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John Philoponus, Commentary on Aristotle's Physics, pp. 678.24 - 684.10 (Vitelli)


Weight, then, is the efficient cause of downward motion, as Aristotle himself asserts. This being so, given a distance to be traversed, I mean through a void where there is nothing to impede motion, and given that the efficient cause of the motion differs [i.e., that there are differences in weight], the resultant motions will inevitably be at different speeds, even through a void. . . . Clearly, then, it is the natural weights of bodies, one having a greater and another a lesser downward tendency, that causes differences in motion. For that which has a greater downward tendency divides a medium better. Now air is more effectively divided by a heavier body. To what other cause shall we ascribe this fact than that that which has greater weight has, by its own nature, a greater downward tendency, even if the motion is not through a plenum? . . .


And so, if a body cuts through a medium better by reason of its greater downward tendency, then, even if there is nothing to be cut, the body will none the less retain its greater downward tendency. . . . And if bodies possess a greater or a lesser downward tendency in and of themselves, clearly they will possess this difference in themselves even if they move through a void. The same space will consequently be traversed by the heaver body in shorter time and by the lighter body in longer time, even though the space be void. The result will be due not to greater or lesser interference with the motion [i.e. the resistance of the medium, since in a void there is none] but to the greater or lesser downward tendency, in proportion to the natural weight of the bodies in question. . . .


Sufficient proof has been adduced to show that if motion took place through a void, it would not follow that all bodies would move therein with equal speed. We have also shown that Aristotle's attempt to prove that they would so move does not carry conviction. Now if our reasoning up to this point has been sound it follows that our earlier proposition is also true, namely, that it is possible for motion to take place through a void in finite time. . . .


Thus, if a certain time is required for each weight, in and of itself, to accomplish a given motion, it will never be possible for one and the same body to traverse a given distance, on one occasion through a plenum and on another through a void, in the same time.


For if a body moves the distance of a stade through air, and the body is not at the beginning and at the end of the stade at one and the same instant, a definite time will be required, dependent on the particular nature of the body in question, for it to travel from the beginning of the course to the end (for, as I have indicated, the body is not at both extremities at the same instant), and this would be true even if the space traversed were a void. But a certain additional time is required because of the interference of the medium. For the pressure of the medium and the necessity of cutting through it make the motion through it more difficult.


Consequently, the thinner we conceive the air to be through which a motion takes place, the less will be the additional time consumed in dividing the air. And if we continue indefinitely to make this medium thinner, the additional time will also be reduced indefinitely, since time is indefinitely divisible. But even if the medium be thinned out indefinitely in this way, the total time consumed will never be reduced to the time which the body consumes in moving the distance of a stade through the void. I shall make my point clearer by examples.


If a stone moves the distance of a stade through a void, there will necessarily be a time, let us say an hour, which the body will consume in moving the given distance. But if we suppose this distance of a stade filled with water, no longer will the motion be accomplished in one hour, but a certain additional time will be necessary because of the resistance of the medium. Suppose that for the division of the water another hour is required, so that the same weight covers the distance through a void in one hour and through water in two. Now if you thin out the water, changing it into air, and if air is half as dense as water, the time which the body has consumed in dividing the water will be proportionately reduced. In the case of water the additional time was an hour. Therefore the body will move the same distance through air in an hour and a half [i.e., the hour it would take to go through a void, plus half an hour (half as much as the hour that would be added to pass through water) because air offers only half the resistance of water]. If, again, you make the air half as dense [as you already did], the motion will be accomplished in an hour and a quarter. And if you continue indefinitely to rarefy the medium, you will decrease indefinitely the time required for the division of the medium, for example, the additional hour required in the case of water. But you will bever completely eliminate this additional time, for time is indefinitely divisible.


If, then, by rarefying the medium you will never eliminate this additional time, and if in the case of motion through a plenum there is always some portion of the second hour to be added, in proportion to the density of the medium, clearly the stade will never be traversed by a body through a void in the same time as through a plenum. . . .


But it is completely false and contrary to the evidence of experience to argue as follows: "If a stade is traversed through a plenum in two hours, and through a void in one hour, then if I take a medium half as dense as the first, the same distance will be traversed through this rarer medium in half the time, that is, in one hour: hence the same distance will be traversed through a plenum in the same time as through a void." For Aristotle wrongly assumes that the ratio of the times required for motion through various media is equal to the ratio of the densities of the media. . . .


Now this argument of Aristotle's seems convincing and the fallacy is not easy to detect because it is impossible to find the ratio which air bears to water, in its composition, that is, to find how much denser water is than air, or one specimen of air than another. But from a consideration of the moving bodies themselves we are able to refute Aristotle's contention. [Philoponus spends the rest of this paragraph drawing out a consequence of Aristotle's view before attacking it in the next paragraph.] For if, in the case of one and the same body moving through two different media, the ratio of the times required for the motions were equal to the ratio of the densities of the respective media, then, since differences of velocity are determined not only by the media but also by the moving bodies themselves, the following proposition would be a fair conclusion: "in the case of bodies differing in weight and moving through one and the same medium, the ratio of the times required for the motions is equal to the inverse ratio of the weights." For example, if the weight were doubled, the time would be halved. That is, if a weight of two pounds moved the distance of a stade through the air in one-half hour, a weight of one pound would move the same distance in one hour. Conversely, the ratio of the weights of the bodies would have to be equal to the inverse ratio of the times required for the motions.


But this is completely erroneous, and our view may be corroborated by actual observation more effectively than by any sort of verbal argument. For if you let fall from the same height two weights of which one is many times as heavy as the other, you will see that the ratio of the times required for the motion does not depend on the ratio of the weights, but that the difference in time is a very small one. And so, if the difference in the weights is not considerable, that is, of one is, let us say, double the other, there will be no difference, or else an imperceptible difference, in time, though the difference in weight is by no means negligible, with one body weighing twice as much as the other.


Now if, in the case of different weights in motion through the same medium, the ratio of the times required for the motions is not equal to the inverse ratio of the weights, and, conversely, the ratio of the weights is not equal to the inverse ratio of the times, the following proposition would surely be reasonable: "If identical bodies move through different media, like air and water, the ratio of the times required for the motions through the air and water, respectively, is not equal to the ratio of the densities of air and water, and conversely."


Now if the ratio of the times is not determined by the ratio of the densities of the media, it follows that a medium half as dense will not be traversed in half the time, but longer than half. Furthermore, as I have indicated above, in proportion as the medium is rarefied, the shorter is the additional time required for the division of the medium. But this additional time is never completely eliminated; it is merely decreased in proportion to the degree of rarefaction of the medium, as has been indicated. . . . And so, if the total time required is not reduced in proportion to the degree of rarefaction of the medium, and if the time added for the division of the medium is diminished in proportion to the rarefaction of the medium, but never entirely eliminated, it follows that a body will never traverse the same distance through a plenum in the same time as through a void.
