Definition of goitre in English:


(US goiter)


  • A swelling of the neck resulting from enlargement of the thyroid gland.

    ‘a woman with a goitre’
    [mass noun] ‘the belief that amber necklaces were good for curing goitre’
    • ‘I had a little goitre too, a thickened neck, and I couldn't look at myself.’
    • ‘It is assumed that most elderly patients with subclinical hyperthyroidism have a multinodular goiter, but several other conditions should be considered in the differential diagnosis.’
    • ‘Life changing operations such as hernia repairs and removal of a goiter of the thyroid gland were considered elective, a luxury, but are now being performed free of charge.’
    • ‘Many of the patients in these studies had clinical signs of thyroid disease (e.g., a visible goiter, ophthalmic findings) that prompted testing.’
    • ‘There may also be swelling of the thyroid gland in the neck - a goitre.’


Early 17th century: from French, a back-formation from goitreux having a goitre, or from Old French goitron gullet, both based on Latin guttur throat.


