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AIR FOECE BOMBEK 1 OCCUPANTS ESCAPE LIGHTLY MACHINE MUCH DAMAGED" [BY TELEGRAPH PRESS ASSOCIATION"! CHRISTCHURCH. F,j da y While carrying out air firing prac . tice over Lake Ellesmere. about 930 o'clock this morning, a Royal X e 4 Zealand Air Force Vickers Vildebecst bomber crashed into 2ft. of water about 400 yards from tlie shore. The pilot had turned the machine into the sun. One of the wings hit the water and the machine turned over. The pilot was acting-Pilot-Officer R M. Stewart and the other occulta were acting-Pilot-Officers V. B. de l a Perrelle and J. C. F. Hayter. The occupants escaped injury except for minor bruises and cuts. The machine was extensively damaged. SINGAPORE FATALITY! FLYING-BOAT ACCIDENT NEW ZEALANDER MISSING PROMINENT IN ATHLETICS fBV TB.r.KonAPH—nwx correspondent] CHRISTCHURCH. Friday According to advice received i tl Christchurch a New Zealander, Mr Allan H. Barnes, formerly of Rangiora, and Christchurch, was one of those re. ported missing in the Royal Air Forco flying-boat accident at Singapore early this week, when four men were r». ported to be killed and two were taken to hospital. Mr. Barnes attended the Rangiora High School from 1930 to 1934, attaining distinction as an athlete and as a member of the first fifteen. After leaving school lie entered the engineering trade at Christchurch. He-leftJor England to join the Royal Air Fore* in 1937, making good progress with work and gaining some prominence at sport. He was selected for transfer to Singapore a few weeks ago .for work associated with special service seaplanes. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Barnes, are now living in Sydney. ENGLISH CHANNEL TRAGEDY DOMINION OFFICER ESCAPES [BY TELEGRAPH OWN CORRESPONDENT] CHRISTCHURCH. Friday Sole survivor of a flying-boat crash in the English Channel, Pilot-Officer A. S. Dini, a son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Dini. of 76 St. Albans Street. Christchurch. is now in the Littlehampton Hospital, Sussex. He is suffering frora slight concussion and suspected injuries to a shoulder and a rib, but, according to a cahlegram received from tlie Air Ministry by his parents,- his condition is not serious.

It is presumed that Pilot-Officer Dini was in a naval flying-boat which was reported to have crashed in the sea near Littlehampton, two men being killed, and the survivor being picked up by a freighter. Educated at the Christchurch Technical College, Pilot-Officer Diui, who is agod 21, was a prominent sprinter and athlete. Prior to leaving New Zealand 18 months ago to join the Koyftl Air Force he was employed by the Post and Telegraph Department, in the automatic telephone exchange. At the time of the accident he was attached to the Royal Air Force School of Naval Co-operation, at Eord, near Arundel, in Sussex.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23369, 10 June 1939, Page 12

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CRASH INTO LAKE New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23369, 10 June 1939, Page 12

CRASH INTO LAKE New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23369, 10 June 1939, Page 12