Contributions of capillary pathway size and neutrophil deformability to neutrophil transit through rabbit lungs

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Neutrophil margination within the pulmonary capillary is due to a delay in their transit compared with that of red blood cells (RBC). This delay has been attributed to the large fraction of capillary segments that are narrower than spherical neutrophils and differences between the time required for deformation of neutrophils and that required for deformation of RBC. This study investigated the characteristics of neutrophil deformation in vivo and the perfusion patterns of segments within capillary pathways. Studies comparing the extraction of neutrophils with that of nondeformable microspheres in one transit through the pulmonary circulation suggest that neutrophils can undergo a rapid deformation from 6.4 to 5.0–5.1 microns, whereas larger deformations require a delay. Effective diameters of the perfused capillary pathways were larger than expected for a random distribution of capillary segment diameters within these pathways. The longer transit times of neutrophils in the upper regions of the lung were associated with a greater fraction of pathways containing narrow segments. These studies suggest that neutrophil deformability and capillary pathway diameters are important in determining the size of the marginated pool of neutrophils within the pulmonary capillaries.