Journals Higher Education



Published: 01 April 2022

328 Pages

6 1/8 x 9 1/4 inches

ISBN: 9780190058104

Also Available As:


Bookseller Code (02)

Looking for Alicia

The Unfinished Life of an Argentinian Rebel

Marc Raboy

  • A compelling exploration of the life story of an Argentine desaparecida
  • Weaves together personal and family memoir with investigative journalism, exploring the parallels and determinative differences resulting from both character and circumstance
  • Explains the complexities of Argentinian politics in the 1970s and how they led to the events during the period of state terror in Argentina



Published: 01 April 2022

328 Pages

6 1/8 x 9 1/4 inches

ISBN: 9780190058104

Also Available As:


Bookseller Code (02)

Looking for Alicia

The Unfinished Life of an Argentinian Rebel

Marc Raboy

  • A compelling exploration of the life story of an Argentine desaparecida
  • Weaves together personal and family memoir with investigative journalism, exploring the parallels and determinative differences resulting from both character and circumstance
  • Explains the complexities of Argentinian politics in the 1970s and how they led to the events during the period of state terror in Argentina



Published: 01 April 2022

328 Pages

6 1/8 x 9 1/4 inches

ISBN: 9780190058104

Also Available As:


Bookseller Code (02)