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First published online March 16, 2012

Fertile Green: Green Facilitates Creative Performance


The present research sought to extend the nascent literature on color and psychological functioning by examining whether perception of the color green facilitates creativity. In four experiments, we demonstrated that a brief glimpse of green prior to a creativity task enhances creative performance. This green effect was observed using both achromatic (white, gray) and chromatic (red, blue) contrast colors that were carefully matched on nonhue properties, and using both picture-based and word-based assessments of creativity. Participants were not aware of the purpose of the experiment, and null effects were obtained on participants’ self-reported mood and positive activation. These findings indicate that green has implications beyond aesthetics and suggest the need for sustained empirical work on the functional meaning of green.

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Article first published online: March 16, 2012
Issue published: June 2012


  1. green
  2. creativity
  3. performance
  4. color
  5. hue

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PubMed: 22427383



Stephanie Lichtenfeld
University of Munich, Germany
Andrew J. Elliot
University of Munich, Germany
University of Rochester, NY, USA
Markus A. Maier
University of Munich, Germany
Reinhard Pekrun
University of Munich, Germany


Stephanie Lichtenfeld, University of Munich, Leopoldstrasse 13, 80802 Munich, Germany Email: [email protected]

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  77. Color in achievement contexts in humans
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  78. Affect-related influences on color perception
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  79. The Color Red Supports Avoidance Reactions to Unhealthy Food
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  80. Constraints that Help or Hinder Creative Performance: A Motivational A...
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  81. Grounding context in face processing: color, emotion, and gender
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  82. Ego Depletion in Color Priming Research...
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  83. Red, Purple and Pink: The Colors of Diffusion on Pinterest
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  84. Seeing red? The effect of colour on intelligence test performance
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  85. Traces across the body: the influence of music-dance synchrony on the ...
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  86. Seeing Life through Positive-Tinted Glasses: Color–Meaning Association...
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  88. Is red the colour of danger? Testing an implicit red–danger associatio...
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  89. Environmental Psychology Matters
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  90. Color Psychology: Effects of Perceiving Color on Psychological Functio...
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  91. Exposure to the Color Red Enhances Creative Thinking Depending on Appe...
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  92. Avoidance Motivation and Conservation of Energy
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  93. No psychological effect of color context in a low level vision task
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