'wgLegacyEncoding' => [
	'default' => false,
'wgCapitalLinks' => [
	'default' => true,
	'jbowiki' => false,
	'pwnwiki' => false, // T292415
	'szywiki' => false, // T237369
	'taywiki' => false, // T275803
	'wiktionary' => false,

'wgCapitalLinkOverrides' => [
	'scowiki' => [ // T247172#5952219
		102 => true,
		103 => true,
	'zhwiktionary' => [
		10 => true,
		828 => true,

'wmgEnableLandingCheck' => [
	'default' => false,
	'donatewiki' => true,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'thankyouwiki' => true,
	'foundationwiki' => true,

'wmgEnableFundraiserLandingPage' => [
	'default' => false,
	'donatewiki' => true,

'wgInterwikiMagic' => [
	'default' => true,
	'metawiki' => false,
	'wikimedia' => false,

'wgEnableBotPasswords' => [
	'default' => true,
	'nonglobal' => false,
'wgBotPasswordsCluster' => [
	'default' => false,
'wgBotPasswordsDatabase' => [
	'default' => 'metawiki',
	'private' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false,
	'nonglobal' => false,

# wgLanguageCode @{
'wgLanguageCode' => [
	'default' => '$lang',

	# Non-ISO language codes
	'be_x_oldwiki' => 'be-tarask',
	'nowiki' => 'nb',
	'nowiktionary' => 'nb',
	'nowikiquote' => 'nb',
	# There is no separate nynorsk for these projects,
	# but we have to pick a valid language
	'nowikibooks' => 'nb',
	'nowikinews' => 'nb',
	'nowikisource' => 'nb',
	'shywiktionary' => 'shy-latn',

	'simplewiki' => 'en',
	'simplewikibooks' => 'en',
	'simplewikiquote' => 'en',
	'simplewiktionary' => 'en',
	'testwiki' => 'en',
	'test2wiki' => 'en',

	# Wikis at the wrong domain
	# FIXME: rename these wikis (T21986)
	'alswiki' => 'gsw',
	'bat_smgwiki' => 'sgs',
	'bhwiki' => 'bho',
	'bhwiktionary' => 'bho',
	'cbk_zamwiki' => 'cbk',
	'fiu_vrowiki' => 'vro',
	'roa_rupwiki' => 'rup',
	'roa_rupwiktionary' => 'rup',
	'zh_classicalwiki' => 'lzh',
	'zh_min_nanwiki' => 'nan',
	'zh_min_nanwiktionary' => 'nan',
	'zh_min_nanwikibooks' => 'nan',
	'zh_min_nanwikiquote' => 'nan',
	'zh_min_nanwikisource' => 'nan',
	'zh_yuewiki' => 'yue',

	# Chapter wikis (xxwikimedia)
	'amwikimedia' => 'hy',
	'arwikimedia' => 'es',
	'bdwikimedia' => 'bn',
	'bewikimedia' => 'en',
	'brwikimedia' => 'pt-br',
	'cawikimedia' => 'en', // T88843#1098439
	'cowikimedia' => 'es',
	'dkwikimedia' => 'da',
	'ecwikimedia' => 'es', // T135521
	'idwikimedia' => 'id', // T192726
	'id_internalwikimedia' => 'id',
	'ilwikimedia' => 'he',
	'mkwikimedia' => 'mk',
	'mxwikimedia' => 'es',
	'ngwikimedia' => 'en', // T240771
	'nowikimedia' => 'nb',
	'noboard_chapterswikimedia' => 'nb',
	'nycwikimedia' => 'en',
	'nzwikimedia' => 'en',
	'pa_uswikimedia' => 'en',
	'rswikimedia' => 'sr',
	'sewikimedia' => 'sv',
	'uawikimedia' => 'uk',
	'vewikimedia' => 'es',

	# Local user group wikis (xxwikimedia)
	'cnwikimedia' => 'zh', // T98676
	'gewikimedia' => 'ka', // T236389
	'grwikimedia' => 'el', // T245911
	'hiwikimedia' => 'hi', // T188366
	'punjabiwikimedia' => 'pa', // T230680
	'romdwikimedia' => 'ro', // T187184
	'wbwikimedia' => 'bn', // T162510

	# Special wikis
	'special' => 'en', # default - overridden below by some wikis
	'advisorywiki' => 'en',
	'apiportalwiki' => 'en',
	'arbcom_cswiki' => 'cs', // T151731
	'arbcom_dewiki' => 'de',
	'arbcom_enwiki' => 'en',
	'arbcom_fiwiki' => 'fi',
	'arbcom_nlwiki' => 'nl',
	'arbcom_ruwiki' => 'ru', // T262812
	'auditcomwiki' => 'en',
	'betawikiversity' => 'en',
	'chairwiki' => 'en',
	'chapcomwiki' => 'en',
	'checkuserwiki' => 'en',
	'collabwiki' => 'en',
	'donatewiki' => 'en',
	'execwiki' => 'en',
	'fdcwiki' => 'en',
	'grantswiki' => 'en',
	'iegcomwiki' => 'en',
	'incubatorwiki' => 'en', # mixed
	'legalteamwiki' => 'en',
	'officewiki' => 'en',
	'ombudsmenwiki' => 'en',
	'otrs_wikiwiki' => 'en',
	'projectcomwiki' => 'en',
	'qualitywiki' => 'en',
	'searchcomwiki' => 'en',
	'stewardwiki' => 'en',
	'strategywiki' => 'en',
	'sysop_itwiki' => 'it', // T256545
	'tenwiki' => 'en',
	'thankyouwiki' => 'en',
	'transitionteamwiki' => 'en',
	'usabilitywiki' => 'en',
	'votewiki' => 'en',
	'wg_enwiki' => 'en',
	'wikifunctionswiki' => 'en',
	'wikimania' => 'en',
	'wikimaniateamwiki' => 'en',
# @} end of wgLanguageCode

'wgLocalInterwikis' => [
	'default' => [ '$lang' ],

	# Chinese projects seem to have some extras
	'+zhwiki' => [ 'zh-cn', 'zh-tw' ],
	'+zhwikibooks' => [ 'zh-cn', 'zh-tw' ],
	'+zhwikinews' => [ 'zh-cn', 'zh-tw' ],
	'+zhwikiquote' => [ 'zh-cn', 'zh-tw' ],
	'+zhwikisource' => [ 'zh-cn', 'zh-tw' ],
	'+zhwikivoyage' => [ 'zh-cn', 'zh-tw' ],
	'+zhwiktionary' => [ 'zh-cn', 'zh-tw' ],

	# Danish and Norwegian aliases (T6591)
	'+dawiki' => [ 'dk' ],
	'+dawikibooks' => [ 'dk' ],
	'+dawikiquote' => [ 'dk' ],
	'+dawikisource' => [ 'dk' ],
	'+dawiktionary' => [ 'dk' ],
	'+nowiki' => [ 'nb' ],
	'+nowikibooks' => [ 'nb' ],
	'+nowikinews' => [ 'nb' ],
	'+nowikiquote' => [ 'nb' ],
	'+nowikisource' => [ 'nb' ],
	'+nowiktionary' => [ 'nb' ],

	# Other individual wikis with additional local prefixes
	'+enwiki' => [ 'w' ],
	'+enwikibooks' => [ 'b' ],
	'+enwikinews' => [ 'n' ],
	'+enwikiquote' => [ 'q' ],
	'+enwikisource' => [ 's' ],
	'+enwikiversity' => [ 'v' ],
	'+enwikivoyage' => [ 'voy' ],
	'+enwiktionary' => [ 'wikt' ],

	# Chapter sites...
	'+wikimedia' => [ 'wm$lang' ],
	# ...with some stupid exceptions (still-open chapter wikis that have been
	# superseded by a non-WMF-hosted chapter site)
	'arwikimedia' => [ '$lang' ],
	'ilwikimedia' => [ '$lang' ],

	# Special wikis with local prefixes that don't match the DB name
	# (use + where the portion of the DB name before 'wiki' is also a valid
	# local interwiki)
	'betawikiversity' => [ 'betawikiversity' ],
	'+commonswiki' => [ 'c' ],
	'+foundationwiki' => [ 'wmf', 'wikimedia' ],
	'mediawikiwiki' => [ 'mw', 'mediawikiwiki' ],
	# 'm' temporarily removed by legoktm (2015-02-19) for T89916
	'+metawiki' => [ 'metawikipedia' ],
	'+outreachwiki' => [ 'outreachwiki' ],
	'sourceswiki' => [ 'mul', 'oldwikisource' ],
	'+wikidatawiki' => [ 'd' ],
	'wikimania2013wiki' => [ 'wm2013' ],
	'wikimania2014wiki' => [ 'wm2014' ],
	'wikimania2015wiki' => [ 'wm2015' ],
	'wikimania2016wiki' => [ 'wm2016' ],
	'wikimania2017wiki' => [ 'wm2017' ],
	'wikimania2018wiki' => [ 'wm2018' ],
	'+wikimaniawiki' => [ 'wmania' ],

# wgLocaltimezone @{
'wgLocaltimezone' => [
	'default' => 'UTC',

	'acewiki' => 'Asia/Jakarta', // T205693
	'amiwiki' => 'Asia/Taipei',
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	'amwikimedia' => 'Asia/Yerevan', // T176042
	'anpwiki' => 'Asia/Kolkata',
	'altwiki' => 'Asia/Barnaul',
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	'arbcom_dewiki' => 'Europe/Berlin',
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	'arywiki' => 'Africa/Casablanca',
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	'aswikisource' => 'Asia/Kolkata', // T45129
	'atjwiki' => 'America/Montreal', // T167714
	'awawiki' => 'Asia/Kolkata', // T251371
	'azwikimedia' => 'Asia/Baku',
	'banwiki' => 'Asia/Makassar',
	'banwikisource' => 'Asia/Makassar',
	'barwiki' => 'Europe/Berlin',
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	'bawikibooks' => 'Asia/Yekaterinburg', // T173471
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# @} end of wgLocaltimezone

# wgLogos, consolidated in CommonSettings @{
// $wmgSiteLogo1x, $wmgSiteLogo1_5x, $wmgSiteLogo2x, $wmgSiteLogoWordmark,
// $wmgSiteLogoTagline, $wmgSiteLogoIcon and $wmgSiteLogoVariants are defined
// in logos.php, see ../logos/README.md for instructions.

// ⚠️ IMPORTANT!!!! ⚠️
// When updating these logos, please note that official Wikimedia logos should not
// be used on labs instances.
// Please check that any overrides in InitialiseSettings-labs.php work per instructions
// at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikitech:Cloud_Services_Terms_of_use

# @} end of wgLogos

# wgEnableUploads @{
// Wikis which have uploading disabled
// If you list a wiki as false here, make sure to make an entry for $wgUploadNavigationUrl as well
'wgEnableUploads' => [
	// Projects
	'default' => true,
	// These wikis have uploads enabled, but only grant the upload right to sysops
	// (See 'groupOverrides').
	'commonsuploads' => true,
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	// Wikinews
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# @} end of wgEnableUploads

// Wikis which allow async uploads via the job queue if uploads are enabled
'wgEnableAsyncUploads' => [
	'default' => false,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,
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// Raise stash time limit on Commons for UploadWizard
'wmgUploadStashMaxAge' => [
	'default' => 6 * 60 * 60, // 6 hours
	'commonswiki' => 48 * 60 * 60, // 48 hours
	'testcommonswiki' => 48 * 60 * 60, // 48 hours

# wgUploadNavigationUrl @{
'wgUploadNavigationUrl' => [
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	// NOTE: Use relative paths for same-wiki links so the SSL converter can tweak them correctly
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# @} end of wgUploadNavigationUrl

// T262425 Allow cross-origin requests to all wikis.
'wgAllowCrossOrigin' => [
	'default' => true,

// Allow the `X-Request-Id` header to be honoured if set
// this is safe to do because Varnish removes the header
// from all external incoming requests
'wgAllowExternalReqID' => [
	'default' => true,

// wgScriptPath and wgArticlePath are the same for all wikis, but they have to be here
// because some things (e.g. WikiMap) retrieve these values from $wgConf

'wgScriptPath' => [
	'default' => '/w',

'wgArticlePath' => [
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# wgServer @{
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# @} end of wgServer

// This is the same as wgServer but with a protocol, so if wgServer is //foo.com this must be https://foo.com
# wgCanonicalServer @{
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	'lvwiki' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'editautopatrolprotected', 'sysop' ], // T92645
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	'nlwiki' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'extendedconfirmed', 'sysop' ], // T329642
	'newiki' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'templateeditor', 'sysop' ], // T343257
	'plwiki' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'editeditorprotected', 'sysop' ], // T48990
	'ptwiki' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'extendedconfirmed', 'editautoreviewprotected', 'sysop' ], // T41652, T281926
	'rowiki' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'extendedconfirmed', 'templateeditor', 'sysop' ], // T63172, T254471
	'ruwiki' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'editautoreviewprotected', 'sysop' ], // T337430
	'shwiki' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'editautopatrolprotected', 'editpatrolprotected', 'sysop' ], // T344306
	'srwiki' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'editautopatrolprotected', 'patrol', 'rollback', 'bot', 'sysop' ], // T215653
	'srwikibooks' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'editautopatrolprotected', 'patrol', 'rollback', 'bot', 'sysop' ], // T215653
	'srwikinews' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'editautopatrolprotected', 'patrol', 'rollback', 'bot', 'sysop' ], // T215653
	'srwikisource' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'editautopatrolprotected', 'patrol', 'rollback', 'bot', 'sysop' ], // T215653
	'srwikiquote' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'editautopatrolprotected', 'patrol', 'rollback', 'bot', 'sysop' ], // T215653
	'srwiktionary' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'editautopatrolprotected', 'patrol', 'rollback', 'bot', 'sysop' ], // T215653
	'svwiki' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'extendedconfirmed', 'sysop' ], // T279836
	'testwiki' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'extendedconfirmed', 'templateeditor', 'sysop' ], // T61084, T302860
	'viwiki' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'extendedconfirmed', 'templateeditor', 'editautopatrolprotected', 'sysop' ], // T215493, T296154, T303579
	'zhwiki' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'extendedconfirmed', 'templateeditor', 'sysop' ], // T260012, T287322
	'zhwiktionary' => [ '', 'autoconfirmed', 'templateeditor', 'sysop' ], // T286101
# @} end of wgRestrictionLevels

'wgCascadingRestrictionLevels' => [
	'default' => [ 'sysop' ],
	'plwiki' => [ 'editeditorprotected', 'sysop' ], // T50374

'wgSemiprotectedRestrictionLevels' => [
	'default' => [ 'autoconfirmed' ],
	'+arwiki' => [ 'editautoreviewprotected', 'editeditorprotected' ], // T321111
	'+azwiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T281860
	'+bgwiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T269709
	'+cswiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T316283
	'+dawiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T361461
	'+elwiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T306241
	'+enwiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T126607
	'+fawiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T140839
	'+fiwiki' => [ 'editautoreviewprotected' ], // T347069
	'+frwiki' => [ 'editextendedsemiprotected' ], // T132248
	'+itwiki' => [ 'editautopatrolprotected' ], // T308917
	'+jawiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T249820
	'+kowiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T184675
	'+nlwiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T329642
	'+ptwiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T281926
	'+rowiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T254471
	'+ruwiki' => [ 'editautoreviewprotected' ], // T337430
	'+svwiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T279836
	'+testwiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T302860
	'+viwiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T215493
	'+zhwiki' => [ 'extendedconfirmed' ], // T287322

'wgSiteNotice' => [
	'default' => '',

'wmgPrivateWiki' => [
	'default' => false,
	'private' => true // make files private and such

'wmgUseCentralNotice' => [
	'default' => true,
	'advisorywiki' => false, // Per T27519
	'fishbowl' => false, // Per T19718 Disable CentralNotice on private/fishbowl wikis
	'lockeddown' => false, // T61702
	'nonglobal' => false,
	'fiwikimedia' => false, // T19718
	'private' => false, // :D
	'qualitywiki' => false,

'wgCentralNoticeLoader' => [
	'default' => true, // *gulp* -- bv 2008-11-03

// For CentralNotice project pickers
'wgNoticeProject' => [
	'advisorywiki' => 'wikimedia',
	'default' => '$site',
	'commonswiki' => 'commons',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'commons',
	'foundationwiki' => 'wikimedia',
	'incubatorwiki' => 'wikimedia',
	'mediawikiwiki' => 'mediawiki',
	'metawiki' => 'meta',
	'outreachwiki' => 'wikimedia',
	'usabilitywiki' => 'wikimedia',
	'strategywiki' => 'wikimedia',
	'sourceswiki' => 'wikisource',
	'specieswiki' => 'wikispecies',
	'testwiki' => 'test',
	'wikimania' => 'wikimedia',
	'wikidata' => 'wikidata',
	'wikifunctionswiki' => 'wikifunctions',
	'wikivoyage' => 'wikivoyage',

# wgTranslateNumerals @{
'wgTranslateNumerals' => [
	'default' => true,

	'arwiki' => false,
	'arwikibooks' => false, // T5442 -ævar
	'arwikiquote' => false,
	'arwiktionary' => false, // T35758
	'arwikisource' => false,
	'arwikiversity' => false,
	'arwikinews' => false,
	'aswiki' => false, // T33371
	'bhwiki' => false, // T160098
	'hiwiki' => false, // T31279
	'hiwikiversity' => false, // T182584
	'kswiki' => false, // T296055
	'lowiki' => false, // T335345
	'tewiki' => false, // by request -- maybe remove from file
	'mlwiki' => false, // 2005-01-03, by dubious request on Ts's talk page -ævar
	'sdwiki' => false, // T268203
	'tewikibooks' => false,
	'tewikiquote' => false,
	'tewiktionary' => false,
# @} end of wgTranslateNumerals

// Statically configured Monolog handlers to clone for log channels that are
// not specifically configured in $wmgMonologChannels.
// See $wmgMonologConfig['handlers'] in logging.php for valid values.
'wmgDefaultMonologHandlers' => [
	'default' => 'blackhole',
	'testwiki' => 'wgDebugLogFile',

# wmgMonologChannels @{
// Configure Monolog logging to udp2log (logfiles), Logstash, EventBus extension, etc.
// See logging.php for more detailed information
// channel => false  == ignore all log events on this channel
// channel => level  == record all events of this level or higher to udp2log and logstash (except:
//    logstash won't go below info level, use explicit logstash=>debug field for that)
// channel => [ 'udp2log'=>level, 'logstash'=>level, 'sample'=>rate, 'buffer'=>buffer, 'eventbus' => 'debug' ]
// Defaults: [ 'udp2log'=>'debug', 'logstash'=>'info', 'sample'=>false, 'buffer'=>false, 'eventbus' => 'debug' ]
// Valid levels: 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', false
// Note: sampled logs will not be sent to Logstash
// Note: Udp2log events are sent to udp://{$wmgUdp2logDest}/{$channel}
'wmgMonologChannels' => [
	// When changing the default, please also update the -labs settings to ensure that the
	// logging on the beta cluster includes at least the same data that production includes
	'default' => [
		'404' => 'debug',
		'AbuseFilter' => 'debug',
		'AdHocDebug' => 'debug', // for temp live debugging
		'antispoof' => 'debug',
		'api' => [ 'logstash' => false ],
		'api-feature-usage' => 'debug',
		'api-readonly' => 'debug',
		'api-request' => [ 'udp2log' => false, 'logstash' => false, 'eventbus' => 'debug', 'buffer' => true ],
		'api-warning' => 'debug',
		'authentication' => 'info',
		'authevents' => 'info',
		'badpass' => 'debug',
		'badpass-priv' => 'debug',
		'BlockManager' => 'info',
		'BounceHandler' => 'debug',
		'Bug58676' => 'debug', // Invalid message parameter
		'cache-cookies' => 'debug',
		'captcha' => 'debug',
		'CampaignEvents' => 'debug',
		'CentralAuth' => 'info', // Don't log personal names by default T312704
		'CentralNotice' => 'debug',
		'CirrusSearch' => 'debug',
		'CirrusSearchDeprecation' => 'debug',
		'cirrussearch-request' => [ 'udp2log' => false, 'logstash' => false, 'eventbus' => 'debug' ],
		'CirrusSearchChangeFailed' => 'debug',
		'CirrusSearchSlowRequests' => 'debug',
		'cite' => 'debug',
		'Cognate' => 'debug', // WMDE & Addshore
		'collection' => 'debug', // -cscott for T73675
		'CommunityConfiguration' => 'debug',
		'csp' => [ 'logstash' => 'info', 'udp2log' => 'info' ],
		'csp-report-only' => [ 'logstash' => 'info', 'udp2log' => 'info' ],
		'rdbms' => 'warning',
		'DeferredUpdates' => 'error',
		'deprecated' => 'debug',
		'diff' => 'debug',
		'DuplicateParse' => [ 'logstash' => 'debug', 'udp2log' => 'debug' ],
		'editpage' => 'warning', // T251023
		'Echo' => 'debug',
		'Elastica' => 'info',
		'error' => 'debug',
		'EventBus' => [ 'logstash' => 'error' ],
		'EventLogging' => 'debug',
		'exception' => 'debug',
		'exception-json' => [ 'logstash' => false ],
		'exec' => 'debug',
		'export' => 'debug',
		'ExtensionDistributor' => 'error', // T225243
		'ExternalStore' => 'warning', // T281048
		'fatal' => 'debug',
		'FileImporter' => 'debug',
		'FileOperation' => 'debug',
		'Flow' => 'debug', // -erikb 2014/03/08
		'formatnum' => 'info', // - cscott 2020/11/09 for T267587/T267370
		'FSFileBackend' => 'debug', // - gilles for T75229
		'generated-pp-node-count' => 'debug',
		'GlobalTitleFail' => [ 'sample' => 10000 ], // chad hates $wgTitle
		'GlobalWatchlist' => 'info', // T260862
		'goodpass' => 'debug',
		'goodpass-priv' => 'debug',
		'GrowthExperiments' => 'info',
		'headers-sent' => 'debug',
		'HttpError' => 'error', // Only log http errors with a 500+ code T85795
		'HtmlOutputRendererHelper' => 'debug', // T356157
		'IpReputation' => 'debug',
		'JobExecutor' => [ 'logstash' => 'warning' ],
		'Kartographer' => 'debug', // Temporary monitoring for T304813.
		'ldap' => 'warning',
		'Linter' => 'debug',
		'LocalFile' => 'debug',
		'localhost' => [ 'logstash' => false ],
		'LockManager' => 'warning',
		'logging' => 'debug',
		'LoginNotify' => 'info',
		'MassMessage' => 'debug', // for 59464 -legoktm 2013/12/15
		'Math' => 'info', // mobrovac for T121445
		'mediamoderation' => 'debug', // for T303312 changed from warning
		'memcached' => 'error', // -aaron 2012/10/24
		'message-format' => [ 'logstash' => 'warning' ],
		'MessageCacheError' => 'debug',
		'mobile' => 'debug',
		'NewUserMessage' => 'debug',
		'OAuth' => 'info', // T244185
		'objectcache' => 'warning',
		'OutputBuffer' => 'debug',
		'PageTriage' => 'debug',
		'PageViewInfo' => 'info',
		'ParserCache' => 'warning',
		'Parsoid' => 'warning',
		'poolcounter' => 'debug',
		'preferences' => 'info',
		'purge' => 'debug',
		'query' => 'debug',
		'ratelimit' => 'debug',
		'readinglists' => 'warning',
		'recursion-guard' => 'debug',
		'RecursiveLinkPurge' => 'debug',
		'redis' => 'info', // -asher 2012/10/12
		'Renameuser' => 'debug',
		'resourceloader' => 'info',
		'RevisionStore' => 'info',
		'runJobs' => [ 'logstash' => 'warning' ], // - bd808, T113571
		'SaveParse' => 'debug',
		'security' => 'debug',
		'session' => [ 'udp2log' => false, 'logstash' => 'info' ],
		'session-ip' => [ 'udp2log' => false, 'logstash' => 'info' ],
		'SimpleAntiSpam' => 'debug',
		'slow-parse' => 'debug',
		'slow-parsoid' => 'info',
		'SpamBlacklistHit' => 'debug',
		'SpamRegex' => 'debug',
		'SQLBagOStuff' => 'debug',
		'StashEdit' => 'debug',
		'StopForumSpam' => 'debug',
		'SwiftBackend' => 'debug', // -aaron 5/15/12
		'texvc' => 'debug',
		'throttler' => 'info',
		'thumbnail' => 'debug',
		'thumbnailaccess' => 'debug', // T106323
		'TitleBlacklist-cache' => 'debug', // For T85428
		'torblock' => 'debug',
		'TranslationNotifications.Jobs' => 'debug',
		'Translate.Jobs' => 'debug',
		'Translate.MessageBundle' => 'debug',
		'Translate.TtmServerUpdates' => 'debug',
		'Translate' => 'debug',
		'UpdateRepo' => 'debug',
		'updateTranstagOnNullRevisions' => 'debug',
		'upload' => 'debug',
		'usermailer' => 'info',
		'VisualEditor' => 'debug',
		'wfLogDBError' => 'debug', // Former $wgDBerrorLog
		'Wikibase' => [ 'udp2log' => 'info', 'logstash' => 'warning', 'sample' => false, ],
		'WikibaseQualityConstraints' => 'debug',
		'WikiLambda' => 'warning',
		'WikimediaEvents' => 'error', // For T205754 & T208233
		'Wikisource' => 'info',
		'WikitechGerritBan' => 'debug',
		'WikitechPhabBan' => 'debug',
		'WMDE' => 'debug', // WMDE & Addshore T174948 & T191500
		'xff' => [ 'logstash' => false ],
		'XMP' => 'warning', // T89532

	'+private' => [
		'slow-parse' => false, // Don't log slow parse on private wikis, so we can make the slow parse log public.
		'slow-parsoid' => false, // Don't log slow parse on private wikis, so we can make the slow parse log public.
	'+group1' => [
		'authorization' => [ 'udp2log' => 'info', 'logstash' => false ],
	'+group0' => [
		'authorization' => [ 'udp2log' => 'info', 'logstash' => false ],
	'+arwiki' => [
		'authorization' => [ 'udp2log' => 'info', 'logstash' => false ],
# @} end of wmgMonologChannels

'wgOverrideSiteFeed' => [
	'enwikinews' => [
		'atom' => 'http://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Special:NewsFeed&feed=atom&categories='
			. 'Published&notcategories=No%20publish%7CArchived%7CAutoArchived%7Cdisputed&namespace=0&count=30&hourcount=124&ordermethod=categoryadd&stablepages=only',
	'fawikinews' => [
		'atom' => 'http://fa.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Special:NewsFeed&feed=atom&categories='
			. '%D9%85%D9%86%D8%AA%D8%B4%D8%B1%D8%B4%D8%AF%D9%87&notcategories=%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B1|%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B1_%D9%81%D9%88%D8%B1%DB%8C|%D8%B5%D9%81%D8%AD%D9%87%E2%80%8C%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C_%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%B2%D8%AF_%D8%AD%D8%B0%D9%81_%D8%B3%D8%B1%DB%8C%D8%B9'
			. '&namespace=0&count=30&hourcount=124&ordermethod=categoryadd&stablepages=only',
		'rss' => 'http://fa.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Special:NewsFeed&feed=rss&categories='
			. '%D9%85%D9%86%D8%AA%D8%B4%D8%B1%D8%B4%D8%AF%D9%87&notcategories=%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B1|%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B1_%D9%81%D9%88%D8%B1%DB%8C|%D8%B5%D9%81%D8%AD%D9%87%E2%80%8C%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C_%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%B2%D8%AF_%D8%AD%D8%B0%D9%81_%D8%B3%D8%B1%DB%8C%D8%B9'
			. '&namespace=0&count=30&hourcount=124&ordermethod=categoryadd&stablepages=only'

'wgAccountCreationThrottle' => [
	'default' => [ [ 'count' => 6, 'seconds' => 86400 ] ],
	'private' => [ [ 'count' => 0, 'seconds' => 86400 ] ], // disable for wikis with sysop-only account creation
	'fishbowl' => [ [ 'count' => 0, 'seconds' => 86400 ] ],
	'eswikiquote' => [ [ 'count' => 1, 'seconds' => 86400 ] ], // T230796
	'hewikibooks' => [ [ 'count' => 4, 'seconds' => 86400 ] ],
	'hewikinews' => [ [ 'count' => 4, 'seconds' => 86400 ] ],
	'hewikiquote' => [ [ 'count' => 4, 'seconds' => 86400 ] ],
	'hewikisource' => [ [ 'count' => 4, 'seconds' => 86400 ] ],
	'hewiktionary' => [ [ 'count' => 4, 'seconds' => 86400 ] ],

'wgDefaultSkin' => [
	'default' => 'vector-2022',
	'legacy-vector' => 'vector',
	// Closed wikis that should be preserved on Vector skin
	'rswikimedia' => 'vector', // T341250
	'spcomwiki' => 'vector', // T341250
	// Special cases for wikis that use skins older than Vector.
	'nostalgiawiki' => 'nostalgia',
	// Special cases for wikis that use custom skins.
	'apiportalwiki' => 'wikimediaapiportal', // T259661

// T301212
'wgVectorShareUserScripts' => [
	'default' => false,
	'shareuserscripts' => true,

// Note:
// This is the list of namespaces the max-width should be EXCLUDED from.
// It is not a list of namespaces where it should be included.
'wmgVectorMaxWidthOptionsNamespaces' => [
	'default' => [
	'wikisource' => [
		// T311607
	'plwikisource' => [
		// T323185#8422601
	// T300182#7868654
	'wikidatawiki' => [
'wgResourceLoaderClientPreferences' => [
	// T327979
	'default' => true
// Note that Wikisource modifies this default in wmf-config/CommonSettings.php
'wgVectorMaxWidthOptions' => [
	'default' => [
		"exclude" => [
			"mainpage" => false,
			"querystring" => [
				"action" => "(history|edit)",
				"diff" => ".+",
			/* namespaces key is defined in wmgVectorMaxWidthOptionsNamespaces */
		"include" => [
			// T306834

// Skin versions are strings not numbers. See skins/Vector/skin.json.
'wgVectorDefaultSkinVersionForExistingAccounts' => [
	'default' => '2',
	// T254227, T347444
	'legacy-vector' => '1',
'wgVectorDefaultSkinVersionForNewAccounts' => [
	'default' => '2',
	// T254227, T347444
	'legacy-vector' => '1',

'wgVectorStickyHeader' => [
	'default' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => false,
	'commonswiki' => [
		'logged_in' => false,
		'logged_out' => false,
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		'logged_in' => false,
		'logged_out' => false,

'wgVectorZebraDesign' => [
	'default' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => true,

'wgVectorClientPreferences' => [
	'default' => [
		'logged_in' => false,
		'logged_out' => false,
		'beta' => true,

'wgVectorWebABTestEnrollment' => [
	'default' => [
		'name' => 'skin-vector-zebra-experiment',
		'enabled' => false,
		'buckets' => [
			'unsampled' => [
				'samplingRate' => 0
			'control' => [
				'samplingRate' => 0.5
			'treatment' => [
				'samplingRate' => 0.5

'wgVectorLanguageInHeader' => [
	'default' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		// T312861
		'logged_out' => true,
	// Some of the following wikis are part of the `desktop-improvements` group,
	// but have special treatment due to their wiki-specific language handling.
	'commonswiki' => [
		'logged_in' => false,
		'logged_out' => false
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		'logged_in' => false,
		'logged_out' => false
	'wikifunctionswiki' => [
		'logged_in' => false,
		'logged_out' => false
	'mediawikiwiki' => [
		'logged_in' => false,
		'logged_out' => false
	'specieswiki' => [
		'logged_in' => false,
		'logged_out' => false

// Shows language selector beside the main page title.
'wgVectorLanguageInMainPageHeader' => [
	'default' => [
		'logged_in' => false,
		'logged_out' => false,
	// T290480
	// T325362
	'modern-mainpage' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => true,
'wgVectorWvuiSearchOptions' => [
	'default' => [
		'showThumbnail' => true,
		'showDescription' => true,
	'officewiki' => [
		'showThumbnail' => false,
		'showDescription' => false,
	'commonswiki' => [
		'showThumbnail' => false,
		'showDescription' => false,
	'wikifunctionswiki' => [
		'showThumbnail' => false,
		'showDescription' => true,
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		'showThumbnail' => false,
		'showDescription' => true,
	'testwikidatawiki' => [
		'showThumbnail' => false,
		'showDescription' => true,

'wgVectorTypographySurvey' => [
	'default' => [
		'logged_in' => false,
		'logged_out' => false,
	'viwiki' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => false
	'eswiki' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => false
	'frwiki' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => false
	'plwiki' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => false
	'ruwiki' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => false
	'ukwiki' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => false
	'hewiki' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => false
	'arwiki' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => false
	'fawiki' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => false
	'kawiki' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => false
	'zhwiki' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => false
	'jawiki' => [
		'logged_in' => true,
		'logged_out' => false

// T328045
'wgVectorTableOfContentsCollapseAtCount' => [
	'default' => 28,

'wgVectorPromoteAddTopic' => [
	'default' => false,
	'arwiki' => true, // T331313
	'cswiki' => true, // T331313
	'huwiki' => true, // T331313

# wgForceUIMsgAsContentMsg @{
'wgForceUIMsgAsContentMsg' => [
	'default' => [
		'mainpage-title-loggedin', // T361171
	'+arwiki' => [
	'+bewikimedia' => [
	'+commonswiki' => [
		// Sidebar
		'village pump-url',
		// Other
		'contact-url', // T7925
		'aboutpage', // T7925
		'disclaimerpage', // T7925
		'copyright', // T7925
		'movepage-summary', // T183848
	'+testcommonswiki' => [
		// Sidebar
		'village pump-url',
		// Other
		'contact-url', // T7925
		'aboutpage', // T7925
		'disclaimerpage', // T7925
		'copyright', // T7925
		'movepage-summary', // T183848
	'+enwiki' => [
		'licenses', // for upload form variants hack, 2007-02-22
	'+enwikiversity' => [
	'+incubatorwiki' => [
	'+mediawikiwiki' => [ // Requested by ialex on IRC
		'mw-mailing lists-url',
	'+mlwiki' => [
		'licenses', // T13538
	'+nowikimedia' => [
		'mainpage', // T18729
	'+specieswiki' => [
	'+tenwiki' => [
	'+viwiki' => [
	'+wikidata' => [
		'sitesupport-url', // T47696
	'+wikimania2005wiki' => [ 'currentevents-url', 'portal-url' ],
	'+wikimania2006wiki' => [ 'currentevents-url', 'portal-url' ],
	'+wikimania2007wiki' => [ 'currentevents-url', 'portal-url' ],
	'+wikimania2008wiki' => [ 'currentevents-url', 'portal-url' ],
	'+wikimania2009wiki' => [
		'Site Map-url',
	'+wikimania2010wiki' => [
		'Site Map-url',
	'+wikimania2011wiki' => [
		'Site Map-url',
	'+wikimania2012wiki' => [
		'Site Map-url',
	'+wikimania2013wiki' => [
		'Site Map-url',
	'+wikimania2014wiki' => [
		'Site Map-url',
	'+wikimania2015wiki' => [
		'Site Map-url',
	'+wikimania2016wiki' => [
		'Site Map-url',
	'+wikimania2017wiki' => [
		'Site Map-url',
	'+wikimania2018wiki' => [
		'Site Map-url',
	'+wikimaniawiki' => [
		'Site Map-url',
	'+zhwiki' => [
	'+zhwikibooks' => [ // T256521
	'+zhwikinews' => [ // T256521
	'+zhwikiquote' => [ // T256521
	'+zhwikisource' => [ // T256521
	'+zhwikiversity' => [ // T256521
	'+zhwikivoyage' => [ // T66816
	'+zhwiktionary' => [ // T256521
# @}

# wgUseRCPatrol @{
'wgUseRCPatrol' => [
	'default' => false, # See [[Wikipedia:Village pump (news)]], 09:47, Jan 6, 2005

	// Projects
	'wikidata' => true, // T43907
	'wikifunctionswiki' => true,
	'wikivoyage' => true, // requested by Erik

	// Individual wikis
	'alswiki' => true, // T6543
	'arwikisource' => true,
	'azbwiki' => true, // T109755
	'azwiki' => true, // T194389
	'bgwiki' => true,
	'bnwiki' => true, // T13042
	'brwikimedia' => true, // T65345
	'cawiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true, // T24834
	'testcommonswiki' => true, // T24834
	'cswiki' => true, // T193242
	'dawiki' => true, // wegge asked in #wikimedia-tech 2006-03-01
	'dawikiquote' => true, // T15246
	'dewikibooks' => true, // T9041
	'dewikiquote' => true, // T12290
	'dewikiversity' => true,
	'dewiktionary' => true, // T6542
	'enwikisource' => true, // T7475
	'enwikivoyage' => true, // T45908
	'enwiktionary' => true, // T9248
	'eswiktionary' => true, // T9953
	'fawiki' => true, // T56596
	'fawikibooks' => true, // T111024
	'fawikinews' => true,
	'fawiktionary' => true, // T85381
	'fawikisource' => true, // T187662
	'fiwiki' => true, // T144817
	'frwiki' => true, // T9269
	'frwikibooks' => true, // T23517
	'frwikisource' => true, // yannf asked in irc, 2006-07-25
	'frwikiversity' => true,
	'frwiktionary' => true, // T23517
	'fywiki' => true, // T12584
	'hewiki' => true, // T7232
	'hewikibooks' => true, // T29918
	'hewikiquote' => true,
	'hewiktionary' => true, // T75197
	'hewikinews' => true, // T140544
	'hiwiki' => true,
	'hiwikiversity' => true, // T192427
	'hrwiki' => true, // by request of stemd from #wikipedia-hr 2007-05-15 -jeronim
	'idwiki' => true, // T8042
	'itwiki' => true,
	'itwikinews' => true,
	'itwikiversity' => true,
	'itwikibooks' => true, // T11159
	'itwikiquote' => true, // T14826
	'itwiktionary' => true, // T13424
	'jawiktionary' => true, // T63366
	'kshwiki' => true, // T10798
	'lvwiki' => true, // T72441
	'mediawikiwiki' => true, // T58104
	'metawiki' => true, // T6747
	'mlwiki' => true,
	'ndswiki' => true,
	'ndswiktionary' => true, // T6437
	'nlwiki' => true,
	'nlwikibooks' => true, // T9443
	'nlwikiquote' => true, // T14005
	'nnwiki' => true,
	'nowiki' => true, // T7549
	'nowikibooks' => true, // T12486
	'papwiki' => true, // T268924
	'plwikiquote' => true, // T6697
	'ptwiki' => true, // T6500
	'ptwikibooks' => true, // T32136
	'ptwikisource' => true, // T331762
	'rowiki' => true, // T30192
	'ruwikiversity' => true,
	'sawiki' => true, // T35200
	'sawikisource' => true, // T36769
	'shwiki' => true, // T62818
	'siwiki' => true,
	'skwiki' => true, // T353980
	'specieswiki' => true, // T89147
	'srwiki' => true, // req by dungodung in #wikimedia-tech, 2008-02-25
	'srwikibooks' => true, // T209250
	'srwikinews' => true, // T209251
	'srwikisource' => true, // #25963
	'srwikiquote' => true, // T207732
	'srwiktionary' => true, // T209252
	'viwiki' => true, // T7060
	'testwiki' => true,
	'test2wiki' => true, // request by Krinkle for testing
	'zhwiki' => true, // T308976
	'zhwiktionary' => true, // T7596
# @}

'wgUseNPPatrol' => [
	'default' => true, // brion 2007-11-16
	'fishbowl' => false, // T74239
	'private' => false, // T74239
	'huwiki' => false, // T21241
	'ruwiki' => false, // T33650
	'sqwiki' => false, // T27822
	'ukwiki' => false, // T35273
	'bswiki' => false, // T158662

'wgUseFilePatrol' => [
	'default' => true,
	'huwiki' => false, // T21241
	'ruwiki' => false, // T154285
	'bswiki' => false, // T158662

# wgNoFollow... @{
'wgNoFollowLinks' => [
	'default' => true,
	'fishbowl' => false, // not a spam measure here... T16105

'wgNoFollowNsExceptions' => [
	'default' => [],

'wgNoFollowDomainExceptions' => [
	'default' => [
		# Original list 20111110 - T34309
# @}

'wgEnableDnsBlacklist' => [
	'default' => false,
	'enwikinews' => true,
	'eswikinews' => true, // T237151
	'eswikiquote' => true, // T230796
	'testwiki' => true,
	'thwiki' => true,
	'thwikibooks' => true,
	'thwikiquote' => true,
	'thwikisource' => true,
	'thwiktionary' => true,

'wgCountCategorizedImagesAsUsed' => [
	'default' => false,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,

'wmgUseRC2UDP' => [
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false,

'wmgRC2UDPPort' => [
	'default' => 9390,

'wmgRC2UDPPrefix' => [
	// Do NOT add any more wikis here; this is a list of legacy exceptions
	'default' => false,
	'advisorywiki' => "#advisory.wikipedia\t",
	'donatewiki' => "#donate.wikimedia.org\t",
	'foundationwiki' => "#wikimediafoundation.org\t",
	'loginwiki' => "#login.wikipedia\t",
	'mediawikiwiki' => "#mediawiki.wikipedia\t",
	'qualitywiki' => "#quality.wikipedia\t",
	'testwikidatawiki' => "#testwikidata.wikipedia\t",
	'votewiki' => "#vote.wikipedia\t",
	'wikidatawiki' => "#wikidata.wikipedia\t",
	'wikimania2005wiki' => "#wikimania.wikimedia\t",
	'wikimania2010wiki' => "#wikimania2010.wikipedia\t",
	'wikimania2011wiki' => "#wikimania2011.wikipedia\t",
	'wikimania2012wiki' => "#wikimania2012.wikipedia\t",
	'wikimania2013wiki' => "#wikimania2013.wikipedia\t",
	'wikimania2014wiki' => "#wikimania2014.wikipedia\t",
	'wikimaniateamwiki' => "#wikimaniateam.wikipedia\t",
	// Do NOT add any more wikis here; this is a list of legacy exceptions

# ############### User throttling, groups, and rights ###############

# wgRateLimits @{
'wgRateLimits' => [
	// Temporary users are subjected to newbie, ip and subnet limits
	'default' => [
		'move' => [
			'newbie' => [ 2, 120 ],
			# To limit high-rate move page attacks on smaller wikis
			# Newbie limit was trivially avoided by a patient vandal
			'user' => [ 8, 60 ],
		'edit' => [
			// 8 ed./min per each non-autoconfirmed, or group thereof from same IP
			'ip' => [ 8, 60 ],
			'newbie' => [ 8, 60 ],
			'user' => [ 90, 60 ],
		'badcaptcha' => [ // Bug T92376
			// Mainly for account creation by unregistered spambots.
			// A human probably gives up after a handful attempts to
			// register, but ip/newbie editing needs to be considered too.
			'ip' => [ 15, 60 ],
			'newbie' => [ 15, 60 ],
			// Mainly to catch linkspam bot edits. Account creations by users?
			// Some wikis request tons of captchas to users under 50 edits:
			// the limit needs to be higher than any human can conceivably do.
			'user' => [ 30, 60 ],
		'mailpassword' => [
			// 5 password reminders per hour per IP
			'ip' => [ 5, 3600 ],
		'sendemail' => [
			'ip' => [ 5, 86400 ], // 5 per day per ip (logged-out and new users)
			'newbie' => [ 5, 86400 ], // 5 per day for non-autoconfirmed
			'user-global' => [ 20, 86400 ], // 20 per day for users
		'changeemail' => [
			'ip-all' => [ 10, 3600 ],
			'user' => [ 4, 86400 ]
		// For expanded rollback permissions...
		'rollback' => [
			'user' => [ 100, 60 ], // T228708
			'newbie' => [ 5, 120 ],
		'purge' => [
			// 30 page purges per minute
			'ip' => [ 30, 60 ],
			'user' => [ 30, 60 ],
		'linkpurge' => [
			// 30 backlink purges per minute
			'ip' => [ 30, 60 ],
			'user' => [ 30, 60 ],
		'renderfile' => [
			// 1400 new thumbnails per minute
			'ip' => [ 700, 30 ],
			'user' => [ 700, 30 ],
		'renderfile-nonstandard' => [
			// 140 new thumbnails per minute
			'ip' => [ 70, 30 ],
			'user' => [ 70, 30 ],
		'cxsave' => [
			// 10 saves per 30 seconds
			'ip' => [ 10, 30 ],
			'user' => [ 10, 30 ],
	'+arwiki' => [
		'move' => [
			'extendedmover' => [ 16, 60 ], // T357229
	'+commonswiki' => [ // T132930
		'move' => [ // T232657
			'autopatrolled' => [ 32, 60 ],
			'patroller' => [ 32, 60 ],
			'image-reviewer' => [ 32, 60 ],
		'edit' => [
			'ip' => [ 8 * 15, 60 * 15 ], // T225148
			'newbie' => [ 8 * 15, 60 * 5 ], // T231463
			'user' => [ 900, 60 * 3 ], // T194864
			// Higher rate limit for trusted users
			'image-reviewer' => [ 10500, 60 * 3 ],
			'patroller' => [ 10500, 60 * 3 ],
			'autopatrolled' => [ 10500, 60 * 3 ],
		'upload' => [
			// 380 uploads per 72 minutes
			'user' => [ 380, 4320 ],
			// Effectively no upload rate limit for members of these groups
			'image-reviewer' => [ 999, 1 ],
			'patroller' => [ 999, 1 ],
			'autopatrolled' => [ 999, 1 ],
		'linkpurge' => [
			'patroller' => [ 3000, 60 * 3 ], // T245214
	'+enwiki' => [
		'move' => [
			'extendedmover' => [ 16, 60 ], // T138703
	'+enwikibooks' => [
		'move' => [
			'editor' => [ 100, 60 ], // T268849
	'+plwiki' => [
		// Limit to 3 per day for new users (T169268)
		'thanks-notification' => [
			'newbie' => [ 3, 86400 ],
# @} end of wgRateLimits

'wgRateLimitsExcludedIPs' => [
	// see also wmf-config/throttle.php
	// exemptions for outreach events should go in that file
	// note that account creation is not the only bottleneck
	'default' => [],
	'+enwiki' => [
		'', // Wiki Education Foundation dashboard, T308702
		'2600:3c01::f03c:93ff:fe24:db1b', // T308702
	'+testwikidatawiki' => [
		// Browser tests run by Jenkins on WMCS instances - T167432
		// Network ranges come from:
		//   https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Portal:Cloud_VPS/Admin/Neutron
		'', # LAN for instances (eqiad1 Neutron)

'wgEmailAuthentication' => [
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false, // disable for wikis with account approval
	'fishbowl' => false,

'wgBlockDisablesLogin' => [
	'default' => false,
	'private' => true, // T55871
	'votewiki' => true, // T74589
	'labswiki' => true, // T218589

'wgEnableSpecialMute' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgEnablePartialActionBlocks' => [
	'default' => true, // T353496

'wgGroupInheritsPermissions' => [
	'default' => [
		// Confirmed can do anything autoconfirmed can.
		'confirmed' => 'autoconfirmed',

'wmgPrivilegedGroups' => [
	// Default should include any privileged group on any SUL wiki. Ideally we'd check for all wikis memberships on that wiki vs. wmgPrivilegedGroups for that wiki, but
	// we can only check memberships on a non-current wiki, not config, so we need to mash everything together here.
	'default' => [
		// core or extension groups
		'bureaucrat', 'checkuser', 'interface-admin', 'oauthadmin', 'suppress', 'sysop',
		// custom groups used on several wikis
		'arbcom', 'botadmin', 'eliminator', 'import', 'interface-editor', 'transwiki',
		// custom groups used on one or a few wikis
		'abusefilter' /* enwiki */, 'curator' /* enwikiversity */, 'engineer' /* cswiki, ruwiki */, 'facilitator' /* frwikinews */, 'founder' /* enwiki */, 'templateeditor' /* rowiki */, 'test-sysop' /* betawikiversity, incubatorwiki */, 'translator' /* incubatorwiki */, 'wikidata-staff', 'wikifunctions-staff',
		// metawiki local groups with global powers (some also on testwiki)
		'centralnoticeadmin', 'global-renamer', 'translationadmin', 'wmf-officeit', 'wmf-supportsafety',
		// wikitech local groups with global powers
	'+fishbowl' => [ 'user' ],
	'+private' => [ 'user' ],

'wmgPrivilegedGlobalGroups' => [
	'default' => [

# wgImportSources @{
'wgImportSources' => [
	// Generic project entries

	// Note: When adding a specific wiki you have to duplicate these generic sources
	// otherwise they would be overwritten by the specific wiki entry
	'wikipedia' => [ 'en', 'ar', 'es', 'fr', 'ru', 'zh', 'de', 'id', 'commons', 'meta', 'incubator' ],
	'wiktionary' => [ 'w', 'w:en', 'en', 'ar', 'es', 'fr', 'ru', 'zh', 'de', 'id', 'commons', 'meta', 'incubator' ],
	'wikiquote' => [ 'w', 'w:en', 'en', 'fr', 'es', 'ru', 'id', 'commons', 'meta', 'incubator' ],
	'wikisource' => [ 'w', 'en', 'meta', 'commons' ],
	'wikiversity' => [ 'meta', 'b', 'incubator' ],
	'wikivoyage' => [ 'w', 'w:en', 'en', 'fr', 'es', 'ru', 'id', 'commons', 'meta', 'incubator' ],
	'wikidata' => [ 'meta', 'commons', 'en', 'de', 'fr', 'es' ],
	'wikifunctionswiki' => [ 'meta', 'commons', 'incubator', 'd', 'ar', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'ru', 'zh' ], // cross-projects plus UN 6, T343365

	// Specific wikis

	// chapter wikis
	'azwikimedia' => [ 'w', 'meta' ],
	'bdwikimedia' => [ 'w:bn', 'w:en', 'c' ], // T154990
	'bewikimedia' => [ 'meta' ],
	'brwikimedia' => [ 'wikipedia:pt', 'meta', 'wiktionary:pt', 'wikisource:pt', 'wikinews:pt', 'wikiquote:pt', 'wikibooks:pt', 'wikiversity:pt', 'commons' ], // T60936
	'cowikimedia' => [ 'meta', 'wikipedia:es', 'wikibooks:es', 'wikiversity:es' ],
	'ecwikimedia' => [ 'meta' ], // T135521
	'etwikimedia' => [ 'wikipedia:et', 'meta' ],
	'fiwikimedia' => [ 'wikipedia:fi', 'meta' ],
	'gewikimedia' => [ 'meta', 'wikipedia:ka' ], // T236389
	'grwikimedia' => [ 'meta' ], // T245911
	'hiwikimedia' => [ 'meta', 'wikipedia:hi', 'wiktionary:hi', 'wikiquote:hi', 'wikibooks:hi', 'wikiversity:hi', 'wikivoyage:hi' ],
	'maiwikimedia' => [ 'meta', 'commons', 'wikipedia:en', 'wikipedia:mai', 'wikipedia:ne', 'wikipedia:hi' ], // T188374
	'mkwikimedia' => [ 'meta', 'wikipedia:mk' ],
	'mxwikimedia' => [ 'meta', 'wikipedia:es', 'wikibooks:es', 'wikiversity:es', 'wikipedia:en', ],
	'ngwikimedia' => [ 'meta' ], // T240771
	'nowikimedia' => [ 'meta', 'wikipedia:no', 'wikipedia:nn', 'wikipedia:se' ],
	'nycwikimedia' => [ 'wikipedia:en', 'meta' ],
	'plwikimedia' => [ 'b', 'n', 'q', 's', 'voy', 'w', 'wikt', ], // T67908
	'ptwikimedia' => [ 'w', 'meta' ],
	'ruwikimedia' => [ 'meta', 'foundation', 'wikipedia:ru', ],
	'sewikimedia' => [ 'wikipedia:sv', 'commons' ],
	'trwikimedia' => [ 'wikipedia:tr', 'meta' ],
	'uawikimedia' => [ 'wikipedia:uk', 'wikipedia', 'wikipedia:ru', 'meta', 'foundation', 'outreachwiki', 'mediawikiwiki', 'commons' ], // T91187
	'vewikimedia' => [ 'w', 'meta' ],

	// content wikis
	'alswiki' => [ 'de', 'wikt', 'b', 'q', 'en', 'fr', 'it', 'b:de' ],
	'arbcom_enwiki' => [ 'meta', 'w' ], // T19730
	'arbcom_dewiki' => [ 'w', 'w:de', ],
	'arwiki' => [ 'en', 'meta' ], // T347563
	'arwikibooks' => [ 'w' ],
	'arwikinews' => [ 'w' ],
	'arwikisource' => [ 'w' ],
	'arwikiversity' => [ 'w', 'b', 'n', 'q', 's', 'wikt' ],
	'arzwiki' => [ 'incubator', 'en', 'ar', 'es', 'fr', ],
	'azwiki' => [ 'en' ], // T217104
	'azbwiki' => [ 'az', 'en', 'fa', 'incubator' ], // T109755
	'betawikiversity' => [ 'meta', 'b', 'en', 'incubator', 'de', 'wikipedia:lt', 'wikipedia:zh' ], // T139922
	'bhwiki' => [ 'commons', 'meta', 'species', 'de', 'en', 'wikibooks:en', 'wikiquote:en', 'wikinews:en', 'wikisource:en', 'wikiversity:en', 'es', 'fa', 'fr', 'hi', 'ml', 'ne', 'nl', 'ro', 'ru', 'pl', 'pt', 'simple', 'ta', 'ur' ], // T70616
	'bnwiki' => [ 'en' ], // T36791
	'bnwikibooks' => [ 'b:en', 'w' ], // T295051, T314820
	'bnwikisource' => [ 'OldWikisource', 'w', 'en' ],
	'cawikibooks' => [ 'w', 's', 'q', 'n', 'wikt', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'de', 'pt', 'meta', 'w:en', 'w:es', 'w:fr', 'w:it', 'w:de', 'w:pt' ], // T93750
	'cawikinews' => [ 'w', 'wikt', 'q', 'b', 's', 'v', 'fr', 'en', 'de', 'es', 'pt', 'it', 'commons', 'meta', 'eo', 'pl', 'ja', 'ru', 'sr', 'tr', 'uk', 'zh' ], // T93203
	'cawikiquote' => [ 'w' ],
	'cawikisource' => [ 'w', 'b', ],
	'cawiktionary' => [ 'w', ],
	'chywiki' => [ 'en', 'fr', ], // T37983
	'ckbwiki' => [ 'fa', 'ar', 'ku', 'en', 'de', 'fr', 'it', 'es', 'ru', 'pt', ], // T54633
	'commonswiki' => [ 'meta', 'w:en', 'w:de', 'w:fr', 'w:he', 'w:pl', 'w:ja', 'w:es', 'w:nl', 'w:ru', 'w:sv', 'w:ja', 'w:it', 'w:pt', 'w:zh', 'wikibooks:en', 'mediawikiwiki', 'foundation', 'wikidata' ], // T13126, T56001
	'testcommonswiki' => [ 'meta', 'w:en', 'w:de', 'w:fr', 'w:he', 'w:pl', 'w:ja', 'w:es', 'w:nl', 'w:ru', 'w:sv', 'w:ja', 'w:it', 'w:pt', 'w:zh', 'wikibooks:en', 'mediawikiwiki', 'foundation', 'wikidata', 'commonswiki' ], // T13126, T56001
	'crhwiki' => [ 'incubator' ],
	'crwiki' => [ 'en', 'fr' ], // T24089
	'cswiki' => [ 'b', 'meta', 'n', 'q', 's', 'v', 'wikt' ], // T18688
	'cswikibooks' => [ 'n', 'q', 's', 'v', 'w', 'wikt' ], // T18688
	'cswikinews' => [ 'b', 'q', 's', 'v', 'w', 'wikt', 'incubator' ], // T18688
	'cswikiquote' => [ 'b', 'n', 's', 'v', 'w', 'wikt' ], // T18688
	'cswikisource' => [ 'b', 'n', 'q', 'v', 'w', 'wikt', 'oldwikisource' ], // T18688
	'cswikiversity' => [ 'b', 'n', 'q', 's', 'w', 'wikt', 'betawikiversity' ], // T18688
	'cswiktionary' => [ 'b', 'n', 'q', 's', 'v', 'w' ], // T18688
	'donatewiki' => [ 'meta', 'foundation' ],
	'dewiki' => [ 'w', 'wikt', 'v', 'ar', 'ca', 'cs', 'da', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'fa', 'fr', 'he', 'hi', 'hr', 'hu', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'lb', 'nl', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'sl', 'sr', 'sv', 'tr', 'uk', 'zh' ], // T16303 , T340264
	'dewikibooks' => [ 'w', 'wikipedia', 'en', 'v' ], // T10248
	'dewikiquote' => [ 'w', 'wikt', 's', 'b', 'v', 'en', 'la', ],
	'dewikisource' => [ 'b', 'commons', 'en', 'fr', 'la', 'meta', 'oldwikisource', 'q', 'v', 'w', 'wikt' ], // T58384
	'dewikiversity' => [ 'w', 'meta', 'b', 'incubator' ], // T40159
	'dewiktionary' => [ 'w', 'en' ],
	'dewikivoyage' => [ 'en', 'fr', 'nl', 'it', 'w', 'w:da', 'w:en', 'w:fr', 'w:nl', 'w:nn', 'w:no', 'incubator', 'meta' ], // T46411, T76355
	'dsbwiki' => [ 'incubator', ],
	'dtywiki' => [ 'commons', 'en', 'hi', 'mai', 'ne' ], // T164573
	'elwiki' => [ 'en', 'de', 'v', 's', 'wikt', 'b', 'q', 'fr', 'meta', 'commons', 'it', ], // T9747
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	'enwiki' => [ 'meta', 'nost', 'de', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'pl', 'outreachwiki', 'test2wiki', 'commons', ], // T18551, T242884
	'enwiktionary' => [
		'w', 'b', 's', 'q', 'v', 'n', 'commons', 'aa', 'ab', 'af', 'als', 'am', 'an', 'ang', 'ar', 'as', 'ast', 'av', 'ay', 'az', 'ba', 'be', 'bg', 'bh', 'bi', 'bm', 'bn', 'bo', 'br', 'bs',
		'ca', 'ch', 'chr', 'co', 'cr', 'cs', 'csb', 'cy', 'da', 'de', 'dv', 'dz', 'el', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'fi', 'fj', 'fo', 'fr', 'fy', 'ga', 'gd', 'gl', 'gn', 'gu', 'gv', 'ha', 'he',
		'hi', 'hr', 'hsb', 'hu', 'hy', 'ia', 'id', 'ie', 'ik', 'io', 'is', 'it', 'iu', 'ja', 'jbo', 'jv', 'ka', 'kk', 'kl', 'km', 'kn', 'ko', 'ks', 'ku', 'kw', 'ky', 'la', 'lb', 'li', 'ln', 'lo', 'lt', 'lv',
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	'fiwikiversity' => [ 'b', 'q', 'n', 's', 'wikt', 'w', 'betawikiversity' ],
	'foundationwiki' => [ 'meta' ],
	'frrwiki' => [ 'en', 'de', 'nds', 's:de', 'oldwikisource' ], # s:de and oldwikisource per T40023
	'frwiki' => [
		'meta', 'commons', 'species', 'q', 'af', 'ar', 'ang', 'ast', 'gn', 'id', 'zhminnan', 'bg', 'br', 'ca', 'cs', 'co', 'da', 'de', 'et', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'eo', 'fa', 'fy', 'ga', 'gl', 'gu', 'hy',
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		'he', 'hsb', 'hr', 'io', 'ia', 'ie', 'is', 'it', 'kk', 'csb', 'sw', 'ko', 'ku', 'la', 'lt', 'li', 'lo', 'hu', 'ml', 'nl', 'ja', 'no', 'oc', 'nds', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'scn', 'simple', 'sk', 'sl', 'sq',

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		'meta', 'commons', 'species', 'q', 'af', 'ar', 'ang', 'ast', 'gn', 'id', 'zhminnan', 'bg', 'br', 'ca', 'cs', 'co', 'da', 'de', 'et', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'eo', 'fa', 'fy', 'ga', 'gl', 'gu',
		'hy', 'hi', 'he', 'hsb', 'hr', 'io', 'ia', 'ie', 'is', 'it', 'kk', 'csb', 'sw', 'ko', 'ku', 'la', 'lt', 'li', 'lo', 'hu', 'ml', 'nl', 'ja', 'no', 'oc', 'nds', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'scn', 'simple',
		'sk', 'sl', 'sq', 'st', 'sr', 'fi', 'sv', 'ta', 'te', 'vi', 'th', 'tt', 'tr', 'uk', 'ur', 'vo', 'zh', 'w', 'n', 's', 'wikt', 'v',
	], // T30024 and T24663 --pdhanda
	'frwikinews' => [ 'w', 'en', 'de', 'es', 'it', 'b', 'wikt', 'v', 's', 'q', 'ca', 'pt', 'species', 'commons', 'meta', 'w:pl', 'pl' ], // T11135
	'frwikiquote' => [ 'w', 'wikt', 's', 'b', 'n', 'v', 'meta', 'en' ],
	'frwikiversity' => [
		'meta', 'commons', 'species', 'q', 'af', 'ar', 'ang', 'ast', 'gn', 'id', 'zhminnan', 'bg', 'br', 'ca', 'cs', 'co', 'da', 'de', 'et', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'eo', 'fa', 'fy', 'ga', 'gl', 'gu', 'hy',
		'hi', 'he', 'hsb', 'hr', 'io', 'ia', 'ie', 'is', 'it', 'kk', 'csb', 'sw', 'ko', 'ku', 'la', 'lt', 'li', 'lo', 'hu', 'ml', 'nl', 'ja', 'no', 'oc', 'nds', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'scn', 'simple', 'sk',
		'sl', 'sq', 'st', 'sr', 'fi', 'sv', 'ta', 'te', 'vi', 'th', 'tt', 'tr', 'uk', 'ur', 'vo', 'zh', 'w', 'n', 's', 'wikt', 'b',
	], // T9824, T24663, T30024
	'frwikivoyage' => [ 'w', 'meta', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'he', 'it', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sv', 'uk', 'vi' ], // T44103, T57745
	'frwiktionary' => [
		'meta', 'commons', 'species', 'q', 'af', 'ar', 'ang', 'ast', 'gn', 'id', 'zhminnan', 'bg', 'br', 'ca', 'cs', 'co', 'da', 'de', 'et', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'eo', 'fa', 'fy', 'ga', 'gl', 'gu', 'hy', 'hi',
		'he', 'hsb', 'hr', 'io', 'ia', 'ie', 'is', 'it', 'kk', 'csb', 'sw', 'ko', 'ku', 'la', 'lt', 'li', 'lo', 'hu', 'ml', 'nl', 'ja', 'no', 'oc', 'nds', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'scn', 'simple', 'sk', 'sl', 'sq',
		'st', 'sr', 'fi', 'sv', 'ta', 'te', 'vi', 'th', 'tt', 'tr', 'uk', 'ur', 'vo', 'zh', 'w', 'n', 's', 'b', 'v',
	], // T30024 and T24663 --pdhanda
	'ganwiki' => [
		'zh', 'q:zh', 'wikt:zh', 'voy:zh', 'v:zh', 's:zh', 'n:zh', 'b:zh',
		'lzh', 'wuu', 'zh-yue', 'hak', 'cdo', 'zh-min-nan',
		'en', 'ja', 'm', 'mw', 'c', 'incubator'
	], // T354000
	'gdwiki' => [ 'en', 'de', 'ga', 'gv' ], // T14675, T15817
	'glwiktionary' => [ 'w', 's', 'q', 'b' ],
	'glwikibooks' => [ 'w', 'wikt', 's', 'q' ],
	'glwikisource' => [ 'w', 'wikt', 'q', 'b' ],
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	'gomwiktionary' => [ 'w', 'incubator', 'en:w', 'en', 'pt', 'fr' ], // T255098
	'guwiki' => [ 'en', 'commons', 'meta', 'species', 'gu:s', 'bh', 'en', 'en:b', 'en:q', 'en:n', 'en:s', 'en:v', 'hi', 'ml', 'ne', 'pa', 'simple', 'te', 'ta', 'ur', 'sa' ], // T39511, T120346
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	'hewikinews' => [ 'w', 'wikt', 'q', 'b', 's' ],
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	'incubatorwiki' => [ 'meta', 'commons', 'w', 'w:de', 'w:fr', 'w:es', 'w:pt', 'w:nl', 'w:ru', 'wikt:en', 'wikt:fr', 'b:en', ], // T22973
	'iswiki' => [ 'en', 'da', 'no', 'de' ],
	'iswiktionary' => [ 'w' ],
	'itwiki' => [ 'b', 'q', 's', 'wikt', 'n', 'v', 'de', 'es', 'en', 'fr', 'meta' ], // T16844
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		'commons', 'd', 'mw', 'meta', 'foundation', 'w:ca',
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		'w:nl', 'w:pl', 'w:pt', 'w:ru', 's:fr', 'n:en',
		'wikt:en', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'nl', 'ru', 'sv', 'el'
	], // T45310
	'itwiktionary' => [ 'w', 'b', 's', 'q', 'n', 'v', 'en', 'fr', 'sc' ], // T12197, T12629
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	'wikitech' => [ 'meta', 'mw' ],
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	'skwiki' => [ 'b', 'meta', 'q', 's', 'wikt' ],
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		'ang', 'ar', 'az', 'bg', 'bn', 'bs', 'ca', 'cs', 'cy',
		'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'et', 'fa', 'fi', 'fo',
		'fr', 'gl', 'he', 'hr', 'ht', 'hu', 'hy', 'id', 'is',
		'it', 'ja', 'kn', 'ko', 'la', 'lt', 'mk', 'ml', 'nl',
		'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sa', 'sk', 'sl', 'sr',
		'sv', 'ta', 'te', 'th', 'tr', 'uk', 'vi', 'yi', 'zh',
		'meta', 'commons',
	], // T34411
	'specieswiki' => [ 'd', 'c', 'incubator', 'outreach', 'm', 'mediawiki', 'en' ], // T170094
	'sqwiki' => [ 'q' ], // T221234
	'sqwikiquote' => [ 'w' ], // T221234
	'srnwiki' => [ 'incubator' ],
	'srwiki' => [ 'wikt', 'meta' ], // T64533
	'srwiktionary' => [ 'w' ],
	'srwikinews' => [ 'w:sr' ], // T214562
	'srwikisource' => [ 'w' ],
	'srwikiquote' => [ 'w' ], // T235419
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	'sswiktionary' => [ 'w', 'en', 'af' ],
	'stqwiki' => [ 'incubator' ],
	'svwikibooks' => [ 'w', 's', 'betawikiversity' ], // T24615
	'svwikisource' => [ 'w' ],
	'svwikiversity' => [ 'w', 'b', 's', 'n', 'en', 'betawikiversity' ],
	'svwiktionary' => [ 'w', 'meta' ],
	'szlwiki' => [ 'incubator' ],
	'tawiki' => [ 'en' ], // T122808
	'tawikisource' => [ 'oldwikisource', 'w', 'b', 'en', 'fr', 'bn', 'it', 'commons' ], // T181774
	'tawiktionary' => [ 'en', 'bn', 'w:en', 'w:ta', 'commons' ], // T196445
	'tcywiki' => [ 'en', 'kn', 'te', 'c', 'meta' ], // T143397
	'tewiki' => [ 'en', 'commons' ], // T43880
	'tewikibooks' => [ 'w:te', 's:te' ], // T260107, T286978
	'tewikisource' => [ 'w', 'b', 'en' ], // T94531
	'tewikiquote' => [ 'w', 'en' ], // T91635
	'testwiki' => [ 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'ja', 'commons', 'meta', 'incubator', 'strategy', 'wikinews:en', 'wikinews:es', 'mediawikiwiki' ], // T154879
	'test2wiki' => [ 'en', 'cs', 'n', 'n:es', 'n:fr', 'mediawikiwiki' ], // T155906
	'testwikidatawiki' => [ 'meta', 'commons', 'd', 'en', 'de', 'fr', 'es' ], // T315211
	'tetwiki' => [ 'en', 'de', 'pt' ],
	'thwikibooks' => [ 'q', 's', 'w', 'wikt' ], // T308374
	'thwikisource' => [ 'oldwikisouce', 'b', 'q', 'w', 'wikt' ], // T275281
	'tnwiki' => [ 'en' ], // T53327
	'tpiwiki' => [ 'en', 'simple', 'wikt:en', 'commons' ], // T26769
	'twwiki' => [ 'en', 'ar', 'es', 'fr', 'ru', 'zh', 'de', 'id', 'commons', 'meta', 'incubator' ], // T298296
	'urwiki' => [ 'ar', 'en', 'fa', 'fr', 'he' ], // T212612
	'vecwiki' => [ 'it' ], // T21639
	'vecwiktionary' => [ 'w', 'en', 'fr', 'it' ], // T51575
	'viwiki' => [ 'wikt', 'b', 's', 'q' ], // T9854
	'viwiktionary' => [ 'w', 'b', 's', 'q' ], // T9854
	'viwikibooks' => [ 'en', 'w', 'wikt', 's', 'q', 'fr', 'it' ], // T9854, T39457
	'viwikisource' => [ 'w', 'wikt', 'b', 'q' ], // T9854
	'viwikiquote' => [ 'w', 'wikt', 'b', 's' ], // T9854
	'wikimaniawiki' => [ 'en', 'meta', 'wm2011', 'wm2012', 'wm2013', 'wm2014', 'wm2015', 'wm2016', 'wm2017', 'wm2018' ],
	'wuuwiki' => [ 'en', 'th', 'fr', 'zh', ], // T19484
	'xhwiki' => [ 'en' ], // T53327
	'yuewiktionary' => [ 'wikipedia:zh-yue', 'en', 'incubator' ], // T258913
	'zhwiki' => [
		'q', 'wikt', 'voy', 'v', 's', 'n', 'b',
		'lzh', 'wuu', 'zh-yue', 'gan', 'hak', 'cdo', 'zh-min-nan',
		'en', 'ja', 'm', 'mw', 'c'
	], // T250972
	'zhwikiquote' => [ 'w', 'b', 'wikt', 's', 'meta', 'commons' ],
	'zhwikiversity' => [ 'w', 'b', 'q', 's', 'en', 'voy', 'wikt', 'meta', 'commons', 'betawikiversity', 'incubator', 'w:en' ], // T212919
	'zhwikivoyage' => [ 'w', 'b', 'q', 's', 'en', 'wikt', 'meta', 'commons' ], // T62248
	'zhwiktionary' => [ 'w', 'b', 'q', 's', 'meta', 'commons' ],
	'zhwikibooks' => [ 'w', 'wikt', 'q', 's', 'meta', 'commons' ],
	'zhwikisource' => [ 'w', 'b', 'q', 'wikt', 'meta', 'commons', 'en', 'oldwikisource' ], // T240814
	'zhwikinews' => [ 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'pt', 'ru' ], // T266388
	'zh_yuewiki' => [ 'en', 'wiktionary:yue', 'incubator' ], // T274597
	'zuwiki' => [ 'en' ], // T53327

	// Special wikis
	'arbcom_cswiki' => [ 'w:cs' ], // T154799
	'projectcomwiki' => [ 'wikipedia:en', 'meta' ], // T143138
	'sysop_itwiki' => [ 'b', 'q', 's', 'wikt', 'n', 'v', 'de', 'es', 'en', 'fr', 'meta', 'it' ], // T259243
# @} end of wgImportSources

'wgImportTargetNamespace' => [
	'default' => null,
	'cawikinews' => 100, // Transwiki T93203
	'enwiktionary' => 108,
	'enwikibooks' => 108,
	'frwiktionary' => 102,
	'frwikisource' => 100,
	'frwikibooks' => 100, // Transwiki
	'nlwikibooks' => 102,
	'frwikinews' => 102, // Transwiki
	'frwikiversity' => 110, // Transwiki
	'frwikiquote' => 108, // transwiki
	'ptwikinews' => 104, // Transwiki - T93218
	// Added zh wikis per T42474
	'zhwiktionary' => 102, // Transwiki
	'zhwikibooks' => 100, // Transwiki
	'zhwikiquote' => 100, // Transwiki
	'zhwikisource' => 108, // Transwiki

'wgFeedCacheTimeout' => [
	'default' => 60,
	'enwiki' => 15,

'wgExportAllowHistory' => [
	'default' => true

'wgExportMaxHistory' => [
	'default' => 1000, # changed from 100 -- brion 2008-07-10

'wgExportFromNamespaces' => [ // T61947
	'default' => false,
	'mediawikiwiki' => true,

# Captcha ...
# Cleaned up old commented out wikis. -- hashar 20110930
# @{
'wmgEnableCaptcha' => [
	'default' => true,

	// private/closed wikis don't need it
	'private' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false,
	'closed' => false,

	// 'global-multiwrite' backend isn't available, so disable for now
	'wikitech' => false,

'wmgEmergencyCaptcha' => [
	'default' => false,
# @} end of Captcha

'wgWantedPagesThreshold' => [
	'default' => 2,

// This controls whether minor edits trigger
// an email notification by default.
// The feature is always available ($wgEnotifMinorEdits).
'wmgEnotifMinorEditsUserDefault' => [
	'default' => false,
	'hiwiki' => true,
	'huwiki' => true, // T125351
	'metawiki' => true, // T53108
	'ptwikibooks' => true,
	'sourceswiki' => true,
	'wikimania2016wiki' => true, // T96564
	'wikimania2017wiki' => true, // T122062

'wgJobRunRate' => [
	'default' => 0,

'wgEnableSidebarCache' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgIgnoreImageErrors' => [
	'default' => true, // keeps temporary errors from messing the cached output

'wgThumbnailScriptPath' => [
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'wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse' => [
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'wgUnwatchedPageThreshold' => [
	'default' => 30, // Default value of https://toolserver.org/~mzmcbride/watcher/

# ROBOT @{
'wgDefaultRobotPolicy' => [
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'wgLoginLanguageSelector' => [
	'default' => true,
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'wgRestrictDisplayTitle' => [
	'default' => true,

	// Projects
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	// Individual wikis
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	'donatewiki' => false,
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	'foundationwiki' => false,
	'frwikiversity' => false, // T324277
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	'rmwiki' => false,
	'ruwikibooks' => false, // T342800
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'wmgPrivateWikiUploads' => [
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	'private' => true,
	'donatewiki' => true, // whee restricted site
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	'sewikimedia' => true, // chapter site, only sysops can upload, T63947
	'thankyouwiki' => true,

'wgPageLanguageUseDB' => [
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	'sourceswiki' => true, // T175622
	// overridden to true in CommonSettings for wikis using the Translate extension

'wgShowExceptionDetails' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'test2wiki' => true,

'wgSignatureValidation' => [
	'default' => 'new', // T248632
	'enwiki' => 'disallow', // T355462

'wgSignatureAllowedLintErrors' => [ // T360796
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	'enwiki' => [ 'night-mode-unaware-background-color' ], // T354013
	'plwiki' => [ 'night-mode-unaware-background-color' ], // T362414

# below seems to be for extensions

'wmgUseCategoryTree' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

// CT_MODE_ALL = 20
'wgCategoryTreeCategoryPageMode' => [
	'default' => 0,

'wgCategoryTreeCategoryPageOptions' => [
	'default' => [ 'mode' => null, 'showcount' => true ],

'wmgUseFundraisingTranslateWorkflow' => [
	'default' => false,
	'metawiki' => true,

'wmgUseSecureLinkFixer' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgUseScore' => [
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	'private' => false,
	'lockeddown' => false,

# Set to false in case of emergency to disable Score with a nice
# fallback message instead of breaking pages with error messages
'wmgUseScoreShellbox' => [
	'default' => true,
	# Do not enable on higher-security wikis
	'private' => false,
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'wgScoreFileBackend' => [
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'wgScorePath' => [
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'wgScoreMaxLength' => [
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	'wikidatawiki' => 1500,
	'testwikidatawiki' => 1500,

'wmgUsePhonos' => [
	'default' => true, // T336763
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# T336763
'wgPhonosInlineAudioPlayerMode' => [
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'wgPhonosPath' => [
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'wmgUseProofreadPage' => [
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	'sourceswiki' => true, // FIXME: should be a part of wikisource (see T91534)
	'test2wiki' => true,
	'frrwiki' => true, // T40023

'wmgProofreadPageShowHeaders' => [
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'wgProofreadPagePageSeparator' => [
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'wgProofreadPagePageJoiner' => [
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'wgProofreadPageUseStatusChangeTags' => [
	'default' => true, // T289140

'wgProofreadPageEnableEditInSequence' => [
	'wikisource' => true, // T308098#9078429

'wgProofreadPageBookNamespaces' => [
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// DO NOT enable on any other wikis
'wmgUseDynamicPageList' => [
	'default' => false,

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	'incubatorwiki' => true,
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	'mediawikiwiki' => true, // T71974
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	'officewiki' => true,
	'otrs_wikiwiki' => true,
	'outreachwiki' => true, // T58245
	'ptwiki' => true, // T37308
	'srwiki' => true,
	'srwiktionary' => true, // T70346
	'viwiktionary' => true, // T10886

	// Wikis where it was previously enabled by default by virtue
	// of being in a wiki family

	// Wikibooks
	'arwikibooks' => true,
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	'cywikibooks' => true,
	'dewikibooks' => true,
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	'tlwikibooks' => true,
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	// Wikinews
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	// Wikiquote
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	'itwikiquote' => true,
	'ukwikiquote' => true,

	// Wikisource (T10563 and T14423)
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	'tewikisource' => true,
	'thwikisource' => true,

	// Wikiversity
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	'frwikiversity' => true,
	'ptwikiversity' => true,

	'nowikimedia' => true,

'wgDLPQueryCacheTime' => [
	'default' => 120, // T263220

'wmgUseFloatedToc' => [
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'wmgUseSpecialNuke' => [
	'default' => true,
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'wmgUseLabeledSectionTransclusion' => [
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	'lockeddown' => false,

'wmgUseQuiz' => [
	'default' => false,

	// Projects
	'wikinews' => true, // various wanting to play with it 2007-09
	'wikiversity' => true,

	// Individual wikis
	'cawikibooks' => true, // T88208
	'dewikibooks' => true,
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	'hiwiki' => true,
	'iswikibooks' => true,
	'itwikibooks' => true,
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	'pawikibooks' => true, // T340613
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	'huwikibooks' => true, // T168471
	'ruwikibooks' => true, // T212622
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	'thwikibooks' => true, // T308377
	'viwikibooks' => true, // T40361
	'zhwiki' => true,
	'zhwikibooks' => true, // T188213

'wmgUseGadgets' => [
	'default' => true, // set 2007-12-17 by brion
	'lockeddown' => false,
'wgSpecialGadgetUsageActiveUsers' => [
	'default' => true,
	'enwiki' => false, // T121949

# @} end of EXTENSIONS

# wgVariantArticlePath @{
'wgVariantArticlePath' => [
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	'zhwikiversity' => '/$2/$1',
# @} end of wgVariantArticlePath

# Disable all query pages for closed wikis, allow normal functioning for others
'wgDisableQueryPages' => [
	'default' => false,
	'closed' => true, // T44436

# Disable all the query pages that take more than about 15 minutes to update
# Specify a "run mode" when a cron job is set up for the special page and
# also create a message for the "run mode" in WikimediaMessages extension with
# the message key 'querypage-updates-'
# wgDisableQueryPageUpdate @{
'wgDisableQueryPageUpdate' => [
	'default' => [
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		'Mostlinked' => 'half-monthly',
		'Mostrevisions' => 'half-monthly',
		'Wantedpages' => 'half-monthly',
	'small' => [], // T45668
	'medium' => [], // T48094

	// Individual wikis
	'+enwiki' => [
		'Lonelypages' => 'monthly',
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		'Mostlinkedtemplates' => 'monthly',
		'Uncategorizedcategories' => 'monthly',
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	'+frwiki' => [
	'+wikidata' => [
# @} end of wgDisableQueryPageUpdate

'wgShowHostnames' => [
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'wgParserConf' => [
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# Enable magic links regardless of core default (T145604)
'wgEnableMagicLinks' => [
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	'enwiki' => [ // T275951
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# wgFavicon @{
'wgFavicon' => [
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	# Wiktionaries
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	'testcommonswiki' => '/static/favicon/commons.ico',
	'donatewiki' => '/static/favicon/wmf.ico',
	'fdcwiki' => '/static/favicon/wmf.ico', // T50404
	'foundationwiki' => '/static/favicon/wmf.ico',
	'grantswiki' => '/static/favicon/wmf.ico',
	'iegcomwiki' => '/static/favicon/wmf.ico',
	'incubatorwiki' => '/static/favicon/incubator.ico',
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	'projectcomwiki' => '/static/favicon/wmf.ico',
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	'strategywiki' => '/static/favicon/community.ico',
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	'techconductwiki' => '/static/favicon/community.ico',
	'testwiki' => '/static/favicon/black-globe.ico',
	'test2wiki' => '/static/favicon/black-globe.ico',
	'testwikidatawiki' => '/static/favicon/testwikidata.ico',
	'transitionteamwiki' => '/static/favicon/wmf.ico',
	'thankyouwiki' => '/static/favicon/wmf.ico',
	'usabilitywiki' => '/static/favicon/usability.ico',
	'votewiki' => '/static/favicon/wmf.ico',
	'wikidatawiki' => '/static/favicon/wikidata.ico',
	'wikifunctionswiki' => '/static/favicon/wikifunctions.ico',
	'wikimaniateamwiki' => '/static/favicon/wikimania.ico',
# @} end of wgFavicon

'wgSkinMetaTags' => [
	// T157145
	'default' => [ 'og:title', 'og:type' ],
	'+wiktionary' => [ 'og:site_name' ], // T348203
	'+mediawikiwiki' => [ 'og:site_name' ], // T348203
	// wikidata provides its own handling for sharing tags (T157145)
	'wikidata' => [],

# wmgAutopromoteExtraGroups @{
'wmgAutopromoteExtraGroups' => [
	'default' => false,
	'cswiki' => [
		'extendedconfirmed' => [ '&',
			[ APCOND_AGE, 30 * 86400 ],
		], // T316283
	'frwiki' => [
		'autopatrolled' => [ '&',
			[ APCOND_AGE, 90 * 86400 ],
	'ptwiki' => [
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			[ APCOND_AGE, 30 * 86400 ], // 30 days
	], // T292915
	'ruwikiversity' => [
		'patroller' => [ '&',
			[ APCOND_EDITCOUNT, 1000 ],
# @} end of wmgAutopromoteExtraGroups

'wmgAutopromoteOnceonEdit' => [
	'default' => [],
	'azwiki' => [
		'extendedconfirmed' => [ '&',
			[ APCOND_AGE, 30 * 86400 ], // 30 days
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'sysop' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bot' ] ],
		], // T281860
	'bgwiki' => [
		'extendedconfirmed' => [ '&',
			[ APCOND_AGE, 120 * 86400 ], // 120 days
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'sysop' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bot' ] ],
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			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'sysop' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bot' ] ],
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		'autopatrolled' => [
	], // T67495
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			[ APCOND_AGE, 30 * 86400 ], // 30 days
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'sysop' ] ],
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			[ APCOND_AGE, 30 * 86400 ], // 30 days * seconds in a day
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			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bot' ] ],
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			[ APCOND_AGE, 30 * 86400 ], // 30 days * seconds in a day
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			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bot' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'eliminator' ] ],
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	'jawiki' => [
		'extendedconfirmed' => [ '&',
			[ APCOND_AGE_FROM_EDIT, 120 * 86400 ], // 120 days * seconds in a day
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			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'sysop' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bot' ] ],
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		'extendedconfirmed' => [ '&',
			[ APCOND_AGE, 30 * 86400 ], // 30 days * seconds in a day
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'sysop' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bot' ] ],
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	'mznwiki' => [
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			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'sysop' ] ],
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	'nlwiki' => [
		'extendedconfirmed' => [ '&',
			[ APCOND_AGE, 30 * 86400 ], // 30 days * seconds in a day
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'sysop' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bot' ] ],
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	'rowiki' => [
		'extendedconfirmed' => [ '&',
			[ APCOND_AGE, 30 * 86400 ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bot' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'sysop' ] ],
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	'ruwiki' => [
		'uploader' => [ '&',
			[ APCOND_AGE, 14 * 86400 ],
	'svwiki' => [
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			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bot' ] ],
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	'trwiki' => [
		'autoreview' => [
			'&', // AND
			[ APCOND_AGE, 7 * 86400 ],
			// autopromote conditions handled by FlaggedRevs (constants not yet defined):
			[ 70823 /*APCOND_FR_UNIQUEPAGECOUNT*/, 5 ],
			[ 70827 /*APCOND_FR_EDITSPACING*/, 7, 7 ],
			[ 70824 /*APCOND_FR_CONTENTEDITCOUNT*/, 20, 2 * 86400 ],
			[ 70822 /*APCOND_FR_NEVERBLOCKED*/ ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'sysop' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bureaucrat' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bot' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'patroller' ] ],
		'patroller' => [
			'&', // AND
			[ APCOND_AGE, 15 * 86400 ],
			// autopromote conditions handled by FlaggedRevs (constants not yet defined):
			[ 70821 /*APCOND_FR_EDITSUMMARYCOUNT*/, 25 ],
			[ 70823 /*APCOND_FR_UNIQUEPAGECOUNT*/, 10 ],
			[ 70827 /*APCOND_FR_EDITSPACING*/, 7, 15 ],
			[ 70824 /*APCOND_FR_CONTENTEDITCOUNT*/, 100, 1 * 86400 ],
			[ 70822 /*APCOND_FR_NEVERBLOCKED*/ ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'sysop' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bureaucrat' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bot' ] ],
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			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bot' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'eliminator' ] ],
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		'extendedconfirmed' => [ '&',
			[ APCOND_AGE, 90 * 86400 ], // 90 days * seconds in a day
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'sysop' ] ],
			[ '!', [ APCOND_INGROUPS, 'bot' ] ],
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'wgAutopromoteOnceLogInRC' => [
	'default' => true,
	'ruwiki' => false,
	'fawiki' => false, // T71171

'wmgExtraImplicitGroups' => [
	'default' => false,
	'frwiki' => [ 'autopatrolled' ],
	'ptwiki' => [ 'autoextendedconfirmed' ], // T292915

'wgDeleteRevisionsLimit' => [
	'default' => 5000,

'wgAppleTouchIcon' => [
	'default' => false, // iOS searches for icons in docroot by default

	'commonswiki' => '/static/apple-touch/commons.png',
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'wgReferrerPolicy' => [
	'default' => [ 'origin-when-cross-origin', 'origin' ], // T180921
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'wgUserEmailUseReplyTo' => [
	'default' => true, // T66795

'wgStatsMethod' => [
	'default' => 'udp',

'wgUseLocalMessageCache' => [
	'default' => true,

// Store RL deps info in MainStash instead of core module_deps table (T113916)
'wgResourceLoaderUseObjectCacheForDeps' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgResourceLoaderEnableSourceMapLinks' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgUseCentralAuth' => [
	'default' => true,
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	'fishbowl' => false,
	'nonglobal' => false,

'wmgCentralAuthLoginIcon' => [
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	'wikimaniawiki' => '/srv/mediawiki/static/images/sul/wikimania.png',

'wmgCentralAuthCookieDomain' => [
	// set cookies on current domain for wikis with an unsafe parent domain
	'default' => '',
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	'wikibooks' => '.wikibooks.org',
	'wikinews' => '.wikinews.org',
	'wikipedia' => '.wikipedia.org',
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	'wikisource' => '.wikisource.org',
	'wikiversity' => '.wikiversity.org',
	'wikivoyage' => '.wikivoyage.org',
	'wiktionary' => '.wiktionary.org',
	// wikis which are not Wikipedias but use *.wikipedia.org
	'nostalgiawiki' => '.wikipedia.org',
	'testwiki' => '.wikipedia.org',
	'thankyouwiki' => '.wikipedia.org',
	// single wikis with a safe parent domain (to share cookies with their mobile domain)
	'mediawikiwiki' => '.mediawiki.org',
	'sourceswiki' => '.wikisource.org',

'wmgCentralAuthThirdPartyCookieDeprecationTrialToken' => [
	// Set wikimedia.org token for default as that is the only domain that's hard to define via dblists.
	// The token will only be set when $wmgUseCentralAuth is true so it won't affect non-SUL wikis.
	'default' => 'AiZRcS3GUbfJUjpICyYcwkb5pJoHTOtWo3hg2uyUFvK/uSnlRfsYPkleyeOIqplh8Eg4lCJ9xYS47Krr7crBUAIAAABmeyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL3dpa2ltZWRpYS5vcmc6NDQzIiwiZmVhdHVyZSI6IlRvcExldmVsVHBjZCIsImV4cGlyeSI6MTczNTM0Mzk5OSwiaXNTdWJkb21haW4iOnRydWV9',
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	'wiktionary' => 'Ap8wkXJPt/P9jgLjuB/D8qa7vLOMZh8iChq1plti6gr0IiKViEHVeI3PWeWmjFZ54qr/EhyKZUyKbblcq/ujzwQAAABneyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL3dpa3Rpb25hcnkub3JnOjQ0MyIsImZlYXR1cmUiOiJUb3BMZXZlbFRwY2QiLCJleHBpcnkiOjE3MzUzNDM5OTksImlzU3ViZG9tYWluIjp0cnVlfQ==',
	// wikis which are not Wikipedias but use *.wikipedia.org
	'nostalgiawiki' => 'AonOP4SwCrqpb0nhZbg554z9iJimP3DxUDB8V4yu9fyyepauGKD0NXqTknWi4gnuDfMG6hNb7TDUDTsl0mDw9gIAAABmeyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL3dpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmc6NDQzIiwiZmVhdHVyZSI6IlRvcExldmVsVHBjZCIsImV4cGlyeSI6MTczNTM0Mzk5OSwiaXNTdWJkb21haW4iOnRydWV9',
	'testwiki' => 'AonOP4SwCrqpb0nhZbg554z9iJimP3DxUDB8V4yu9fyyepauGKD0NXqTknWi4gnuDfMG6hNb7TDUDTsl0mDw9gIAAABmeyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL3dpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmc6NDQzIiwiZmVhdHVyZSI6IlRvcExldmVsVHBjZCIsImV4cGlyeSI6MTczNTM0Mzk5OSwiaXNTdWJkb21haW4iOnRydWV9',
	'thankyouwiki' => 'AonOP4SwCrqpb0nhZbg554z9iJimP3DxUDB8V4yu9fyyepauGKD0NXqTknWi4gnuDfMG6hNb7TDUDTsl0mDw9gIAAABmeyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL3dpa2lwZWRpYS5vcmc6NDQzIiwiZmVhdHVyZSI6IlRvcExldmVsVHBjZCIsImV4cGlyeSI6MTczNTM0Mzk5OSwiaXNTdWJkb21haW4iOnRydWV9',
	// confusingly, wikisource.org is not included in wikisource.dblist
	'sourceswiki' => 'AlUyQkIgtM+aB+aSIonr89+Xu1UcWRqff+0pKpw5r3DEmZwbLr+bD6q9JKCo7w4Pjhijsb7rFmkofcOXXOkWCQgAAABneyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL3dpa2lzb3VyY2Uub3JnOjQ0MyIsImZlYXR1cmUiOiJUb3BMZXZlbFRwY2QiLCJleHBpcnkiOjE3MzUzNDM5OTksImlzU3ViZG9tYWluIjp0cnVlfQ==',

'wmgCentralAuthAutoLoginWikis' => [
	'default' => [
		'.wikipedia.org' => 'enwiki',
		'.wikibooks.org' => 'enwikibooks',
		'.wikinews.org' => 'enwikinews',
		'.wikiquote.org' => 'enwikiquote',
		'.wikisource.org' => 'enwikisource',
		'.wikiversity.org' => 'enwikiversity',
		'.wikivoyage.org' => 'enwikivoyage',
		'.wiktionary.org' => 'enwiktionary',
		'.mediawiki.org' => 'mediawikiwiki',
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		'api.wikimedia.org' => 'apiportalwiki',
		'commons.wikimedia.org' => 'commonswiki',
		'foundation.wikimedia.org' => 'foundationwiki',
		'incubator.wikimedia.org' => 'incubatorwiki',
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		'species.wikimedia.org' => 'specieswiki',
		'wikimania.wikimedia.org' => 'wikimaniawiki',
		'www.wikidata.org' => 'wikidatawiki', // shares parent domain with query.wikidata.org
		'www.wikifunctions.org' => 'wikifunctionswiki', // will share parent domain with api.wikifunctions.org
	'+ptwiki' => [ 'br.wikimedia.org' => 'brwikimedia' ],
	'+ptwikibooks' => [ 'br.wikimedia.org' => 'brwikimedia' ],
	'+ptwikinews' => [ 'br.wikimedia.org' => 'brwikimedia' ],
	'+ptwikiquote' => [ 'br.wikimedia.org' => 'brwikimedia' ],
	'+ptwikisource' => [ 'br.wikimedia.org' => 'brwikimedia' ],
	'+ptwikiversity' => [ 'br.wikimedia.org' => 'brwikimedia' ],
	'+ptwikivoyage' => [ 'br.wikimedia.org' => 'brwikimedia' ],

// This is also guarded by $wmgUseCentralAuth
'wmgUseGlobalCssJs' => [
	'default' => true,
	'loginwiki' => false,
	'private' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false,
	'nonglobal' => false,

// This is also guarded by $wmgUseCentralAuth
'wmgLocalAuthLoginOnly' => [
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false,
	'nonglobal' => false,

'wmgUseOAuth' => [
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false,

'wgOAuthAutoApprove' => [
	'default' => [
		// T67750 do not require manual approval for readonly grants
		[ 'grants' => [ 'mwoauth-authonly', 'mwoauth-authonlyprivate', 'basic' ] ],
	'private' => [],

'wmgUseOAuthRateLimiter' => [
	'metawiki' => true,
	'default' => false,

// Enabling will disable use of insecure 'forceHttps' cookies.
// See T256095
'wgForceHTTPS' => [
	'default' => true,

# @}

'wgCookieHttpOnly' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgAPIMaxResultSize' => [
	'default' => 12582912, // 12 MB; temporary while I figure out what the deal with those overlarge revisions is --Roan

'wgMathValidModes' => [
	'default' => [ 'source', 'mathml', 'native' ],

'wgMaxExecutionTimeForExpensiveQueries' => [
	'default' => 30000,

'wmgUseCollection' => [
	// PDF generation / [[:mw:OCG]] stuff
	'default' => true,
	'wikisource' => false, // T358437
	'lockeddown' => false,
	'apiportalwiki' => false, // T260309
	'ganwiki' => false,
	'iuwiki' => false,
	'iuwiktionary' => false,
	'kkwiki' => false,
	'kkwikibooks' => false,
	'kkwikiquote' => false,
	'kkwiktionary' => false,
	'kuwiki' => false,
	'kuwikibooks' => false,
	'kuwikiquote' => false,
	'kuwiktionary' => false,
	'srwiki' => false,
	'srwikibooks' => false,
	'srwikinews' => false,
	'srwikiquote' => false,
	'srwiktionary' => false,
	'tgwiki' => false,
	'tgwikibooks' => false,
	'tgwiktionary' => false,
	'uzwiki' => false,
	'uzwikibooks' => false,
	'uzwikiquote' => false,
	'uzwiktionary' => false,
	'wikifunctionswiki' => false,
	'zh_classicalwiki' => false,
	'zh_min_nanwiki' => false,
	'zh_min_nanwikibooks' => false,
	'zh_min_nanwikiquote' => false,
	'zh_min_nanwiktionary' => false,
	'zh_yuewiki' => false,
	'zhwiki' => false,
	'zhwikibooks' => false,
	'zhwikinews' => false,
	'zhwikiquote' => false,
	'zhwikivoyage' => false,
	'zhwiktionary' => false,

'wmgCollectionPortletForLoggedInUsersOnly' => [
	'default' => false,

'wgCollectionDisableSidebarLink' => [
	'default' => false,
	'enwiki' => true, // T241683
	'fawiki' => true, // T303173
	'fiwiki' => true, // T257073
	'nowiki' => true, // T340981
	'ruwiki' => true, // T340274

'wmgCollectionArticleNamespaces' => [
	'default' => [
		NS_HELP, NS_HELP_TALK, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111
	'+enwikisource' => [ 114 ], // T58899
	'+metawiki' => [ 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215 ], // T74493
	'wikidata' => [

'wmgCollectionPortletFormats' => [
	'default' => [], // T224433
	// The old PDF renderer choked on Indic languages.  The
	// new renderer should render these fine (and the ODF
	// renderer is in a data center which is being shut down).
	// This array used to contain overrides for
	// ta/gu/ml/ne/ur (T39154, T39384, T39672, T39374, T43714).

'wmgUseElectronPdfService' => [
	'default' => true, // T165954
	'apiportalwiki' => false, // T264043

'wmgUseSpamBlacklist' => [
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false, // not needed, private editing...

'wmgUseGlobalTitleBlacklist' => [
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false, // not needed, private editing...

'wgTitleBlacklistUsernameSources' => [
	'default' => [ 'meta' ],
	'wikitech' => '*',

'wmgUseNewUserMessage' => [
	'default' => false,
	'arwiki' => true,
	'arwikisource' => true,
	'bhwiki' => true, // T97920
	'ckbwiki' => true, // T54678
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'dewikiversity' => true, // T51449
	'dtywiki' => true, // T166121
	'enwikinews' => true,
	'fawiki' => true, // T55981
	'fawikibooks' => true, // T91861
	'fawikinews' => true,
	'fawikiquote' => true, // T179442
	'fawikivoyage' => true, // T76716
	'fawiktionary' => true, // T90831
	// 'gomwiki' => true, // T106169.  Disabled until T131957 is fixed.
	'guwiki' => true, // T42872
	'guwikiquote' => true, // T134253
	'guwikisource' => true, // T42872
	'hiwiki' => true,
	'hiwikiversity' => true, // T177188
	'hiwikiquote' => true, // T133775
	'hifwiki' => true, // T99824
	'incubatorwiki' => true,
	'kkwiki' => true, // T149563
	'knwiki' => true, // T172894
	'knwikisource' => true, // T204405
	'kowiki' => true,
	'ladwiki' => true, // T32221
	'lvwiki' => true,
	'maiwiki' => true, // T99488
	'mlwiki' => true, // T38595
	'mrwiki' => true,
	'mrwikisource' => true,
	'ndswiki' => true,
	'newiki' => true, // T96823
	'pawiki' => true, // T99331
	'plwiki' => true, // T138169
	'pswiki' => true, // T121132
	'ptwiki' => true, // T269290
	'ptwikinews' => true, // T282845
	'ptwikivoyage' => true, // T290820
	'ptwiktionary' => true, // T46412
	'rowiki' => true,
	'rowikinews' => true,
	'rowikisource' => true, // T30307
	'ruwikiversity' => true,
	'sawiki' => true, // T99879
	'strategywiki' => true,
	'sqwiki' => true, // T234499
	'sqwikiquote' => true, // T234499
	'tawiki' => true, // T100431
	'tcywiki' => true, // T209432
	'thwiki' => true, // T30689
	'thwiktionary' => true, // T33600
	'thwikisource' => true, // T33600
	'thwikibooks' => true, // T33600
	'thwikiquote' => true, // T33600
	'trwikiquote' => true, // T161962
	'ukwiki' => true, // T67125
	'urwiki' => true, // T64398
	'zh_classicalwiki' => true, // T163043
	'zhwiki' => true, // T32362
	'zhwikivoyage' => true, // T360175

'wmgNewUserMessageOnAutoCreate' => [
	'default' => false,
	'arwiki' => true,
	'arwikisource' => true,
	'bhwiki' => true, // T97920
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'dtywiki' => true, // T177688
	'enwikinews' => true,
	'fawikibooks' => true, // T91861
	'fawikinews' => true,
	'fawikivoyage' => true, // T76716
	'fawiktionary' => true, // T90831
	'gomwiki' => true, // T106169
	'guwiki' => true, // T42872
	'guwikiquote' => true, // T134253
	'guwikisource' => true, // T42872
	'hiwiki' => true,
	'hiwikiquote' => true, // T133775
	'hiwikiversity' => true, // T177690
	'hifwiki' => true, // T99824
	'incubatorwiki' => true,
	'kkwiki' => true, // T149563
	'lvwiki' => true,
	'maiwiki' => true, // T99488
	'mlwiki' => true,
	'ndswiki' => true,
	'pawiki' => true, // T99331
	'pswiki' => true, // T121132
	'rowiki' => true,
	'sawiki' => true, // T99879
	'tawiki' => true, // T100431
	'tcywiki' => true, // T209432
	'thwiki' => true,
	'thwiktionary' => true, // T33600
	'thwikisource' => true, // T33600
	'thwikibooks' => true, // T33600
	'thwikiquote' => true, // T33600
	'ukwiki' => true, // T67125
	'zh_classicalwiki' => true, // T243509
	'zhwikivoyage' => true, // T360175

'wmgNewUserMinorEdit' => [
	'default' => true,
	'arwiki' => false,
	'fawiki' => false,
	'kkwiki' => false, // T149563
	'plwiki' => false, // T138169
	'incubatorwiki' => false,

'wmgApplyGlobalBlocks' => [
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false,
	'metawiki' => false,

'wmgUseFlaggedRevs' => [
	'default' => false,
	'flaggedrevs' => true,

'wgFlaggedRevsOverride' => [
	'default' => true,
	'alswiki' => false,
	'bewiki' => false,
	'bnwiki' => false,
	'cewiki' => false,
	'ckbwiki' => false,
	'dewikiquote' => false,
	'dewiktionary' => false,
	'enwiki' => false,
	'enwikibooks' => false,
	'eowiki' => false,
	'fawiki' => false,
	'fiwiki' => false,
	'hiwiki' => false,
	'iawiki' => false,
	'iswiktionary' => false,
	'ptwiki' => false,
	'ptwikibooks' => false,
	'ruwiki' => false,
	'ukwiki' => false,
	'vecwiki' => false,

'wgFlaggedRevsProtection' => [
	'default' => false,
	'bnwiki' => true,
	'ckbwiki' => true,
	'enwiki' => true,
	'fawiki' => true,
	'hiwiki' => true,
	'ptwiki' => true,
	'idwiki' => true,

'wgSimpleFlaggedRevsUI' => [
	'default' => true,
	'enwikibooks' => false,
	'fiwiki' => false,
	'ptwikibooks' => false,

'wgFlaggedRevsHandleIncludes' => [
	'default' => 2,
	'bnwiki' => 0,
	'ckbwiki' => 0,
	'enwiki' => 0,
	'fawiki' => 0,
	'hiwiki' => 0,
	'ptwiki' => 0,
	'ruwiki' => 0, // taavi 2024-03-06
	'ruwikisource' => 0,

'wgFlaggedRevsAutoReview' => [
	'default' => 3,
	'elwikinews' => 1,
	'enwikinews' => 1,
	'fawikinews' => 1,
	'hewikisource' => 1,

'wgFlaggedRevsLowProfile' => [
	'default' => true,
	'huwiki' => false,

'wgMaximumMovedPages' => [
	'default' => 100,
	'enwikibooks' => 500,
	'frwikisource' => 500,
	'incubatorwiki' => 500,

'wgGroupsAddToSelf' => [
	'metawiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T39198
	'officewiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T86237
	'sourceswiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T193350
	'eswikibooks' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T111455
	'enwikinews' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ],
	'enwikisource' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T38863
	'eswiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T50682
	'frwikinews' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ],
	'itwikibooks' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T41569
	'itwikisource' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T38600
	'itwiktionary' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T41306
	'knwiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T322472
	'simplewiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ],
	'srwiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ],
	'plwiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T22155
	'strategywiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ],
	'wikidata' => [
		'sysop' => [ 'flood' ], // T50013, T48856
		'wikidata-staff' => [ 'interface-admin' ], // T202065
	'wikifunctionswiki' => [
		// Special over-privileged group for initial deployment, to reduce over time
		'wikifunctions-staff' => [ 'interface-admin', 'functioneer', 'functionmaintainer', 'sysop', 'bureaucrat' ]
	'wikitech' => [
		'contentadmin' => [ 'flood' ],
		'sysop' => [ 'flood' ],
	'zhwiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ],
'wgGroupsRemoveFromSelf' => [
	'metawiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T39198
	'officewiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T86237
	'ckbwiki' => [
		'flood' => [ 'flood' ], // T53803
		'botadmin' => [ 'botadmin' ], // T53803
	'enwikibooks' => [ 'flood' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T285594
	'enwikinews' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ],
	'enwikisource' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T38863
	'enwikiversity' => [ 'interface-admin' => [ 'interface-admin' ] ], // T238967
	'eswiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T50682
	'eswikibooks' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T111455
	'frwikinews' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ],
	'frwiktionary' => [ 'botadmin' => [ 'botadmin' ] ],
	'hrwiki' => [ 'flood' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T276560
	'itwikisource' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T38600
	'jawiki' => [ 'rollbacker' => [ 'rollbacker' ] ], // T258339
	'knwiki' => [ 'flood' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T322472
	'ladwiki' => [ 'flood' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T131527
	'lvwiki' => [ 'flood' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T121238
	'mlwiki' => [ 'botadmin' => [ 'botadmin' ] ],
	'simplewiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ],
	'plwiki' => [ 'flood' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T22155 , T23238
	'ptwiki' => [ 'flood' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T228521
	'sourceswiki' => [ 'flood' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T193350
	'strategywiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ],
	'srwiki' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'flood' ] ],
	'trwiki' => [ 'massmessage-sender' => [ 'massmessage-sender' ] ], // T147740
	'wikidata' => [
		'sysop' => [ 'flood' ], // T50013, T48856
		'flood' => [ 'flood' ], // T50013
		'wikidata-staff' => [ 'interface-admin' ], // T202065
	'wikifunctionswiki' => [
		// Special over-privileged group for initial deployment, to reduce over time
		'wikifunctions-staff' => [ 'interface-admin', 'functioneer', 'functionmaintainer', 'sysop', 'bureaucrat' ]
	'wikitech' => [
		'contentadmin' => [ 'flood' ],
		'sysop' => [ 'flood' ],
	'viwiki' => [ 'flood' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T303578
	'zhwiki' => [
		'sysop' => [ 'flood' ],
		'massmessage-sender' => [ 'massmessage-sender' ], // T130814
		'ipblock-exempt' => [ 'ipblock-exempt' ], // T137532
		'patroller' => [ 'patroller' ], // T137532
		'rollbacker' => [ 'rollbacker' ], // T137532
		'autoreviewer' => [ 'autoreviewer' ], // T137532
		'flood' => [ 'flood' ], // T171379
		'accountcreator' => [ 'accountcreator' ], // T194871
		'filemover' => [ 'filemover' ], // T195247
		'transwiki' => [ 'transwiki' ], // T250972
		'ipblock-exempt-grantor' => [ 'ipblock-exempt-grantor' ], // T357991
	'zhwikibooks' => [ 'flood' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T185182
	'zhwikinews' => [ 'flood' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T54546
	'zhwikiquote' => [ 'flood' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T189289
	'zhwikiversity' => [
		'flood' => [ 'flood' ],
		'patroller' => [ 'patroller' ],
		'autopatrolled' => [ 'autopatrolled' ],
	], // T202599
	'zhwiktionary' => [ 'flood' => [ 'flood' ] ], // T187018

'wgCdnMaxAge' => [
	'default' => 14 * 24 * 3600, // 14 days (T124954)
	'foundationwiki' => 3600, // 1 hour; template links may be funky

# abuse filter @{
'wmgAbuseFilterCentralDB' => [
	'default' => 'metawiki',

// T332521: Mark some global AbuseFilter actions as locally disabled
'wgAbuseFilterLocallyDisabledGlobalActions' => [
	'default' => [
		'blockautopromote' => true,
		'block' => true,
		'rangeblock' => true,

// emergency disable: shut off filters tagging >5% of posts on a total of at least 25 posts per day
'wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableThreshold' => [
	'default' => [ 'default' => 0.05, ],
	'commonswiki' => [ 'default' => 0.30, ], // T87431
	'eswikibooks' => [ 'default' => 0.30, ], // T145765
	'foundationwiki' => [ 'default' => 0.30 ],
	'metawiki' => [ 'default' => 0.30, ], // T173633
	'mediawikiwiki' => [ 'default' => 0.30, ], // T212667
	'eswiki' => [ 'default' => 0.1, ], // T284797
'wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableCount' => [
	'default' => [ 'default' => 2, ],
	'enwiki' => [ 'default' => 25, ],
	'eswikibooks' => [ 'default' => 10, ], // T145765
	'commonswiki' => [ 'default' => 25, ], // T87431
	'foundationwiki' => [ 'default' => 25 ],
	'metawiki' => [ 'default' => 25, ], // T173633
	'mediawikiwiki' => [ 'default' => 25, ], // T212667
	'eswiki' => [ 'default' => 3, ], // T284797
'wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableAge' => [
	'default' => [ 'default' => 86400, ],
'wgAbuseFilterEnableBlockedExternalDomain' => [
	'default' => true,
	// Meta holds the shared spam blacklist
	'metawiki' => false,
	// Wikibase doesn't work with the new system (T65632)
	'wikidatawiki' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => false,
	'commonswiki' => false

# @}

'wgThumbLimits' => [
	'default' => [ 120, 150, 180, 200, 220, 250, 300, 400 ],
	'+itwikiquote' => [ 360 ],
	'svwiki' => [ 120, 200, 250, 300, 360 ],
	# nlwiki uses 260 instead of 250 (T215106)
	'nlwiki' => [ 120, 150, 180, 200, 220, 260, 300, 400 ],
'wmgThumbsizeIndex' => [
	'default' => 4,
	'fiwiki' => 5, // T162376
	'nowiki' => 5, // T155892
	'svwiki' => 2, // T18739
	'nlwiki' => 5, // T215106

'wgTorTagChanges' => [
	'default' => false

'wmgUseContactPage' => [
	'default' => false,
	'enwiki' => true,
	'foundationwiki' => true,
	'metawiki' => true,
	'nlwiki' => true,
	'testwiki' => true,
'wmgContactPageConf' => [
	'default' => [],
	// T17624
	'nlwiki' => [
		'RecipientUser' => 'WikiAdmin~nlwiki',
		'SenderName' => 'Contactformulier op nl-Wikipedia',
		'IncludeIP' => true,

'wgAllowCopyUploads' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'test2wiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'wikisource' => true, // T293205
	'viwiki' => true, // T303577
	'zhwiki' => true, // T142991
'wgCopyUploadsFromSpecialUpload' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true, // T73897
	'commonswiki' => true, // T73897
	'wikisource' => true, // T293205
	'viwiki' => true, // T303577
	'zhwiki' => true, // T142991
'wgCopyUploadTimeout' => [
	// This is set to a high value because there is no working mechanism for
	// uploading by URL asyncronously (via the job queue, for example).
	// See T119336 for details.
	'default' => 180, // T118887
'wgCopyUploadAllowOnWikiDomainConfig' => [
	'default' => false,
	'commonswiki' => true, // T300407

'wgCopyUploadsDomains' => [
	'default' => [ '*.flickr.com', '*.staticflickr.com', ], // For Flickr uploads via UploadWizard - 2012-11-20
	'+testwiki' => [ 'upload.wikimedia.org' ],
	'+commonswiki' => [], // migrated to [[c:MediaWiki:Copyupload-allowed-domains]], T300407
	'+wikisource' => [
		'archive.org', '*.archive.org',
		'*.*.archive.org', // Internet Archive - T106293, T207581
		'ia-upload.wmcloud.org', // T287241 - IA-Upload tool
		'wikisource-bot.toolforge.org', // Wikisource-bot tool - T292213
		'upload.wikimedia.org', // Commons -> WS transfers - T294824
	'+viwiki' => [
		'upload.wikimedia.org', // Commons -> WS transfers - T303577
	'+zhwiki' => [
		'upload.wikimedia.org', // Commons -> WP transfers - T142991

'wgMaxUploadSize' => [
	// Affects URL uploads and chunked uploads (experimental).
	// Limit on other web uploads is enforced by PHP.
	'default' => 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 5, // 5 GiB (i.e. Swift max object size)

'wmgUsePdfHandler' => [
	'default' => true, // brion -- 2009-08-25
	'lockeddown' => false,

'wmgUsePdfHandlerShellbox' => [
	'default' => true,
	'commonswiki' => false, // T289228#7588412

'wmgUseFooterContactLink' => [
	// Make sure 'MediaWiki:Contact' and 'MediaWiki:Contact-url' are defined.
	'default' => false,
	'cswiki' => true, // T248584
	'enwiki' => true, // T48392
	'ruwiki' => true, // T201783
	'ukwiki' => true, // T104924
	'frwiki' => true, // T202014

'wmgUseFooterCodeOfConductLink' => [
	'default' => true,
	'mediawikiwiki' => false,
	'labswiki' => false,
	'labtestwiki' => false,

'wmgUseFooterTechCodeOfConductLink' => [
	'default' => false,
	'mediawikiwiki' => true,
	'labswiki' => true,
	'labtestwiki' => true,

'wgMaxMsgCacheEntrySize' => [
	'default' => 1024,

'wmgUseLiquidThreads' => [
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Do not enable this on new wikis.
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	'default' => false,
	'enwikinews' => true, // Per T23956 -- Andrew 2009-02-09
	'enwiktionary' => true, // T25417 -- ariel 2010-16-05
	'huwiki' => true, // T24909 -- Andrew 2010-09-06
	'ptwikibooks' => true, // T26143 -- Andrew 2010-08-16
	'svwikisource' => true, // T25220 -- Andrew 2010-08-28

'wmgLiquidThreadsOptIn' => [
	'default' => true, // New wikis by default are opt-in per-page LiquidThreads
	// ---------
	'ptwikibooks' => false, // T50578

'wmgLiquidThreadsFrozen' => [
	// Preserve access to LQT namespaces after removing the extension
	'default' => false,
	'fiwikimedia' => true,
	'mediawikiwiki' => true,
	'officewiki' => true, // replaced with Flow 2014-11-25
	'sewikimedia' => true, // T106302, T114277
	'strategywiki' => true,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'test2wiki' => true,
	'wikimania2010wiki' => true,

'wmgLQTUserControlNamespaces' => [
	'default' => null,
	'enwikinews' => [ 102 ], // Comments namespace

'wmgUseGlobalUsage' => [
	'default' => true, # Enabled on all PUBLIC wikis
	'closed' => false,
	'private' => false,
	'wikitech' => false,

// This is also guarded by $wmgUseCentralAuth.
'wmgUseGlobalUserPage' => [
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false,
	'nonglobal' => false,

'wgDisabledVariants' => [
	'default' => [],
	'zhwikibooks' => [ 'zh-mo', 'zh-my' ],
	'zhwikinews' => [ 'zh-mo', 'zh-my' ],
	'zhwikiquote' => [ 'zh-mo', 'zh-my' ],
	'zhwikisource' => [ 'zh-cn', 'zh-hk', 'zh-mo', 'zh-my', 'zh-sg', 'zh-tw' ],
	'zhwiktionary' => [ 'zh-cn', 'zh-hk', 'zh-mo', 'zh-my', 'zh-sg', 'zh-tw' ],

'wgSearchSuggestCacheExpiry' => [
	'default' => 10800,

'wgDisableHardRedirects' => [
	'default' => true,
	'donatewiki' => false,

'wgRevokePermissions' => [
	'tawiki' => [
		'nocreate' => [ 'createpage' => true ],

'wgArticleCountMethod' => [
	'default' => 'link',
	'bgwikinews' => 'any', // T222044
	'cswikinews' => 'any', // T45525
	'enwikibooks' => 'any', // T29256, T188472
	'fiwikinews' => 'any', // T216333
	'frwikiquote' => 'any', // T236212
	'guwikisource' => 'any', // T42173
	'minwiktionary' => 'any', // T241694
	'napwikisource' => 'any', // T233673
	'plwikisource' => 'any', // T131771
	'ptwikibooks' => 'any', // T29256, T188472
	'srwikisource' => 'any', // T172974
	'srwikiquote' => 'any', // T172974
	'tawiktionary' => 'any', // T241684
	'trwikisource' => 'any', // T248747
	'viwikibooks' => 'any', // T314239
	'wikidatawiki' => 'any', // T144687
	'wikifunctionswiki' => 'any',
	'zhwikinews' => 'any', // T53604
	'zhwikiversity' => 'any', // T214946

'wmgUseMassMessage' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

'wgNamespacesToPostIn' => [
	# Implicitly true for odd-numbered namespaces
	'default' => [ NS_PROJECT ],
	'+metawiki' => [ NS_MAIN ]

'wgAllowGlobalMessaging' => [
	'default' => false,
	'metawiki' => true,

'wmgUseSandboxLink' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'arwiki' => true,
	'atjwiki' => true, // T182798
	'azwiki' => true, // T282954
	'bhwiki' => true,
	'bnwiki' => true,
	'bnwikibooks' => true,
	'bnwikiquote' => true, // T320903
	'bnwikisource' => true, // T152692
	'bnwikivoyage' => true, // T296637
	'bnwiktionary' => true,
	'brwikimedia' => true,
	'cawiki' => true,
	'cawikibooks' => true,
	'ckbwiki' => true,
	'cswiki' => true, // T100513
	'cywiki' => true, // T173054
	'dawiki' => true,
	'dtywiki' => true, // T168038
	'elwiki' => true,
	'elwikivoyage' => true,
	'enwiki' => true,
	'enwikibooks' => true,
	'enwikiversity' => true,
	'eowiki' => true,
	'eswiki' => true,
	'eswiktionary' => true, // T97135
	'eswikiversity' => true, // T198335
	'eswikivoyage' => true, // T241163
	'euwiki' => true, // T166553
	'extwiki' => true, // T326450
	'fawiki' => true,
	'fawiktionary' => true, // T308505
	'frwiki' => true, // T95604
	'gawiki' => true, // T177775
	'gdwiki' => true, // T156281
	'hewiki' => true,
	'hewikibooks' => true,
	'hewikinews' => true,
	'hewikivoyage' => true,
	'hifwiki' => true,
	'hiwiki' => true,
	'hiwikiversity' => true, // T179252
	'huwiki' => true,
	'hywiki' => true,
	'hywwiki' => true, // T239387
	'ilowiki' => true,
	'iswiki' => true,
	'itwiki' => true, // T103643
	'jawiki' => true,
	'jvwiki' => true, // T176308
	'kaawiki' => true, // T336648
	'kkwiki' => true,
	'knwiki' => true,
	'kowiki' => true,
	'kuwiki' => true, // T325469
	'lawiki' => true, // T296073
	'ladwiki' => true, // T121524
	'ltwiki' => true, // T273957
	'lvwiki' => true,
	'maiwiki' => true,
	'minwiki' => true,
	'mwlwiki' => true, // T180052
	'newiki' => true,
	'nlwiki' => true,
	'nlwikinews' => true, // T177170
	'nlwikiquote' => true, // T124167
	'nnwiki' => true, // T359788
	'nowiki' => true, // T210325
	'orwiki' => true, // T124614
	'pawiki' => true, // T344815
	'papwiki' => true, // T223166
	'plwiki' => true,
	'plwikisource' => true,
	'plwikivoyage' => true,
	'plwiktionary' => true,
	'pswiki' => true,
	'ptwiki' => true,
	'ptwikinews' => true, // T278634
	'ptwikiquote' => true, // T361447
	'rowiki' => true, // T219855
	'ruwiki' => true, // T153855
	'sawiki' => true,
	'sdwiki' => true, // T152609
	'sdwiktionary' => true, // T152609
	'simplewiktionary' => true,
	'skwiki' => true,
	'shwiki' => true, // T327833
	'shnwiki' => true, // T308623
	'sowiki' => true,
	'sqwiki' => true, // T227970
	'sqwikiquote' => true, // T230390
	'srwiki' => true, // T129485
	'svwiki' => true,
	'tawiki' => true,
	'tawikiquote' => true, // T166901
	'tawiktionary' => true,
	'tcywiki' => true, // T144925
	'tewiki' => true,
	'tewikiquote' => true,
	'tgwiki' => true, // T156473
	'thwiki' => true,
	'thwikibooks' => true,
	'thwikiquote' => true,
	'thwikisource' => true,
	'thwiktionary' => true,
	'tlwiki' => true,
	'trwiki' => true, // T256782
	'trwikivoyage' => true, // T272780
	'ukwiki' => true,
	'urwiki' => true,
	'uzwiki' => true, // T308399
	'viwiki' => true, // T272796
	'zhwiki' => true,
	'zhwikiversity' => true,
	'zuwiki' => true,

'wmgUseUploadWizard' => [
	'default' => false,
	'rowiki' => true, // T61242
	'testwiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'donatewiki' => true,
	'foundationwiki' => true,

'wmgAltUploadForm' => [ // T35513
	'default' => 'Special:Upload',

	'commonswiki' => [
		'default' => 'Commons:Upload',
		'ast' => 'Commons:Upload/ast',
		'be-tarask' => 'Commons:Upload/be-tarask',
		'bg' => 'Commons:Upload/bg',
		'bn' => 'Commons:Upload/bn',
		'ca' => 'Commons:Upload/ca',
		'cs' => 'Commons:Upload/cs',
		'da' => 'Commons:Upload/da',
		'de' => 'Commons:Hochladen',
		'el' => 'Commons:Upload/el',
		'en' => 'Commons:Upload',
		'eo' => 'Commons:Upload/eo',
		'es' => 'Commons:Upload/es',
		'et' => 'Commons:Upload/et',
		'eu' => 'Commons:Upload/eu',
		'ext' => 'Commons:Upload/ext',
		'fa' => 'Commons:Upload/fa',
		'fi' => 'Commons:Tallenna',
		'fo' => 'Commons:Upload/fo',
		'fr' => 'Commons:Téléverser',
		'fy' => 'Commons:Upload/fy',
		'gl' => 'Commons:Upload/gl',
		'he' => 'Commons:Upload/he',
		'hr' => 'Commons:Upload/hr',
		'hu' => 'Commons:Upload/hu',
		'hy' => 'Commons:Upload/hy',
		'is' => 'Commons:Upload/is',
		'it' => 'Commons:Upload/it',
		'ja' => 'Commons:Upload/ja',
		'ka' => 'Commons:Upload/ka',
		'km' => 'Commons:Upload/km',
		'ko' => 'Commons:Upload/ko',
		'ksh' => 'Commons:Upload/ksh',
		'ln' => 'Commons:Upload/ln',
		'lt' => 'Commons:Upload/lt',
		'mk' => 'Commons:Upload/mk',
		'ml' => 'Commons:Upload/ml',
		'mr' => 'Commons:Upload/mr',
		'nl' => 'Commons:Upload/nl',
		'no' => 'Commons:Upload/no',
		'pl' => 'Commons:Upload/pl',
		'pt' => 'Commons:Upload/pt',
		'pt-br' => 'Commons:Upload/pt-br',
		'ro' => 'Commons:Upload/ro',
		'ru' => 'Commons:Upload/ru',
		'sk' => 'Commons:Upload/sk',
		'sl' => 'Commons:Upload/sl',
		'sr' => 'Commons:Upload/sr',
		'sv' => 'Commons:Upload/sv',
		'th' => 'Commons:Upload/th',
		'tr' => 'Commons:Upload/tr',
		'uk' => 'Commons:Upload/uk',
		'vi' => 'Commons:Upload/vi',
		'yue' => 'Commons:Upload/yue',
		'zh' => 'Commons:Upload/zh-hans',
		'zh-hant' => 'Commons:Upload/zh-hant',

	'testcommonswiki' => [
		'default' => 'Commons:Upload',

'wgForeignUploadTargets' => [
	'default' => [ 'shared' ],
	'commonswiki' => [ 'local' ],
	'officewiki' => [ 'local' ],
	'testcommonswiki' => [ 'local' ],
	'test2wiki' => [ 'testwikirepo' ],
	'testwiki' => [ 'local' ],
	'wikitech' => [ 'local' ], // T162374
	'zhwiki' => [], // T208397

'wmgCustomUploadDialog' => [
	'default' => false,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,
	'testwiki' => true,

'wmgUseTimedMediaHandler' => [
	'default' => true,
	'wikitech' => false,
	'lockeddown' => false,

'wmgMinimumVideoPlayerSize' => [
	'default' => 800,

'wmgUseUploadsLink' => [
	'default' => false,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,

'wmgUseUrlShortener' => [
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false,
	'lockeddown' => false,
	'wikitech' => false, // T341470

'wgUrlShortenerReadOnly' => [
	'default' => false,

'wgUrlShortenerEnableSidebar' => [
	'default' => true,
	'rtl' => true,

'wgAllowMicrodataAttributes' => [
	'default' => false,
	'hewikisource' => true, // T89655

// ----------- BetaFeatures start ----------
// Move things out of this when they're no longer in beta!

'wmgUseBetaFeatures' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

// Allow list enablement of individual Beta Features for production; per-wiki
// configuration should happen below this. Next to each entry, please note the
// date of the last major change, **6 months after which** is the nominal
// cut-off, when the feature should be un-deployed.
// DO NOT add entries here without OK from Greg Grossmeier or James Forrester.
'wgBetaFeaturesAllowList' => [
	'default' => [
		'beta-feature-flow-user-talk-page', // [Growth_] On-going (special permission) – Flow opt-in
		'cx', // [LangEng] 2019-11-07 - ContentTranslation
		'twocolconflict', // [WMDE TW] 2019-10-30 – New edit conflict view
		'discussiontools-betaenable', // [Editing] 2020-09-12 – Reply tool
		'ipinfo-beta-feature-enable', // [TSTools] 2022-10-01 – IP Info
		'wikistories-storiesonarticles', // [Inuka__] 2022-12-30 - Wikistories on articles
		'proofreadpage-editinsequence', // [ProofRP] 2023-08-29 - Edit in sequence
		'vector-2022-beta-feature'           // [WebTeam] 2023-12-06 - Accessibility for Reading (Vector 2022)
	'+wikisource' => [
		'uls-compact-links', // [LangEng] 2018-09-13 – Compact language links
	'+ruwikivoyage' => [
		'uls-compact-links', // [LangEng] 2018-09-13 – Compact language links

'wmgUseFileImporter' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => 'FileImporter-WikimediaSitesTableSite',
	'commonswiki' => 'FileImporter-WikimediaSitesTableSite',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'FileImporter-WikimediaSitesTableSite',

'wmgUseFileExporter' => [
	'default' => 'https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:ImportFile',
	'test2wiki' => 'https://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:ImportFile',
	'lockeddown' => false,
	'commonswiki' => false,
	'testcommonswiki' => false,

'wmgUseCommonsMetadata' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,
	'wikitech' => false,

'wmgCommonsMetadataForceRecalculate' => [
	'default' => false,

// Note: If you're adding new wikis to this list, also make sure that the Popups
// extension knows the local names of the NavPopups or Reference Tooltips gadgets
// by setting wgPopupsConflictingNavPopupsGadgetName and
// wgPopupsConflictingRefTooltipsGadgetName accordingly.
'wmgUsePopups' => [
	'default' => false,
	'sewikimedia' => true, // T68374
	'sysop_itwiki' => false, // T259480
	'wikipedia' => true,
	'enwikivoyage' => true, // T203981
	'hewikivoyage' => true, // T222017
	'zhwikivoyage' => true, // T230624
	'dewikivoyage' => true, // T264305

'wgPopupsVirtualPageViews' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgPopupsStatsvSamplingRate' => [
	// Careful! This value should not be increased without coordination with the
	// Operations and/or Analytics teams.
	'default' => 0.01,

'wgPopupsEventLogging' => [
	'default' => false,

'wgPopupsGateway' => [
	// mwApiPlain should never be used in a production setting as it is not cached.
	'default' => 'restbaseHTML',

// T197719 Enable PagePreviews for all newly created accounts
'wgPopupsOptInStateForNewAccounts' => [
	'default' => '1',

'wgPopupsOptInDefaultState' => [
	'default' => '0',
	'enwikivoyage' => '1',
	'dewikivoyage' => '1',
	'hewikivoyage' => '1',

// T160081 (and others): Make sure that Page Previews can detect the many, many
// variants of the NavPopups gadget.
// Due to similar conflicts, the Reference Previews feature in the Cite extension
// also needs to know that gadget's name and copies the value to its own setting.
// See wgCiteReferencePreviewsConflictingNavPopupsGadgetName
// Generated using go_go_gadget_export.php from
// https://gist.github.com/phuedx/8dd383e9b444270df6d068564aad9412.
'wgPopupsConflictingNavPopupsGadgetName' => [
	'default' => 'Navigation_popups',
	'acewiki' => 'NavPopups',
	'afwiki' => 'popups',
	'alswiki' => 'navigation-popups',
	'arwiki' => 'Popups',
	'azbwiki' => 'popups',
	'barwiki' => 'navigation-popups',
	'bewiki' => 'popups',
	'brwiki' => 'Popups',
	'bugwiki' => 'NavPopups',
	'cewiki' => 'popups',
	'dawiki' => 'Popups',
	'dewiki' => 'navigation-popups',
	'enwikivoyage' => 'popups',
	'eowiki' => 'Popups',
	'fawiki' => 'popups',
	'fiwiki' => 'popups',
	'frwiki' => 'Popups',
	'hewiki' => 'popup',
	'hrwiki' => 'navigacijski_prozori',
	'huwiki' => 'latszer',
	'idwiki' => 'NavPopups',
	'itwiki' => 'Popup',
	'kshwiki' => 'navigation-popups',
	'lmowiki' => 'Popup',
	'ltwiki' => 'popups',
	'map_bmswiki' => 'NavPopups',
	'minwiki' => 'NavPopups',
	'mznwiki' => 'popups',
	'nds_nlwiki' => 'Navigoasie-popups',
	'nlwiki' => 'Navigatie popups',
	'ocwiki' => 'Popups',
	'pdcwiki' => 'navigation-popups',
	'rowiki' => 'popups',
	'ruwiki' => 'popups',
	'simplewiki' => 'Navigation_popups-API',
	'svwiki' => 'NavigationPopups',
	'tgwiki' => 'popups',
	'udmwiki' => 'popups',
	'vecwiki' => 'Popup',
	'viwiki' => 'navpop',
	'wowiki' => 'Popups',
	'yiwiki' => 'NavigationPopups',

'wgPopupsConflictingRefTooltipsGadgetName' => [
	'default' => 'ReferenceTooltips',
	'altwiki' => 'referenceTooltips',
	'avwiki' => 'referenceTooltips',
	'azwiki' => 'referenceTooltips',
	'bawiki' => 'referenceTooltips',
	'cewiki' => 'referenceTooltips',
	'euwiki' => 'ErrefAurrebista',
	'frwiki' => 'tooltipRef',
	'hrwiki' => 'izvori',
	'inhwiki' => 'referenceTooltips',
	'lbewiki' => 'referenceTooltips',
	'lezwiki' => 'referenceTooltips',
	'myvwiki' => 'referenceTooltips',
	'ruwiki' => 'referenceTooltips',
	'tgwiki' => 'referenceTooltips',
	'ttwiki' => 'referenceTooltips',
	'udmwiki' => 'referenceTooltips',

// Whether Compact Links is a Beta feature
'wmgULSCompactLanguageLinksBetaFeature' => [
	'default' => false,
	'ruwikivoyage' => true,
	'wikisource' => true,

// ------------ BetaFeatures end -----------

// -------------- Media Viewer configs --------------
'wmgUseMultimediaViewer' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,
	'private' => false,
	'officewiki' => true, // T160420

'wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault' => [
	'default' => true,
	'commonswiki' => false, // T71363
	'testcommonswiki' => false, // T71363

'wgMediaViewerEnableByDefaultForAnonymous' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgMediaViewerUseThumbnailGuessing' => [
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false, // T212099

'wmgUseLinter' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

// T299612
'wgLinterWriteNamespaceColumnStage' => [
	'default' => true,

// T299612
'wgLinterUseNamespaceColumnStage' => [
	'default' => true,

// T175177
'wgLinterWriteTagAndTemplateColumnsStage' => [
	'default' => true,

// T175177
'wgLinterUserInterfaceTagAndTemplateStage' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgLinterStatsdSampleFactor' => [
	'default' => 1000,
	'commonswiki' => 5000, // T184280
	'small' => 50,
	'medium' => 100,

// -------------- RESTBase start --------------

// whether to configure RESTBase as a Virtual REST Service
// in MW Core
'wmgUseRestbaseVRS' => [
	'default' => true,
	'wikitech' => false, // T102178
	'closed' => false, // T315383
	'private' => false,
	// For reasons lost to history RESTBase was never set up for these wikis: (T318325)
	'hiwikimedia' => false,
	'maiwikimedia' => false,
	'romdwikimedia' => false,
	'wbwikimedia' => false,

// -------------- RESTBase end --------------

// -------------- Shared Parsoid start --------------

'wmgUseParsoid' => [
	'default' => true,
	'wikitech' => false, # T241961
	'lockeddown' => false, # T61702

// Should a users' Cookie: headers be forwarded to Parsoid (for private wikis)
'wmgParsoidForwardCookies' => [
	'default' => false,
	'private' => true,

'wgParserMigrationEnableQueryString' => [
	'default' => true,
	'commonswiki' => false,
	'wikidatawiki' => false,

// T333179
'wmgUseParserMigration' => [
	'default' => true,
	'commonswiki' => false,
	'wikidatawiki' => false,

'wgParserMigrationEnableParsoidDiscussionTools' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikitech' => true, // T355374
	'officewiki' => true, // T355566

'wgParserMigrationEnableParsoidArticlePages' => [
	'default' => false,
	'officewiki' => true, // T355566

'wgParserMigrationUserNoticeVersion' => [
	'default' => 1,

'wgParserMigrationUserNoticeDays' => [
	'default' => 7,

// -------------- Shared Parsoid end --------------

// -------------- VisualEditor start --------------

'wmgUseVisualEditor' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

// Whether VisualEditor should re-use the edit tab (and section link) or insert its own; "SET"
'wgVisualEditorUseSingleEditTab' => [
	'default' => false, // Deploying slowly with community advanced notice

	'wikisource' => true, // Starting from SET
	'wiktionary' => true, // Starting from SET
	'wikivoyage' => true, // Starting from SET

	'mediawikiwiki' => true,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'test2wiki' => true, // T121421

	'arcwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'arwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'arzwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'aswiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'azbwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'bhwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'bnwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'bowiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'bpywiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'cawiki' => true, // T180660
	'chrwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'ckbwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'dvwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'dzwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'enwiki' => true, // T128478
	'fawiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'glkwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'gomwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'gotwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'guwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'hiwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'huwiki' => true, // T126801
	'jawiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'kmwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'knwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'kowiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'kswiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'lowiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'lrcwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'maiwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'mlwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'mrwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'mywiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'mznwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'newiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'newwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'orwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'pawiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'piwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'pnbwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'pswiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'sawiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'sdwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'siwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'tawiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'tcywiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'tetwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'tewiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'thwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'twwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'ugwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'urwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'wuuwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'zhwiki' => true, // Starting from SET (T296269)
	'zh_classicalwiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'zh_yuewiki' => true, // Starting from SET

	'wikifunctionswiki' => true, // Starting from SET
	'officewiki' => true,

// Time that above variable was switched on, used to determine whether we should prompt user about
// preference on first load
'wgVisualEditorSingleEditTabSwitchTime' => [
	'default' => 20160101000000,
	'mediawikiwiki' => 20160203000000,
	'testwiki' => 20160203000000,
	'test2wiki' => 20151215000000,
	'arcwiki' => 20161011000000,
	'arwiki' => 20160810000000,
	'arzwiki' => 20160810000000,
	'aswiki' => 20160907000000,
	'azbwiki' => 20160810000000,
	'bhwiki' => 20160907000000,
	'bnwiki' => 20160907000000,
	'bowiki' => 20160907000000,
	'bpywiki' => 20160907000000,
	'cawiki' => 20171120000000, // T180660
	'chrwiki' => 20161011000000,
	'ckbwiki' => 20160810000000,
	'dvwiki' => 20161011000000,
	'dzwiki' => 20160907000000,
	'enwiki' => 20160301000000,
	'fawiki' => 20160810000000,
	'glkwiki' => 20160810000000,
	'gomwiki' => 20160907000000,
	'gotwiki' => 20161011000000,
	'guwiki' => 20160907000000,
	'hiwiki' => 20160907000000,
	'huwiki' => 20160223000000,
	'jawiki' => 20160510000000,
	'kmwiki' => 20161011000000,
	'knwiki' => 20160907000000,
	'kswiki' => 20160907000000,
	'lowiki' => 20161011000000,
	'lrcwiki' => 20160810000000,
	'maiwiki' => 20160907000000,
	'mlwiki' => 20160907000000,
	'mrwiki' => 20160907000000,
	'mywiki' => 20161011000000,
	'mznwiki' => 20160810000000,
	'newiki' => 20160907000000,
	'newwiki' => 20160907000000,
	'orwiki' => 20160907000000,
	'pawiki' => 20160907000000,
	'piwiki' => 20160907000000,
	'pnbwiki' => 20160810000000,
	'pswiki' => 20160810000000,
	'sawiki' => 20160907000000,
	'sdwiki' => 20160810000000,
	'siwiki' => 20160907000000,
	'tawiki' => 20160907000000,
	'tcywiki' => 20160810000000,
	'tetwiki' => 20161011000000,
	'tewiki' => 20160907000000,
	'thwiki' => 20161011000000,
	'twwiki' => 20161011000000,
	'ugwiki' => 20160810000000,
	'urwiki' => 20160810000000,

	'officewiki' => 20160303000000,

// Whether the wikitext editor should be the default editor.
'wmgVisualEditorIsSecondaryEditor' => [
	'default' => false,
	'enwiki' => true, // T132806
	'eswiki' => true, // T62188
	'frwiktionary' => true, // T169741
	'hewiki' => true, // T54552
	'zhwiki' => true, // T296269

'wgVisualEditorTabPosition' => [
	'default' => 'before',
	'eswiki' => 'after', // T62188
	'hewiki' => 'after', // T54552

// Whether to enable the 2017 wikitext editor by default.
'wmgVisualEditorEnableWikitext' => [
	'default' => false,
	'officewiki' => true,

// Whether to enable true section editing. false, true or 'mobile'
'wgVisualEditorEnableVisualSectionEditing' => [
	'default' => 'mobile',
	'wikitech' => true,
	'officewiki' => true,

// Namespaces for VisualEditor to be active in, in addition to wgContentNamespaces
'wgVisualEditorAvailableNamespaces' => [
	'default' => [
		'User' => true,
		'File' => true,
		'Help' => true,
		'Category' => true,

	// Group 0 wikis
	'+mediawikiwiki' => [
		'Project' => true, // T50430
		'Manual' => true, // T50430
		'Extension' => true, // T50430
		'API' => true, // T50430
		'Skin' => true, // T50430

	// Wikipedias
	'+azwiki' => [
		'Qaralama' => true, // Draft - T299332
	'+bgwiki' => [
		'Чернова' => true, // Draft - T299224
	'+bnwiki' => [
		'খসড়া' => true, // Draft - T350133
	'+cawiki' => [
		'Project' => true, // T88896
		'Portal' => true, // T58000
		'Viquiprojecte' => true, // T58000
	'+ckbwiki' => [
		'ڕەشنووس' => true, // Draft - T332470
	'+cswiki' => [
		'Project' => true, // T136628
	'+enwiki' => [
		'Portal' => true, // T58001
		'Book' => true, // T58001
		'Draft' => true,
	'+etwiki' => [
		'Mustand' /* Draft */ => true, // T192254
	'+euwiki' => [
		'Zerrenda' /* List */ => true, // T224801
	'+fawiki' => [
		'پیش‌نویس' /* Draft */ => true, // T118060
	'+fiwiki' => [
		'Wikiprojekti' => true, // T156621
	'+frwiki' => [
		'Projet' => true, // T116603
	'+hewiki' => [
		'טיוטה' /* Draft */ => true, // T87027
	'+hrwiki' => [
		'Nacrt' /* Draft */ => true, // T270688
	'+htwiki' => [
		'Project' => true, // T130177
	'+huwiki' => [
		'Cikkjelölt' => true, // Draft - T333083
	'+hywiki' => [
		'Սևագիր' => true, // Draft, T260825
		'Վիքինախագիծ' => true, // Wikiproject, T260825
	'+itwiki' => [
		'Bozza' => true, // Draft - T280289
	'+jawiki' => [
		'Portal' => true, // T97313
	'+kowiki' => [
		'포털' /* Portal */ => true, // T224813
		'초안' /* Draft */ => true, // T92798
	'+mlwiki' => [
		'കരട്' /* Draft */ => true, // T362653
	'+nlwiki' => [
		'Project' => true, // T164435
	'+plwiki' => [
		'Project' => true, // T133980
		'Portal' => true, // T133980
		'Wikiprojekt' => true, // T92698
	'+ruwiki' => [
		'Инкубатор' /* Draft / Incubator */ => true, // T86688
	'+shwiki' => [
		'Project' => true, // T344432
		'Nacrt' /* Draft */ => true, // T344432
	'+skwiki' => [
		'Project' => true, // T229014
	'+slwiki' => [
		'Osnutek' /* Draft */ => true, // T335208
		'Project' => true, // T335208
	'+srwiki' => [
		'Project' => true, // T205206
		'Нацрт' /* Draft */ => true, // T223024
	'+svwiki' => [
		'Project' => true, // T144688
		'Portal' => true, // T144688
	'+tawiki' => [
		'வரைவு' => true, // Draft - T329248
	'+thwiki' => [
		'ฉบับร่าง' /* Draft */ => true, // T252959
	'+vecwiki' => [
		'Project' => true, // T250419
		'Projeto' /* WikiProject */ => true, // T250419
		'Portałe' /* Portal */ => true, // T250419
	'+viwiki' => [
		'Project' => true, // T314968
	'+zhwiki' => [
		'Draft' => true, // T91223

	// Wiktionaries
	'+enwiktionary' => [
		'Appendix' => true, // T350926
	'+frwiktionary' => [
		'Annexe' => true, // T127819
		'Thésaurus' => true, // T127819
		'Projet' => true, // T156660

	// Wikiquotes
	'+enwikiquote' => [
		'Draft' => true, // T355195

	// Wikibookses
	'+bnwikibooks' => [
		'উইকিশৈশব' => true, // T241893

	// Wikisources
	'+cswikisource' => [
		'Edice' => true, // T244133

	// Wikinewses

	// Wikiversities
	'+enwikiversity' => [
		'Draft' => true, // T220881
		'Help' => true, // T220881
		'Portal' => true, // T220881
		'School' => true, // T220881
		'Wikiversity' => true, // T220881
	'+frwikiversity' => [
		'Recherche' => true, // T63874

	// Wikivoyages

	// Wikimanias
	'+wikimaniawiki' => [
		'2019' => true, // T218645
		'2021' => true, // T287197
		'2022' => true, // T295267
		'2023' => true, // T316928
		'2024' => true, // T332782

	// Wikimedias
	'+nowikimedia' => [
		'Prosjekt' => true, // T181625
	'+sewikimedia' => [
		'Projekt' => true, // T62882

	// Other wikis (e.g. Commons, Meta)
	'+commonswiki' => [
		'Creator' => true, // T67067
		'Institution' => true, // T67067
	'+metawiki' => [
		'Project' => true, // T107003
		'Grants' => true, // T67067
		'Research' => true, // T67067
		'Participation' => true, // T67067
		'Iberocoop' => true, // T67067
		'Programs' => true // T67067
	'+wikidata' => [
		'Project' => true,
	'+wikifunctionswiki' => [
		'Project' => true,
	'+wikitech' => [
		'Obsolete' => true,
		'OfficeIT' => true,
		'Tool' => true,
	'+foundationwiki' => [
		'Resolution' => true, // T331079
		'Legal' => true, // T331079
		'Minutes' => true, // T331079
		'Policy' => true, // T331079
		'Archive' => true, // T331079
		'Endowment' => true, // T347762
		'Agenda' => true, // T347822
		'Memory' => true, // T348268
		'Committee' => true, // T347822

	// Private wikis
	'+officewiki' => [
		'Report' => true, // T60547

// Should VisualEditor be enabled for all users by default.
// When false, VE will be a 'Beta feature' instead.
'wmgVisualEditorDefault' => [
	'default' => true,
	'visualeditor-nondefault' => false,

// T52000 - Disable for logged-out users if wmgVisualEditorDefault is true
// This is a temporary variable for roll-out, to be removed once complete.
// If a wiki was previously enabled by default for all users but then disabled,
// this will need to be set true for 30 days (anon cache epoch).
'wgVisualEditorDisableForAnons' => [
	'default' => false,

	'enwiki' => true,
	'eswiki' => true,
	'zhwiki' => true, // T296269

'wgVisualEditorAllowExternalLinkPaste' => [
	'default' => false,
	'mediawikiwiki' => true, // T129546#8109242
	'metawiki' => true, // T129546#8109242
	'officewiki' => true,
	'collabwiki' => true,

// Whether VisualEditor's feedback page should be consolidated down to just the
// single Flow board on MediaWiki.org
'wmgVisualEditorConsolidateFeedback' => [
	'default' => true,
	'mediawikiwiki' => false, // This is the consolidation point
	'dewiki' => false, // Retaining for local conversations
	'enwiki' => false, // No local Flow install, so won't work
	'zh_yuewiki' => false, // Retaining for local conversations
	'betawikiversity' => false, // No local Flow install, so won't work
	'dewikivoyage' => false, // No local Flow install, so won't work
	'enwikiversity' => false, // No local Flow install, so won't work
	'jawikiversity' => false, // No local Flow install, so won't work
	'private' => false, // No local Flow install, so won't work; also risk of private data release
	'lockeddown' => false, // No local Flow install, so won't work; also no editing on these wikis

// Should the citation button be moved from the primary toolbar into the "other" group
'wgCiteVisualEditorOtherGroup' => [
	'default' => true,
	'enwiktionary' => false, // T267504
	'wikipedia' => false,
	'wikibooks' => false,
	'wikiversity' => false,

// ExternalGuidance extension initiated edit tags in VE (T216123)
'wgWMEEditCampaigns' => [
	'default' => [ 'external-machine-translation' ],

// https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Edit_check
// Enable hidden tag for evaluating heuristics (T324733)
'wgVisualEditorEditCheckTagging' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikipedia' => true,

'wgVisualEditorEditCheck' => [
	'default' => false,
	// T347908: initial partner wikis
	'dagwiki' => true,
	'eewiki' => true,
	'fatwiki' => true,
	'gurwiki' => true,
	'gpewiki' => true,
	'hawiki' => true,
	'kgwiki' => true,
	'lnwiki' => true,
	'twwiki' => true,
	'fonwiki' => true, // T350634
	'swwiki' => true, // T350921
	// T361727: A/B test wikis
	'arwiki' => true,
	'afwiki' => true,
	'eswiki' => true,
	'frwiki' => true,
	'itwiki' => true,
	'jawiki' => true,
	'ptwiki' => true,
	'swwiki' => true,
	'yowiki' => true,
	'viwiki' => true,
	'zhwiki' => true,

'wgVisualEditorEditCheckABTest' => [
	'default' => false,

// --------------- VisualEditor end ---------------

'wgCiteResponsiveReferences' => [
	'default' => false,

	// group0
	'testwiki' => true,
	'test2wiki' => true,
	'mediawikiwiki' => true,

	// Wikis by request
	'bgwiki' => true, // T162145
	'cawiki' => true, // T161307
	'cswiki' => true, // T241304
	'elwiki' => true, // T163074
	'enwiki' => true, // T173176
	'etwiki' => true, // T318530
	'frwiki' => true, // T160609
	'hewiki' => true, // T161804
	'ilowiki' => true, // T164230
	'itwiki' => true, // T160932
	'kowiki' => true, // T193491
	'lawiki' => true, // T160844
	'metawiki' => true, // T200707
	'mswiki' => true, // T165247
	'nowiki' => true, // T160362
	'plwiki' => true, // T315333
	'ptwiki' => true, // T189658
	'rowiki' => true, // T187997
	'svwiki' => true, // T281622

	// Wiki families
	'wiktionary' => true, // T159895 overall, T160933 for enwikt
	'wikiquote' => true, // T159895 overall
	'wikivoyage' => true, // T159895 overall

'wmgUseRSSExtension' => [
	'default' => false,
	'foundationwiki' => true,
	'mediawikiwiki' => true,
	'metawiki' => true, // T155830
	'uawikimedia' => true,
'wmgRSSUrlWhitelist' => [
	'default' => [], // as of Ext:RSS v2, this means no URLs are allowed.
	'uawikimedia' => [ 'https://wikimediaukraine.wordpress.com/feed/' ],
	'foundationwiki' => [
		'https://diff.wikimedia.org/feed/', // Diff - T354790
	'mediawikiwiki' => [

		// Feeds included for Fundraising Tech pages
	'metawiki' => [
		'https://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/wmde-policy/items.rss', // WM DE political RSS feed - T165285
		'https://diff.wikimedia.org/feed/' // Diff - T283380

'wgCategoryCollation' => [
	'default' => 'uppercase',
	// Multilingual wikis
	'mediawikiwiki' => 'uca-default',
	// Single-language wikis
	'abwiki' => 'uppercase-ab', // T183430
	'azwiki' => 'uca-az', // T201770
	'azwikimedia' => 'uca-az',
	'bawiki' => 'uppercase-ba', // T162823
	'bawikibooks' => 'uppercase-ba', // T162823
	'be_x_oldwiki' => 'uca-be-tarask', // T48005
	'bewiki' => 'uca-be', // T48004
	'bewikisource' => 'uca-be', // T48004
	'bnwiki' => 'numeric', // T146675
	'bnwikisource' => 'numeric', // T146675
	'bswiki' => 'uca-bs-u-kn', // T116527, T148682
	'bswiktionary' => 'uca-bs-u-kn', // T258346
	'ckbwiki' => 'xx-uca-ckb', // T57630
	'cswiki' => 'uca-cs-u-kn', // T66885, T146675
	'cswiktionary' => 'uca-default', // T106337
	'cywiki' => 'uca-cy', // T61800
	'cywikibooks' => 'uca-cy', // T61800
	'cywikiquote' => 'uca-cy', // T61800
	'cywikisource' => 'uca-cy', // T61800
	'cywiktionary' => 'uca-cy', // T61800
	'dewikisource' => 'uca-de-u-kn', // T149002 T155916
	'enwiki' => 'uca-default-u-kn', // T136150
	'eswiki' => 'uca-es-u-kn', // T183802
	'eswikiversity' => 'uca-es-u-kn', // T149002
	'etwiki' => 'uca-et-u-kn', // T202977
	'etwikibooks' => 'uca-et-u-kn', // T202977
	'etwikimedia' => 'uca-et-u-kn', // T202977
	'etwikiquote' => 'uca-et-u-kn', // T202977
	'etwikisource' => 'uca-et-u-kn', // T202977
	'etwiktionary' => 'uca-et-u-kn', // T202977
	'fawiki' => 'uca-fa', // T139110
	'fawikisource' => 'uca-fa', // T139110
	'fawiktionary' => 'uca-fa', // T139110
	'fawikibooks' => 'uca-fa', // T139110
	'fawikinews' => 'uca-fa', // T139110
	'fawikiquote' => 'uca-fa', // T139110
	'fiwiki' => 'uca-fi', // T48330
	'fiwikibooks' => 'uca-fi', // T48330
	'fiwikimedia' => 'uca-fi', // T48330
	'fiwikinews' => 'uca-fi', // T48330
	'fiwikiquote' => 'uca-fi', // T48330
	'fiwikisource' => 'uca-fi', // T48330
	'fiwikiversity' => 'uca-fi', // T48330
	'fiwikivoyage' => 'uca-fi', // T151570
	'frwiki' => 'uca-fr-u-kn', // T56680, T146675
	'frwikibooks' => 'uca-fr', // T74513
	'frwikinews' => 'uca-fr', // T68165
	'frwikiversity' => 'uca-fr', // T71782
	'frwiktionary' => 'uca-default', // T169810
	'gawiki' => 'uca-ga-u-kn', // T311136
	'gdwiki' => 'uca-default', // T125315
	'gewikimedia' => 'uca-ka-u-kn', // T236389
	'glwiki' => 'uca-gl-u-kn', // T149002
	'grwikimedia' => 'uca-el-u-kn', // T245911
	'hewiki' => 'numeric', // T146675
	'hewikisource' => 'numeric', // T168321
	'hrwiki' => 'uca-hr-u-kn', // T148749, T148682
	'hsbwiki' => 'uca-hsb', // T90689
	'huwiki' => 'uca-hu-u-kn', // T47596, T146675
	'idwikimedia' => 'uca-default-u-kn', // T192726, T192252
	'id_internalwikimedia' => 'uca-default-u-kn',
	'ilowiki' => 'uca-tl-u-kn', // T149002
	'iswiki' => 'uca-is', // T58859
	'iswiktionary' => 'identity', // T32722
	'itwiki' => 'uca-it-u-kn', // T136647, T146675
	'ltwiki' => 'uca-lt', // T123627
	'lvwiki' => 'uca-lv', // T67003
	'mkwiki' => 'uca-mk-u-kn', // T26953
	'napwikisource' => 'uca-it-u-kn', // T210752
	'nlwiki' => 'uca-nl', // T125774
	'nnwiki' => 'uca-nn-u-kn', // T253559
	'nowiki' => 'uca-nb-u-kn', // T146675, T148488
	'nowikimedia' => 'uca-nb-u-kn', // T185630
	'olowiki' => 'uca-fi-u-kn', // T147064
	'plwiki' => 'uca-pl-u-kn', // T44413, T146675
	'plwikisource' => 'uca-pl', // T86821
	'plwikivoyage' => 'uca-pl', // T47968
	'plwiktionary' => 'uca-default', // T48081
	'ptwiki' => 'uca-pt-u-kn', // T47911, T149002
	'ptwikibooks' => 'uca-pt', // T47911
	'romdwikimedia' => 'uca-ro-u-kn',
	'rowiki' => 'uca-ro-u-kn', // T168711
	'rowikibooks' => 'uca-ro-u-kn', // T168711
	'rowikinews' => 'uca-ro-u-kn', // T168711
	'rowikiquote' => 'uca-ro-u-kn', // T168711
	'rowikisource' => 'uca-ro-u-kn', // T168711
	'rowikivoyage' => 'uca-ro-u-kn', // T168711
	'rowiktionary' => 'uca-ro-u-kn', // T168711
	'rswikimedia' => 'uca-sr', // T115806
	'ruwiki' => 'uca-ru-u-kn', // T54997, T146675
	'ruwikibooks' => 'uca-ru', // T54997
	'ruwikinews' => 'uca-ru', // T54997
	'ruwikiquote' => 'uca-ru', // T54997
	'ruwikisource' => 'uca-ru', // T54997
	'ruwikiversity' => 'uca-ru', // T54997
	'ruwikivoyage' => 'uca-ru', // T54997
	'ruwiktionary' => 'uca-ru', // T54997
	'sewiki' => 'uca-se-u-kn', // T182431
	'shwiki' => 'uca-hr-u-kn', // T69287, T149002
	'simplewiki' => 'uca-default-u-kn', // T329815
	'slwiki' => 'uca-sl-u-kn', // T208984
	'slwikibooks' => 'uca-sl-u-kn', // T208984
	'slwikiquote' => 'uca-sl-u-kn', // T208984
	'slwikisource' => 'uca-sl-u-kn', // T208984
	'slwikiversity' => 'uca-sl-u-kn', // T208984
	'slwiktionary' => 'uca-sl-u-kn', // T208984
	'sqwiki' => 'uca-sq-u-kn', // T192709
	'sqwikibooks' => 'uca-sq-u-kn', // T192709
	'sqwikinews' => 'uca-sq-u-kn', // T192709
	'sqwikiquote' => 'uca-sq-u-kn', // T192709
	'srwiki' => 'uca-sr-u-kn', // T115806, T149002
	'srwikibooks' => 'uca-sr', // T115806
	'srwikinews' => 'uca-sr', // T115806
	'srwikiquote' => 'uca-sr', // T115806
	'srwikisource' => 'uca-sr', // T115806
	'srwiktionary' => 'uca-sr', // T115806
	'skwiki' => 'uca-sk', // [[w:sk:Special:PermaLink/5785371]]
	'svwiki' => 'uca-sv-u-kn', // T47446, T142113
	'svwikisource' => 'uca-sv@collation=standard', // T48058
	'tawiki' => 'uca-ta', // T75453
	'tawikibooks' => 'uca-ta', // T75453
	'tawikinews' => 'uca-ta', // T75453
	'tawikiquote' => 'uca-ta', // T75453
	'tawikisource' => 'uca-ta', // T75453
	'tawiktionary' => 'uca-ta', // T75453
	'testwiki' => 'uca-default-u-kn', // T141433
	'thwikibooks' => 'uca-default', // T50097
	'thwikinews' => 'uca-default', // T50097
	'thwiki' => 'uca-default', // T50097
	'thwikiquote' => 'uca-default', // T50097
	'thwikisource' => 'uca-default', // T50097
	'thwiktionary' => 'uca-default', // T50097
	'trwiki' => 'uca-tr', // T184943
	'trwikiquote' => 'uca-tr', // T263628
	'trwikivoyage' => 'uca-tr', // T272783
	'trwiktionary' => 'uca-tr', // T262163
	'uawikimedia' => 'uca-uk', // T47776
	'ukwiki' => 'uca-uk-u-kn', // T47444, T148682
	'ukwikibooks' => 'uca-uk', // T47776
	'ukwikinews' => 'uca-uk', // T47776
	'ukwikiquote' => 'uca-uk', // T47776
	'ukwikisource' => 'uca-uk', // T47776
	'ukwikivoyage' => 'uca-uk', // T48417
	'ukwiktionary' => 'uca-uk', // T47776
	'viwiki' => 'uca-vi-u-kn', // T47979, T146675
	'viwikibooks' => 'uca-vi', // T47979
	'viwikiquote' => 'uca-vi', // T47979
	'viwikisource' => 'uca-vi', // T47979
	'viwikivoyage' => 'uca-vi', // T55616
	'viwiktionary' => 'uca-vi', // T47979
	'wbwikimedia' => 'numeric', // T162510

'wgPageCreationLog' => [
	'default' => true,
	'commonswiki' => false,
	'testcommonswiki' => false,
	'wikidatawiki' => false,

// Varied for Labs only.
'wmgUsePoolCounter' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgUseGoogleNewsSitemap' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikinews' => true, // Following T39608 discussion
	'testwiki' => true,
'wmgGNSMfallbackCategory' => [
	'default' => 'Published',
	'arwikinews' => 'نشر', // T172875
	'cawikinews' => 'Notícies publicades', // T172875
	'dewikinews' => 'Veröffentlicht', // T172875
	'eswikinews' => 'Artículos publicados', // T172875
	'elwikinews' => 'Δημοσιευμένα', // T39608
	'eowikinews' => 'Publikigitaj artikoloj', // T172875
	'fawikinews' => 'منتشرشده',
	'fiwikinews' => 'Julkaistut artikkelit', // T172875
	'frwikinews' => 'Article publié', // T172875
	'hewikinews' => 'פורסמו', // T172875
	'itwikinews' => 'Pubblicati', // T172875
	'jawikinews' => '公開中', // T172875
	'kowikinews' => '발행됨', // T172875
	'nowikinews' => 'Publisert', // T172875
	'nlwikinews' => 'Gepubliceerd', // T172875
	'ptwikinews' => 'Publicado', // T172875
	'rowikinews' => 'Publicate', // T172875
	'ruwikinews' => 'Опубликовано', // T172875
	'srwikinews' => 'Објављено', // T172875
	'trwikinews' => 'Yayınlandı', // T172875
	'ukwikinews' => 'Опубліковані', // T172875
	'zhwikinews' => '已发布', // T172875

'wmgGNSMcommentNamespace' => [
	'default' => true,
	'elwikinews' => 102, // T39608
	'fawikinews' => 102,

'wmgUseCLDR' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgParserCacheType' => [
	'default' => 'mysql-multiwrite',
	'wikitech' => 'memcached-pecl',

'wgParsoidCacheConfig' => [
	'default' => [
		'StashType' => null, // defaults to using MainStash
		'StashDuration' => 24 * 60 * 60, // 24h in production, VE will fail to save after this time.
		'CacheThresholdTime' => 0.0, // 0 means cache all
		'WarmParsoidParserCache' => true, // parsoid output should be generated and cached after every edit
	'commonswiki' => [
		'StashType' => null, // defaults to using MainStash
		'StashDuration' => 24 * 60 * 60, // 24h in production, VE will fail to save after this time.
		'CacheThresholdTime' => 1.0, // only cache if parsing takes longer than n seconds
		'WarmParsoidParserCache' => false, // disable cache warming for now
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		'StashType' => null, // defaults to using MainStash
		'StashDuration' => 24 * 60 * 60, // 24h in production, VE will fail to save after this time.
		'CacheThresholdTime' => 1.0, // only cache if parsing takes longer than n seconds
		'WarmParsoidParserCache' => false, // disable cache warming for now

// The parser cache can be configured to only cache pages that take a certain amount
// of resources to parse.
// For the minCpuTime filter, 0 means no threshold (cache all), and PHP_INT_MAX can
// be used to disable the cache.
'wgParserCacheFilterConfig' => [
	'default' => [ // most wikis
		'pcache' => [ // old parser cache
			'default' => [ // all namespaces
				'minCpuTime' => 0 // cache all
		'parsoid-pcache' => [ // parsoid output cache
			'default' => [ // all namespaces
				'minCpuTime' => 0 // cache all
	'+commonswiki' => [ // Commons
		'parsoid-pcache' => [ // parsoid output cache
			'default' => [ // most namespaces
				'minCpuTime' => 0 // cache all
			// disable parsoid-pcache for file description pages on commons
			NS_FILE => [
				'minCpuTime' => PHP_INT_MAX // cache none
	'+wikidatawiki' => [ // Wikidata
		'parsoid-pcache' => [ // parsoid output cache
			'default' => [ // most namespaces
				'minCpuTime' => 0 // cache all
			// Disable parsoid-pcache for wikidata entities.
			// We shouldn't render them with Parsoid in the first place.
			NS_MAIN => [ // Item namespace
				'minCpuTime' => PHP_INT_MAX // cache none
			120 => [ // Property namespace
				'minCpuTime' => PHP_INT_MAX // cache none
			146 => [ // Lexeme namespace
				'minCpuTime' => PHP_INT_MAX // cache none

'wgLanguageConverterCacheType' => [
	// For CLI, this is effectively CACHE_NONE
	'default' => CACHE_ACCEL,

'wgChronologyProtectorStash' => [
	'default' => 'mcrouter',
	'wikitech' => 'memcached-pecl'

// General cache epochs
'wgCacheEpoch' => [
	'default' => '20130601000000',
	// If you want to purge parser cache entries for wikidata consider a RejectParserCacheValue
	// in CommonSettings.php instead.
	'wikidatawiki' => '20170724130500',
	'testwikidatawiki' => '20180919200000',
'wgThumbnailEpoch' => [
	'default' => '20130601000000',

'wmgPFEnableStringFunctions' => [
	'default' => false,
	'donatewiki' => true,

'wgUploadMissingFileUrl' => [
	'default' => false,
	'enwiki' => '//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Upload',
	'incubatorwiki' => '//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Upload',
	'nlwiki' => '//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Upload?uselang=nl',
	'nlwikisource' => '//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Upload?uselang=nl',
	'nlwikiquote' => '//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Upload?uselang=nl',
	'nlwiktionary' => '//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Upload?uselang=nl',
	'ptwikibooks' => '//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Upload/pt?uselang=pt',

// Whether to show "Publish" rather than "Save" on the edit page (and related circumstances)
// This should be set to true for all public WMF wikis, and any changes should be discussed
// with Contributors and Legal before they are done, due to the legal implications.
'wgEditSubmitButtonLabelPublish' => [
	'default' => true, // T131132 from 2017-03-15
	'private' => false, // Private wikis are not public
	'enwikinews' => false, // Done via local {{int:Copyrightwarning}}s instead.
	'eswikinews' => false, // Done via local {{int:Copyrightwarning}}s instead.
	'frwikinews' => false, // Done via local {{int:Copyrightwarning}}s instead.
	'ptwikinews' => false, // Done via local {{int:Copyrightwarning}}s instead.

// ----------- CheckUser start ----------
// Do not change these settings without Legal, T&S, and Security sign-off first.

// On in all Production, disabled in all Labs; varied for Labs only.
'wmgUseCheckUser' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgCheckUserForceSummary' => [
	'default' => true, // T73457

'wgCheckUserLogLogins' => [
	// T253802 - enabled everywhere but loginwiki
	'default' => true,
	'loginwiki' => false,

'wgCheckUserLogSuccessfulBotLogins' => [
	'default' => false, // T253802

// T328726
'wgCheckUserCollapseCheckUserHelperByDefault' => [
	'default' => 2500,
	'loginwiki' => true

// T337944
'wgCheckUserClientHintsEnabled' => [
	'default' => true,

// T337943, T340959
'wgCheckUserPurgeOldClientHintsData' => [
	'default' => true,

// T337942
'wgCheckUserDisplayClientHints' => [
	'default' => true,

// T344797
'wgCheckUserClientHintsRestApiMaxTimeLag' => [
	'default' => 1800,

// ----------- CheckUser end ----------

// IPInfo extension
'wmgUseIPInfo' => [
	'default' => true, // T260597

'wmgUseIncubator' => [
	'default' => false,
	'incubatorwiki' => true,

'wmgUseWikiLove' => [
	'default' => false,
	'arwiki' => true,
	'arwikisource' => true, // T346391
	'azwiki' => true, // T119727
	'bnwiki' => true, // T129728
	'bnwikibooks' => true, // T335705
	'bnwikiquote' => true, // T328834
	'bnwikisource' => true, // T149683
	'ckbwiki' => true, // T169563
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,
	'enwiki' => true,
	'enwikivoyage' => true, // T52063
	'eswiki' => true, // T103424
	'eswikivoyage' => true, // T122765
	'fawiki' => true, // T35541
	'fawiktionary' => true, // T35541
	'hewiki' => true,
	'hewikiquote' => true, // T266744
	'hewikisource' => true, // T284864
	'hewiktionary' => true, // T262181
	'hiwiki' => true,
	'huwiki' => true, // T32417
	'hywiki' => true, // T97563
	'incubatorwiki' => true, // T33209
	'iswiki' => true, // T45760
	'itwikiquote' => true, // T42628
	'itwikivoyage' => true, // T45274
	'jawiki' => true, // T34312
	'kowiki' => true, // T57914
	'mediawikiwiki' => true,
	'mkwiki' => true, // T33831
	'mlwiki' => true, // T32500
	'newiki' => true, // T89818
	'nlwiki' => true, // T247286
	'nowiki' => true, // T32794
	'officewiki' => true,
	'outreachwiki' => true, // T106264
	'orwiki' => true, // T33172
	'pawiki' => true, // T178919
	'ptwiki' => true, // T33178
	'ptwikinews' => true, // T313173
	'sawiki' => true, // T192212
	'sewikimedia' => true, // T32491
	'siwiki' => true, // T35485
	'slwiki' => true, // T254706
	'sqwiki' => true, // T227970
	'sqwikiquote' => true, // T230390
	'srwiki' => true, // T37913
	'svwiki' => true, // T32756
	'svwikinews' => true, // T33754
	'tawiki' => true, // T280326
	'testwiki' => true,
	'trwiki' => true, // T40227
	'trwikiquote' => true, // T314895
	'trwikivoyage' => true, // T319537
	'ukwiki' => true, // T91530
	'urwiki' => true, // T42848
	'uzwiki' => true, // T343270
	'viwiki' => true, // T50878
	'wikitech' => true,
	'zhwiki' => true, // T32362
	'zhwikivoyage' => true, // T75717
	'zh_yuewiki' => true, // T202548

// whether to use the Math extension
'wmgUseMath' => [
	'default' => true, // moved from MW core
	'lockeddown' => false, // T61702

// whether MathML rendering is enabled by default - T131177
'wmgUseMathML' => [
	'private' => false,
	'default' => true,

'wmgUseMobileApp' => [
	'default' => true,
	'wikitech' => false,

// ----------- MobileFrontend start ----------

'wmgUseMobileFrontend' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgMFQueryPropModules' => [
	// workaround for T125672
	'default' => [ 'pageprops' ],
	'wikidata' => [ 'entityterms' ],
'wgMFSearchAPIParams' => [
	// workaround for T125672, though also fixes T120197
	'default' => [
		'ppprop' => 'displaytitle'
	'wikidata' => [
		'wbetterms' => 'label'
'wgMFSearchGenerator' => [
	'default' => [
		'name' => 'prefixsearch',
		'prefix' => 'ps'
	'wikidata' => [
		'name' => 'wbsearch',
		'prefix' => 'wbs'
// If set to "false": No alternate links will be added to desktop pages,
// and MobileFrontend won't add a canonical tag
// If set to "true": Alternate link will be added, MF will add a canonical tag
'wgMFNoindexPages' => [
	'default' => true, // T255458
// Whether to oversample EditAttemptStep logging on MobileFrontend
// 'visualeditor' or 'all'
'wgMFSchemaEditAttemptStepOversample' => [
	'default' => 'visualeditor',

// Namespaces where lead paragraph should be moved above infobox on mobile devices.
'wgMFNamespacesWithLeadParagraphs' => [
	'default' => [ NS_MAIN ],
	'nlwiki' => [ NS_MAIN, NS_USER, ] // T242030

// ----------- MobileFrontend end ----------

'wmgEnableTextExtracts' => [
	'default' => true,
'wgExtractsRemoveClasses' => [
	'default' => [
		// This is a good thing to remove in any case
		// b/c rules, @todo: consider just whacking class="noexcerpt" on these
		'span.coordinates', 'span.geo-multi-punct', 'span.geo-nondefault', '#coordinates',
'wgExtractsExtendOpenSearchXml' => [
	// Performance problem for high-traffic opensearch (T240691).
	'default' => false,

'wmgUseJsonConfig' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgEnableJsonConfigDataMode' => [
	'default' => true,
	# Technically they could be enabled as well, but keep them off just in case for now
	'private' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false,

'wmgEnableDashikiData' => [
	'default' => false,
	'metawiki' => true,

'wmgUseGraph' => [
	'default' => false, // T334895, T336556

// T334895
'wmgHideGraphTags' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgGraphDefaultVegaVer' => [
	'default' => 2,

'wmgUseGraphWithJsonNamespace' => [
	'default' => false,

	// Legacy Graph deployments, with a Graph: namespace.
	// Yurik would like new wikis only use 
	// See T97027 discussion for context.
	// To be removed as per T124748.
	'collabwiki' => true,
	'mediawikiwiki' => true,

'wmgUseSubPageList3' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'wikiversity' => true,
	'cswiktionary' => true, // T40903
	'labswiki' => true, // T304181

'wmgShowHiddenCats' => [
	'default' => false,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,

'wgMFAutodetectMobileView' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikitech' => true, // Not behind Varnish

'wgMFCustomSiteModules' => [
	'default' => true,

// T169001
'wgMFLogWrappedInfoboxes' => [
	'default' => false,
	'enwiki' => true,

// Enable X-Analytics logging
'wgMFEnableXAnalyticsLogging' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgMFTrackBlockNotices' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgMFAmcOutreach' => [
	// Temporarily disabled in T351669 until T351362 is addressed.
	'default' => false,

'wgMFCollapseSectionsByDefault' => [
	'default' => true,
	'wiktionary' => false,
'wgMFEnableWikidataDescriptions' => [
	'default' => [
		'base' => true, 'beta' => true,

'wgMFUseDesktopSpecialWatchlistPage' => [
	'default' => [
		'base' => false,
		'beta' => false,
		'amc' => true,
	// T290812
	'ptwikinews' => [
		'base' => true,

'wgMFDisplayWikibaseDescriptions' => [
	'default' => [
		'search' => true, 'nearby' => true, 'watchlist' => true, 'tagline' => true
	'nowikidatadescriptiontaglines' => [
		'search' => true, 'nearby' => true, 'watchlist' => true, 'tagline' => false
	'enwiki' => [
		'search' => true, 'nearby' => true, 'watchlist' => true, 'tagline' => false
	'ruwiki' => [
		'search' => true, 'nearby' => true, 'watchlist' => true, 'tagline' => false

'wgMFRemovableClasses' => [
	'default' => [
		'base' => [
		'beta' => [
		'HTML' => [],

'wgMFLazyLoadImages' => [
	// T142399
	'default' => [
		'base' => true,
		'beta' => true,
	'private' => [
		'base' => false,
		'beta' => true,
	'fishbowl' => [
		'base' => false,
		'beta' => true,

'wgMFFallbackEditor' => [
	'default' => 'visual',
	// T361134
	'visualeditor-nondefault' => 'source',
	'enwiki' => 'source',

'wgExtraGenderNamespaces' => [
	'default' => [],
	'cswiki' => [
		NS_USER => [ 'male' => 'Wikipedista', 'female' => 'Wikipedistka' ],
		NS_USER_TALK => [ 'male' => 'Diskuse_s_wikipedistou', 'female' => 'Diskuse_s_wikipedistkou' ],
	'plwiki' => [
		NS_USER => [ 'male' => 'Wikipedysta', 'female' => 'Wikipedystka' ],
		NS_USER_TALK => [ 'male' => 'Dyskusja_wikipedysty', 'female' => 'Dyskusja_wikipedystki' ]
	'plwikinews' => [
		NS_USER => [ 'male' => 'Wikireporter', 'female' => 'Wikireporterka' ],
		NS_USER_TALK => [ 'male' => 'Dyskusja_wikireportera', 'female' => 'Dyskusja_wikireporterki' ],
	'plwiktionary' => [
		NS_USER => [ 'male' => 'Wikisłownikarz', 'female' => 'Wikisłownikarka' ],
		NS_USER_TALK => [ 'male' => 'Dyskusja_wikisłownikarza', 'female' => 'Dyskusja_wikisłownikarki' ],
	'ptwiki' => [
		NS_USER => [ 'male' => 'Usuário', 'female' => 'Usuária' ],
		NS_USER_TALK => [ 'male' => 'Usuário_Discussão', 'female' => 'Usuária_Discussão' ],
	'skwiki' => [ // T143472
		NS_USER => [ 'male' => 'Redaktor', 'female' => 'Redaktorka' ],
		NS_USER_TALK => [ 'male' => 'Diskusia_s_redaktorom', 'female' => 'Diskusia_s_redaktorkou' ],
	'test2wiki' => [ NS_USER => [ 'male' => 'Male_user', 'female' => 'Female_user' ] ],
'wmgUseBabel' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,
'wmgUseApiFeatureUsage' => [
	'default' => true,
'wmgUseBounceHandler' => [
	'default' => true,
	'wikitech' => false, // T225097

'wmgUseTranslate' => [
	'default' => false,
	'advisorswiki' => true, // T189181
	'amwikimedia' => true, // T180879
	'azwikimedia' => true,
	'bewikimedia' => true, // T39391
	'betawikiversity' => true, // T160120
	'brwikimedia' => true, // T46054
	'bdwikimedia' => true, // T188853
	'cawikimedia' => true, // T75394
	'collabwiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true, // T50620
	'testcommonswiki' => true, // T50620
	'foundationwiki' => true, // T205349
	'frwiktionary' => true, // T138972
	'gewikimedia' => true, // T236389
	'grwikimedia' => true, // T245911
	'hiwikimedia' => true,
	'idwikimedia' => true, // T204292
	'incubatorwiki' => true, // T36213
	'legalteamwiki' => true, // T64610
	'maiwikimedia' => true,
	'mediawikiwiki' => true,
	'metawiki' => true,
	'nowikimedia' => true, // T152490
	'otrs_wikiwiki' => true, // T63297
	'outreachwiki' => true,
	'plwikimedia' => true, // T259087
	'ptwikisource' => true, // T339139
	'punjabiwikimedia' => true, // T204477
	'ruwikimedia' => true, // T121766
	'sourceswiki' => true, // T201814
	'specieswiki' => true, // T129888
	'sewikimedia' => true, // T239091
	'testwiki' => true,
	'uawikimedia' => true, // T131731
	'vewikimedia' => true,
	'wbwikimedia' => true, // T162510
	'wikidata' => true, // T43585
	'wikifunctionswiki' => true,
	'wikimania2012wiki' => true, // T36120
	'wikimania2013wiki' => true, // T38477
	'wikimania2014wiki' => true,
	'wikimania2015wiki' => true,
	'wikimania2016wiki' => true,
	'wikimania2017wiki' => true,
	'wikimania2018wiki' => true,
	'wikimaniawiki' => true,
'wmgTranslateWorkflowStates' => [
	'default' => false,
	'amwikimedia' => [
		'progress' => [ 'color' => 'd33' ],
		'proofreading' => [ 'color' => 'fc3' ],
		'ready' => [ 'color' => 'FF0' ],
		'state conditions' => [
			[ 'ready', [ 'PROOFREAD' => 'MAX' ] ],
			[ 'proofreading', [ 'TRANSLATED' => 'MAX' ] ],
			[ 'progress', [ 'UNTRANSLATED' => 'NONZERO' ] ],
	'commonswiki' => [ // T50620
		'progress' => [ 'color' => 'd33' ],
		'proofreading' => [ 'color' => 'fc3' ],
		'ready' => [ 'color' => 'FF0' ],
		'state conditions' => [
			[ 'ready', [ 'PROOFREAD' => 'MAX' ] ],
			[ 'proofreading', [ 'TRANSLATED' => 'MAX' ] ],
			[ 'progress', [ 'UNTRANSLATED' => 'NONZERO' ] ],
	'testcommonswiki' => [ // T50620
		'progress' => [ 'color' => 'd33' ],
		'proofreading' => [ 'color' => 'fc3' ],
		'ready' => [ 'color' => 'FF0' ],
		'state conditions' => [
			[ 'ready', [ 'PROOFREAD' => 'MAX' ] ],
			[ 'proofreading', [ 'TRANSLATED' => 'MAX' ] ],
			[ 'progress', [ 'UNTRANSLATED' => 'NONZERO' ] ],
	'metawiki' => [
		'progress' => [ 'color' => 'd33' ],
		'needs-updating' => [ 'color' => 'fc3' ],
		'proofreading' => [ 'color' => 'fc3' ],
		'ready' => [ 'color' => 'FF0' ],
		'published' => [ 'color' => 'AEA' ],
		'state conditions' => [
			[ 'ready', [ 'PROOFREAD' => 'MAX' ] ],
			[ 'proofreading', [ 'TRANSLATED' => 'MAX' ] ],
			[ 'progress', [ 'UNTRANSLATED' => 'NONZERO' ] ],
	'otrs_wikiwiki' => [ // T63297
		'progress' => [ 'color' => 'd33' ],
		'proofreading' => [ 'color' => 'fc3' ],
		'ready' => [ 'color' => 'FF0' ],
		'state conditions' => [
			[ 'ready', [ 'PROOFREAD' => 'MAX' ] ],
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// arbcom_*wiki, sysop_*wiki and wg_enwiki must remain explicitly false in this array, because the default false
// will be overriden by 'wikipedia' => true in their cases, since they are both in wikipedia.dblist
// and special.dblist. (T183549)
'wmgEnableGeoData' => [
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'wmgEchoCluster' => [
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	// the application main database, stick with the current setting
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	'metawiki' => false,
	'officewiki' => false,

// Default user options for Echo notifications
// Format: 'blahwiki' => [ 'web' => [ 'emailuser' => false ], 'email' => [ 'reverted' => true ] ]
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'wmgUseThanks' => [
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'wgEntitySchemaEnableDatatype' => [
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'wgEntitySchemaSkippedIDs' => [
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	'testwikidatawiki' => [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 40, 42, 123, 570, 734, 735, 999, 1234, 3300, 11424, 12345 ],

'wmgUseFlow' => [
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'wmgFlowEnglishNamespaceOnly' => [
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'wgFlowReadOnly' => [
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'wmgFlowNamespaces' => [
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		91, // Thread_talk from LQT
		93, // Summary_talk from LQT
		101, // Report_talk
		111, // Outreach_talk
		113, // Archive_talk
		829, // Module_talk from Scribunto
		2301, // Gadget_talk from Gadgets
		2303, // Gadget_definition_talk from Gadgets
		5501, // T176199 Newsletter talk from Newsletter extension
	'cawiki' => [
		NS_PROJECT_TALK, // T99117
		103, // Viquiprojecte Discussió, T159047
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		NS_USER_TALK, // T140588
	'sewikimedia' => [
		91, // Thread_talk from LQT
		93, // Summary_talk from LQT
		101, // Projektdiskussion
		829, // Module_talk from Scribunto
		2301, // Gadget_talk from Gadgets
		2303, // Gadget_definition_talk from Gadgets
	'gomwiki' => [
		829, // Module_talk from Scribunto
		2301, // Gadget_talk from Gadgets
		2303, // Gadget_definition_talk from Gadgets
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		829, // Module_talk from Scribunto
		2301, // Gadget_talk from Gadgets
		2303, // Gadget_definition_talk from Gadgets

// Enable editing other users posts by autoconfirmed
'wmgFlowAllowAutoconfirmedEdit' => [
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// Use separate database on extension1 cluster for all non-private wikis.
'wmgFlowDefaultWikiDb' => [
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	'specieswiki' => true, // T134898
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'wmgUseDisambiguator' => [
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'wgDisambiguatorNotifications' => [
	'default' => true, // T293319

'wmgUseDiscussionTools' => [
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'wgDiscussionToolsBeta' => [
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'wgDiscussionToolsABTest' => [
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'wgDiscussionToolsEnablePermalinksFrontend' => [
	'default' => true, // T356063
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'wgDiscussionToolsAutoTopicSubEditor' => [
	'default' => 'discussiontoolsapi', // T284836

'wgDiscussionToolsShowFeedbackLinks' => [
	'default' => true, // T322494

'wgDTSchemaEditAttemptStepSamplingRate' => [
	'default' => 0,

'wgDTSchemaEditAttemptStepOversample' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgUseCodeEditorForCore' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgUseScribunto' => [
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'wmgSubpageSortkeyByNamespace' => [
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		102 => '1..', // Cookbook
		110 => '1..', // Wikijunior
	'ptwikibooks' => [ // T24911
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'wmgUseCORS' => [
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'wmgUseGeoCrumbs' => [
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'wmgUseCalendar' => [
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'wmgContentTranslationCluster' => [
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'wgContentTranslationDatabase' => [
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	// This is (temporarily) needed due to T264295.
	// Once a language is added to Names.php and this change
	// is deployed, it can be removed from this section.
	// Note: If the language is only supposed to be used with
	// Monolingual text statements, it should rather be added to:
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		'nla' => 'Ngombala', // T263946
		'nmg' => 'Kwasio', // T263946
		'nnh' => 'Ngiemboon', // T263946
		'nnz' => 'Nda\'nda\'', // T263946
		'osa-latn' => 'Wažáže íe', // T265297
		'ota' => 'لسان عثمانى', // T59342
		'pap-aw' => 'Papiamento', // T275682
		'quc' => 'Qatzijob\ʼal', // T278851
		'rmf' => 'kaalengo tšimb', // T226701
		'rwr' => 'मारवाड़ी', // T61905
		'ryu' => '沖縄口', // T271215
		'sju' => 'ubmejesámiengiälla', // T226701
		'smj' => 'julevsámegiella', // T146707
		'srq' => 'mbia cheë', // T113408
		'tpv' => 'Tanapag', // T308062
		'tvu' => 'Tunen', // T263946
		'vut' => 'Vute', // T263946
		'wes' => 'Pidgin (Cameroon)', // T263946
		'wya' => 'Wyandot', // T283364
		'yas' => 'Nugunu', // T263946
		'yat' => 'Yambeta', // T263946
		'yav' => 'Yangben', // T263946
		'ybb' => 'Yemba' // T263946
	'commonswiki' => [
		'agq' => 'Aghem', // T288335
		'ak' => 'Akan', // T333765
		'bag' => 'Tuki', // T263946
		'bas' => 'Basaa', // T263946
		'bax' => 'Bamum', // T263946
		'bbj' => 'Ghomála\'', // T263946
		'bfd' => 'Bafut', // T263946
		'bkc' => 'Baka', // T263946
		'bkh' => 'Bakoko', // T263946
		'bkm' => 'Kom', // T263946
		'bqz' => 'Mka\'a', // T263946
		'byv' => 'Medumba', // T263946
		'cak' => 'Kaqchikel', // T278854
		'cnh' => 'Hakha Chin', // T278853
		'dua' => 'Duala', // T263946
		'en-us' => 'American English', // T154589
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		'etu' => 'Ejagham', // T263946
		'ewo' => 'Ewondo', // T263946
		'fkv' => 'kvääni', // T167259
		'fmp' => 'Fe\'fe\'', // T263946
		'gya' => 'Gbaya', // T263946
		'isu' => 'Isu', // T263946
		'ker' => 'Kera', // T263946
		'ksf' => 'Bafia', // T263946
		'lem' => 'Nomaande', // T263946
		'lns' => 'Lamnso\'', // T263946
		'mcn' => 'vùn màsànà', // T293884
		'mcp' => 'Maka', // T263946
		'mua' => 'Mundang', // T263946
		'nan-hani' => '閩南語', // T180771
		'nge' => 'Ngémba', // T263946
		'nla' => 'Ngombala', // T263946
		'nmg' => 'Kwasio', // T263946
		'nnh' => 'Ngiemboon', // T263946
		'nnz' => 'Nda\'nda\'', // T263946
		'osa-latn' => 'Wažáže íe', // T265297
		'ota' => 'لسان عثمانى', // T230480
		'pap-aw' => 'Papiamento', // T275682
		'quc' => 'Qatzijob\ʼal', // T278851
		'rmf' => 'kaalengo tšimb', // T226701
		'rwr' => 'मारवाड़ी', // T230480
		'ryu' => '沖縄口', // T271215
		'sju' => 'ubmejesámiengiälla', // T226701
		'smj' => 'julevsámegiella', // T230480
		'srq' => 'mbia cheë', // T230480
		'tvu' => 'Tunen', // T263946
		'vut' => 'Vute', // T263946
		'wes' => 'Pidgin (Cameroon)', // T263946
		'wya' => 'Wyandot', // T283364
		'yas' => 'Nugunu', // T263946
		'yat' => 'Yambeta', // T263946
		'yav' => 'Yangben', // T263946
		'ybb' => 'Yemba' // T263946

'wmgUseUniversalLanguageSelector' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false, // T61702

'wmgULSPosition' => [
	'default' => 'interlanguage',
	'special' => 'personal',
	'wikimedia' => 'personal',
	'betawikiversity' => 'personal',
	'wikifunctionswiki' => 'interlanguage',

// Whether ime is enabled *by default*
'wmgULSIMEEnabled' => [
	'default' => true,
	'enwiki' => false,

// Whether web fonts are enabled *by default*
'wmgULSWebfontsEnabled' => [
	'default' => false,
	'bewikisource' => true, // T220752
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	'dvwiktionary' => true, // T71860
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	'sourceswiki' => true, // T220752
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'wmgUseCognate' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wiktionary' => 'wiktionary', // T150182

'wmgUseInterwikiSorting' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikidataclient' => true, // T150183, T162253
	'wikidataclient-test' => true, // T150183, T162253

'wgInterwikiSortingSort' => [
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	'enwiktionary' => 'alphabetic',
	'be_x_oldwiki' => 'alphabetic',
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	'urwiki' => 'alphabetic',
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	'mswiki' => 'alphabetic_revised',
	'viwiki' => 'alphabetic_revised',
	'fywiki' => 'alphabetic_fy',
	'fywikibooks' => 'alphabetic_fy', // T103207
	'srwiki' => 'alphabetic_sr',
	'svwiktionary' => 'alphabetic_svwiktionary',

'wgInterwikiSortingSortPrepend' => [
	'default' => [],
	'hewiki' => [ 'en' ],
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	'hewiktionary' => [ 'en' ],
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	'huwiktionary' => [ 'en' ],
	'ndswiki' => [ 'nds-nl' ],
	'nds_nlwiki' => [ 'nds' ],
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	'gdwiki' => [ 'ga', 'gv', 'sco', 'cy' ], // T153900
	'nnwiki' => [ 'no', 'sv', 'da' ],
	'nowiki' => [ 'nn', 'da', 'sv', 'fo', 'is' ], // T148021
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	'pdcwiki' => [ 'de', 'en' ],
	'tewiki' => [ 'en', 'hi', 'kn', 'ta', 'ml' ],
	'urwiki' => [ 'ar', 'fa', 'en' ],
	'yiwiki' => [ 'en', 'he', 'de' ],

'wgInterlanguageLinkCodeMap' => [
	'wikipedia' => [ 'no' => 'nb' ], // T173602
	'wikidata' => [ 'no' => 'nb' ], // T322696
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	'mediawikiwiki' => [ 'no' => 'nb' ], // T322696
	'specieswiki' => [ 'no' => 'nb' ], // T322696

'wmgWikibaseCachePrefix' => [
	'default' => 'wikidatawiki',
	'wikidataclient-test' => 'testwikidatawiki0',

'wmgWikibaseAllowLocalShortDesc' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true,
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'wmgWikibaseForceLocalShortDesc' => [
	'default' => false,
	'enwiki' => true,

'wmgWikibaseEnableData' => [
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'wmgWikibaseEntityAccessLimit' => [
	'default' => 400,
	'wikidatawiki' => 500,

'wmgWikibaseAllowDataAccessInUserLanguage' => [
	'default' => false,
	'commonswiki' => true, // T98307
	'testcommonswiki' => true, // T98307
	'foundationwiki' => true, // T321967
	'metawiki' => true,
	'wikidata' => true,

'wmgWikibaseClientNamespacesWithRepoAccess' => [
	'default' => [], // default [] includes all namespaces
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		828 // NS_MODULE
	'testwikidatawiki' => [
		828 // NS_MODULE

'wmgUseWikibaseRepo' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikibaserepo' => true,

'wmgWBRepoCanonicalUriProperty' => [
	'default' => null,
	'wikidatawiki' => 'P1921',

'wmgWBRepoSettingsSparqlEndpoint' => [
	'default' => null,
	'wikidatawiki' => 'https://query.wikidata.org/sparql',

'wmgWBRepoIdGenerator' => [
	'default' => 'mysql-upsert',

'wmgWBRepoIdGeneratorInErrorPingLimiter' => [
	'default' => 0,
	'wikidatawiki' => 9,

'wmgWikibaseStringLimits' => [
	'default' => null,
	'wikibaserepo' => [
		'multilang' => [
			'length' => 250,
		'VT:monolingualtext' => [
			'length' => 1500,
		'VT:string' => [
			'length' => 1500,
		'PT:url' => [
			'length' => 1500,

'wmgWikibaseRepoEnableRefTabs' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true, // T228412

'wmgUseWikibaseClient' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikidataclient' => true,
	'wikidataclient-test' => true,

'wmgWikibaseClientRepoUrl' => [
	'wikidataclient' => 'https://www.wikidata.org',
	'wikidataclient-test' => 'https://test.wikidata.org',

'wmgWikibaseClientPropertyOrderUrl' => [
	'default' => 'https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Wikibase-SortedProperties&action=raw&sp_ver=1',

'wmgWikibaseClientEchoIcon' => [
	'default' => [ 'url' => '/static/images/wikibase/echoIcon.svg' ],

'wmgEchoEnablePush' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikipedia' => true, // Enabled on all Wikipedias

	// exclude arbcom wikis, see T291128
	'arbcom_cswiki' => false,
	'arbcom_dewiki' => false,
	'arbcom_enwiki' => false,
	'arbcom_fiwiki' => false,
	'arbcom_nlwiki' => false,
	'arbcom_ruwiki' => false,
	'sysop_itwiki' => false,
	'wg_enwiki' => false,

// ---T208755---
'wmgWikibaseClientPageSchemaNamespaces' => [
	// All sampled pages in the main namespace will be tested.
	'default' => [ 0, ]

'wmgUseWikibaseWikimediaBadges' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikidataclient' => true,
	'wikidataclient-test' => true,

'wmgWikibaseRepoBadgeItems' => [
	'default' => [],
	'testwikidatawiki' => [
		'Q608' => 'wb-badge-goodarticle',
		'Q609' => 'wb-badge-featuredarticle',
		'Q226102' => 'wb-badge-redirect-sitelink', // T316637
		'Q226103' => 'wb-badge-redirect-intentional-sitelink', // T316637
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		'Q17437798' => 'wb-badge-goodarticle',
		'Q17437796' => 'wb-badge-featuredarticle',
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		'Q17506997' => 'wb-badge-featuredlist', // T72332
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		'Q20748091' => 'wb-badge-notproofread', // T97014 - Wikisource badges
		'Q20748094' => 'wb-badge-problematic',
		'Q20748092' => 'wb-badge-proofread',
		'Q20748093' => 'wb-badge-validated',
		'Q28064618' => 'wb-badge-digitaldocument', // T153186
		'Q51759403' => 'wb-badge-goodlist', // T190976
		'Q70893996' => 'wb-badge-redirect-sitelink', // T235420
		'Q70894304' => 'wb-badge-redirect-intentional-sitelink', // T235420
'wmgWikibaseRepoRedirectBadgeItems' => [
	'default' => [],
	'testwikidatawiki' => [
		'Q226102', // T316637 sitelink to redirect
		'Q226103', // T316637 intentional sitelink to redirect
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		'Q70893996', // T316637 sitelink to redirect
		'Q70894304', // T316637 intentional sitelink to redirect

'wmgWikibaseClientBadgeClassNames' => [
	'default' => [
		'Q17437796' => 'badge-featuredarticle',
		'Q17437798' => 'badge-goodarticle',
		'Q17559452' => 'badge-recommendedarticle', // T72268
		'Q17506997' => 'badge-featuredlist', // T72332
		'Q17580674' => 'badge-featuredportal', // T75193
		'Q20748091' => 'badge-notproofread', // T97014 - Wikisource badges
		'Q20748094' => 'badge-problematic',
		'Q20748092' => 'badge-proofread',
		'Q20748093' => 'badge-validated',
		'Q28064618' => 'badge-digitaldocument', // T153186
		'Q51759403' => 'badge-goodlist', // T190976

'wmgWikibaseRepoSandboxEntityIds' => [
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		'mainItem' => 'Q4115189',

// Overwrite or add commons links in the "other projects sidebar" with
// statements from Wikidata, per T126960 and T232927

'wgWikimediaBadgesTopicsMainCategoryProperty' => [
	'default' => 'P910',
	'commonswiki' => null,
	'testcommonswiki' => null,

'wgWikimediaBadgesCategoryRelatedToListProperty' => [
	'default' => 'P1754',
	'commonswiki' => null,
	'testcommonswiki' => null,

'wgWikimediaBadgesCommonsCategoryProperty' => [
	'default' => 'P373',
	'commonswiki' => null,
	'testcommonswiki' => null,

'wgLexemeEnableRepo' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikidata' => true,

'wmgWikibaseRepoStatementSections' => [
	'default' => [],
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		'item' => [
			'statements' => null,
			'identifiers' => [
				'type' => 'dataType',
				'dataTypes' => [ 'external-id' ],
		'property' => [
			'statements' => null,
			'constraints' => [
				'type' => 'propertySet',
				'propertyIds' => [ 'P2302' ],
		'lexeme' => [
			'statements' => null,
			'identifiers' => [
				'type' => 'dataType',
				'dataTypes' => [ 'external-id' ],
	'testwikidatawiki' => [
		'item' => [
			'statements' => null,
			'identifiers' => [
				'type' => 'dataType',
				'dataTypes' => [ 'external-id' ],
		'property' => [
			'statements' => null,
			'constraints' => [
				'type' => 'propertySet',
				'propertyIds' => [ 'P400' ],
		'lexeme' => [
			'statements' => null,
			'identifiers' => [
				'type' => 'dataType',
				'dataTypes' => [ 'external-id' ],

'wmgWikibaseRepoSpecialSiteLinkGroups' => [
	'default' => [],
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		'foundation', // T321967
		'outreach', // T171140
		'wikifunctions', // T342857
	'commonswiki' => [
		'foundation', // T321967
		'outreach', // T171140
		'wikifunctions', // T342857
	'testwikidatawiki' => [

'wmgWikibaseClientSpecialSiteLinkGroups' => [
	'wikidataclient' => [
		'foundation', // T321967
		'outreach', // T171140
		'wikifunctions', // T342857
	'wikidataclient-test' => [

'wmgWBSiteLinkGroups' => [
	'default' => [

'wmgWBRepoFormatterUrlProperty' => [
	'default' => null,
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P368',
	'wikidatawiki' => 'P1630',

'wmgWBRepoPreferredGeoDataProperties' => [
	'default' => [],
	'testwikidatawiki' => [
	'wikidatawiki' => [

'wmgWBRepoPreferredPageImagesProperties' => [
	'default' => [],
	'testwikidatawiki' => [
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		// Photos
		// Complex graphics
		// Simple graphics
		// Multi page content
		// Maps
		// Diagrams

'wmgWikibaseClientInjectRecentChanges' => [
	'default' => true,
	'commonswiki' => false, // T171027
	'testcommonswiki' => false, // T171027

'wmgUseArticlePlaceholder' => [
	'default' => false,
	'bnwiki' => true,
	'cywiki' => true,
	'dagwiki' => true, // T298349
	'eowiki' => true,
	'etwiki' => true, // T186107
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	'htwiki' => true,
	'knwiki' => true,
	'kswiki' => true, // T294632
	'lvwiki' => true,
	'napwiki' => true,
	'nnwiki' => true,
	'orwiki' => true,
	'papwiki' => true, // T223693
	'sewiki' => true,
	'sqwiki' => true,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'test2wiki' => true,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true,
	'urwiki' => true, // T186451

'wgArticlePlaceholderSearchIntegrationBackend' => [
	'default' => 'API',

'wgArticlePlaceholderRepoApiUrl' => [
	'default' => 'https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php',

'wgArticlePlaceholderImageProperty' => [
	'wikidataclient' => 'P18',
	'wikidataclient-test' => 'P47',

'wmgWikibaseSiteGroup' => [
	// The default for this is null, but we can't set this to null here,
	// as null makes SiteConfiguration not set the variable at all.
	'wikipedia' => 'wikipedia',
	'wikibooks' => 'wikibooks',
	'wikinews' => 'wikinews',
	'wikiquote' => 'wikiquote',
	'wikiversity' => 'wikiversity',
	'wikivoyage' => 'wikivoyage',
	'wikisource' => 'wikisource',
	'wiktionary' => 'wiktionary',
	'commonswiki' => 'commons',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'testcommons',
	'foundationwiki' => 'foundation', // T321967
	'mediawikiwiki' => 'mediawiki',
	'metawiki' => 'meta',
	'specieswiki' => 'species',
	'wikidatawiki' => 'wikidata',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'testwikidata',
	'wikifunctionswiki' => 'wikifunctions',
	'wikimaniawiki' => 'wikimania',
	'outreachwiki' => 'outreach',
	'wikifunctionswiki' => 'wikifunctions' // T342857

'wmgWikibaseEntityDataFormats' => [
	'default' => [

// T151717 and T177153
'wmgWikibaseDisabledUsageAspects' => [
	'default' => [],
	// disabled statement usage tracking wikis
	'commonswiki' => [ 'C' => 'O' ],

'wmgEntityUsageModifierLimitsStatement' => [
	'default' => null,

'wmgUseWikibaseWikidataOrg' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikidata' => true,

'wmgUseWikibasePropertySuggester' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikidata' => true,

'wgPropertySuggesterMinProbability' => [
	'default' => 0.05,
	'wikidata' => 0.069,

'wgPropertySuggesterClassifyingPropertyIds' => [
	'default' => [],
	'testwikidatawiki' => [ 7 ],
	'wikidatawiki' => [ 31, 279 ], // T169060

'wgPropertySuggesterInitialSuggestions' => [
	'default' => [],
	'testwikidatawiki' => [ 7 ],
	'wikidatawiki' => [ 31, 279 ],

'wgPropertySuggesterDeprecatedIds' => [
	'default' => [],
	'testwikidatawiki' => [ 107 ],
	'wikidatawiki' => [ // T72346
		143, // imported from
		3452, // inferred from
		4656, // Wikimedia import URL
		 * Deprecated properties
		 * @see https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:WhatLinksHere/Q18644427?namespace=120
		598, // commander of (DEPRECATED)
		2315, // comment (DEPRECATED)
		3231, // Media Art Database author ID (former scheme)
		7478, // iFixit repairability score (DEPRECATED)
		 * @see https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?oldid=335040857
		646, // Freebase ID
		2671, // Google Knowledge Graph ID (T280779)
		4839, // Wolfram Language Entity Code (T280779)
		 * Sandbox properties
		 * @see https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:WhatLinksHere/Q18720640?namespace=120
		368, // commonsMedia
		369, // wikibase-item
		370, // string
		578, // time
		626, // globe-coordinate
		855, // url
		1106, // quantity
		1450, // monolingualtext
		2368, // wikibase-property
		2535, // math
		2536, // external-id
		4045, // tabular-data
		4047, // geo-shape
		5188, // wikibase-lexeme
		5189, // wikibase-form
		5979, // wikibase-sense
		6604, // musical-notation

'wmgUseWikibaseQuality' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikidata' => true,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true,

'wgWBQualityConstraintsEnableConstraintsCheckJobs' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikidata' => true,

'wgWBQualityConstraintsEnableConstraintsCheckJobsRatio' => [
	'default' => 0, // 0% of edits trigger post edit job run constraint checks
	'testwikidatawiki' => 100,
	'wikidatawiki' => 100,

'wgWBQualityConstraintsFormatCheckerShellboxRatio' => [
	'default' => 0,
	'testwikidatawiki' => 1,
	'wikidatawiki' => 1,
	'commonswiki' => 1,
	'testcommonswiki' => 1,

'wgWBQualityConstraintsSparqlEndpoint' => [
	'default' => 'http://localhost:6009/sparql',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsSparqlMaxMillis' => [
	'default' => 10000,
	'wikidatawiki' => 5000, // limit SPARQL queries to just 5 seconds for now
	'testcommonswiki' => 5000,
	'commonswiki' => 5000,

'wgWBQualityConstraintsSparqlHasWikibaseSupport' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgWBQualityConstraintsTypeCheckMaxEntities' => [
	'default' => 1000,
	'wikidatawiki' => 150,
	'testcommonswiki' => 150,
	'commonswiki' => 150,

'wgWBQualityConstraintsPropertyConstraintId' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P51064',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P51064',
	'wikidatawiki' => 'P2302',
	'commonswiki' => 'P2302',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsFormatConstraintId' => [
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	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q100086',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q100086',
	'wikidatawiki' => 'Q21502404',
	'commonswiki' => 'Q21502404',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsFormatAsARegularExpressionId' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P51065',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P51065',
	'wikidatawiki' => 'P1793',
	'commonswiki' => 'P1793',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsPropertiesWithViolatingQualifiers' => [
	'default' => [],
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		// T183267
		// T227865
		// T235292

'wgWBQualityConstraintsInstanceOfId' => [
	'default' => 'P31',
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	'testcommonswiki' => 'P82',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsSubclassOfId' => [
	'default' => 'P279',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P10208',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P10208',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsExceptionToConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'P2303',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P84116',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P84116',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsConstraintStatusId' => [
	'default' => 'P2316',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P84117',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P84117',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsMandatoryConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21502408',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187927',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187927',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsSuggestionConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q62026391',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q204138',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q204138',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsDistinctValuesConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21502410',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187928',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187928',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsMultiValueConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21510857',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187929',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187929',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsUsedAsQualifierConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21510863',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187930',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187930',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsSingleValueConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q19474404',
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	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187931',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsSymmetricConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21510862',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187932',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187932',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsTypeConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21503250',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187933',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187933',
	'commonswiki' => 'Q999999999', // set to non-existent id so type constraints will not be
		// checked on commons

'wgWBQualityConstraintsValueTypeConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21510865',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187934',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187934',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsInverseConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21510855',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187935',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187935',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsItemRequiresClaimConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21503247',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187936',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187936',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsValueRequiresClaimConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21510864',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187937',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187937',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsConflictsWithConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21502838',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187938',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187938',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsOneOfConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21510859',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187939',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187939',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsMandatoryQualifierConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21510856',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187940',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187940',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsAllowedQualifiersConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21510851',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187941',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187941',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsRangeConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21510860',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187942',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187942',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsDifferenceWithinRangeConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21510854',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187943',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187943',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsCommonsLinkConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21510852',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187944',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187944',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsContemporaryConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q25796498',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187945',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187945',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsUsedForValuesOnlyConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21528958',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187946',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187946',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsUsedAsReferenceConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21528959',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187947',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187947',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsNoBoundsConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q51723761',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187948',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187948',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsAllowedUnitsConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21514353',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187949',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187949',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsSingleBestValueConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q52060874',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187950',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187950',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsAllowedEntityTypesConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q52004125',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187951',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187951',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsCitationNeededConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q54554025',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187952',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187952',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsPropertyScopeConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q53869507',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187953',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187953',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsClassId' => [
	'default' => 'P2308',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P401',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P401',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsRelationId' => [
	'default' => 'P2309',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P403',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P403',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsInstanceOfRelationId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21503252',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187954',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187954',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsSubclassOfRelationId' => [
	'default' => 'Q21514624',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187955',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187955',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsInstanceOrSubclassOfRelationId' => [
	'default' => 'Q30208840',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187956',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187956',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsPropertyId' => [
	'default' => 'P2306',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P404',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P404',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsQualifierOfPropertyConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'P2305',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P76946',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P76946',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsMinimumQuantityId' => [
	'default' => 'P2313',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P84122',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P84122',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsMaximumQuantityId' => [
	'default' => 'P2312',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P84123',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P84123',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsMinimumDateId' => [
	'default' => 'P2310',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P84124',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P84124',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsMaximumDateId' => [
	'default' => 'P2311',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P84125',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P84125',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsNamespaceId' => [
	'default' => 'P2307',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P82189',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P82189',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsSyntaxClarificationId' => [
	'default' => 'P2916',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P84127',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P84127',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsConstraintScopeId' => [
	'default' => 'P4680',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P84128',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P84128',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsSeparatorId' => [
	'default' => 'P4155',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P84129',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P84129',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsConstraintCheckedOnMainValueId' => [
	'default' => 'Q46466787',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187957',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187957',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsConstraintCheckedOnQualifiersId' => [
	'default' => 'Q46466783',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187958',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187958',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsConstraintCheckedOnReferencesId' => [
	'default' => 'Q46466805',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187959',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187959',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsNoneOfConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q52558054',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187960',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187960',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsIntegerConstraintId' => [
	'default' => 'Q52848401',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187961',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187961',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsWikibaseItemId' => [
	'default' => 'Q29934200',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187962',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187962',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsWikibasePropertyId' => [
	'default' => 'Q29934218',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187963',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187963',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsWikibaseLexemeId' => [
	'default' => 'Q51885771',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187964',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187964',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsWikibaseFormId' => [
	'default' => 'Q54285143',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187965',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187965',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsWikibaseSenseId' => [
	'default' => 'Q54285715',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187966',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187966',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsPropertyScopeId' => [
	'default' => 'P5314',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P84130',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'P84130',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsAsMainValueId' => [
	'default' => 'Q54828448',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187967',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187967',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsAsQualifiersId' => [
	'default' => 'Q54828449',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187968',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187968',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsAsReferencesId' => [
	'default' => 'Q54828450',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'Q187969',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'Q187969',

'wgWBQualityConstraintsEnableSuggestionConstraintStatus' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true,
	'wikidatawiki' => true,

'wmgUseWikibaseLexeme' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true,
	'wikidatawiki' => true,
	'wikidataclient' => true,
	'wikidataclient-test' => true,

'wgLexemeLanguageCodePropertyId' => [
	'default' => null,
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'P220',
	'wikidatawiki' => 'P305', // T348923 IETF language tag

'wgLexemeLexicalCategoryItemIds' => [
	'default' => null,
	'wikidatawiki' => [ // T307441
		'Q1084', // noun
		'Q34698', // adjective
		'Q24905', // verb
		'Q380057', // adverb
		'Q63116', // numeral
		'Q83034', // interjection
		'Q4833830', // preposition
		'Q111029', // root
		'Q36484', // conjunction
		'Q36224', // pronoun
		'Q102047', // suffix
		'Q134830', // prefix
		'Q161873', // postposition
		'Q62155', // affix

'wgLexemeEnableDataTransclusion' => [
	'default' => true, // T309593

'wmgWikibaseDisabledDataTypes' => [
	'default' => [],

'wmgWikibaseEntityTypesWithoutRdfOutput' => [
	'default' => [],

'wmgWikibaseDisabledAccessEntityTypes' => [
	'default' => [],

'wmgWikibaseMaxSerializedEntitySize' => [
	'default' => 3000, // T217739

// List of properties to be indexed by elasticsearch
// see SearchSettingsForWikibase.php
'wmgWikibaseSearchIndexProperties' => [
	'default' => [],
	'wikidatawiki' => [ 'P31', 'P279' ], // instance of, subclass of
	'testwikidatawiki' => [ 'P7', 'P700' ], // test only: Item and ExternalId
	'commonswiki' => [ 'P180' ], // depicts
	'testcommonswiki' => [ 'P292' ], // depicts

'wmgWikibaseSearchIndexPropertiesExclude' => [
	'default' => [],
	'wikidatawiki' => [ // T163642
		'P304', // page(s)
		'P433', // issue
		'P478', // volume
		'P3903', // column
		'P3921', // Wikidata SPARQL query equivalent
		'P4316', // kinship equivalent in SPARQL at Wikidata
		'P1433', // published in, too many instances for now
		'P2860', // cites, too many instances for now

// Wikidata search: configure boost based on statements (T148411)
// see SearchSettingsForWikibase.php
// NOTE: these properties need to be indexed first (see wmgWikibaseSearchIndexProperties)
'wgWBCSStatementBoost' => [
	'default' => [],
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		// Q4167410=Wikimedia disambiguation page
		'P31=Q4167410' => -10,
		// T183510:
		// Q13442814=scientific article
		'P31=Q13442814' => -5,
		// Q18918145=academic journal article
		'P31=Q18918145' => -5,
	'testwikidatawiki' => [
		// not necessarily meaningful, for testing only
		// Q15561=Wikimedia disambiguation page
		'P7=Q15561' => -10,

// Wikidata search: configure boost based on language "attributes" for the wbsearchentities "language" profile
// Note that only the max score is kept and thus is not suited for negative boosts
'wgWBCSLanguageSelectorStatementBoost' => [
	'default' => [],
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		// Q34770=language
		'P31=Q34770' => 50,
		// Q1288568=modern language
		'P31=Q1288568' => 50,
		// Q45762=dead language
		'P31=Q45762' => 50,
		// Q33384=dialect
		'P31=Q33384' => 50,

// keys are wbsearchentities profile parameter values, values are $profileContext values;
// first entry should always be 'default' => null: in WikibaseCirrusSearch, null corresponds to
// EntitySearchElastic::CONTEXT_WIKIBASE_PREFIX = 'wikibase_prefix_search'
'wmgWikibaseSearchProfiles' => [
	'default' => null,
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		'default' => null,
		// \Wikibase\Search\Elastic\Hooks::LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_PREFIX
		'language' => 'language_selector_prefix',
	'testwikidatawiki' => [
		'default' => null,
		// \Wikibase\Search\Elastic\Hooks::LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_PREFIX
		'language' => 'language_selector_prefix',

// Structured media file data (the WikibaseMediaInfo extension)
'wmgUseWikibaseMediaInfo' => [
	'default' => false,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,

// Feature flag for UploadWizard letting users set statements during deployment
'wmgMediaInfoEnableUploadWizardStatements' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true,

// Structured Data on Commons: wikibase properties that will be editable by default
'wgMediaInfoProperties' => [
	'commonswiki' => [
		'depicts' => 'P180',
	'testcommonswiki' => [
		'depicts' => 'P292',

'wgMediaInfoExternalEntitySearchBaseUri' => [
	'default' => 'https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'https://test.wikidata.org/w/api.php',

'wgMediaInfoHelpUrls' => [
	'commonswiki' => [
		'P180' => 'https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Commons:Depicts',
	'testcommonswiki' => [
		'P292' => 'https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Commons:Depicts',

'wgMediaInfoMediaSearchHasLtrPlugin' => [
	'commonswiki' => true,

'wgMediaInfoCustomMatchFeature' => [
	'commonswiki' => [
		'depicts_or_linked_from' => [
			'fields' => [
				'statement_keywords' => [
					[ 'prefix' => 'P180=', 'boost' => 0.05032411940299784 ], // depicts
					[ 'prefix' => 'P6243=', 'boost' => 0.0001 ], // digital representation of (arbitrary small value)
					[ 'prefix' => 'P921=', 'boost' => 0.0001 ], // main subject of (arbitrary small value)
				'weighted_tags' => [
					[ 'prefix' => 'image.linked.from.wikidata.p18/', 'boost' => 1.984794590275781 ],
					[ 'prefix' => 'image.linked.from.wikidata.p373/', 'boost' => 5.739424158364518 ],
						'prefix' => 'image.linked.from.wikipedia.lead_image/',
						'boost' => 3.74983393205065
			// logistic function
			'functionScore' => [
				'scriptCode' => '100 / ( 1 + exp( -1 * ( _score + intercept ) ) )',
				'params' => [ 'intercept' => -0.29925433614892966 ],

'wgMediaInfoMediaSearchProfiles' => [
	'commonswiki' => [
		'mediasearch_weighted_tags' => [
			'boost' => [
				'statement' => [
					// depicts
					'P180' => 1 * 0.07513802266010573,
					// digital representation of
					'P6243' => 1.1 * 0.07513802266010573,
					// main subject of
					'P921' => 1.1 * 0.07513802266010573,
				'weighted_tags' => [
					'image.linked.from.wikidata.p18/' => 2.342153943085914,
					'image.linked.from.wikidata.p373/' => 4.386547106798469,
					'image.linked.from.wikipedia.lead_image/' => 4.795040181639707,
				'descriptions.$language' => 0.03162901642674604,
				'descriptions.$language.plain' => 0,
				'title' => 0.03905305579260523,
				'title.plain' => 0,
				'category' => 0.040469141251219885,
				'category.plain' => 0,
				'heading' => 0,
				'heading.plain' => 0,
				// Arbitrary small value to preserve ordering if we ONLY have a match in this field
				'auxiliary_text' => 0.0001,
				'auxiliary_text.plain' => 0,
				'file_text' => 0,
				'file_text.plain' => 0,
				'redirect.title' => 0.01997210246565096,
				'redirect.title.plain' => 0,
				// Arbitrary small value to preserve ordering if we ONLY have a match in this field
				'text' => 0.0001,
				'text.plain' => 0,
				'suggest' => 0.03460658854618614,
			'decay' => [
				'descriptions.$language' => 0.9,
				'descriptions.$language.plain' => 0.9,
				// below is not actually a field
				'synonyms' => 0.5,
			'logisticRegressionIntercept' => -1.3880461372968826,
			'entitiesVariableBoost' => true,
			'normalizeFulltextScores' => false,
			'normalizeMultiClauseScores' => true,
			'applyLogisticFunction' => true,
			'useSynonyms' => true,
			'hasLtrPlugin' => true,
			'titleMatchBaseUri' => 'https://%s.wikipedia.org/w/api.php',
		'mediasearch_synonyms' => [
			'boost' => [
				'statement' => [
					// depicts
					'P180' => 1 * 0.11098311564161133,
					// digital representation of
					'P6243' => 1.1 * 0.11098311564161133,
					// main subject of
					'P921' => 1.1 * 0.11098311564161133,
				'descriptions.$language' => 0.019320230186222098,
				'descriptions.$language.plain' => 0,
				'title' => 0.0702949038300864,
				'title.plain' => 0,
				'category' => 0.05158078808882278,
				'category.plain' => 0,
				'heading' => 0,
				'heading.plain' => 0,
				// Arbitrary small value to preserve ordering if we ONLY have a match in this field
				'auxiliary_text' => 0.0001,
				'auxiliary_text.plain' => 0,
				'file_text' => 0,
				'file_text.plain' => 0,
				'redirect.title' => 0.01060150471482338,
				'redirect.title.plain' => 0,
				// Arbitrary small value to preserve ordering if we ONLY have a match in this field
				'text' => 0.0001,
				'text.plain' => 0,
				'suggest' => 0,
			'decay' => [
				'descriptions.$language' => 0.9,
				'descriptions.$language.plain' => 0.9,
				// below is not actually a field
				'synonyms' => 0.5,
			'logisticRegressionIntercept' => -1.1975600089068401,
			'entitiesVariableBoost' => true,
			'normalizeMultiClauseScores' => true,
			'applyLogisticFunction' => true,
			'useSynonyms' => true,
		'mediasearch_logistic_regression' => [
			'boost' => [
				'statement' => [
					// depicts
					'P180' => 1 * 0.11098311564161133,
					// digital representation of
					'P6243' => 1.1 * 0.11098311564161133,
					// main subject
					'P921' => 1.1 * 0.11098311564161133,
				'descriptions.$language' => 0.019320230186222098,
				'descriptions.$language.plain' => 0,
				'title' => 0.0702949038300864,
				'title.plain' => 0,
				'category' => 0.05158078808882278,
				'category.plain' => 0,
				'heading' => 0,
				'heading.plain' => 0,
				// Arbitrary small value to preserve ordering if we ONLY have a match in this field
				'auxiliary_text' => 0.0001,
				'auxiliary_text.plain' => 0,
				'file_text' => 0,
				'file_text.plain' => 0,
				'redirect.title' => 0.01060150471482338,
				'redirect.title.plain' => 0,
				// Arbitrary small value to preserve ordering if we ONLY have a match in this field
				'text' => 0.0001,
				'text.plain' => 0,
				'suggest' => 0,
			'decay' => [
				'descriptions.$language' => 0.9,
				'descriptions.$language.plain' => 0.9,
				// below is not actually a field
				'synonyms' => 0,
			'logisticRegressionIntercept' => -1.1975600089068401,
			'entitiesVariableBoost' => true,
			'normalizeMultiClauseScores' => true,
			'applyLogisticFunction' => true,
			'useSynonyms' => false,

// Extension for Special:MediaSearch
'wmgUseMediaSearch' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'ptwikinews' => true, // T299872

'wgMediaSearchExternalEntitySearchBaseUri' => [
	'default' => 'https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'https://test.wikidata.org/w/api.php',

// Enable Commons community assessment filters in Special:MediaSearch
// when adding further assessment filters, also add them to any-assessment at the top
'wgMediaSearchAssessmentFilters' => [
	'commonswiki' => [
		'any-assessment' => 'P6731=Q63348049|P6731=Q63348069|P6731=Q63348040|P6731=Q6998859', // T285349
		'featured-image' => 'P6731=Q63348049',
		'quality-image' => 'P6731=Q63348069',
		'valued-image' => 'P6731=Q63348040',
		'picture-of-the-day' => 'P6731=Q6998859',
	'testcommonswiki' => [
		'any-assessment' => 'P6731=Q63348049|P6731=Q63348069|P6731=Q63348040|P6731=Q6998859', // T285349
		'featured-image' => 'P6731=Q63348049',
		'quality-image' => 'P6731=Q63348069',
		'valued-image' => 'P6731=Q63348040',
		'picture-of-the-day' => 'P6731=Q6998859',

'wgMediaSearchTabOrder' => [
	'ptwikinews' => [ 'page', 'image', 'video', 'audio', 'other' ], // T299872, show cat first

// Disable redirects for search inputs to exact matches by default
'wmgDoNotRedirectOnSearchMatch' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true,

// Only enable this conservatively, having this on to many
// wikis will take *a lot* of Graphite storage space. T191416
'wmgWikibaseClientTrackLuaFunctionCallsPerWiki' => [
	'default' => false,
	'arwiki' => true,
	'cawiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,
	'dewiki' => true,
	'enwiki' => true,
	'frwiki' => true,
	'itwiki' => true,
	'ruwiki' => true,
	'svwiki' => true,
	'ukwiki' => true,
	'zhwiki' => true,

'wmgWikibaseClientTrackLuaFunctionCallsPerSiteGroup' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgWikibaseClientAddEntityUsagesBatchSize' => [
	'default' => 100,

// Load WikibaseCirrusSearch extension
'wmgUseWikibaseCirrusSearch' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true,
	'wikidatawiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,

// Enable WikibaseCirrusSearch extension code (and disable Wikibase search code)
'wmgNewWikibaseCirrusSearch' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true,
	'wikidatawiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,

// Load WikibaseLexemeCirrusSearch extension
'wmgUseWikibaseLexemeCirrusSearch' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true,
	'wikidatawiki' => true,

// Enable WikibaseLexemeCirrusSearch extension
'wmgNewWikibaseLexemeCirrusSearch' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true,
	'wikidatawiki' => true,

// Enable Wikisource extension
'wmgUseWikisource' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikisource' => true,
	'sourceswiki' => true,
'wgWikisourceEnableOcr' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgMusicalNotationEnableWikibaseDataType' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true,
	'wikidatawiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true,

'wgScoreTrim' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgWikibaseMusicalNotationLineWidthInches' => [
	'default' => 8,
	'testwikidatawiki' => 3,
	'wikidatawiki' => 3,

'wmgWikibaseTermboxEnabled' => [
	'wikidatawiki' => true,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true,

'wmgWikibaseSSRTermboxServerUrl' => [
	'wikidatawiki' => 'http://localhost:6008/termbox',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'http://termbox-test.staging.svc.eqiad.wmnet:3031/termbox',

'wmgWikibaseTaintedReferencesEnabled' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true,
	'wikidatawiki' => true,

// Note: baseUri for Wikidata is intentionally HTTP, Commons is intentionally HTTPS.
// These are base resource *identifiers*, not *locators*. While HTTPS would in principle be
// preferable over HTTP for all wikis, changing it now for Wikidata would be a potentially
// very disruptive change, breaking the stable nature of all our entity identifiers - see
// T153563 for some previous discussion on this (ultimately declined).
// In practice, thanks to HSTS and HSTS preloading, most user agents should load all of
// these over HTTPS anyways (i.e., when the URI is used as a URL).
'wmgWikibaseEntitySources' => [
	'default' => [],
	'wikidatawiki' => [
		'wikidata' => [
			'entityNamespaces' => [
				'item' => 0,
				'property' => 120,
				'lexeme' => 146,
			'repoDatabase' => 'wikidatawiki',
			'baseUri' => 'http://www.wikidata.org/entity/',
			'rdfNodeNamespacePrefix' => 'wd',
			'rdfPredicateNamespacePrefix' => '',
			'interwikiPrefix' => 'd',
	'commonswiki' => [
		'wikidata' => [
			'entityNamespaces' => [
				'item' => 0,
				'property' => 120,
				'lexeme' => 146,
			'repoDatabase' => 'wikidatawiki',
			'baseUri' => 'http://www.wikidata.org/entity/',
			'rdfNodeNamespacePrefix' => 'wd',
			'rdfPredicateNamespacePrefix' => '',
			'interwikiPrefix' => 'd',
		'commons' => [
			'entityNamespaces' => [
				'mediainfo' => '6/mediainfo',
			'repoDatabase' => 'commonswiki',
			'baseUri' => 'https://commons.wikimedia.org/entity/',
			'rdfNodeNamespacePrefix' => 'sdc',
			'rdfPredicateNamespacePrefix' => 'sdc',
			'interwikiPrefix' => 'c',
	'wikidataclient' => [
		'wikidata' => [
			'entityNamespaces' => [
				'item' => 0,
				'property' => 120,
				'lexeme' => 146,
			'repoDatabase' => 'wikidatawiki',
			'baseUri' => 'http://www.wikidata.org/entity/',
			'rdfNodeNamespacePrefix' => 'wd',
			'rdfPredicateNamespacePrefix' => '',
			'interwikiPrefix' => 'd',
	'testwikidatawiki' => [
		'testwikidata' => [
			'entityNamespaces' => [
				'item' => 0,
				'property' => 120,
				'lexeme' => 146,
			'repoDatabase' => 'testwikidatawiki',
			'baseUri' => 'http://test.wikidata.org/entity/',
			'rdfNodeNamespacePrefix' => 'wd',
			'rdfPredicateNamespacePrefix' => '',
			'interwikiPrefix' => 'testwikidata',
	'wikidataclient-test' => [
		'testwikidata' => [
			'entityNamespaces' => [
				'item' => 0,
				'property' => 120,
				'lexeme' => 146,
			'repoDatabase' => 'testwikidatawiki',
			'baseUri' => 'http://test.wikidata.org/entity/',
			'rdfNodeNamespacePrefix' => 'wd',
			'rdfPredicateNamespacePrefix' => '',
			'interwikiPrefix' => 'testwikidata',
	'testcommonswiki' => [
		'testwikidata' => [
			'entityNamespaces' => [
				'item' => 0,
				'property' => 120,
				'lexeme' => 146,
			'repoDatabase' => 'testwikidatawiki',
			'baseUri' => 'http://test.wikidata.org/entity/',
			'rdfNodeNamespacePrefix' => 'wd',
			'rdfPredicateNamespacePrefix' => '',
			'interwikiPrefix' => 'testwikidata',
		'testcommons' => [
			'entityNamespaces' => [
				'mediainfo' => '6/mediainfo',
			'repoDatabase' => 'testcommonswiki',
			'baseUri' => 'https://test-commons.wikimedia.org/entity/',
			'rdfNodeNamespacePrefix' => 'sdc',
			'rdfPredicateNamespacePrefix' => 'sdc',
			'interwikiPrefix' => 'testcommons',

'wmgWikibaseRepoLocalEntitySourceName' => [
	'default' => null,
	'wikidatawiki' => 'wikidata',
	'commonswiki' => 'commons',
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'testwikidata',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'testcommons'

'wmgWikibaseClientItemAndPropertySourceName' => [
	'default' => null,
	'wikidataclient' => 'wikidata',
	'wikidataclient-test' => 'testwikidata',

'wmgUseTemplateSandbox' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

'wmgUsePageAssessments' => [
	'default' => false,
	'enwiki' => true, // T146679
	'enwikivoyage' => true, // T142056
	'testwiki' => true, // T137918
	'trwiki' => true, // T184969
	'arwiki' => true, // T185023
	'frwiki' => true, // T153393
	'huwiki' => true, // T191697
	'zhwiki' => true, // T326387
	'newiki' => true, // T328224
'wgPageAssessmentsOnTalkPages' => [
	'default' => true,
	'enwikivoyage' => false,
'wgPageAssessmentsSubprojects' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'enwiki' => true,
	'zhwiki' => true, // T326387
	'newiki' => true, // T328224

'wmgUsePageImages' => [
	'default' => true,
	'wikibooks' => false, // T68455
	'wikisource' => false, // T68455
	'wikitech' => false,
	'lockeddown' => false,
'wgPageImagesNamespaces' => [
	'default' => [ NS_MAIN ],
	'commonswiki' => [ NS_MAIN, NS_CATEGORY ],
	'mediawikiwiki' => [
		102, /* Extension */
		106 /*Skin:*/
'wgPageImagesLeadSectionOnly' => [
	// T166251 & T166493
	'default' => false,
	// T152115
	'wikipedia' => true,
'wgPageImagesExpandOpenSearchXml' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgThumbnailNamespaces' => [
	'default' => [ NS_FILE ],
	// T320510
	'wikipedia' => [ NS_MAIN, NS_FILE ],

'wmgUseTorBlock' => [
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false,

'wmgAllowLabsAnonEdits' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikidataclient-test' => true, // for CI

'wmgUseSearchExtraNS' => [
	'default' => false,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,
'wgSearchExtraNamespaces' => [
	'default' => false,
	'commonswiki' => [ NS_CATEGORY ],
	'testcommonswiki' => [ NS_CATEGORY ],

'wmgUseSecurePoll' => [
	'default' => true,
	'wikitech' => false,
	'loginwiki' => false,

'wmgSecurePollUseNamespace' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'votewiki' => true,
	'officewiki' => true,

// Enable SecurePoll logging
'wgSecurePollUseLogging' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'votewiki' => true,

'wgSecurePollSingleTransferableVoteEnabled' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'votewiki' => true,

'wmgUseGlobalAbuseFilters' => [
	// Enabled on all public sites, see T341159.
	'default' => true,
	'fishbowl' => false,
	'nonglobal' => false,
	'private' => false,

	// Individual wiki overrides
	'enwiki' => false, // T341159
	'jawiki' => false, // T341159

'wmgUseCampaigns' => [
	'default' => true,
	'wikitech' => false,

'wmgUseCite' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

'wmgUseCiteThisPage' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

'wmgUsePoem' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,
	'wikitech' => false,

'wmgUseInputBox' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

'wmgUseImageMap' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

'wmgUseSyntaxHighlight' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

'wmgUseSyntaxHighlightShellbox' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgUseTimeline' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

'wgMultiShardSiteStats' => [
	'default' => false,
	'enwiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'wikidatawiki' => true,
	'testwiki' => true,

'wmgTimelineDefaultFont' => [
	'default' => 'freesans',
	'mlwiki' => 'freesanswmf',
	'testwiki' => 'freesanswmf',
	// All zh language wikis, T289226
	'cnwikimedia' => 'unifont',
	'zhwiki' => 'unifont',
	'zhwikibooks' => 'unifont',
	'zhwikinews' => 'unifont',
	'zhwikiquote' => 'unifont',
	'zhwikisource' => 'unifont',
	'zhwikiversity' => 'unifont',
	'zhwikivoyage' => 'unifont',
	'zhwiktionary' => 'unifont',
	// End of all zh language wikis
	// "Greater zh" language wikis, T188997
	'cdowiki' => 'unifont',
	'ganwiki' => 'unifont',
	'hakwiki' => 'unifont',
	'wuuwiki' => 'unifont',
	'yuewiktionary' => 'unifont',
	'zh_classicalwiki' => 'unifont',
	'zh_yuewiki' => 'unifont',
	// End of "Greater zh" language wikis

'wmgUseWikiHiero' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

// This is also guarded by $wmgUseCentralAuth
'wmgUseGlobalBlocking' => [
	'default' => true,
	'wikitech' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false,
	'private' => false,

'wgGlobalBlockingAllowedRanges' => [
	'default' => [ '', '' ],
	'wikitech' => [],
	'fishbowl' => [],
	'private' => [],

'wgGlobalBlockingAllowGlobalAccountBlocks' => [
	'default' => false, // T356924, T356923
	'wikitech' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false,
	'private' => false,

// Only allow local 'crats to rename on non-CentralAuth wikis
'wmgAllowLocalRenameuser' => [
	'default' => false,
	'private' => true,
	'fishbowl' => true,
	'nonglobal' => true,

// T15712
'wmgUseJosa' => [
	'default' => false,
	'kowiki' => true,
	'kowikinews' => true,
	'kowikibooks' => true,
	'kowikiquote' => true,
	'kowikisource' => true,
	'kowiktionary' => true,
	'kowikiversity' => true,

'wmgUsePagedTiffHandler' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false, // T61702

'wmgUsePagedTiffHandlerShellbox' => [
	'default' => true,
	'commonswiki' => false,

'wmgUseParserFunctions' => [
	'default' => true,
	'loginwiki' => false, // T61702

'wmgUseTemplateData' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false, // T61702

'wmgUseCharInsert' => [
	'default' => true,
	'loginwiki' => false, // T61702

'wmgUseORES' => [
	'default' => false,
	'arwiki' => true, // T192498
	'bswiki' => true, // T197010
	'cawiki' => true, // T192501
	'cswiki' => true, // T151611
	'enwiki' => true, // T140003
	'eswiki' => true, // T130279
	'eswikibooks' => true, // T145394
	'eswikiquote' => true, // T219160
	'etwiki' => true, // T159609
	'euwiki' => true, // T198358
	'fawiki' => true, // T130211
	'fiwiki' => true, // T163011
	'frwiki' => true,
	'hewiki' => true, // T161621
	'huwiki' => true, // T192496
	'itwiki' => true, // T211032
	'kowiki' => true, // T161628
	'lvwiki' => true, // T192499
	'nlwiki' => true, // T139432
	'plwiki' => true, // T140005
	'ptwiki' => true, // T139692
	'rowiki' => true, // T170723
	'ruwiki' => true,
	'simplewiki' => true, // T182012
	'sqwiki' => true, // T170723
	'srwiki' => true, // T197012
	'svwiki' => true, // T174560
	'testwiki' => true, // T199913
	'test2wiki' => true, // T200412
	'trwiki' => true, // T139992
	'ukwiki' => true, // T256887
	'wikidatawiki' => true, // T130212
	'zhwiki' => true, // T225562
### End (roughly) of general extensions ########################

'wgAllowUserJs' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

'wgAllowUserCss' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

'wgUseSiteJs' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

'wgUseSiteCss' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,

'wgWikimediaStylesSkins'  => [
	// [[phab:T361589]]
	'default' => [ 'minerva', 'vector-2022' ],

// Which licensing/copyright message overrides to use in the WikimediaMessages extension
'wgWikimediaMessagesLicensing' => [
	'default' => 'standard',
	'wikinews' => 'wikinews',
	'wikidata' => 'wikidata',
	'wikifunctionswiki' => 'wikifunctions',
	'commonswiki' => 'commons',
	'testcommonswiki' => 'commons',
'wgRightsPage' => [
	// Default: Use wgRightsUrl
	'default' => null,
	// Wikidata footer, T112606
	'wikidata' => 'Wikidata:Copyright',
	'wikifunctionswiki' => 'Wikifunctions:Copyright',
'wgRightsUrl' => [
	// Link to the translation of the license in the relevant language where available
	// For unrecognized language codes, creativecommons.org falls back to English
	'default' => 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.$lang',
	// Don't try to link to weird things like /deed.meta or /deed.commons
	'special' => 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/',
	'huwikinews' => 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/',
	'wikinews' => 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/',
'wgRightsText' => [
	'default' => 'Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0',
	'huwikinews' => 'Creative Commons Attribution 3.0',
	'wikinews' => 'Creative Commons Attribution 2.5',
	// Wikidata footer, T112606
	'wikidata' => 'All structured data from the main and property namespace is available under ' .
		'the Creative Commons CC0 License; text in the other namespaces is available under ' .
		'the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.',
	'wikifunctionswiki' => 'All function definitions, labels, and documentation in the main ' .
		'namespace are available under the Creative Commons CC0 License. All code fragments and ' .
		'implementations in the main namespace are available under the Apache 2.0 License. Text in ' .
		'other namespaces is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; ' .
		'additional terms may apply..',

'wgMessageCacheType' => [
	'default' => 'mcrouter',
	'wikitech' => 'memcached-pecl',
'wgSessionCacheType' => [
	'default' => 'kask-session',
'wgEchoSeenTimeCacheType' => [
	'default' => 'kask-echoseen',
	'wikitech' => 'memcached-pecl',
'wgCentralAuthSessionCacheType' => [
	'default' => 'kask-session',
	'wikitech' => 'memcached-pecl',
'wgMWOAuthSessionCacheType' => [
	'default' => 'db-mainstash',
	'wikitech' => 'memcached-pecl',
'wgMWOAuthNonceCacheType' => [
	'default' => 'mcrouter',
	'wikitech' => 'memcached-pecl',
'wgMainStash' => [
	'default' => 'db-mainstash',
	'wikitech' => 'memcached-pecl',
'wgMicroStashType' => [
	'default' => 'mcrouter-primary-dc',
	'wikitech' => 'memcached-pecl',

'wmgFileExtensions' => [
	// Note that 'wmgPrivateWikiUploads' allows additional file extensions on some wikis
	'default' => [
	'+foundationwiki' => [
	'+incubatorwiki' => [
		// 'xml' // T32228, T341565

'wmgProhibitedFileExtensions' => [
	'default' => [
	'+enwikivoyage' => [
		// Some of these are allowed by MediaWiki core or extensions and it is not sufficient
		// to remove them from 'wmgFileExtensions'
		'webp', 'xcf', 'pdf', 'mid', 'ogg', 'ogv', 'djvu', 'oga', 'flac', 'opus', 'wav', 'webm',

'wgRedirectSources' => [
	'default' => false,
	'donatewiki' => '!^https?://donate\.wikimedia\.org/!',

'wmgUseClusterJobqueue' => [
	'default'  => true,
	'wikitech' => false,

// Thumbnail chaining

'wgThumbnailBuckets' => [
	'default' => [ 1280 ],

'wgThumbnailMinimumBucketDistance' => [
	'default' => 100,

// Thumbnail prerendering at upload time
'wgUploadThumbnailRenderMap' => [
	'default' => [ 320, 640, 800, 1280 ],
	'private' => [],

'wgUploadThumbnailRenderMethod' => [
	'default' => 'http',

// Virtual media views endpoint used by Media Viewer
'wgMediaViewerRecordVirtualViewBeaconURI' => [
	'default' => '/beacon/media',

// open external/specific links on voteWiki in new tab or window
// Partially for T98013 and in general help SecurePoll fail less often
'wgExternalLinkTarget' => [
	'default' => false,
	'votewiki' => '_blank',

'wgUseTinyRGBForJPGThumbnails' => [
	'default' => true,

// Varied for Labs only.
'wmgLogAuthmanagerMetrics' => [
	'default' => true,

// https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T110661
'wmgUseQuickSurveys' => [
	'default' => false,
	'cawiki' => true,
	'enwikivoyage' => true,
	'eswiki' => true,
	'frwiki' => true,
	'frwiktionary' => true,
	'huwiki' => true,
	'nowiki' => true,
	'ruwiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true,

'wgQuickSurveysConfig' => [
	'default' => [],
	'cawiki' => [
		// T187299
			'enabled' => true,
			'type' => 'internal',
			'name' => 'perceived-performance-survey',
			'question' => 'ext-quicksurveys-performance-internal-survey-question',
			'answers' => [
			'coverage' => 0.0,
			'platforms' => [
				'desktop' => [ 'stable' ],
			'privacyPolicy' => 'ext-quicksurveys-performance-internal-survey-privacy-policy',
			'shuffleAnswersDisplay' => true,
	'enwikivoyage' => [
		// T187299
			'enabled' => true,
			'type' => 'internal',
			'name' => 'perceived-performance-survey',
			'question' => 'ext-quicksurveys-performance-internal-survey-question',
			'answers' => [
			'coverage' => 0.0,
			'platforms' => [
				'desktop' => [ 'stable' ],
			'privacyPolicy' => 'ext-quicksurveys-performance-internal-survey-privacy-policy',
			'shuffleAnswersDisplay' => true,
	'eswiki' => [
		// T187299
			'enabled' => true,
			'type' => 'internal',
			'name' => 'perceived-performance-survey',
			'question' => 'ext-quicksurveys-performance-internal-survey-question',
			'answers' => [
			'coverage' => 0.0,
			'platforms' => [
				'desktop' => [ 'stable' ],
			'privacyPolicy' => 'ext-quicksurveys-performance-internal-survey-privacy-policy',
			'shuffleAnswersDisplay' => true,
	'frwiki' => [
		// T187299
			'enabled' => true,
			'type' => 'internal',
			'name' => 'perceived-performance-survey',
			'question' => 'ext-quicksurveys-performance-internal-survey-question',
			'answers' => [
			'coverage' => 0.0,
			'platforms' => [
				'desktop' => [ 'stable' ],
			'privacyPolicy' => 'ext-quicksurveys-performance-internal-survey-privacy-policy',
			'shuffleAnswersDisplay' => true,
	'ruwiki' => [
		// T187299
			'enabled' => true,
			'type' => 'internal',
			'name' => 'perceived-performance-survey',
			'question' => 'ext-quicksurveys-performance-internal-survey-question',
			'answers' => [
			'coverage' => 0.0,
			'platforms' => [
				'desktop' => [ 'stable' ],
			'privacyPolicy' => 'ext-quicksurveys-performance-internal-survey-privacy-policy',
			'shuffleAnswersDisplay' => true,
	// Note: make sure the wiki also has wmgUseQuickSurveys => true

// WikidataPageBanner extension (T98029)
// Please be sure to update wgMinervaEnableSiteNotice when changing.
'wmgUseWikidataPageBanner' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true, // T173388
	'test2wiki' => true,
	// T125000, T115023, T140717, T145328, T142963
	// T110837, T121999, T114334, T152344, T163662
	'ruwikimedia' => true, // T175356
	'wikivoyage' => true,
	'plwikivoyage' => false,
	'fawikivoyage' => false,
	'dewikivoyage' => false,
	'elwikivoyage' => false,
	'ptwikivoyage' => false,
	'nlwikivoyage' => false,
	'svwikivoyage' => false,
	'cawiki' => true, // T114392
	'euwiki' => true, // T171763
	'glwiki' => true, // T199713
	'trwiki' => true, // T244369

'wgWPBEnablePageImagesBanners' => [
	'default' => false,

'wgWPBEnableHeadingOverride' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgWPBNamespaces' => [
	'default' => true, // T129099
	'frwikivoyage' => [ NS_MAIN, NS_USER, NS_PROJECT, NS_HELP ], // T123084
	'itwikivoyage' => [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13 ], // T145328, T298315
	'ruwikivoyage' => [ 0, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2,
		2300, 2301, 2302, 2303, 2600, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 828, 829, 9 ], // T114566, T114723
	'ukwikivoyage' => [ NS_MAIN, NS_USER, NS_PROJECT ], // T121999
	'cawiki' => [ 102, NS_USER ], // T114392

'wgWPBBannerProperty' => [
	'default' => 'P948',

// TODO: remove when enabling EventBus on ALL wikis but for jobs only
'wmgUseEventBus' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgEnableEventBus' => [
	'default' => 'TYPE_ALL',
	'wikitech' => 'TYPE_PURGE', // T192361
	'private' => 'TYPE_JOB',
	'loginwiki' => 'TYPE_JOB|TYPE_PURGE',
	'votewiki' => 'TYPE_JOB|TYPE_PURGE',

// Used to look up the event service URL in ProductionServices to which
// the EventBus (and possibly other) extension will produce an event
// stream to by default.  (If the event stream has an stream config in
// wgEventStreams with the 'destination_event_service' setting, EventBus
// will used that as the destination event service for the event stream instead.)
'wgEventServiceDefault' => [
	'default' => 'eventgate-main'

'wgEventRelayerConfig' => [
	'default' => [
		'cdn-url-purges' => [
			'class' => \MediaWiki\Extension\EventBus\Adapters\EventRelayer\CdnPurgeEventRelayer::class,
			'stream' => 'resource-purge',
		'default' => [
			'class' => EventRelayerNull::class,

'wmgUseCapiunto' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikidataclient-test' => true,

'wmgUseKartographer' => [
	'default' => true,
	'wikifunctionswiki' => false,
	'private' => false,

// This MUST NOT be enabled on any additional wikis.
'wgKartographerWikivoyageMode' => [
	'default' => false,
	'mediawikiwiki' => true,
	'wikivoyage' => true,

'wgKartographerUseMarkerStyle' => [
	'default' => false,
	'mediawikiwiki' => true,
	'wikivoyage' => true,

'wgKartographerStaticMapframe' => [
	// Important for performance (T291736).
	'default' => true,
	'wikipedia' => true,

	'wikibooks' => false,
	'wikinews' => false,
	'wikiquote' => false,
	'wikisource' => false,
	'wikiversity' => false,
	'wikivoyage' => false,
	'wiktionary' => false,

	'bgwiki' => false,
	'commonswiki' => false,
	'incubatorwiki' => false,
	'metawiki' => false,
	'wikidatawiki' => false,
	// This should not be disabled on additional wikis (T291736).

'wmgKartographerNearby' => [
	'default' => true,

// T342871
'wgKartographerParsoidSupport' => [
	'default' => false,
	'enwiki' => true,
	'enwikibooks' => true,
	'enwikinews' => true,
	'enwikiquote' => true,
	'enwikisource' => true,
	'enwikiversity' => true,
	'enwikivoyage' => true,
	'enwiktionary' => true,
	'hewikivoyage' => true,

'wmgUseMediaModeration' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgMediaModerationDeveloperMode' => [
	'default' => false,

'wmgUseOATHAuth' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgOATHAuthDisableRight' => [
	'default' => true, // Roll out to specific groups
	'private' => false, // T149614
	'fishbowl' => false,
	'nonglobal' => false,

'wmgUseWebAuthn' => [
	'default' => true,

// NearbyPages extension
// T246493
'wmgUseNearbyPages' => [
	'default' => true,
	'lockeddown' => false,
	// T341133
	'wiktionary' => false,
	'wikisource' => false,
	'wikiquote' => false,
	'wikiversity' => false,
	'wikibooks' => false,
	'wikinews' => false,
	'wikifunctionswiki' => false, // T345459
	'nowikimedia' => false, // T360782
'wgNearbyPagesUrl' => [
	'default' => '/w/api.php',
'wgNearbyPagesWikidataCompatibility' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true,
	'wikidatawiki' => true,
'wgNearbyRandomButton' => [
	'default' => false,

// GlobalWatchlist extension, see T260862
'wmgUseGlobalWatchlist' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'metawiki' => true,
'wgGlobalWatchlistDevMode' => [
	'default' => false,
'wgGlobalWatchlistWikibaseSite' => [
	'default' => 'www.wikidata.org',
'wgGlobalWatchlistSiteLimit' => [
	'default' => 50, // T276195

'wmgWatchlistDefault' => [
	'default' => false,
	'arwiki' => true, // T220186
	'cswiki' => true, // T148328

'wmgWatchlistNumberOfDaysShow' => [
	'default' => 3,
	'cswiki' => 14, // T148327

'wmgEnhancedRecentChanges' => [
	'default' => false,
	'arwiki' => true, // T220186

'wmgEnhancedWatchlist' => [
	'default' => false,

'wgGalleryOptions' => [
	'default' => [
		'imagesPerRow' => 0,
		'imageWidth' => 120,
		'imageHeight' => 120,
		'captionLength' => true,
		'showBytes' => true,
		'mode' => 'traditional',
	'+svwiki' => [
		'imageWidth' => 150,
		'imageHeight' => 150,

'wgArticlePlaceholderSearchEngineIndexed' => [
	'default' => false,
	'cywiki' => 'Q16956',

'wgArticlePlaceholderSearchIntegrationEnabled' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgWMEDesktopWebUIActionsTracking' => [
	'default' => 0.2, // T258058
	'legacy-vector' => 0,
	'officewiki' => 0,
	'testwiki' => 1, // T256992
	'enwiki' => 0.01,
	// T309260 (some overlap with desktop-improvements group):
	'arwiki' => 0.2,
	'bnwiki' => 0.2,
	'frwiki' => 0.2,
	'hewiki' => 0.2,
	'htwiki' => 0.2,
	'jawiki' => 0.2,
	'kowiki' => 0.2,
	'viwiki' => 0.2,
	'zhwiki' => 0.2,
	// T321734:
	'azwiki' => 0.2,
	'dewiki' => 0.2,
	'eswiki' => 0.2,
	'fawiki' => 0.2,
	'hiwiki' => 0.2,
	'idwiki' => 0.2,
	'itwiki' => 0.2,
	'nlwiki' => 0.2,
	'plwiki' => 0.2,
	'ptwiki' => 0.2,
	'rowiki' => 0.2,
	'ruwiki' => 0.2,
	'thwiki' => 0.2,
	'trwiki' => 0.2,
	'ukwiki' => 0.2,

'wgWMEMobileWebUIActionsTracking' => [
	'default' => 0.1, // T220016
	'enwiki' => 0.01, // T295432
	'testwiki' => 1, // T302108
	// T309260:
	'arwiki' => 0.2,
	'bnwiki' => 0.2,
	'frwiki' => 0.2,
	'hewiki' => 0.2,
	'htwiki' => 0.2,
	'jawiki' => 0.2,
	'kowiki' => 0.2,
	'viwiki' => 0.2,
	'zhwiki' => 0.2,
	// T321734:
	'azwiki' => 0.2,
	'dewiki' => 0.2,
	'eswiki' => 0.2,
	'fawiki' => 0.2,
	'hiwiki' => 0.2,
	'idwiki' => 0.2,
	'itwiki' => 0.2,
	'nlwiki' => 0.2,
	'plwiki' => 0.2,
	'ptwiki' => 0.2,
	'rowiki' => 0.2,
	'ruwiki' => 0.2,
	'thwiki' => 0.2,
	'trwiki' => 0.2,
	'ukwiki' => 0.2,

'wgWMESchemaEditAttemptStepSamplingRate' => [
	// T312016:
	'default' => 1,

'wgWMESchemaVisualEditorFeatureUseSamplingRate' => [
	// T333168:
	'default' => 1,

'wgWMEReadingDepthSamplingRate' => [
	'default' => 0.01, // T306606#7881912
	'legacy-vector' => 0, // T294777
	'enwiki' => 0.001, // T294777

'wgWMEWebUIScrollTrackingSamplingRate' => [
	'default' => 1, // T305442#7877354
'wgWMEWebUIScrollTrackingSamplingRateAnons' => [
	'default' => 0.1, // T292586
	'enwiki' => 0.01, // T292586

'wgWMEWebUIScrollTrackingTimeToWaitBeforeScrollUp' => [
	'default' => 5000, // T292586

'wgWMEWikidataCompletionSearchClicks' => [
	'default' => [],
	'wikidata' => [
		'enabled' => false,
		'buckets' => [
			'control' => [
				'samplingRate' => 1,
			'T306644-en' => [
				'samplingRate' => 1,
				'context' => 'item',
				'language' => 'en',
				'searchApiParameters' => [
					'cirrusWBProfile' => 'wikibase_config_prefix_query-202203-en',
					'cirrusRescoreProfile' => 'wikibase_config_entity_weight-202203-en',
			'T306644-de' => [
				'samplingRate' => 1,
				'context' => 'item',
				'language' => 'de',
				'searchApiParameters' => [
					'cirrusWBProfile' => 'wikibase_config_prefix_query-202203-de',
					'cirrusRescoreProfile' => 'wikibase_config_detity_weight-202203-de',
			'T306644-es' => [
				'samplingRate' => 1,
				'context' => 'item',
				'language' => 'es',
				'searchApiParameters' => [
					'cirrusWBProfile' => 'wikibase_config_prefix_query-202203-es',
					'cirrusRescoreProfile' => 'wikibase_config_estity_weight-202203-es',
			'T306644-fr' => [
				'samplingRate' => 1,
				'context' => 'item',
				'language' => 'fr',
				'searchApiParameters' => [
					'cirrusWBProfile' => 'wikibase_config_prefix_query-202203-fr',
					'cirrusRescoreProfile' => 'wikibase_config_frtity_weight-202203-fr',

'wmgUsePageViewInfo' => [
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false,
	'nonglobal' => false,

'wmgUseNewsletter' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true, // T110170
	'mediawikiwiki' => true, // T110170
	'officewiki' => true, // T176199

'wmgUseArticleCreationWorkflow' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'test2wiki' => true, // T175302
	'enwiki' => true, // T192455

'wgArticleCreationLandingPage' => [
	'default' => 'Project:New user landing page',

'wmgUseDynamicSidebar' => [
	'default' => false,

'wgShortPagesNamespaceExclusions' => [
	'default' => [],
	// T170687
	'commonswiki' => [ NS_FILE ],
	'testcommonswiki' => [ NS_FILE ],

// T152540
'wgFragmentMode' => [
	'default' => [ 'html5', 'legacy' ],

'wmgUse3d' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgUpload3d' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'test2wiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,

'wg3dProcessEnviron' => [
	'default' => [ 'DISPLAY' => ':99' ],

// T324907
'wgCheckUserEventTablesMigrationStage' => [

// T299421
'wgTemplateLinksSchemaMigrationStage' => [

// T312666
'wgExternalLinksSchemaMigrationStage' => [

// T299947
'wgPageLinksSchemaMigrationStage' => [

// T334295
'wgAbuseFilterActorTableSchemaMigrationStage' => [

'wgXmlDumpSchemaVersion' => [
	'default' => XML_DUMP_SCHEMA_VERSION_10,
'wmgUseReadingLists' => [
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false,
	'nonglobal' => false,
'wgReadingListsCluster' => [
	'default' => 'extension1',
'wgReadingListsDatabase' => [
	'default' => 'wikishared',
'wgReadingListsCentralWiki' => [
	'default' => 'metawiki',
'wgReadingListsWeb' => [
	'default' => true,
'wgReadingListsAnonymizedPreviews' => [
	'default' => true,
'wgReadingListsWebAuthenticatedPreviews' => [
	'default' => false,
	'mediawikiwiki' => true,
	'metawiki' => true,

// T184121
// Explicitly disabled for non-CentralAuth wikis in CommonSettings.php
'wmgUseGlobalPreferences' => [
	'default' => true,
'wgGlobalPreferencesDB' => [
	'default' => 'centralauth',

'wgPropagateErrors' => [
	'default' => false,

// This is wikis that have it for all users
// vs below where its only for users with sessions.
'wmgUseCSPReportOnly' => [
	'default' => false,
	'group0' => true,
	'outreachwiki' => true,
	'small' => true,

'wmgUseCSPReportOnlyHasSession' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgUseCSP' => [
	'default' => false,

// Domains that go in script-src and default-src for CSP. Not to be varied by wiki.
// Note: Special case of wikimedia.org (no *) for math is defined in CommonSettings.php
// Do not add any domains to this list without talking to Security first.
'wmgApprovedContentSecurityPolicyDomains' => [
	'default' => [
		// A future refinement might be to not allow wildcard on *.wikimedia.org,
		// but to explicitly list instead. See $wgCrossSiteAJAXdomains above.
	'donatewiki' => [
		'*.wikimedia.org', // Needed to load some images
		'*.fundraiseup.com', // T345379

'wgSuspiciousIpExpiry' => [
	'default' => 600,

'wmgShowRollbackConfirmationDefaultUserOptions' => [
	'default' => false,
	'dewiki' => true,

'wmgUseWikimediaEditorTasks' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true,
	'wikidatawiki' => true,
	'testcommonswiki' => true,
	'commonswiki' => true,
'wgWikimediaEditorTasksUserCountsCluster' => [
	'default' => 'extension1',
'wgWikimediaEditorTasksUserCountsDatabase' => [
	'default' => 'wikishared',
'wgWikimediaEditorTasksEnabledCounters' => [
	'default' => [
			'class' => WikipediaAppDescriptionEditCounter::class,
			'counter_key' => 'app_description_edits',
			'class' => WikipediaAppCaptionEditCounter::class,
			'counter_key' => 'app_caption_edits',
			'class' => WikipediaAppImageDepictsEditCounter::class,
			'counter_key' => 'app_depicts_edits',

'wgWikimediaEditorTasksEnableEditStreaks' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgWikimediaEditorTasksEnableRevertCounts' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgSpecialSearchFormOptions' => [
	'testwikidatawiki' => [ 'showDescriptions' => true ],
	'wikidatawiki' => [ 'showDescriptions' => true ],
'wmgForceEditSummary' => [
	'default' => false,
	'arwiki' => true, // T220186
'wmgShowWikidataInWatchlist' => [
	'default' => false,
	'arwiki' => true, // T220186
'wmgWatchMoves' => [
	'default' => false,
	'arwiki' => true, // T220186
'wmgWatchRollback' => [
	'default' => false,
	'arwiki' => true, // T220186

'wmgUseTheWikipediaLibrary' => [
	// T288070
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false,
	'fishbowl' => false,
	'nonglobal' => false,

'wgTwlEditCount' => [
	'default' => 500, // T288070

'wgWBCitoidFullRestbaseURL' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => 'https://en.wikipedia.org/api/rest_', // T228412

'wgFundraiserLandingPageELSampleRate' => [
	'default' => 0,
	'donatewiki' => 1

### Mostly invariant settings for CirrusSearch

'wgSearchType' => [
	'default' => 'CirrusSearch'

'wgRestAPIAdditionalRouteFiles' => [
	'default' => [],
	'testwiki' => [ 'includes/Rest/coreDevelopmentRoutes.json' ],

'wgRestAllowCrossOriginCookieAuth' => [
	// WikimediaApiPortalOAuth makes cross-origin cookie-authenticated requests to meta
	'metawiki' => true,
	'default' => false,

'wgWikidataOrgQueryServiceMaxLagFactor' => [
	'default' => 60,

// Temporary feature flag. T242406.
'wgAllowRequiringEmailForResets' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgGlobalRenameDenylist' => [
	'default' => 'https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Global_rename_blacklist&action=raw'

'wgGlobalRenameDenylistRegex' => [
	'default' => true

// Disables use of Special:CreateAcount, but allows CentralAuth accounts to still be autocreated
'wmgDisableAccountCreation' => [
	'default' => false,
	'foundationwiki' => true,
	'wikimaniawiki' => true,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true,

'wgWatchlistExpiry' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgPoweredByMediaWikiIcon' => [
	'default' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_132x47.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_176x62.png'
	'trwiki' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_88x31.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_132x47.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_176x62.png'
	'trwikimedia' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_88x31.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_132x47.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_176x62.png'
	'trwikisource' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_88x31.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_132x47.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_176x62.png'
	'trwiktionary' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_88x31.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_132x47.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_176x62.png'
	'trwikibooks' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_88x31.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_132x47.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_176x62.png'
	'trwikiquote' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_88x31.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_132x47.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_176x62.png'
	'trwikivoyage' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_88x31.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_132x47.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/poweredby_mediawiki_tr_176x62.png'

'wmgWikimediaIcon' => [
	'default' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-1.5x.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-2x.png'
	'trwiki' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr-1.5x.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr-2x.png'
	'trwikimedia' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr-1.5x.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr-2x.png'
	'trwikisource' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr-1.5x.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr-2x.png'
	'trwiktionary' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr-1.5x.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr-2x.png'
	'trwikibooks' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr-1.5x.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr-2x.png'
	'trwikiquote' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr-1.5x.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr-2x.png'
	'trwikivoyage' => [
		'1x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr.png',
		'1.5x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr-1.5x.png',
		'2x' => '/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button-tr-2x.png'

'wmgUseWikimediaApiPortal' => [
	'default' => false,
	'apiportalwiki' => true,

'wgWMAPIPExtraUserMenuSpecialPages' => [
	// no default, fallback on extension default if extension is
	// installed, unnecessary otherwise
	'apiportalwiki' => [ 'AppManagement' ],

'wgWMAPIPSidebarSpecialPages' => [
	// no default, fallback on extension default if extension is
	// installed, unnecessary otherwise
	'apiportalwiki' => [

'wmgUseWikimediaApiPortalOAuth' => [
	'apiportalwiki' => true,
	'default' => false,

// T324999
'wmgWikibaseRestApiEnabled' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true,
	'wikidatawiki' => true,

// Wikidata Bridge configuration

'wmgWikibaseRepoDataBridgeEnabled' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikidata' => true,

'wmgWikibaseClientDataBridgeEnabled' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikidataclient-test' => true,
	'testwikidatawiki' => false,
	'cawiki' => true,

'wmgWikibaseClientWellKnownReferencePropertyIds' => [
	'default' => [
		'referenceUrl' => 'P854',
		'title' => 'P1476',
		'statedIn' => 'P248',
		'author' => 'P50',
		'publisher' => 'P123',
		'publicationDate' => 'P577',
		'retrievedDate' => 'P813',
	'wikidataclient-test' => [
		'referenceUrl' => 'P93',
		'title' => 'P77107',
		'statedIn' => 'P149',
		'author' => 'P242',
		'publisher' => 'P145',
		'publicationDate' => 'P761',
		'retrievedDate' => 'P388',

'wmgWikibaseClientDataBridgeHrefRegExp' => [
	'default' => '^https://www\.wikidata\.org/wiki/((Q[1-9][0-9]*)).*#(P[1-9][0-9]*)$',
	'wikidataclient-test' => '^https://test\.wikidata\.org/wiki/((Q[1-9][0-9]*)).*#(P[1-9][0-9]*)$',

'wmgWikibaseClientDataBridgeEditTags' => [
	'default' => [ 'data-bridge' ],

'wmgWikibaseTmpSerializeEmptyListsAsObjects' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgWikibaseTmpNormalizeDataValues' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgWikibaseTmpEnableMulLanguageCode' => [
	'default' => null,
	'wikidataclient-test' => true,

// Temporary, added in T339104, to be removed in T330217
'wmgWikibaseTmpAlwaysShowMulLanguageCode' => [
	'default' => null,
	'testwikidatawiki' => true, // T343409

// T123582: enables 
'wgImagePreconnect' => [
	'default' => true,

'wgCodeMirrorV6' => [
	'default' => false,
	'officewiki' => true, // T357795
	'testwiki' => true, // T357795
	'mediawikiwiki' => true, // T357795#9715433
	'hewiki' => true, // T357795, T347211#9737653

'wgCodeMirrorLineNumberingNamespaces' => [
	'default' => [ NS_TEMPLATE ],
	// T280027: Enable line numbering on all namespaces, for pilot wikis.
	'cawiki' => null, // T280027
	'dewiki' => null, // T280027
	'hewiki' => null, // T347211#9737653
	'group0' => null, // T280027
	'wikitech' => null, // T280027
	// T302852: Enable on all namespaces, by request.
	'twwiki' => null, // T302852

// Temporary, controls CM6 rollout to RTL wikis; see T170001
'wgCodeMirrorRTL' => [
	'default' => false,
	'hewiki' => true, // T170001

'wgParserEnableLegacyMediaDOM' => [
	'default' => false,

'wgUseContentMediaStyles' => [
	'default' => false,

'wgUseLegacyMediaStyles' => [
	'default' => true,
	'officewiki' => false,

// Temporary setting to stage the rollout of $wgLocalHTTPProxy (T288848)
'wmgUseLocalHTTPProxy' => [
	'default' => true,

'wmgUseWikiLambda' => [
	'default' => false,
	'wikifunctionswiki' => true,

'wmgUseWikistories' => [
	'default' => false,
	'idwiki' => true, // T311143

// Wikistories discovery module config
'wgWikistoriesDiscoveryMode' => [
	'default' => 'off',
	'idwiki' => 'beta',

// Danger: Do *NOT* enable on any public wiki (T17622)
'wgFixDoubleRedirects' => [
	'default' => false,
	'officewiki' => true, // T305782

'wmgUseImageSuggestions' => [
	'default' => false,
	'ptwiki' => true,
	'ruwiki' => true,
	'idwiki' => true,
	'cawiki' => true,
	'nowiki' => true,
	'fiwiki' => true,
	'huwiki' => true,

'wmgUseSearchVue' => [
	'default' => false,
	'ptwiki' => true,
	'ruwiki' => true,
	'idwiki' => true,
	// T336870
	'cawiki' => true,
	'nowiki' => true,
	'huwiki' => true,
	'nlwiki' => true,
	'ukwiki' => true,

'wgImageSuggestionsHelpLink' => [
	// T292310
	'ptwiki' => '/wiki/Ajuda:Guia_de_edi%C3%A7%C3%A3o/Como_usar_imagens',
	'ruwiki' => '/wiki/%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BF%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%8F:%D0%98%D0%BB%D0%BB%D1%8E%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5',
	'idwiki' => '/wiki/Wikipedia:Kebijakan_penggunaan_gambar',
	// T331036
	'cawiki' => '/wiki/Ajuda:%C3%9As_d%27imatges',
	'fiwiki' => '/wiki/Ohje:Kuvien_lis%C3%A4%C3%A4minen',
	'huwiki' => '/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:K%C3%A9pek_haszn%C3%A1lata',
	'nowiki' => '/wiki/Hjelp:Bilder',

// Test wikis and officewiki (T318592), and meta (T322745)
'wmgUseCampaignEvents' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true,
	'test2wiki' => true,
	'officewiki' => true,
	'metawiki' => true,

// This setting determines whether the CampaignEvents extension shall store
// its data in a shared database (wikishared). This can only be set to true
// for SUL wikis.
'wmgCampaignEventsUseCentralDB' => [
	'default' => true,
	'private' => false,
	'nonglobal' => false,
	'testwiki' => false,
	'test2wiki' => false,

// T309900
'wmgUseStopForumSpam' => [
	'default' => false,
	'azwikibooks' => true,
	'dkwikimedia' => true,
	'eswikinews' => true,
	'eswikiversity' => true,
	'frwikinews' => true,
	'jawiktionary' => true,
	'plwikiquote' => true,
	'ptwikibooks' => true,
	'ptwikiversity' => true,
	'svwikiquote' => true,
	'testwiki' => true,

// Only for test wikis, do not enable this on non-test wikis
'wmgUseVueTest' => [
	'default' => false,

'wgSFSReportOnly' => [
	'default' => true,
	'eswikiversity' => false, // T331182

'wgCdnMatchParameterOrder' => [
	'default' => false, // T314868

'wmgLogRestrictions' => [
	'default' => [],
	'+jawiki' => [
		'abusefilter' => 'abusefilter-modify', // T315199

'wgOATHAuthMultipleDevicesMigrationStage' => [

'wgWatchersMaxAge' => [
	'default' => 30 * 24 * 3600, // T336250

'wgEnableEditRecovery' => [
	'default' => true, // T355548

'wmgEditRecoveryDefaultUserOptions' => [
	'default' => false, // T350653
	'testwiki' => true, // T350653

'wgWikidiff2Options' => [
	'default' => [
		'useMultiFormat' => true,
		'maxSplitSize' => 10, // T341754

// T61245
'wmgUsePageNotice' => [
	'default' => false,
	'testwiki' => true,
'wgPageNoticeDisablePerPageNotices' => [
	'default' => true,

// Community configuration (T357766)
'wmgUseCommunityConfiguration' => [
	// NOTE: Do not enable without OK from the Growth team.
	'default' => false,

// T341000
'wgExternalLinksDomainGaps' => [
	'enwiki' => [
		'https://org.archive.web.' => [
			0 => 57876657,
	'commonswiki' => [
		'https://org.wikidata.www.' => [
			0 => 72202971,
			72202973 => 89906680,
			89906682 => 91580472,
			91580474 => 99908292,
		'http://se.kulturarvsdata' => [
			0 => 13998115,
			13998131 => 20707691,
			20707693 => 35818644,
