What are the technical requirements for ScienceDirect?

Last updated on February 09, 2024

What are the technical requirements for ScienceDirect?

Last updated on February 09, 2024

Requirements for the best performance include using the latest version of one of the recommended browsers, and enabling JavaScript.


For optimal performance we recommend using the latest version of your preferred browser. Follow the links to find out which version of your browser you are currently using and how to update it (if needed).

Recommended browsers:

Please note: Since 1st October 2021 Internet Explorer is no longer supported.

Required browser settings

The following settings are required to make use of all features in ScienceDirect:

Why do I have to allow cookies?

Enable cookies in your browser when asked. Certain content and features in our services depend on cookies to function. For example, authentication cookies are used to identify and recognize registered users and to enable them to gain access to requested content or features. If you choose to block cookies, you cannot sign in or use certain content or features. If you choose to delete cookies, any settings and preferences dependent on those cookies will be lost. Also view our Cookies on ScienceDirect policy page for more information.

How do I know if JavaScript is enabled?
JavaScript must be enabled to successfully download articles and chapters on ScienceDirect. View the Activate JavaScript website to check if JavaScript is enabled.

If you need any further help with accessing ScienceDirect, contact us using the 'Chat' option below so we can solve your issue as quickly as possible.

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