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Related to Socialisme: Karl Marx


An economic system in which the state or the people generally own most or all of the means of production. That is, under socialism, industries, agriculture and corporations are nationalized. The government may also manage the nationalized companies, or they may delegate this to a private company. Most socialist systems, however, allow some degree of private enterprise. Because it favors a strong role for the state, socialism should not be confused with Marxism, which holds that the state will eventually disappear.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


a political doctrine that emphasizes the collective ownership of the means of production, ascribing a large role to the state in the running of the economy, with widespread public ownership (NATIONALIZATION) of key industries, although it allows limited scope to market forces. MARX regarded socialism as a transitional stage between the end of a PRIVATE-ENTERPRISE system and the beginnings of COMMUNISM. In practice, the revolutionary, communist form of socialism, which involves abolition of all private property, is limited to only a few countries, such as Cuba. Elsewhere, the main form of economic system is that of the MIXED ECONOMY, which combines elements of democratic socialism and the private-enterprise tradition. See CENTRALLY PLANNED ECONOMY.
Collins Dictionary of Economics, 4th ed. © C. Pass, B. Lowes, L. Davies 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Le socialisme contemporain--autres epoques ont eu d'autres types de socialisme que l'histoire designe par divers noms--est l'antithese du liberalisme; mais il nait de son sein et se nourrit de son experience.
Selon l'experience de cette classe, le socialisme n'est pas le systeme egalitaire parfait.
Film Socialisme is vintage late-Godard in all its baffling glory: a numbing assault on the eyes, brain and the buttocks that takes liberties with your patience and mental endurance, but has an undeniable originality.
Those who want to find anti-Semitism in Film Socialisme must be prepared to do the legwork.
Mais, bien que remarquees a maintes reprises, les visions positives du socialisme ont moins fait l'objet d'une analyse approfondie que les visions negatives mobilisees par ceux qui se sont definis comme les victimes du socialisme.
After a first book on phenomenology, he had been engaged politically in Algeria, eventually working with Claude Lefort, Cornelius Castoriadis, and Hubert Damisch in the group Socialisme ou Barbarie.
Le Bureau politique du Parti du progres et du socialisme a examine, au cours de sa reunion hebdomadaire du mardi 23 juillet 2019, un ensemble de questions concernant l'actualite nationale.
Le Parti du progres et du socialisme organise, samedi 27 juillet 2019 a partir de 17 heures a la Salle d'exposition de l'Hotel Atlas Asni a Marrakech, un journee commemorative du 73e anniversaire de la presentation par le Parti communiste marocain (PCM) du Manifeste de l'independance, annonce un communique rendu public par le PPS.
A ce titre, il faudra signaler que deux membres du Parti du progres et du socialisme figure parmi les membres nommes par Sa Majeste le Roi, sur proposition du Chef de gouvernement nos camarades, Fatima Chaabi et Mahtat Rekkas.
Ce sont les propos de la deputee Fatima Zahra Barassat, membre du Groupement parlementaire du progres et du socialisme a la Chambre des representants.