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GameFly Complains USPS Favors Netflix



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I think gamefly is awesome. If USPS isn't giving them the same ship transit times and priorities I would be pissed. Volume discount should be given within reason. If netflix is getting it for half the price or better, again, I would be pissed but only getting a small discount over gamefly for enhanced volume is reasonable.


Then again, sucks they don't really have anyone else that they can turn to.



Why would you be pissed? It's not like they would transfer the savings onto the customer, especially since people are already paying the current price.

You must be a Gamefly employee.



If Gamefly had millions (not 1 point something) of cd's shipped a month they might get the same rates. Volume matters and it is why netflix gets the discounts it does. Simple answer for them, ship more things out there then you too will get the better rates. How do people manage to run companies when things like this come up? Come on CEO's think things through before you make the comments...



If Gamefly had millions (not 1 point something) of cd's shipped a month they might get the same rates. Volume matters and it is why netflix gets the discounts it does. Simple answer for them, ship more things out there then you too will get the better rates. How do people manage to run companies when things like this come up? Come on CEO's think things through before you make the comments...



In fact their only reason for continueing to exists is because of Netflix and Gamefly.


Seems logical to me though that seeing as though Netflix ships alot more discs than Gamefly they would get a bulk discount. If Im wrong who cares read my first sentence.



Yeah, I understand it's a companies job to worry about the bottom line but when I saw this I immediately thought it was in reference to their abysmal ship times till I read further.



"The only difference is GameFly deals with videogames, and Netflix deals with movies and TV shows." No, that's not the only diffence, which you kind of point out further down. Of course Gamefly should pay more, they use heavier, less easy to see, square mailers that can't be nearly as easily sorted as Netflix mailers. gamefly can change their mailers to pay less, but are choosing to keep their more expensive mailings. Not sure why they think the cost of more stolen and damaged game discs would be anywhere near the $750,000 a month they pay in postage.



I don't blame gamefly for being upset, but I also don't blame the USPS for giving a good bulk rate to netflix, who clearly has a far higher bulk...

also what about gamefly UMD titles?  the irregular shape must be harder for the USPS' equipment to handle in an envelope.  Now if Gamefly came out with a big red <1 oz envelope, when loaded with a DVD, and still didn't get the 1oz rate, then I'd be wondering "wtf".

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