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Translate webpages and documents

You can translate special types of content, like websites, documents, and text messages.

Translate websites (computer only)

  1. Visit the Google Translate page on your computer.
  2. Choose the language you want to translate the site into.
  3. Type the web address into the box on the left.
  4. Click Translate.
  5. To see the translated version of the site, click on the link in the box on the right.

Translate documents (computer only)

  1. Visit the Google Translate page on your computer.
  2. Below the search box, click Translate a document.
  3. Choose the file you want to translate. The format should be PDF, TXT, DOC, PPT, XLS, or RTF.

Note: Some of the original formatting might not come through in the translation.

Translate text messages (Android app only)

  1. Open the Translate app .
  2. On the Translate home screen, touch Menu Menu icon> SMS translation.
  3. Touch the message you want to translate.
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