inauthor:"John R. Lampe"(출처: books.google.com)
This may have enabled Yugoslavia to avoid some of the hard but necessary economic policy choices; hence, future U.S. support, the book concludes, will likely be tied more closely to the economic and political soundness of Yugoslavia's own ...
inauthor:"John R. Lampe"(출처: books.google.com)
The authors of this pioneering work study a part of Europe neglected by both approaches.
inauthor:"John R. Lampe"(출처: books.google.com)
John Lampe disputes this pejoratively Balkan background. He traces the region's traumatic twentieth century through wars and postwar transitions that adopted or confronted European ideologies, institutions and interventions.
inauthor:"John R. Lampe"(출처: books.google.com)
2012 Outstanding Academic Title, Choice Magazine Embracing Democracy in the Western Balkans offers a comparative, cross-regional study of the politics and economics of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Albania from ...
inauthor:"John R. Lampe"(출처: books.google.com)
¿The Essay Book - Recollections and Reflections - captures in their own words wisdom gained during a lifetime from lessons learned as experienced by 135 members of the Harvard College Class of 1957 during their 80 years.