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Filmography by Genre for
Bauhaus More at IMDb Pro »

  1. "Smallville" [Soundtrack]
    ... aka Smallville Beginnings (USA: rerun title)
    ... aka Smallville: Superman the Early Years (UK: promotional title)
        - Thirst (2005) TV episode [Soundtrack]
  2. "One Tree Hill" [Soundtrack]
        - From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea (2005) TV episode [Soundtrack]
  3. The Butterfly Effect (2004) [Soundtrack]
  4. Gypsy 83 (2001) [Soundtrack]
  1. Heavy Metal 2000 (2000) [Soundtrack]
    ... aka Heavy Metal F.A.K.K.2 (Germany)
  2. "Daria" [Soundtrack]
        - Write Where It Hurts (1998) TV episode [Soundtrack]
  3. "Beavis and Butt-Head" [Soundtrack]
        - Beavis and Butt-head Meet God (1993) TV episode [Soundtrack]
  1. Good Luck Chuck (2007) [Soundtrack]
  2. "Daria" [Soundtrack]
        - Write Where It Hurts (1998) TV episode [Soundtrack]
  3. "Beavis and Butt-Head" [Soundtrack]
        - Beavis and Butt-head Meet God (1993) TV episode [Soundtrack]
  1. "Smallville" [Soundtrack]
    ... aka Smallville Beginnings (USA: rerun title)
    ... aka Smallville: Superman the Early Years (UK: promotional title)
        - Thirst (2005) TV episode [Soundtrack]
  2. The Butterfly Effect (2004) [Soundtrack]
  3. Heavy Metal 2000 (2000) [Soundtrack]
    ... aka Heavy Metal F.A.K.K.2 (Germany)
  1. The Butterfly Effect (2004) [Soundtrack]
  2. Heavy Metal 2000 (2000) [Soundtrack]
    ... aka Heavy Metal F.A.K.K.2 (Germany)
  1. Night of the Demons (1988) [Soundtrack]
    ... aka Halloween Party
  2. The Hunger (1983) [Soundtrack] [Actor]
  1. Bauhaus: Gotham (1999) (V) [Soundtrack]
    ... aka Gotham (USA: short title)
  2. "Beavis and Butt-Head" [Soundtrack]
        - Beavis and Butt-head Meet God (1993) TV episode [Soundtrack]
  1. Good Luck Chuck (2007) [Soundtrack]
  2. The Hunger (1983) [Soundtrack] [Actor]
  1. Heavy Metal 2000 (2000) [Soundtrack]
    ... aka Heavy Metal F.A.K.K.2 (Germany)
  1. Heavy Metal 2000 (2000) [Soundtrack]
    ... aka Heavy Metal F.A.K.K.2 (Germany)
  1. Filthy Gorgeous: The Trannyshack Story (2005) [Soundtrack]
  1. "One Tree Hill" [Soundtrack]
        - From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea (2005) TV episode [Soundtrack]
  1. The Butterfly Effect (2004) [Soundtrack]