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Forlanini Park © Comune di Milano

Parco Forlanini
Forlanini Park


Viale Forlanini - 20138 Milan
Entrance: viale Forlanini, via Corelli, via Cardinale Mezzofanti



Admission free




The most striking feature of Parco Forlanini is the sheer amount of space available, making it ideal for outdoor sports enthusiasts. There is an extensive network of paths for runners and cyclists, while the lush vegetation provides an ideal habitat for wildlife. And there is no shortage of interesting sites for other visitors. Some of the buildings have features with critical historical and artistic value, such as Cascina Cavirano, a farmhouse with a 17th-century three-arched portico, where the emblem of the Ospedale Maggiore can be made out, a dove with a olive branch. For centuries, in fact, until the early 1970s, the building was the property of this Milan hospital. Cascina Sant’Ambrogio stands out among the treasures immersed in the park’s green spaces – it is still possible to make out the apse structures of a small 14th-century Romanesque church.
The Park’s name derives from its proximity to Linate Airport, dedicated to Enrico Forlanini, an engineer and pioneering aviator from Milan famed for his airship, hydrofoil and helicopter designs.

    The Salesina pond, a great place for joggers. The Saini athletics field is situated nearby.

    Approved in 2001, the new redevelopment project will enlarge the park’s total area from 597,612 to 1,627,724 square meters. The project which was awarded the contract is by the Portuguese architect Byrne, whose design envisions an enormous green space with multiple recreational areas.