International Registry of Seismograph Stations
maintained jointly by
International Seismological Centre & World Data Center for Seismology, Denver

Station details: ================
Code: ZAG
Latitude: 45.82700
Longitude: 15.98700
Elevation: 188.0
Name: Zagreb
Region: Croatia

Arrival picks statistics

Travel Time Analysis

On the top graph every dot represents the median residual for one month of data. The green line is the overall median; the orange line shows the standard deviation (smad) based on the median absolute deviation (mad), whilst the red line shows twice the standard deviation (2 * smad). The bottom graph shows the number of residuals for each month. The red columns show the number of residuals whose median (for that month) is outside two standard deviations from the overall median (2 * smad). Red dots indicate a possible clock error.

Travel time residuals

Station comments: ================= co-ordinates update Data at the ISC for 69 years between 1936 and 2024. Known station history: ====================== First and Last use refers to the time period in which the coordinates were used by the ISC. Code Station name/Region Latitude Longitude Elevation Depth First use Last use ================================================================================================================================ ZAG Zagreb 45.82900 15.99400 178.0 25-08-1999 21-03-2005 Croatia
International Seismological Centre
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United Kingdom RG19 4NS
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