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[[Critics]] including [[Robin Peckham]] generally believe that Hu Zhiying's art does not belong to the popular art style in the current art criticism [[Discourse analysis|discourse]] system of [[realism (arts)|realism]] [[criticism]].<ref name="The Form's Meaning, the Personal Religion and the Issue about Bacon in Hu Zhiying's Art"></ref><ref name="issuu"/><ref name="Bao Dong">{{cite magazine|author1=Bao Dong |title=The Sublime Aesthetics of Hu Zhiying |journal=Poetry Circle |date=2010 |issue=6 |pages=33–36 |publisher=Heilongjiang Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles|location=[[Harbin]] |issn=1674-9413|quote=他的作品是不考慮‘現實’這個概念的,對於胡志穎來說,‘現實’只不過是“幻象”的另一種說法,藝術真正要抵達的是彼岸性——這個來自於康德哲學的術語暗示了那些無法被認識的自在之物的存在,因而提供給我們了一個超越性的視點,使我們獲得了從經驗世界,即現象界中抽身離開的可能。}}</ref><ref name="Visions of Variety">{{cite book|author=Yang Wei|title=The Mirage of Single Person, Visions of Variety|publisher=Haifeng Publishing House|location=[[Fuzhou]]|year=2013|ISBN=978-7-5512-0108-7|quote=他在1989年前後創作的一批‘抽像水墨’,以一些東方的神秘符號為元素,也無不表現了在西方現代藝術的影響下尋找主體意識的突圍。實際上,這跟‘85新潮’以來,中國現代藝術整體呈現出的影響焦慮,也有著藕斷絲連的內在聯繫。看得出來,胡志穎在繪畫創作上並不是閉門造車,而是一直帶著當代人的問題意識往前推進,只不過受終極理想的價值啟迪,他沒有淺嚐輒止,把自己探索的步伐停止於某個思潮或某個現實問題而已。}}</ref> Art critic and historian [[Gao Minglu]] stated in ''Freedom of a Lonely Passenger'': Hu Zhiying is an independent meditator. He replaced the [[Theme (arts)|theme]] of body and mind with the cultural theme of ultimate thinking. At the same time, Hu Zhiying's instinctive cultural beliefs determine that he chooses more free and diverse images resources.<ref name="Gao Minglu">{{cite magazine|author=Gao Minglu|title=Freedom of a Lonely Passenger|place=[[Guangzhou]]|journal=Gallery|issue=226|publisher=Lingnan Fine Arts Publishing House|date=2017|pages=50–53}}</ref><ref name="Li Weiming">{{cite web|url=|author=Li Weiming|title=An "Alien" in the Chinese Painting Circle|publisher=CAAAN|accessdate=2020-07-13|archive-date=2020-11-14|archive-url=}}</ref>
Since the 1990s, the aesthetic tendency of Hu's [[installation art]] has always been "Natural [[Aesthetics]]". "[[Nature]]" here includes both [[traditional art]] and [[avant-garde]] art in the [[modernist]] period.<ref name="Experience and Transcendence">{{cite book|url=|author=Yang Wei and Hu Bin|title=''Experience and Transcendence: Hu Zhiying's Art 1987-2017'' (Chinese-English), China Artists Publishing House, Hong Kong, 2017|isbn=978-988-78237-6-6|publisher=[[South China Normal University]] Library |quote=自1992年創作觀念作品《偽望遠鏡》以來,胡志穎相繼推出的《世紀遺恨錄》、《新康德》、《安徒生童話》等裝置藝術和觀念藝術,與其繪畫作品相輔相成,相得益彰,都是圍繞著現實的困境與社會的頑疾,從思想史的角度尋找治愈方式與精神突圍。}}</ref>{{rp|120}}<ref>{{cite web|url=|author=Yang Wei|title=''Symphony of Experience and Transcendence--About Hu Zhiying's Art'', ''ABSOLUTE MAGAZINE'', Beijing, 2017|publisher=ABSOLUTE MAGAZINE}}</ref><ref name="The Form's Meaning, the Personal Religion and the Issue about Bacon in Hu Zhiying's Art"></ref>
Paul Bridgewater, director of an art gallery in [[New York City]], analyzed Hu's art and said: “The [[installation art]] of Hu Zhiying is a journey of process and [[Discovery (observation)|discovery]]. Form his installation work since the '90's where he [[illustrate]]s an understanding of traditional [[Eastern arts]], where reverence of nature and solitude are explored through a masterful fluidity of art form with complex elements. But as a thinking artist, Hu begins to explore the ephemera of [[Western Culture]]. Western motifs insinuate themselves into his work. Hu investigates the overbearing elements of [[Western Culture]], where production and [[Resource consumption|consumption]] become process of themselves replacing the value of the human consumer.”<ref>{{cite magazine|author=Paul Bridgewater|title=Hu Zhiying's Art|place=[[Guangzhou]]|journal=Gallery|issue=226|publisher=Lingnan Fine Arts Publishing House|date=2017|pages=56–57}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Hu Zhiying - Bronx Council On The Arts |url= | |access-date=10 February 2021 |language=en}}</ref>
Hu Zhiying's art has the spirit of [[Chinese culture]] in it, and at the same time, it presents the original state of the world with disordered space and disordered video code. His art gives people an [[illusion]] of the misplacement or overlapping of time and space between the ancient and the present. Hu Zhiying's artistic features also have a sense of indirect presentation between the picture and its meaning.<ref>{{cite book|url=|page=62|isbn=9787806001134|title=A Pictorial Book of Contemporary Chinese Artists|publisher=Jing hua chu ban she|location=Beijing|date=1995|website=Australian National University|accessdate=2020-11-03|archive-date=2020-11-14|archive-url=}}</ref><ref name="China-Aktuelles aus 15 Ateliers">{{cite web|url=|title=''China: Aktuelles Aus 15 Ateliers''|publisher=Asia Art Archive|accessdate=2020-04-01|archive-date=2020-04-10|archive-url=}}</ref>{{rp|62}} <ref>{{cite book|url=|author=Yang Wei and Hu Bin|title=''Experience and Transcendence: Hu Zhiying's Art 1987-2017'' (Chinese-English), China Artists Publishing House, Hong Kong, 2017|isbn=978-988-78237-6-6|publisher=[[South China Normal University]] Library|quote=胡志穎正是在這樣一個互文關係中,開始他的材料藝術探索的。可以說,胡志穎九十年代初做的那些材料藝術,既是對國際語言的一種嘗試,也是將其轉換為本土視覺資源的一種探索,而其內在的文化指向,則是生存的壓力與精神的緊張關係。}}</ref>{{rp|119}}<ref>