BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:45 A.M.) – Over 60 Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) operatives were reportedly captured by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) during an operation to clear Raqqa city of these terrorist sleeper cells.

According to a report from the Syrian Democratic Forces, approximately 63 members of the Islamic State were arrested in a 24 hour period, ending the day-long curfew that was imposed on the provincial capital of the Al-Raqqa Governorate.

These 63 members of the Islamic State were “terrorists complicit in different terrorist activities,” the SDF’s media center announced on Thursday.

The individuals were members of sleeper cells spreading “fear, chaos, causing sedition, and anxiety” among the local population, the SDF added.

The night before, a curfew had been imposed on the city; it was lifted on Thursday.

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Long Live Syria
Long Live Syria

Make them disappear in the wast desert. They never applied any human rights to their victims.

Nestor Arapa

Sería bueno, pero no se puede por derechos internacionales, SDF no es grupo terrorista.