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112th Congress (2011 - 2012)


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{link: '',title: 'THOMAS - BSS - S.968 - Cosponsors' }

Latest Title: Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT] (introduced 5/12/2011)      Cosponsors (31)
Related Bills: H.R.3261
Latest Major Action: 1/23/2012 Senate floor actions. Status: Cloture motion on the motion to proceed to S. 968 withdrawn by unanimous consent in Senate.
Senate Reports: 112-39
COSPONSORS(31), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]:     (Sort: by date)

Sen Alexander, Lamar [TN] - 5/25/2011
Sen Bingaman, Jeff [NM] - 10/19/2011
Sen Blumenthal, Richard [CT] - 5/12/2011
Sen Boxer, Barbara [CA] - 12/12/2011
Sen Brown, Sherrod [OH] - 10/20/2011
Sen Cardin, Benjamin L. [MD] - 7/13/2011
Sen Casey, Robert P., Jr. [PA] - 9/7/2011
Sen Cochran, Thad [MS] - 6/23/2011
Sen Coons, Christopher A. [DE] - 5/12/2011
Sen Corker, Bob [TN] - 6/9/2011
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL] - 6/30/2011
Sen Enzi, Michael B. [WY] - 9/7/2011
Sen Feinstein, Dianne [CA] - 5/12/2011
Sen Franken, Al [MN] - 5/12/2011
Sen Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [NY] - 5/26/2011
Sen Graham, Lindsey [SC] - 5/12/2011
Sen Grassley, Chuck [IA] - 5/12/2011
Sen Hagan, Kay [NC] - 7/5/2011
Sen Isakson, Johnny [GA] - 11/2/2011
Sen Johnson, Tim [SD] - 10/3/2011
Sen Klobuchar, Amy [MN] - 5/12/2011
Sen Kohl, Herb [WI] - 5/12/2011
Sen Landrieu, Mary L. [LA] - 10/17/2011
Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. [CT] - 7/7/2011
Sen McCain, John [AZ] - 7/26/2011
Sen Menendez, Robert [NJ] - 10/31/2011
Sen Nelson, Bill [FL] - 9/23/2011
Sen Schumer, Charles E. [NY] - 5/12/2011
Sen Shaheen, Jeanne [NH] - 6/30/2011
Sen Udall, Tom [NM] - 7/7/2011
Sen Whitehouse, Sheldon [RI] - 5/12/2011
Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [UT] - 5/12/2011(withdrawn - 1/23/2012)
Sen Blunt, Roy [MO] - 5/23/2011(withdrawn - 1/23/2012)
Sen Rubio, Marco [FL] - 5/26/2011(withdrawn - 1/23/2012)
Sen Boozman, John [AR] - 6/15/2011(withdrawn - 1/23/2012)
Sen Moran, Jerry [KS] - 6/23/2011(withdrawn - 6/27/2011)
Sen Ayotte, Kelly [NH] - 6/27/2011(withdrawn - 1/23/2012)
Sen Bennet, Michael F. [CO] - 7/25/2011(withdrawn - 1/23/2012)
Sen Chambliss, Saxby [GA] - 11/2/2011(withdrawn - 1/26/2012)
Sen Vitter, David [LA] - 11/7/2011(withdrawn - 1/26/2012)
Sen Risch, James E. [ID] - 11/7/2011(withdrawn - 1/23/2012)