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Data File Description
WUP2014-F01-Total_Urban_Rural.xls File 1: Population of Urban and Rural Areas at Mid-Year (thousands) and Percentage Urban, 2014
WUP2014-F02-Proportion_Urban.xls File 2: Percentage of Population at Mid-Year Residing in Urban Areas by Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2050
WUP2014-F03-Urban_Population.xls File 3: Urban Population at Mid-Year by Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2050 (thousands)
WUP2014-F04-Rural_Population.xls File 4: Rural Population at Mid-Year by Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2050 (thousands)
WUP2014-F05-Total_Population.xls File 5: Total Population at Mid-Year by Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2050 (thousands)
WUP2014-F06-Urban_Growth_Rate.xls File 6: Average Annual Rate of Change of the Urban Population by Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2050 (per cent)
WUP2014-F07-Rural_Growth_Rate.xls File 7: Average Annual Rate of Change of the Rural Population by Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2050 (per cent)
WUP2014-F08-Total_Growth_Rate.xls File 8: Average Annual Rate of Change of the Total Population by Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2050 (per cent)
WUP2014-F09-Urbanization_Rate.xls File 9: Average Annual Rate of Change of the Percentage Urban by Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2050 (per cent)
WUP2014-F10-Rate_Proportion_Rural.xls File 10: Average Annual Rate of Change of the Percentage Rural by Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2050 (per cent)
WUP2014-F18-Total_Population_Annual.xls File 18: Annual Total Population at Mid-Year by Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2050 (thousands)
WUP2014-F19-Urban_Population_Annual.xls File 19: Annual Urban Population at Mid-Year by Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2050 (thousands)
WUP2014-F20-Rural_Population_Annual.xls File 20: Annual Rural Population at Mid-Year by Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2050 (thousands)
WUP2014-F21-Proportion_Urban_Annual.xls File 21: Annual Percentage of Population at Mid-Year Residing in Urban Areas by Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2050
Data File Description
WUP2014-F11a-30_Largest_Cities.xls File 11a: The 30 Largest Urban Agglomerations Ranked by Population Size at Each Point in Time, 1950-2030
WUP2014-F11b-30_Largest_Cities_in_2014_by_time.xls File 11b: Time Series of the Population of the 30 Largest Urban Agglomerations in 2014 Ranked by Population Size, 1950-2030
WUP2014-F12-Cities_Over_300K.xls File 12: Population of Urban Agglomerations with 300,000 Inhabitants or More in 2014, by Country, 1950-2030 (thousands)
WUP2014-F13-Capital_Cities.xls File 13: Population of Capital Cities in 2014 (thousands)
WUP2014-F14-Growth_Rate_Cities.xls File 14: Average Annual Rate of Change of Urban Agglomerations with 300,000 Inhabitants or More in 2014, by Country, 1950-2030 (per cent)
WUP2014-F15-Percentage_Urban_in_Cities.xls File 15: Percentage of the Urban Population Residing in Each Urban Agglomeration with 300,000 Inhabitants or More in 2014, by Country, 1950-2030
WUP2014-F16-Percentage_Total_in_Cities.xls File 16: Percentage of the Total Population Residing in Each Urban Agglomeration with 300,000 Inhabitants or More in 2014, by Country, 1950-2030
WUP2014-F17a-City_Size_Class.xls File 17a: Urban Population, Number of Cities and Percentage of Urban Population by Size Class of Urban Settlement, Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2030
WUP2014-F17b-City_Size_Class-Number.xls File 17b: Number of Cities Classified by Size Class of Urban Settlement, Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2030
WUP2014-F17c-City_Size_Class-Percentage.xls File 17c: Percentage of Urban Population in Cities Classified by Size Class of Urban Settlement, Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2030
WUP2014-F17d-City_Size_Class-Population.xls File 17d: Population in Cities Classified by Size Class of Urban Settlement, Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2030 (thousands)
WUP2014-F22-Cities_Over_300K_Annual.xls File 22: Annual Population of Urban Agglomerations with 300,000 Inhabitants or More in 2014, by Country, 1950-2030 (thousands)

A CD-ROM is also available for purchase containing all the files described in this page.