Versions guide for authors

Over the lifetime of a research document there may be many different versions created. Oxford researchers are welcome to submit any version of their research output to ORA providing they do not infringe any rights, and can retain access and link to previous versions if required. The version submitted to ORA should comply with the rights associated with that item such as those imposed by a publisher. 

If you, the depositor, hold the copyright of the item (ie have not transferred copyright or granted an exclusive or other licence to another party), including any materials included within the item, you may use the version where you own the rights as you wish. 

For information about many publishers' policies see the SHERPA/Romeo website

Most publishers will permit some version of your journal article to be deposited in ORA. Please note that the majority of this group will permit you to use the final AUTHOR'S version of the article rather than the publisher's PDF. You are therefore advised to retain your personal final version of any journal you think you will want to submit to ORA.

Use of Publishers' PDF version
Some journal publishers permit authors to submit the publisher's PDF version to ORA. These include:

  • CUP (Cambridge University Press) - 12 months after publication
  • American Institute of Physics

Some definitions as used by ORA staff

  • Pre-print: version prior to peer-review.
  • Post-print: version following peer-review and incorporating changes resulting from reviewer's comments
  • Final author version: as post-print
  • Publisher's PDF/version: as published and typeset by the publisher. Author is often sent offprints of this version

Scanned copies of publications

You might not be permitted to scan articles and other items for inclusion in ORA where the copyright is held by a publisher or other party. Please check the publisher's details and obtain permission if necessary.


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