Smart Oslo & Bærum

Smart Oslo & Bærum

Inhabitants: 673.469
Jobs: 506.049


Oslo is the capital of Norway and has a population of approximately 670.000 citizens. The Smart City is an urban development vision to improve the lives of the citizens by being open, connected, sustainable, and innovative. Smart application, utilization and integration of new technology, sectors and services is key to benefit the most important piece in the puzzle: the citizen.

The Smart City utilizes and integrates multiple information and communication technology (ICT), and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions in a secure fashion to develop and manage a city's key areas. These areas can be all from city governance, citizens’ services, energy management, waste management, water management, urban mobility, education, industry development, welfare and health care, and other community services. This requires the city to be smart across all sectors and in cooperation with relevant stakeholders internally and externally.

There are a wide range of Smart City projects in Oslo, from testing electrical buses, zero-emission construction sites and retrofitting existing buildings to developing circle-based waste management and green energy systems. Any citizen-oriented services that can be digitalized will be digitalized and the needs of the citizens are the guiding principles for development.



Bærum is the fifth largest municipality in Norway with nearly 128 000 inhabitants. Bærum is located west of Oslo. There are approximately 73.000 workplaces in the municipality, with a high percentage of businesses within the research and development sectors. Bærum is the most important region within engineering and one of the most important for the oil and gas industry in Norway. The four largest business areas are IT and communication, engineering services, trade and health and social services.
SmartCity Bærum is a partnership between the municipality and the private sector in Bærum. Its goals are to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions through joint projects and cooperation.
The idea is to limit greenhouse gas emissions by developing new technologies, procedures and organisational measures to establish “green” solutions. At the same time, we want to promote more environmentally friendly and profitable business development. The solutions must be as attractive as possible, so citizens will want to use them.


City of Oslo

Contact person

Endre Sandvik


Visit the website of Smart Oslo.


bærum city logo

Contact person

Unni Larsen

+47 9280 8808