asp and Ser. The relative orientation of the histidine, serine and aspartic acid is similar in all clans and results in the formation of strong hydrogen bonds between histidine and serine on the one hand, and histidine and aspartic acid on the other hand. By convention, in chymotrypsin-like serine proteases, the histidine, aspartic acid and serine are numbered 57, 102 and 195, respectively. The reaction mechanism is illustrated in Fig. 1A. The substrate is positioned optimally in the active site as a result of a network of interactions that extends on both sides of the cleavable bonds. The interactions sites are named using the Schechter and Berger nomenclature [16]. The recognition or subsites of the enzyme are Sn, … S1, S1′, … Sn′ and, for the corresponding peptide, Pn, … P1, P1′, … Pn′, where P1-P1′ is the cleavable peptide bond (Fig. 1B).

    Details are in the caption following the image

    (A) Reaction mechanism of serine proteases. (1) The first step of the catalytic reaction, after the formation of the enzyme–substrate or Michaelis complex, is the acylation step; it starts with the attack of the catalytic serine on the carbonyl group of the cleavable amide bond and the transfer of the hydroxyl hydrogen of the serine to the histidine. (2) This leads to the release of the C-terminal end of the substrate and the formation of a covalent intermediate (i.e. the acyl enzyme) between the enzyme and the N-terminal part of the substrate. (3) The second step of the reaction (termed deacylation) starts with the attack of a nucleophilic water on the substrate carbonyl and (4) ends with the release of the N-terminal part of the substrate, when the catalytic triad is regenerated. The nitrogen atoms of residues Gly193 and Ser195 stabilize the so-called oxyanion hole. (B) Schechter and Berger convention for the numbering of enzyme-ligand binding sites.

    The sequences of the hNE (EC [17–20] and hPR3 (EC [21–23] are shown in Fig. 2A, where we use bovine chymotrypsinogen A numbering. This numbering convention is used throughout the present review (for correspondence with other numbering schemes, see Table S1).

    Details are in the caption following the image

    Sequence alignment and superimposition of the 3D structures of hNE and hPr3. (A) Sequence alignment. The numbering follows the chymotrypsin convention. Amino acids present in the proforms are highlighted with boxes of different colors: signal peptides, blue; N-terminal dipeptides, green; C-terminal propeptides, orange. Green stars are used to highlight the amino acids of the catalytic triad (His57, Asp102, Ser195), whereas orange stars highlight the glycosylation sites. The secondary structure elements are conserved in both proteins and are represented below the sequences (pink arrows, extended strands; yellow cylinders, helices). The extended strands constituting the β-barrels are numbered 1–6 and 7–12 for the first and second barrels, respectively. (B) Superimposition of the 3D structures of hPr3 (1FUJ) [36] and hNE (1PPF) [32]. Secondary structure elements are colored as shown in Fig. 1. The catalytic triad is represented in green balls and sticks. Two cylinders (black lines) represent the limits of the two β-barrels.

    hPR3 and hNE are synthesized as inactive zymogens of 256 and 267 amino acids, respectively. These pre-proforms undergo four consecutive steps that lead to the mature enzymes [24–28]. The signal peptides (27 and 29 amino acids for hPR3 and hNE, respectively; light blue boxes in Fig. 2A) are removed to yield the proforms. The hPR3 proform is then glycosylated on amino acids Asn113 and Asn159, and hNE on Asn 109 and Asn159 (green stars in Fig. 2A). Subsequently, the N-terminal dipeptide (AE for hPR3, SE for hNE; light green boxes in Fig. 2A) is cleaved by a cysteine protease, cathepsin C. The cleavage of the dipeptide leads to a structural rearrangement of the N-terminal region, which, from an extended solvent-exposed conformation, becomes inserted into the protein core and interacts with Asp194. The enzymes then become catalytically active. The fourth step is the cleavage of the C-terminal pro-peptides (orange boxes in Fig. 2A).

    hPR3 and hNE are homologous and their mature forms, comprising 221 and 218 amino acids, respectively, share 56% sequence identity. Conserved residues are spread rather equally along the sequences.

    Fold and surface properties

    X-ray data

    Like all chymotrypsin-like serine proteases, hPR3 and hNE adopt a fold consisting of two β-barrels made each of six anti-parallel β-sheets (Fig. 2B). The structures of the mature forms of the human enzymes were revealed by X-ray crystallography in the late 1980s for hNE, and some years later for hPR3. To date, there are seven structures of hNE deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB code: 1B0F [29], 1H1B [30], 1HNE [31], 1PPF [32], 1PPG [33], 2RG3 [34] and 2Z7F [35]) and one of hPR3 (1FUJ [36]). No structures of NE or PR3 from other species are available (only computational models of the murine species have been described) [11,14], nor are structures of the proforms. hNE crystals all contain monomers (1B0F, 1HNE, 1PPF, 1PPG, 2RG3 and 2Z7F) or dimers (1H1B), whereas hPR3 was crystallized as a tetramer, which can be regarded as a dimer of dimers; two monomers in a dimer are oriented so that their active sites face each other, preventing the binding of large substrates. Moreover, the hole in the middle of the tetramer is lined with hydrophobic residues. This characteristic of the crystals of hPR3 has not been observed in the case of hNE, although it might be related to an increased propensity of monomeric hPR3 to interact with hydrophobic environments through this region. Both hPR3 and hNE contain the same four disulfide bridges between cysteine pairs 42–58, 136–201, 168–182 and 191–220.

    The overall structural differences between hNE and hPR3 are very small. The rmsd, calculated after structural alignment with stamp [37], on C-alpha atoms of hPR3 and all seven available hNE structures is below 1 Å and the structural difference between the seven hNE structures is in the range 0.3–0.6 Å. The loop between extended sheets 1 and 2 (amino acids 36–39) is the only region showing a significantly larger structural variation as a result of the insertion of three residues (NPG) in hPR3 (Fig. 2A).

    Different glycosylation sites

    Most structures of hNE (1B0F, 1H1B, 1PPF, 1PPG and 2Z7F) reveal the presence of two sugar moieties on both Asn109 and Asn159, whereas one of the latest structures shows only one occupied site (Asn159 for 2RG3). In the structure of hPR3, only one glycolysation site (Asn159 and not Asn113) is occupied by a sugar. All three glycosylation sites (Asn109, Asn113 and Asn159) are remote from the catalytic triad and the ligand binding sites (3, 4). According to Specks et al. [38], both sites are occupied in neutrophil hPR3, although they have different functional significance; glycosylation on Asn159 influences hPR3 thermostability and increases significantly the catalytic activity measured on a small peptidic substrate (N-methoxysuccinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Val), whereas glycosylation on Asn113 appears to be important (but is not an absolute requirement) for an efficient N-terminal processing of hPR3. Interestingly, of both glycosylation sites, Asn113 is the furthest away from the N-terminal end of hPR3, as observed from the structure of the mature form. Unfortunately, no structure of any of the proforms of hPR3 or hNE is available, although X-ray structures of proforms of homologues have been reported (pro-granzyme K, 1MZA [39], chymotrypsinogen, 2CGA [40], and trypsinogen, 2TGT [41]), where it can be clearly seen that the N-terminal end (residues 14–17) freely extends out of the core of the protein along the extended sheet containing residue 159 (extended sheet numbered 8 in Fig. 3). Residue 159 in chymotrypsinogen and pro-granzyme K is thus very close to the extended N-terminal segment.

    Details are in the caption following the image

    Topology of hPr3 (A) and hNE (B). Pink arrows, extended strands; yellow cylinders, helices; green stars, catalytic triad; orange stars, glycosylation sites; pink circles, putative membrane binding site; blue triangles, amino acids involved directly in ligand binding. The extended strands constituting the β-barrels are numbered 1–6 and 7–12 for the first and second barrels, respectively.

    Details are in the caption following the image

    Localization of important functional amino acids on the 3D structure of hPR3. (A) Catalytic triad (green balls and sticks), disulfide bridges (yellow sticks) and glycosylation sites (orange van der Waals spheres). (B) Amino acids directly involved in ligand binding on hPR3 are represented by balls and sticks colored by atom type (red, oxygen; dark blue, nitrogen; blue, carbon). The putative membrane binding site [13] (or NB1 binding site) [106] is represented by balls and sticks colored magenta (hydrophobic amino acids: F165, F166, L223 and F224) and pink (acidic amino acids: R177, R186A, R186B, K187 and R222).

    Different surface properties

    Earlier studies have questioned the relationship between the net charge difference and the functions of PR3 and NE [36,42]. Indeed, at neutral pH, hNE has a net charge of +10 (it contains 19 arginines and only nine acidic residues), whereas hPR3 has a much lower net charge of +2, although it contains approximately the same number of charged amino acids as hNE. The sequence of the mature form contains 13 arginines, two lysines, ten aspartic acids and four glutamic acids. Fujinaga et al. [36], as well as subsequent in silico pKa calculations [10,43], suggest Asp213 to be protonated. The availability of the enzymes atomistic structures allows the calculation of the electrostatic surface potential (i.e. the electrostatic potential created by all the amino acids of the enzyme in its vicinity) (Fig. 5). It is a critical determinant of its surface properties and it is more relevant to its structure–activity relationship because it reflects not only the net charge, but also the charge distribution. Electrostatic interactions are known to play a key role in macromolecular interactions (e.g. with partner proteins, ions or membrane binding); thus, they might explain protease-specific functions. Interestingly, in the case of hNE, there is an omnipresence of electropositive potential that covers most of the surface of the enzyme, except at the substrate-binding site. This is not the case for hPR3, where electropositive clusters (or ‘patches’) alternate with negative and neutral patches. This pattern has been shown to be particularly suited for peripheral membrane binding of other proteins [44–46]. Moreover, the electrostatic surface properties of hPR3 and hNE around the active site plays an important role in the substrate specificity of the enzymes [10,11] and in their propensity to be part of multiprotein complexes.

    Details are in the caption following the image

    Calculated electrostatic potential of hPR3 (A) and hNE (B). The electrostatic potential is mapped on the molecular surface of the enzyme and colored in blue (+5 kT), white (0 kT) and red (−5 kT). The equipotential contours are also represented at +1 kT (transparent blue) and −1 kT (transparent red).

    Substrate specificity difference between human NE and PR3

    Kinetic studies on hNE and hPR3

    Many studies have been devoted to the understanding of hNE specificity [47–54]. Substrates with a hydrophobic side chain at P1 are efficiently cleaved by hNE and P1-valine is preferred over an alanine or a phenylalanine. Substrates with P1-Ile can also be hydrolyzed [48] by hNE. Peptides with P1-Met residues can also be cleaved, whereas oxidation of the methionine decreases the binding to hNE [50]. Extension of the peptide chain results in significant increases in catalytic efficiency and P1-specificity becomes broader with decreasing chain length. Compared to hNE and other serine proteases, there are relatively few available results on the specificity of PR3. The earliest studies revealed the preference of PR3 for ‘small hydrophobic amino acids’ such as alanine, serine and valine [55]. Brubaker et al. [56] emphasized that norvaline is preferred to valine, which itself is better than an alanine. Substrates with a methionine at P1 would also be efficiently cleaved by PR3 [57,58]. These studies focused on the P1 amino acid and described differences mostly resulting from the size or volume of the S1 pocket. Most importantly, they could not rely on structural data because no structure of PR3 was then available.

    Regarding hNE, most studies used a substrate with chromophoric leaving groups (i.e. these do not extend with amino acids in P′ sites), which explains why the importance of the P′–S′ interaction has been overlooked for many years. Recently, however, the importance of S′–P′ interactions has been clearly established for hPR3 [54,58]; substrates extending beyond P1′ have a systemic favorable effect on PR3 catalysis.

    Insights from the abundant structural X-ray data on hNE

    The first NE structure solved in 1986 was co-crystallized with the third domain of the turkey ovomucoid inhibitor (OMTKY3) (1PPF) [32], which is a canonical protein inhibitor of the Kazal family. It is bound noncovalently and provides structural insights into how peptidic substrates bind to NE in the Michaelis complex. Recently, the crystal structure of hNE with another proteic inhibitor was released (2Z7F) [35]; the secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor is a secreted inhibitor that protects epithelial tissues from serine proteases. Additional NE structures were solved with synthetic inhibitors in the binding site, including chloromethyl ketone peptides MeO-Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Val (1PPG) [33] and MeO-Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ala (1HNE) [31] and an orally active peptidyl pentafluoroethyl ketone (1B0F) [29]. The structure of hNE with low- molecular weight inhibitors has also been reported; MacDonald et al. [30] reported the structure of NE with a nonpeptidic inhibitor, a pyrrolidine trans-lactame which also binds covalently to Ser195 (1H1B). Later Huang et al. [34] reported the structure of NE with another mechanism based (suicide) inhibitor, a derivative of a 1,2,5-thiadiazolidin-3-one 1,1-dioxide (2RG3). This scaffold has been described as particularly suited for the design of specific NE-inhibitors [59]. Mechanism-based inhibitors are covalently linked to the active site (either Ser195 or both Ser195 and His57) and mimic either the conformation of a tetrahedral intermediate (tetrahedral adduct) or of the acyl enzyme.

    Thus, unlike hPR3, hNE has been crystallized with several ligands (see list in Table 1); these structures provide information about the interactions possible between the enzyme and different types of substrates, and thereby about its specificity much more extensively than in the case of hPR3. The different X-ray structures show that pockets S1–S4 are mostly made of hydrophobic amino acids [29,30,32,33], with the exception of the side chain of Arg217, which can stabilize polar or acidic groups at P4 [32] and even at P5 [33]. Interestingly, the benzyl of the N-protecting group in 1B0F forms a π–π stacking interaction with Phe215. An additional feature of the ‘unprimed subsites’ is that residues 214–216 form an antiparallel β-sheet with backbone atoms of residues P1–P3 of protein and peptidyl inhibitors which is known as the ‘canonical conformation’ [60]. The primed substrate binding sites are less well defined; the low molecular weight compounds do not extend far into the prime sites, and the same applies for the peptidyl inhibitors. Proteic inhibitors reveal some contacts in the prime site but, because of their size and rigidity, it is possible that the contacts they make with the enzymes are not exactly comparable with the contacts small flexible peptides would make. An exhaustive list of amino acids generally described as forming the binding sites is provided elsewhere [53,60].

    Table 1. X-ray structures of neutrophil elastase and proteinase 3 available in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The names and types of inhibitors present in the active site of the enzymes are listed, as well as the type of complex that they make with the structure, characterized by the reaction intermediate that they resemble the most. Resolution is given in angstroms.
    Enzyme Substrate name or formula Substrate type PDB code and resolution
    hNE OMTKY3a Protein (Kazal family) Michaelis complex-like 1PPF [32] 1.80
    Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI)b Protein (chelonianin family) Michaelis complex-like 2Z7F [35] 1.70 [34]
    MeO-Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Val-CH2Cl Peptidyl chloromethyl ketone Tetrahedral adduct 1PPG [33] 2.30
    MeO-Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ala-CH2Cl Peptidyl chloromethyl ketone Tetrahedral adduct 1HNE [31] 1.84
    N-(4-(4-morpholinylcarbonyl)benzoyl)-Val-Pro-Ile-C2F5 Peptidyl pentafluoroethyl ketone tetrahedral adduct 1B0F [29] 3.00
    GW475151 Pyrrolidine trans-lactame Acyl enzyme-like 1H1B [30] 2.00
    4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine ethanesulfonic acid 1,2,5-Thiadiazolidin-3-one 1,1-dioxide Acyl enzyme-like 2RG3 [34] 1.80
    hPr3 None 1FUJ [36] 2.20
    • a Turkey ovomucoid third domain. b Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor.

    Mapping the substrate binding sites of hPR3: the contribution of in silico studies

    The release of the first X-ray structure of hPR3 [36] and its comparison with already known structures of hNE has revealed some of the basis for the difference specificity between the two enzymes, despite the lack of a structure of a complex between hPR3 and a substrate. Indeed Fujinaga et al. [36] describe the S1 pocket, but also report a list of the amino acids constituting the neighboring binding sites, which most probably form the basis for the differential substrate specificity of hPR3 and hNE. The Ala213 to Asp213 substitution in PR3 reduces the size of the S1 pocket (from 152.7 to 98.6 Å3), making P1 more restrictive in hPR3 than hNE. The Asp213 is observed to be hydrogen-bonded to the carbonyl of Gly197 and its protonation state (and increased pKa value) is probably a result of the hydrophobic environment. Indeed, using molecular dynamics simulations and pKa calculations, we predicted a significant increase of the pKa value of Asp213 compared to its value in solution [43]. Fujinaga et al. [36] suggest that the substitution of Leu99 to Lys99 makes the S2 pocket of hPR3 deeper and more polar compared to hNE, and that it increases the polarity in S4. The substitutions of Arg217 to Ile217 and Gly218 to Trp218 in hPR3 compared to hNE should render the S5 binding site more hydrophobic. For the primed subsites of hPR3, the most significant substitution is Asn61 to Asp61. Consequently, hPR3 should prefer basic residues at P1′ and P3′. The substitution of Ile151 to Pro151 and Ile143 to Arg143 will create a basic S2′ site favoring the binding of acidic residues.

    However, because there is no X-ray structure of hPR3 with a substrate in its active site, there is no accurate description of the ligand–enzyme interactions such as there is for hNE. In an attempt to fill this gap, we performed molecular dynamics simulations of hPR3 and hNE complexed with peptides of varying sequences and sizes [10–12]. Indeed, molecular dynamics simulations are very well suited and widely used [61–63] for providing both structural and dynamical information, and thus neatly complement experimental techniques such as X-ray and NMR. These simulations have provided structures at the atomic level of detail of hPR3, a map of the S and S′ sites (Fig. 6) and a description of the interaction scheme for six different peptidic ligands. The simulations show no direct interaction between Asp213 and the P1 amino acids, suggesting that a polar amino acid in S1 is not something that hPR3 can accommodate better than hNE. Relatedly, Asp213 does not appear to have a role in specificity, in agreement with that suggested by Fujinaga et al. [36]. The specificity difference between the two enzymes lies in S2, S1′, S2′ and S3′, which are all more polar in hPR3 than in hNE. S2 in hPR3 is clearly suited to accommodate a negatively-charged amino acid, such as Asp, with Lys99 and Arg60 acting as potential hydrogen bond donors. It is interesting to note that Lys99 contributes to both the hydrophobic S4 site and to the polar S2 site, playing two different roles. Similarly S1′ and S3′ are inter-connected sites of polar character because they are made of Asp61 (as well as other amino acids). It participates in the two interaction sites and interacts with lysine or arginine side chains of the ligand. S2′ is characterized by Arg143, which can interact through hydrogen bonds with a negatively-charged amino acid at the P2′ position of the substrate sequence. Ile190 of hPR3 is not observed to be in close contact with the P1 side chain but Val216 constitutes the main interaction partner in the S1 site, together with the CβH2 group of Ser195. The S4 and S3 sites are hydrophobic in both hPR3 and hNE. Another important conclusion derived from the molecular dynamics simulations is that the seven sites are shown to be interconnected; in particular, S4 and S2 share Lys99, which plays both a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic role, with the latter being achieved as a result of the CH2 groups of its long sidechain. S1′ and S3′ overlap and share Asp61, and the lack of a P′–S′ interaction modifies the network of S–P interactions. This is an important result in the context of drug design and the investigation of enzyme–ligand binding sites by directed mutagenesis experiments. At least as important is the finding that different amino acids of the enzyme can alternatively participate in one given recognition site or another depending on the nature of the sequence of the ligand. This illustrates the adaptability of the enzyme; most of the recognition sites are not rigid predefined pockets. Rather, they are regions at the surface of the enzyme that have a significant degree of flexibility and can adapt to the substrate.

    Details are in the caption following the image

    Map of the recognition sites of hPr3 (A) and hNE (B). Inventory of the principal amino acids located in the recognition subsites of the hPR3 (A) and hNE (B) and interacting directly with the substrates [10,11] (only residues interacting with side chains of the peptide are listed).

    Table 2 summarizes the preferred amino acid types at each P or P′ site and it can be used to design peptidic substrates specific of one enzyme or the other. Using these data, we have designed the peptide sequence VADVKDR and demonstrated that it is highly specific for hPR3 versus hNE [10]. We find that the cleavage site of p21/waf1 (QEA-RER) [64] also conforms to the pattern listed in Table 2. Knowledge of the sequence pattern binding to hPR3 can also be used to help identify novel endogenous substrates of the proteinase.

    Table 2. Inventory of the amino acids types preferred at sites P6–P4′ (h, hydrophobic; −, acidic; +, basic; p, polar) of the human and mouse PR3 and NE [10,11].
    P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P1′ P2′ P3′ P4′
    hPR3 h h h/p + +
    hNE h h h h h/p h
    mPR3 + h h h/+ h/p + +
    mNE h h h h/p

    PR3 and NE interact differently with the PMN membrane

    Divergence of hypotheses from experimental studies

    Several studies have attempted to characterize the association of PR3 and NE with the neutrophil membrane. It has been shown that only PR3, and not NE, is already present at the plasma membrane of inactivated PMN [65,66]. We have previously reported a specific association of PR3 with the plasma membrane, which is stronger than simply an ionic interaction [67], and some studies argue in favor of a weak charge-dependent mechanism similar for the two proteases [42].

    A number of proteins have been experimentally identified as potential partners of PR3 at the membrane, which might be of critical importance for its functions, as well as for our understanding of its involvement in Wegener’s granulomatosis [68,69]. Aviram and colleagues provided evidence of colocalization of PR3 with the integrin CD11b/CD18 (b2 integrin) [70], the Fcgamma receptor FcgRIIIb and the p22phox subunit of cytochrome b558 in the membrane, and PR3 is demonstrated to be localized in lipid raft domains [71,72]. More recently, Bauer et al. [73] reported the expression of membrane hPR3 (mbPR3) and CD177 (NB1) on the same subset of neutrophils, whereas von Vietinghoff et al. [74] proposed that PR3 membrane expression could be mediated through CD177 binding. Interestingly, we demonstrated that PR3 could be externalized at the plasma membrane during the very early stages of apoptosis in the absence of degranulation, thus strongly suggesting an extragranular pool of PR3 [75]. Most interestingly, we reported a co-localization of PR3 with phospholipid scramblase 1, a myristoylated membrane protein present in lipid rafts and involved in the redistribution of membrane lipids during neutrophil apoptosis [76]. Co-immunoprecipitation studies performed on neutrophil lysates provided evidence indicating that both PR3 and phospholipid scramblase 1 were associated within the same protein complex. However, to our knowledge, there is no evidence of a physical interaction between mbPR3 and any of these potential partners, highlighting the lack of biophysical and structural data on the membrane binding mechanism of PR3. It should be noted that the diversity of the potential PR3 partners might reflect specific functions and especially regulatory functions in neutrophil activation or apoptosis, which are currently being unravelled.

    By contrast, a direct interaction between hPR3 and lipid vesicles has been demonstrated by Goldman et al. [77]. They investigated the interaction of hPR3, hNE and human myeloperoxidase (an enzyme also present in neutrophil azurophilic granules), with reconstituted lipid bilayers containing zwitterionic and anionic phospholipids; pure dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine/dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (70 : 30, 50 : 50 or 30 : 70) and pure dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol. Their results show that the molar affinity of hPR3 is better than the one of hNE and myeloperoxidase for all mixtures with anionic lipids, and that only hPR3 anchors to neutral bilayers. According to their findings, hPR3 associates with the mixed bilayer (50 : 50) with strong hydrophobic interactions (i.e. by inserting hydrophobic amino acids in the lipid bilayer), whereas hNE and myeloperoxidase only have weak hydrophobic interactions with the lipids. Interestingly, they report that bilayer-bound hPR3 has a reduced catalytic efficiency, whereas its inhibition by α1-antitrypsin is more important than that observed for the soluble form of the enzyme. The latter is in contradiction to other studies [42,78]. It has been shown that hPR3 enzymatic activity is not inhibited by its inhibitors α1-proteinase inhibitor (α1-PI, 52 kDa) and elafin (6 kDa) when bound to the outer cell surface of neutrophils, but only by a low-molecular-weight protease inhibitor (phenylmethansulfonyl fluoride). This suggests that α1-PI and elafin are not active on mbPR3 as a result of steric hindrance.

    On the sole basis of visual inspection of the 3D structure, Goldman et al. [77] suggest that the region constituted by Phe166, Ile217, Trp218, Leu223 and Phe224 might be involved in the insertion of hPR3 into the lipids. This study has shown that hPR3 can bind to lipid bilayers directly (i.e. with direct physical interaction between amino acids of the protein and lipids) and is stable without any other partner. It strongly suggests that it can bind with the same mechanism to cellular membranes.

    Structural determinants predicted by in silico studies

    Although the application of NMR and X-ray methods to peripheral membrane proteins remains challenging, theoretical approaches have proven extremely valuable and reliable for studying their structure and membrane-binding mechanisms [79–85]. We used molecular dynamics simulations with implicit membrane representation to allow for a cost-effective investigation of the binding of PR3 and NE to the lipid bilayers, in the presence of different types of lipid bilayers that vary with respect to their anionic character. The results obtained show that, unlike hNE that binds only to negatively-charged membranes, hPR3 is able to bind both anionic and neutral membranes but with a preference for negatively charged lipids; the calculated binding energies are −10.87 and −3.07 kcal·mol−1 for anionic and neutral membranes, respectively. Furthermore, the simulations of the binding mechanism reveal a unique membrane-binding site and binding mechanism of PR3. It involves a few basic amino acids that orient PR3 towards the membrane in the correct direction to allow it to insert a hydrophobic patch comprising F165, F166, F224, L223, F184 and W218. These residues are carried by surface loops (3, 4) and in silico mutations abolish membrane association. NE follows a different binding mechanism, where different regions of its highly electropositive surface (Fig. 5B) are able to interact with anionic lipids, but without insertion of hydrophobic amino acids, and thereby in a much shallower way than PR3.

    A mutagenesis analysis performed in rat basophil leukaemia (RBL) cells transfected with wild-type PR3 or PR3 mutated within the hydrophobic patch demonstrated that the latter was essential for membrane insertion [69]. The mechanism of membrane anchoring described by Goldman et al. [77] and ourselves (i.e. electrostatically driven attraction by basic amino acids and insertion of hydrophobic amino acids directly in the membrane) is not incompatible with the presence of a partner protein such as NB1. Such interactions might simply reinforce or perpetuate the membrane anchorage and/or facilitate the function(s) of membrane-bound PR3.

    The quest for PR3-ANCAs epitopes

    PR3 is the main target autoantigen of ANCAs, which predominate in patients with Wegener’s granulomatosis. There is growing evidence that ANCAs have a pathogenic role in systemic vasculitis [86–88]. Although some controversy remains about the mechanisms of this pathogenicity [89], the most plausible explanation involved binding to (and activation of) neutrophils by ANCAs [90]. The binding of ANCAs to neutrophils is only made possible by the availability of PR3 at the PMN surface; in other words, by the physical association of PR3 with the PMN membrane. The identification of disease-inducing epitopes of hPR3 will constitute a critical step toward the development of epitope-specific therapeutic strategies. However, the quest for the epitopes of ANCAs on hPR3 has turned out to be a challenging task. Many attempts have been made to characterize the ANCAs epitopes on PR3 [91–98]. It is now clear that ANCAs recognize several regions of PR3. Even though it has been shown that they recognize conformational epitopes [91] and that they do not bind the denatured enzyme, many studies erroneously used linear peptides to probe ANCAs epitopes of PR3 [92,95,99]. There is little overlap between the results obtained in these studies (Fig. 7A–C). Moreover, although the epitopes suggested by Williams (Fig. 7A) are all located in surface-exposed loops of the structure, some of the regions suggested by Griffith et al. [99] and van der Geld et al. [95] include secondary structure elements of hPR3 (Fig. 7B,C). The amino acids belonging to putative epitopes commonly suggested by the three studies are represented by green van der Waals balls in Fig. 3D: (143)RV(144), (178)PHN(180) and (186)PRRKAGIC(191). The latter two overlap with or are very close to the predicted membrane binding site. In accordance with the hypothesis that steric hindrance will prevent ANCA from binding to regions of PR3 too close to the membrane, one can rule out these putative epitopes (178)PHN(180) and (186)PRRKAGIC(191). The same reasoning can be used to assess or rule out epitopes suggested by future studies.

    Details are in the caption following the image

    Localization of the putative linear epitopes identified by (A) Williams et al. [92], (B) Van Der Geld et al. [95] and (C) Muller et al. [97] (green). (D) Amino acids identified by the three studies (van der Waals green spheres). The legend is as shown in Fig. 2B, except that the amino acids of the catalytic triad are colored in red.

    Murine enzymes

    Substrate specificity differs from the human enzymes

    Specks and coworkers [100] demonstrated that the mouse and human PR3 (mPR3 and hPR3, respectively) have different physicochemical properties. Using inhibitors and short hydrophobic peptides (not extending in the P′ sites), they show that they have different substrate specificities. Unfortunately, the size and the nature of the peptides limit the conclusions that can be drawn with respect to the P1 sites. The lack of structural information on the murine enzymes and on their complexes with cleavable peptides makes it difficult to determine the basis for their substrate specificity. We used homology modeling to build structural models of the murine enzymes and performed molecular dynamics simulations of 14 different enzyme–peptide complexes [11], and their analysis provides an inventory of the amino acids forming the substrate binding sites of the murine enzymes. The surface of mPR3 is globally more electronegative than the one of hPR3 (Fig. 5), whereas the differences between mNE and hNE are less significant on the overall protein surfaces. In particular, substitutions of several basic amino acids around the substrate binding sites of hPR3 change its surface properties: R60Q, R63bQ, R74L, N98E, K99N and G219E. Unlike hPR3, mPR3 is thus unlikely to bind substrates with acidic groups (Asp, Glu) on the S side. Consequently, very efficient substrates of hPR3 might be poor substrates of mPR3. The specificity difference between mPR3 and mNE lies in S1′ and S3′. The S2 and S2′ sites in both enzymes might accommodate the same type of amino acids, although the differences between these sites in the human enzymes were used for designing specific substrates. Table 2 summarizes the types of amino acids preferred at sites P6–P4′, and also for the human and mouse enzymes. Such an inventory will benefit the development of highly specific substrates of each of the neutrophil serine proteases [14].

    Membrane binding site: poor sequence conservation between species

    Half of the amino acids predicted to be involved in the membrane binding of hPR3 are not conserved in mPR3; F166L, F184L, K187A, W218R, R222L and L223Q. The mouse form of PR3 lacks three aromatic and one basic amino acid compared to the human form. The former are known, from integral membrane proteins, to be found at the membrane interface, whereas the latter provides electrostatic interactions with the polar lipid heads. In addition, we have seen that the mouse form is globally more electronegative than the human form. As a consequence of these differences in sequence and structural properties, mouse PR3 is likely to be able to bind to the plasma membrane using the same region as human PR3, although less strongly and specifically, as observed by Wiesner et al. [100].

    In conclusion, molecular studies of the comparison between human and mouse PR3 clearly point to major differences in their catalytic properties and their ability to interact with membranes, which is a key determinant of the accessibility to a specific substrate and, ultimately, their function.


    It is now becoming clear that both hNE and hPR3 play an important role in cell signaling and represent regulators of the inflammatory response. They have been shown to be involved in a number of regulatory pathways; however, although they are crucial to our understanding of the inflammatory processes, many aspects of their specific roles are still under debate [42,101]. This review emphasizes the importance of considering the structural characteristics of hPR3 and hNE in studies of their pathophysiological role in general, and, in particular, for the design of specific ligands and/or drugs. It provides a comprehensive picture of the functionally important regions of hPR3. Interestingly, the amino acids that are responsible for the differential substrate specificity of hPR3 compared to hNE, and those responsible for its membrane anchorage, lie in the C-terminal part of its sequence (second β-barrel), which is known to be the most important domain in shaping serine protease evolution [102,103]. The location of these key residues in that particular region confirms their functional significance and provides yet another argument allowing the conclusion to be made that hPR3 and hNE have intrinsically different functional roles.

    One key issue is the difference in the subcellular localization between hPR3 and hNE, which might be the consequence of a different molecular association during targeting mechanisms that remains to be determined. This difference in subcellular localization and its consequence with respect to serine proteinase function has been well illustrated in the cellular model of mast cell lines transfected either with hPR3 or with hNE. By contrast to hNE, hPR3 can cleave intracellular specific proteins involved in the regulation of intracellular functions, such as proliferation and differentiation, similar to p21/waf1 [64,104], or be involved in apoptosis, similar to pro-caspase-3 [105]. Notably, hPR3 could cleave membrane-associated procaspase 3 into a 22 kDa fragment, which is distinct from the classical apoptosis-induced fragment involved in neutrophil survival [105].

    In hNE-transfected mast cell lines, and under basal conditions, hNE subcellular localization was restricted to granules, whereas hPR3 was localized both within the granules and at the inner face of the plasma membrane, thus allowing access to specific substrates [104]. Upon activation of degranulation, hPR3 could ultimately be exposed at the cell surface. Most interestingly, PR3 can be externalized during apoptosis and impaired apoptotic cell clearance by macrophages, thus amplifying inflammation [76]. These findings were confirmed in neutrophils. Although the major pool of intracellular PR3 is within the azurophilic granules, the extragranular pool of PR3, which is externalized during apoptosis, might be functionally very important in the pathophysiology of vasculitis [9]. Although much progress has been made in recent years with respect to our understanding of the structure–function relationship of hPR3, the field would benefit immensely from new structures of the enzyme complexed with inhibitors, as well as from new biophysical studies investigating its interaction with lipid bilayers and partner proteins.


    Funding for N.R. and T.B. was provided by the National Program for Research in Functional Genomics in Norway (FUGE) from the Research Council of Norway, as well as by the Bergen Science Foundation (Bergen Forskningsstiftelse). V.W.S. acknowledges funding from Inserm (ANR08-GENO-035-01) and C.K. received funds from ABCF Mucoviscidose, ‘Vaincre la mucoviscidose’ (VLM) and Société de Néphrologie. E.H. acknowledges the assistance of EU Grant MRTN-CT-2005-019335 (‘Translocation’).