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Statistics - FAQ's Print E-mail

What is the rate of inflation in Gibraltar?

The rate of inflation in Gibraltar is estimated on a quarterly basis. The Index of Retail Prices (IRP) is an average measure of change in the prices of goods and services bought for the purpose of consumption by the vast majority of households. It is published as at 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October each year. The IRP Calculator in the Statistics page can provide price inflation figures as from July 1973 to date. In addition, the Abstract of Statistics also includes a section on the Index of Retail prices. The Abstract of Statistics is available in the “Downloads” section of the Statistics web page.

What is the Population of Gibraltar?

The total population in Gibraltar was estimated at 30,001 in 2012. Demographics statistics are included in the Abstract of Statistics and can also be obtained from the Census of Gibraltar 2001. Both publications can be downloaded from the “Downloads” section of the Statistics web page.

How many visitors have arrived in Gibraltar in 2012?

Visitor Arrivals to Gibraltar in 2012 totalled 11,787,015 including frontier workers. The annual Tourist Survey and Air Traffic reports show data on tourist arrivals by land, sea and air together with their nationality, levels of expenditure etc. The Abstract of Statistics also includes a section on Tourism. All three publications can be downloaded from the Statistics web page.

What was the number of arrivals at Gibraltar hotels in 2012?

The number of visitor arrivals at hotels in 2012 stood at 56,611. Information on arrivals at hotels, room and sleeper occupancy rates, average length of stay etc is published annually as part of the Hotel Occupancy Survey Report. The 2012 report is available in the “Downloads” section of the Statistics web page.

How many employees are there in Gibraltar?

The Employment Survey is conducted in October of each year with every known employer required to complete a survey questionnaire. As at October 2012, the number of employee jobs in Gibraltar was estimated at 21,519. The Survey report also publishes information on average earnings, hours worked, nationality, earnings by industry etc. The Abstract of Statistics also includes employment data. Both publications can be downloaded from the Statistics web page.

How often is a Census carried out in Gibraltar?

As in UK, a Census is carried out in Gibraltar every ten years. The last Census was conducted on 12 November 2012 and the Report is expected to be published in 2014. The 1970, 1981, 1991 and 2001 Census Reports are available in the “Downloads” section of the Statistics web page.

Is it possible to trace my family roots from the Census data?

Census records are stored with the Government Archivist who can be contacted on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . or alternatively at the Convent Courtyard Secretary’s Lane, Gibraltar, Tel No. 20079461.

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