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Word of the Day


Definition: (noun) A state of extreme poverty or destitution.
Synonyms: indigence, penury, need
Usage: Two children begged for money on the subway, and their pauperism weighed heavily on the minds of the train's passengers.
Article of the Day


Biologically speaking, senescence is the process of deterioration that follows the development of an organism. In 1965, Leonard Hayflick discovered that normal diploid cells divide in cell culture about 50 times before entering a senescence phase during which they can replicate no more. Each cell division shortens the telomere of the cell's DNA, thus ticking back an "inner clock" for each subsequent copy of the cell. How does this mechanism protect the body from disease? More...
Daily Grammar Lesson

Verbs and Indirect Objects

Only verbs that express an action being relayed to or done for another person or thing can take indirect objects. What are these verbs called? More...
Idiom of the Day

in a flutter

In a nervous, confused, or agitated state. More...

This Day in History

Pac-Man Arcade Game Released (1980)

First released in Japan in 1980, Pac-Man went on to become one of the most famous arcade games of all time. Developed by Namco video game designer Toru Iwatani, the game became an icon of 80s pop culture and is often credited with being a landmark in video game history. For the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man in 2010, Google turned its homepage logo into a fully playable version of the game. How much productivity did businesses reportedly lose from employees playing the game? More...
Today's Birthday

Richard Wagner (1813)

Wagner was a German composer whose astonishing works made him one of the most influential figures in the history of Western music. He revolutionized the 19th-century idea of opera, seeing it as a wholly new art form in which musical, poetic, and scenic elements should come together through such devices as the leitmotif—a recurring melodic phrase used to illustrate a character or idea. His operas include Tristan and Isolde, as well as his masterpiece, a four-opera cycle known as what? More...
Today's Holiday

International Day for Biological Diversity (2024)

In 1994 the United Nations declared December 29 International Day for Biological Diversity. In the year 2000 they changed the date to May 22 in order to draw more attention to the observance. They also wished to honor the May 22, 2000, signing of the Convention on Biological Diversity. More...
Quote of the Day
The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic.
Charles Darwin
Grammar Quiz
Word Trivia

Today's topic: prosperity

land of milk and honey - In the Bible, a land of prosperity and plenty promised by God to the Israelites. More...

pumpkin time - The end of prosperity and a return to normal. More...

thrift - First meant "acquired wealth, prosperity, success." More...

welfare - Originally the phrase wel fare—first meaning "happiness" or "prosperity." More...

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