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Fb.ida.y, Second Days Spouts. This days sport commenced by the Sailing Match by boats under thirty feet keel. Enterance £l Is , with .£lO added by the Committee, second boat to save its stakes. Captain Sharp's schooner Fidele ........ 1 Mr. J. Foster's Happy Jack .... 2 Mr. W. Johnston's schooner City of London 3 Mr. A. Hewit's Polly 4 The Fidele took the lead at starting and won by a considerable distance, her opponents not having the least chance with her. A private match was got up between Captain Eyton's whalebout Wave, manned by Frenchmen, and Captßin Casper's whaleboat George, manned by Englishmen, which was won by the former in gallant style, French beating English by a minute in J a half.

Hack Rack.—Fon Bkaten Hoicks. Kitrance £1 It., with £b added by the Cornr/iiUee. Mr. Jenki i's, br. h, Atnn, Skipwiih I 1 Mr. Skipwith's, ». g. Templar, Wintringharn 2 2 Mr. Sutton's bl. g. Phormurn Tenax, bolted. The Rural Sports consisted of a foot race, jumping in sacks, catching soap-necked geese, jingling match, grinning through horses collars, and c'imbin,' a greasy pole. All the above afforded mirth to the good folks of Wellington, and witn. the exception of a feeling of disappointmei.t expressed at tbe Races not equalling those of firmer ytar«, every one seemed gratified, and btnt on enjoying themselves. Several booths and s'alls w-ue erected on the ground, and our' Anniversary Day' begins to have amen tbe appearance of an English fair. In tbe evening the Theatre was opened, and a ball took place at the Cottage of Content. A ball also took place on Friday evening, at the Britannia Saloon, and on both evenings the balls and Theatre were fillel to overflowing. We understand that a private match (Hurdle Race) is to come off this day, for j£6o, between Mr. Hunter's b. m. Temperance, to be ridden by Donald, and Mr. Tankersley's gr. horse Mazsppa, to be ridden by Armstrong.

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Wellington Independent, Volume I, Issue 48, 28 January 1846, Page 3

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Untitled Wellington Independent, Volume I, Issue 48, 28 January 1846, Page 3

Untitled Wellington Independent, Volume I, Issue 48, 28 January 1846, Page 3