D+C Development and Cooperation

D+C Development and Cooperation

Media Production

Sustainable development requires global awareness and local action.

About us

Humankind's collective future depends on sustainable development. We must eliminate poverty, but at the same time protect the natural environment. D+C is a forum for discussing what needs to happen at local and national levels, and what international cooperation must contribute. What we publish always pertains to how the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be achieved. Our website www.DandC.eu explores how sustainable development relates to other fields of policy-making, such as security, peace, trade, business, development cooperation or public health and education. D+C stands for Development and Cooperation. We publish in two languages. The German version is E+Z Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit. We invite people who work in different sectors and live all around the world to contribute to D+C/E+Z. We specialise in opinion journalism and analytical essays. If you wish to share your view on our platform, please send us a proposal. We are particularly interested in contributions from developing countries and emerging markets. Those who write for us are typically either scholars, civil-society activists or journalists, but others are welcome too. Obviously, the views expressed by our contributors are not necessarily those of the editorial team or its paymasters. The website shares the name D+C/E+Z with our print magazine, which is published every two months, and a monthly e-paper. All versions - website, print issue and our Digital Monthly PDF - are funded by Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and published on behalf of ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL. Our mission is not to serve as a governmental mouthpiece, but to provide a credible forum for international debate. Hans Dembowski (DEM) is our editor in chief, and the other team members are Katharina Wilhelm Otieno (KO), Jörg Döbereiner (JD), Maren van Treel (MVT) and Dagmar Wolf (DW). Our publisher is Fazit Communication GmbH in Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

Media Production
Company size
11-50 employees
Frankfurt am Main
Public Company


Employees at D+C Development and Cooperation


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