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Volume 284, Issue 8 p. 1160-1170
State-of-the-Art Review
Free Access

The caspase-activated DNase: apoptosis and beyond

Brian D. Larsen

Brian D. Larsen

Biotech Research and Innovation Centre, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

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Claus S. Sørensen

Corresponding Author

Claus S. Sørensen

Biotech Research and Innovation Centre, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


C. S. Sørensen, Biotech Research and Innovation Centre, University of Copenhagen, Ole Maaløes Vej 5, Copenhagen 2200 N, Denmark

Fax: +45 3532 5678

Tel: +45 3532 5669

E-mail: [email protected]

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First published: 19 November 2016
Citations: 125


Organismal development and function requires multiple and accurate signal transduction pathways to ensure that proper balance between cell proliferation, differentiation, inactivation, and death is achieved. Cell death via apoptotic caspase signal transduction is extensively characterized and integral to this balance. Importantly, the view of apoptotic signal transduction has expanded over the previous decades. Subapoptotic caspase signaling has surfaced as mechanism that can promote the adoption of a range of cellular fates. An emerging mechanism of subapoptotic caspase signaling is the activation of the caspase-activated DNase (CAD) through controlled cleavage of the inhibitor of CAD (ICAD). CAD-induced DNA breaks incite a DNA damage response, frequently invoking p53 signaling, that transduces a change in cell fate. Cell differentiation and senescence are fates demonstrated to arise from CAD-induced DNA breaks. Furthermore, an apparent consequence of CAD activity is also emerging, as a potential source of oncogenic mutations. This review will discuss the mechanisms underlying CAD-induced DNA breaks and highlight how CAD activity promotes diverse cell fates.


  • ATM
  • ataxia-telangiectasia mutated
  • CAD
  • caspase-activated DNase
  • DDR
  • DNA damage response
  • HPV
  • human papillomavirus
  • HR
  • homologous recombination
  • ICAD
  • inhibitor of CAD
  • MEF
  • mouse embryonic fibroblast
  • MOMP
  • mitochondrial membrane permeablization
  • NHEJ
  • nonhomologous end joining
  • NPM
  • nucleophosmin
  • PCD
  • programmed cell death
  • PTMs
  • post-translation modifications
  • Introduction

    Apoptosis is a programmed cell death (PCD) module resulting in the removal of unwanted cells from an organism. Coordinating with other cell fate decisions, apoptosis is necessary for the development and health of an organism [1]. Dissection of this phenomenon identified conserved signaling modules that direct and regulate apoptosis. Initial investigations of these modules, largely supported by powerful genetic information provided by the Caenorhabditis elegans model, suggested limited utility of proapoptotic proteins in nonapoptotic processes. However, hypothesis-based challenges to this segregation have lead to an expanded repertoire of cell fate choices that are impacted by the activity of proapoptotic proteins [1-3].

    Genomic DNA fragmentation accompanies apoptosis and is viewed as a final blow for vitality of the cell. Despite being a dramatic event during apoptosis, cell autonomous DNA fragmentation is not an absolute requirement (reviewed in [4]). Rather, DNA fragmentation appears to improve the overall efficiency of the process and may assist in identifying the dying cell for removal by phagocytosis [5-7]. The nucleolytic activity of several enzymes has been implicated in the disassembly of the genome, in particular, the caspase-activated DNase (CAD) was the first nuclease associated with this function [8-10]. As the name implies, CAD is activated by caspase-dependent signal transduction, a proteolytic signaling cascade that alters the activity of numerous substrate proteins. Caspases, a family of cysteine proteases, contribute to a diverse range of functions in a cell including apoptosis. Caspase 3 in particular is a key factor in canonical apoptotic signaling, promoting both the cytosolic and nuclear alterations required for cellular disassembly. To promote DNA fragmentation, Caspase 3 activates CAD by proteolytic inactivation of the inhibitor of CAD, (ICAD; Fig. 1). Caspases further potentiate DNA fragmentation by inactivating key DNA repair factors preventing the repair of the fragmented genome. Outside of apoptosis, Caspase 3 activity has been shown to direct cell fate decisions that do not directly lead to cellular demise [2, 3]. Perhaps unexpectedly, CAD is an emerging downstream factor in several instances of nonapoptotic Caspase 3 signaling that has a potent impact on cell fate transition [11-13].

    Details are in the caption following the image
    Regulation and apoptotic activation of the CAD. The nuclease activity of CAD is restricted by association with its inhibitor, ICAD. The association of CAD with ICAD begins with the translation of CAD mRNA. Here ICAD acts as a chaperone to ensure CAD is properly folded. The CAD–ICAD complex then translocates to the nucleus. Inactivating cleavage of ICAD by activated caspases, releases CAD from inhibition, and facilitates CAD homodimerization. The scissor-like CAD–CAD dimer creates double-stranded DNA breaks across the genome resulting in DNA fragmentation.

    The nuclease activity of CAD seen in apoptosis requires the dimerization of CAD monomers (Fig. 1). This dimerization is mediated by N-terminal CIDE domains that facilitate assembly of a scissor-like structure. In this structure, the active nuclease sites of each monomer are positioned in parallel across a crevice that can accommodate open double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). Coordinated nucleophilic attack from both active sites breaks the phosphodiester backbone creating a blunt double-stranded DNA break (DSB) [4]. Restricting dimerization of CAD is the key regulatory mechanism to inhibit its nuclease activity. Heterodimerization with ICAD achieves this regulation upon translation of CAD mRNA, where the long isoform of ICAD (ICAD-L) is a mandatory folding chaperone (Fig. 1). The ICAD–CAD complex translocates to the nucleus, where ICAD is further speculated to prevent interactions between CAD and DNA. Caspase 3 inactivates ICAD by cleaving at two aspartic acid residues, D117 and D224, destabilizing its interaction with CAD and allowing CAD dimerization and subsequent DNA fragmentation [14]. CAD is predominately viewed to induce the DSB breaks that accompany late stages of apoptosis; however, more recent observations indicate that the enzyme can significantly contribute to the formation of DNA nicks that appear early during apoptosis [15].

    The drive to identify the factor that promoted DNA fragmentation during apoptosis, lead to the initial characterization of CAD. As with other apoptotic proteins, further studies have implicated CAD in nonapoptotic cell fate decisions. This review will highlight the biological functions of CAD as they relate to both apoptotic and nonapoptotic cell autonomous cell fate choices.

    CAD involvement in tumor suppression

    Apoptosis is a potent tumor-suppressive mechanism to remove potentially aberrant cells before they acquire full malignant transformation [16]. Indeed, malignant cells frequently present mutations and adapted cellular signaling that render them refractory to cell death stimuli. These mutations and adaptations may be required for the propagation of cells with an unstable genome and may in turn allow for the further advancement of genome instability.

    Although DNA fragmentation is not an essential component of apoptosis, CAD-dependent DNA fragmentation has been suggested to present a barrier to tumorgenesis [17]. Murine loss of function models for both CAD and ICAD display normal development, however, when challenged with carcinogenic stimuli, display increased susceptibility to tumor formation [7, 17-22]. In these conditions, loss of CAD-dependent DNA fragmentation is linked to delayed removal of highly mutated cells. This retardation in the apoptotic response may allow time for adaption to genome instability and as such tumorgenesis (Fig. 2). This response is independent of p53, and could represent a parallel pathway to suppress tumorgenesis [7]. This is supported by the unprecedented ability of CAD null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) to spontaneously transform without the introduction of a secondary driver mutation similar to p53 null MEFs [17].

    Details are in the caption following the image
    CAD promotes efficient apoptosis to suppress tumor development. Exposure to genotoxic stress initiates a tumor-suppressive apoptotic signal leading to the removal of damaged cells. The efficiency of the process restricts cells with potentially transformative mutations from recovering from the apoptotic stimuli. Here, by promoting efficient apoptosis, CAD exerts a tumor-suppressive function. Interference with CAD's activity could tip the balance toward survival in a limited number of cells. These escaped cells may possess transformative mutations and progress to form tumors.

    To date extensive somatic mutations in CAD or ICAD have not been documented in cancer cells that would directly support a frequent tumor-suppressive function. However, gene mutations and gene expression abnormalities have been reported for both CAD and ICAD [23]. Further indirect mutations and adaptations may impair the effectiveness of CAD-dependent DNA fragmentation that could support tumorgenesis. Glioblastoma cells display limited DNA fragmentation and incomplete cell death upon apoptotic insult owing to low nucleoplasmic accumulation of CAD even with proper activation of caspases [24]. This indicates that CAD-dependent DNA fragmentation can be targeted for adaptation during transformation. In addition to ICAD, additional factors can block CAD's nuclease activity such as nucleophosmin (NPM) [25]. Overexpression of NPM is frequently seen in many cancer types, although it remains to be examined if this overexpression may impact on CAD's role in tumor suppression. Suppression of DNA fragmentation has also been reported following human papillomavirus (HPV) cellular transformation. The HPV oncoprotein E6 can directly interact with human CAD, an interaction blocking CAD's ability to elicit DNA fragmentation [26].

    Contribution of CAD to nonapoptotic cell fates

    Activity of caspases is not restricted to apoptosis, and can in a restrained manner promote numerous cell fate choices. The mechanisms of how caspase signaling may affect nonapoptotic cell fates have received increasing attention. CAD as a terminal effector of caspase signaling has demonstrated activity and function in promoting cell fate decisions beyond apoptosis [11-13, 27]. Here, subapoptotic signaling of caspases allows for restricted activation of CAD but not extensive DNA fragmentation. The DNA breaks promote a DNA damage response (DDR) that is intricately linked to determining the cell fate outcome.

    CAD: BH3-mimetic induced cancer cell senescence

    Targeted activation of apoptotic signaling pathways is an actively pursued avenue toward new cancer treatments. One mechanism cancer cells deploy to resist cell death is deregulation of the BCL2 family of proteins that control mitochondrial membrane permeablization (MOMP) during cell death. Prosurvival BCL2 family members sequester the prodeath family members and maintain mitochondrial membrane integrity. To promote apoptosis, BH3-only proteins antagonize the activity of the prosurvival BCL2 members. This leads to MOMP and the release of cytochrome c into the cytoplasm initiating active caspase signaling. Development of small molecule BH3-like mimetics that can bind to and inhibit the activity of the prosurvival BCL2 family members can directly activate apoptosis [28]. Clinical trials have demonstrated the potential of these small molecules in the treatment of cancer, particularly those of hematopoietic origin [28].

    Although a promising therapeutic not all cancer cell types display acute sensitivity to BH3-mimetics. For example, those of solid tumor origin frequently demonstrate resistance. Despite this resistance to apoptosis, the cells do react to BH3-mimetics responding with partial MOMP and subapoptotic activation of caspases [12, 29]. This stimulation is sufficient to induce DNA damage through the caspase-mediated cleavage of ICAD and subsequent activation of CAD (Fig. 3). The extent of CAD-induced DNA damage promotes the phosphorylation of histone H2AX and p53-dependent changes in gene expression. Notably, the CAD-induced DNA breaks do not contribute to an apoptotic response rather promote the cells to enter into a p53-dependent senescent state [12]. This emerging concept warrants further investigation, as BH3-mimetics progress toward clinical utility. Further appreciation of the molecular requirements for CAD-induced DNA breaks to promote senescence could facilitate approaches to either improve the efficiency of senescence induction or shift the signal toward apoptosis.

    Details are in the caption following the image
    CAD promotes nonapoptotic cell fates. BH3-mimetic induced senescence. Exposure to BH3-mimetics in resistant cells leads to partial MOMP of the mitochondria releasing a limited amount of cytochrome c into the cytoplasm. This release initiates a subapoptotic caspase signal sufficient to inactivate ICAD and promote CAD-induced DNA damage. This DNA damage initiates p53 signaling that directs the cells into a senescent state. Prolonged mitotic arrest. Leakage of cytochrome c from the mitochondria into the cytoplasm initiates subapoptotic caspase activation. At the terminal of this activation, ICAD is inactivated and CAD induces DNA breaks at telomeric regions that trigger the removal of the shelterin component TRF2. Slippage of the cells into interphase with CAD-induced telomeric damage initiates a p53 response that determines the cell fate. (adapted from [31] ) Skeletal muscle differentiation. Skeletal muscle utilizes the subapoptotic caspase activity to propel differentiation. The subapoptotic caspase activity promotes ssDNA breaks by the activation of CAD through partial cleavage of ICAD. The formation and repair of CAD-induced ssDNA breaks promotes gene expression changes that propel skeletal muscle differentiation.

    CAD: cell fate in prolonged mitotic arrest and slippage

    Prolonged mitotic arrest, induced by antimitotic agents, is a therapeutic anticancer approach that can promote cell death and cell cycle arrest in treated tumors. Caspase-dependent DNA damage is apparent in the arrested cells and predominately localizes to telomeric repeats [13, 30-32]. During mitotic arrest, the balance between prosurvival and prodeath BCL2 family members gradually shifts in favor of the prodeath molecules. This results in leakage of cytochrome c from the mitochondria into the cytoplasm that initiates caspase signaling, the activation of CAD, and telomeric DNA damage. Hain et al. [31] recently explored the significance of the CAD-induced telomeric DNA damage, and demonstrated this promoted a DNA-PK-dependent loss of TRF2 from the telomeres, further signaling dysfunction.

    Strikingly, CAD has a pronounced impact on cell fate decisions both during mitotic arrest and in the subsequent interphase following slippage [13, 31, 32]. Topham et al. [32] observed in mitotically arrested cells that CAD-induced DNA damage promoted not only death in mitosis but also appear to contribute to the efficiency of the mitotic arrest (Fig. 3). Following slippage from mitotic arrest, Orth et al. [13] demonstrated the extent of CAD-induced DNA breaks directly impact p53 induction and p53-dependent cell fate choices (Fig. 3). These results support a role for CAD-induced DNA damage as a response to stress that is a signal for cell fate decisions in addition to its role in apoptosis. Of note, some cancer cells respond to antimitotic agents by entering into a senescent state following slippage. Although this scenario remains to be examined, Orth et al. [13] suggested that the CAD-induced DNA damage has the potential to promote entry into senescence following slippage.

    CAD: skeletal muscle differentiation

    Caspase activity has been implicated as a driver in several cellular differentiation events. This activity is linked to both cell autonomous and noncell autonomous signals that direct differentiation. Skeletal muscle differentiation utilizes transient subapoptotic caspase signaling to promote reorientation of cellular signaling and gene expression to propel development at a cell autonomous level [33-35]. Additionally, caspase-dependent apoptosis that accompanies differentiation has been implicated in providing extracellular signals that contribute to myoblast fusion into myotubes [36]. Though the role of caspase is not completely understood, the elucidation of the molecular basis of this signaling has identified several substrates that transduce the caspase signal to promote differentiation, including cleavage of ICAD and activation of CAD.

    Differentiating skeletal muscle cells display transient caspase-dependent DNA nicks [11, 37, 38]. Here, partial cleavage of ICAD is sufficient to activate CAD to nick genomic DNA in the absence of whole genome fragmentation. In response to the DNA nicks, the differentiating cells phosphorylate histone H2AX and activate ssDNA break repair pathways to avoid genome fragmentation [11, 39]. The DNA nicks and subsequent repair have been proposed as a mechanism of genomic reprogramming toward the terminally differentiated state (Fig. 3). Indeed, the DNA breaks appear to be restricted to euchromatic regions and further influence the expression of key genes involved in the differentiation process. As caspase signaling appears to be a conserved component of many cellular differentiation processes, the involvement of caspase-dependent DNA breaks may be a conserved module in inducing rapid genomic reprogramming [27]. A function for CAD and as an extension genomic DNA fragmentation in contributing to the noncell autonomous signaling of apoptotic cells to differentiation has not been examined. DNA fragmentation and cytoplasmic release of histones is observed in the apoptotic myoblasts that accompany differentiation [40]. As such it will be an area of considerable interest to determine if these apoptotic events can further contribute to differentiation.

    As previously discussed, loss of function of CAD in murine models does not impact development [20-22]. It is reasonable to suggest this may indicate compensation by additional caspase-directed nucleases to support development in the absence of CAD. Identification of these nucleases may assist in developing a more comprehensive picture of the roles that caspase-directed DNA breaks play in directing differentiation.

    Contribution of CAD to oncogenic mutations

    Maintenance of genome stability is an extensively regulated and effective process that ensures homeostasis of an organism. However, breakdown in this stability does occur, leading to diseases including cancer. Numerous sources can account for genomic stress and the range of mutations that are presented in cancer. As discussed above, CAD can be activated and inflict DNA breaks under conditions that are not directly leading to apoptosis. These breaks present a stress to genome stability that in a permissive situation could introduce potentially oncogenic mutations [29].

    Survival of a sublethal apoptotic signal, where apoptosis is initiated but not completed, has been purposed as an oncogenic process (recently discussed in Ichim and Tait 2016) [41]. The oncogenic potential of failed apoptosis lies in the activity of apoptotic nucleases and the potentially mutagenic repair of the DNA breaks [29, 42, 43]. Exploring the effect of apoptosis promoting anticancer agents in therapy-resistant cells, has demonstrated that CAD is activated and elevates genome instability at the terminal of sublethal caspase signaling (Fig. 4) [29]. This activity can increase the mutational burden of the stressed cell that in turn could support oncogenic transformation. The potential for sublethal apoptotic signaling in promoting cancer has been indicated in therapy-related leukemias [44, 45]. Topoisomerase inhibitor therapy has been implicated in the formation of loss-of-function MLL gene translocations. Multiple mechanisms can account for the initiation of these translocations, including caspase and CAD-dependent DNA breaks within the MLL gene [46-48]. Progression of the break to a translocation implicates involvement of erroneous DNA repair processes, highlighting the requirement for efficient DNA repair CAD-induced DNA breaks.

    Details are in the caption following the image
    Transformative mutations arising from sublethal apoptotic/CAD signaling. Exposure to cellular stress initiates a sublethal apoptotic response that introduces potentially oncogenic endogenous DNA damage. One of the apoptotic nuclease implicated in this DNA damage is CAD. The DNA damage introduced by the apoptotic nucleases is insufficient to further drive apoptosis. The elevated levels of DNA breaks coupled to infidelity in DNA repair can lead to oncogenic mutations and cellular transformation.

    Morgan et al. [49] recently modeled CAD activation in the absence of an initiating caspase signal. This allowed for isolated studies of the nuclease's activity without corresponding caspase-dependent changes to nuclear structure and DNA repair factors. Utilizing a gene replacement platform, Morgan et al. simultaneously knocked down endogenous ICAD and expressed an ICAD allele sensitive to tobacco etch virus protease cleavage. Specific activation of CAD in this system elevated DNA breaks and promoted G2 cell cycle arrest. However, no effect on short-term cell viability or feedback to activate caspase signaling was observed. These observations suggested that DNA damage repair was actively antagonizing CAD-induced DNA breaks. Indeed, interference with either DNA-PK- or ataxia-telangiectasia mutated kinase (ATM)-dependent DNA damage repair promoted further elevated levels of DNA damage and an increase in caspase activity, but not apoptosis [49]. This inability to affect apoptosis suggests compensation by potentially mutagenic alternative DNA repair pathways when the classical pathways are suppressed.

    CAD: perspectives

    As discussed in this review, CAD has emerging roles in promoting cell fates beyond its appreciated role in apoptosis. This role raises several questions such as how the introduction of endogenous DNA breaks can promote nonapoptotic cell fates? How is CAD regulated to induce DNA breaks without affecting whole genome fragmentation? And what are the consequences of CAD-induced breaks on genome stability?

    Cell fate translation of CAD-induced DNA breaks

    How the induction of DNA breaks by CAD can promote nonapoptotic cell fate transitions remains to be clarified. Indeed, through activation of the DDR, in particular p53, CAD would exert potent influence on cell fate decisions including proliferation, senescence, and apoptosis. Furthermore, the formation and repair of DNA breaks can lead to alterations in the surrounding chromatin environment influencing local gene expression [50, 51]. As such both mechanisms could account for transitions in global signal transduction and gene expression that propel cell fate transitions.

    The DDR response to CAD-induced DNA breaks in cells treated with either BH3-mimetics or antimitotic agents ultimately leads to a p53 response and a cell fate decision. It is tempting to draw similarities between these two cellular responses as both lead to a p53 response, however, a conserved DDR response to the breaks is not apparent. The phosphorylation of H2AX in BH3-mimetics treated cells can be either ATM- or JNK2-dependent, depending on the cell lines and treatment [12, 29]. In mitotically arrested cells, the phosphorylation of H2AX in response to CAD-induced breaks is DNA-PK-dependent [31]. Of note, the phosphorylation of H2AX that is observed during skeletal muscle differentiation has also recently been suggested to be DNA-PK-dependent [52]. These observations are clearly an early survey into the DDR response to the CAD-induced DNA breaks. More thorough characterization is warranted to fully appreciate how the CAD-induced DDR activation can orchestrate cell fate decisions.

    Localization of CAD-induced DNA breaks during these nonapoptotic processes is also of considerable importance. Although apoptotic DNA breaks are largely thought to occur at random across the genome, more recent sequence-based mapping of the breaks has indicated enrichment at specific sites [53]. Indeed, CAD-induced DNA breaks that appear during prolonged mitotic arrest localize to telomeric regions. This telomeric localization likely reflects chromatin accessibility of mitotic cells, which would restrict CAD's activity [31]. The specificity of CAD-induced DNA breaks in an interphase cell is apparent during skeletal muscle differentiation, here the breaks appear restricted to euchromatic regions. Further localized breaks were mapped within the p21 promoter. [11]. These results suggest that specific regions can be targeted by CAD, particularly during differentiation. Genome wide mapping of the CAD-induced breaks both during differentiation and BH3-mimetic-induced senescence will provide important insight into the molecular function of these breaks.

    The possibility of site-specific DNA breaks, particularly in promoter elements, could point to a function for CAD in regulating gene expression. How DNA breaks directly impact local gene expression has been an area of extensive study, and a clear picture has not emerged. In many instances, repression of gene expression has been indicated with the induction of specific breaks distal or within gene bodies [54, 55]. Here, DSB generation delays transcription through ATM-dependent limiting of RNA polymerase II decondensation of distal chromatin that is rapidly recovered with DSB repair [54]. Conversely, DNA breaks have also been linked to activating gene expression. Topoisomerase-IIB-induced DNA breaks are involved in gene activation, supporting transcription initiation and elongation, following a diverse range of stimulation [50, 56, 57]. These breaks lead to the activation of ATM, DNA-PK, and PARP-1 that stimulated the repair of the DNA break and also contributed to gene activation. How CAD-induced DNA breaks may regulate gene expression remains to be fully elucidated. CAD-induced DNA breaks within the p21 promoter during skeletal muscle differentiation do correspond to gene activation, whether the breaks directly contribute to the expression of p21 during differentiation remains to be examined.

    Regulation of CAD-induced DNA breaks

    It is clear that the activation of CAD attacks genome stability both in apoptosis and in nonapoptotic events. The absence of progressive DNA fragmentation in nonapoptotic events supports the limited activation of CAD and a robust DNA damage repair response. Importantly, the nuclease activity of CAD does not directly support continued self-activation. As discussed, several mechanisms can limit the activity of CAD, in particular the extent of cellular ICAD proteolysis. ICAD long and short isoforms, as well as the proteolytic fragments, can disassemble the active CAD dimer [58]. Incomplete proteolysis of total cellular ICAD with continued protein production could effectively limit CAD activity to avoid whole genome degradation. Indeed, rapid removal of whole cellular ICAD leads to unfettered CAD activation sufficient to drive apoptosis [59]. These results achieved by auxin degron tagging and regulation of endogenous ICAD appear to contrast targeted proteolytic cleavage. However, the kinetics of CAD activation accomplished in this model could more closely resemble exposure to an acute genotoxic agent. Here, the extent of DNA damage may accumulate more rapidly than can be repaired activating apoptosis. These results highlight the importance of ICAD in promoting controlled CAD activation.

    Transient and partial cleavage of ICAD, at D117, is observed in skeletal muscle differentiation. Cleavage at this site has been shown to be necessary and sufficient for CAD nuclease activation during apoptosis and is required for skeletal muscle differentiation [11, 60]. The significance of this partial cleavage remains to be elucidated. In particular, how it may influence the activity of CAD and if it relates to CAD-induced ssDNA breaks observed during differentiation and apoptosis [15, 39].

    These observations position ICAD as a key regulator of CAD activity during nonapoptotic events. Allowing regulated activation to prevent whole genome fragmentation and limiting feedback from the DNA damage to further activate caspase signaling. Post-translation modifications (PTMs) to ICAD, in addition to caspase cleavage, could further contribute to the regulation of CAD. Extensive characterization of ICAD PTM's such as phosphorylation, ubiquitination, or acetylation has not been explored. Notably, phosphorylation has the potential to influence caspase substrate cleavage and can prevent cleavage at specific sites [61]. Understanding if such regulation of ICAD by PTM modifications is in play during subapoptotic caspase signaling could provide further explanation into the apparent regulated activity of CAD.

    Oncogenic consequences of CAD-induced DNA breaks

    Apoptosis is a central tumor-suppressive mechanism, both in restraining tumor formation and in therapy [16, 28]. Apoptotic signaling, however, has the potential to promote an oncogenic cell fate, particularly as an outcome of cancer treatment. CAD exemplifies this emerging paradoxical function attributed to apoptotic proteins. As discussed, CAD is linked both as a tumor suppressor and a contributing factor in instances of oncogenic apoptotic signaling. Ichim and Tait [41] recently proposed that one contributing consideration for this paradox maybe the stage in tumor development. As such the functional outcome of CAD-induced DNA damage changes as tumorgenesis progresses. Further understanding of this process may support improved therapeutic approaches.

    To better define CAD's role in oncogenic transformation, it will be important to appreciate how the DNA damage translates into cell fate decisions and how this damage may progress into oncogenic mutations. The cell fate translation of CAD-induced DNA damage under conditions of subapoptotic caspase signaling implicates p53 signaling [12, 13]. Compromised p53 function may limit both the apoptotic and senescence response to CAD-induced DNA damage. Indeed, the mutagenic potential of CAD-induced DNA damage is most apparent in senescence impaired cells [29].

    Appropriate repair of CAD-induced DNA breaks would limit an oncogenic outcome. However in cancer cells, mutations in key DDR genes are frequently observed and may further potentiate the introduction of new oncogenic mutations [62]. Additionally, the accompanying subapoptotic caspase activity could transiently promote loss of function of proteins involved in nonhomologous end joining NPM (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR) [63]. In both scenarios, repair of CAD-induced DNA breaks by error prone backup DNA repair pathways could contribute to the oncogenic genomic changes.

    Final comment

    CAD-induced DNA damage at the terminal of subapoptotic caspase signaling is emerging as potent cell fate determinate. Subapoptotic caspase activity is emerging to regulate a range of biological events. As such it is of interest to gain further understanding of how broadly this activity of CAD may contribute to cell fate adoption. In particular if it may contribute to the DNA damage seen within aging stem cell populations [64, 65]. It is clear that the activity of CAD can serve as a source of genome instability. To this end, utilization of CAD to promote cell fate changes may be subject to erroneous consequences.


    This work was supported by grants from the Danish Medical Research Council and the Danish Cancer Society to CSS.

      Author contributions

      BDL summarized the literature, created the initial figures, and wrote the paper. CSS edited the paper, revised the figures, and contributed to the writing.