The Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize

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  • Visa organisationssidan för The Nobel Prize, grafik

    743 490 följare

    "Science, by contrast, is story-telling. This is evident in how we use our primary scientific instrument, the eye. The eye searches for shapes. It searches for a beginning, a middle, and an end." John Polanyi received the 1986 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for "contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical elementary processes." Scientists are constantly discovering new phenomena that add or change commonly held beliefs. However, the volume, velocity and reach of disinformation in today’s world undermine trust in scientists. Misinformation risks becoming one of the greatest threats to our society today. How do you think we can combat misinformation? #NobelPrize

    • Side profile of John Polanyi making a speech. He is wearing a suit and holding notes in his hand. It is placed next a quote by him that reads "Science never gives up searching for truth, since it never claims to have achieved it."
  • Visa organisationssidan för The Nobel Prize, grafik

    743 490 följare

    “When I was in high school I didn’t know that a subject such as economics existed, so by definition I wasn’t interested in it. But I knew I wanted to change something in the world. It just took some time before I knew what that would be.” Esther Duflo was awarded the 2019 prize in economic sciences for her work fighting poverty. She is the youngest person ever to be awarded the prize. Learn more:

    • Esther Duflo
  • Visa organisationssidan för The Nobel Prize, grafik

    743 490 följare

    Vitamin B12 has the most complex structure of all vitamins. It was elucidated by Nobel Prize laureate and crystallography pioneer Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin. Crowfoot Hodgkin was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1964 "for her determinations by X-ray techniques of the structures of important biochemical substances." Image: Detail from a model of the crystal structure of vitamin B12

    • Detail from a model of the crystal structure of vitamin B12
  • Visa organisationssidan för The Nobel Prize, grafik

    743 490 följare

    "I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy." Rabindranath Tagore was born on 7 May 1861 in Calcutta, India. He dedicated his life to poetry, art and music, composing the Indian national anthem and the national anthem of Bangladesh. He started writing poetry at the age of 8. When he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913, he became the first non-European to be awarded a Nobel Prize. Tagore was also interested in learning and the educational system. His educational philosophy emphasised naturalism. Tagore believed that education should be imparted in natural surroundings. Photo: Portrait of Rabindranath Tagore. Bengali Wikipedia 10th Anniversary Celebration Jadavpur University Campus. Cherishsantosh via Wikimedia Commons.

    • An illustration of Rabindranath Tagore sitting holding a book. Credit: Bengali Wikipedia 10th Anniversary Celebration Jadavpur University Campus. Cherishsantosh via Wikimedia Commons.
  • Visa organisationssidan för The Nobel Prize, grafik

    743 490 följare

    We're celebrating the 163rd anniversary of the birth of a true great: Rabindranath Tagore, who was born on this day 7 May, in 1861 in Calcutta, India. The first non-European literature laureate, he was awarded the Nobel Prize "because of his profoundly sensitive, fresh and beautiful verse, by which, with consummate skill, he has made his poetic thought, expressed in his own English words, a part of the literature of the West." Read more: #Tagore163

    • A black and white photograph of Tagore.
  • Visa organisationssidan för The Nobel Prize, grafik

    743 490 följare

    Alva Myrdal is known for her work for nuclear disarmament, but did you know she also worked to improve standards of living? In 1934, Alva and Gunnar Myrdal became famous throughout Sweden when they published 'Crisis in the population question'. The book demanded radical reforms in family, housing and social policy. Its goal was to ensure that working-class parents could afford to have more children. This broke with a deeply rooted belief among Social Democrat party in Sweden that the birth rate needed to be kept low to improve living conditions for the working class. The book and the couple’s social engagement made Myrdal influential in Swedish social policy in the interwar years. Learn more about her life:

    • Portrait of Alva Myrdal.
    • Alva and Gunnar Myrdal in their home in Bromma, Sweden. Photo taken in March 1945.

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