subject:"Juvenile Nonfiction History" from books.google.com
Using the diary she kept as a teenager and through news accounts, Melba Pattillo Beals relives the harrowing year when she was selected as one of the first nine students to integrate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957.
subject:"Juvenile Nonfiction History" from books.google.com
Giovanni and his friend Campanella, who is dead from drowning, travel on a celestial railway which is a ferry of souls journeying to the afterlife.
subject:"Juvenile Nonfiction History" from books.google.com
En meget detaljeret analyse af årsagerne til Vietnamkrigen og til det amarikanske engagement samt af krigens gang 1965-1975 både på internationalt topplan, i Saigon og på slagmarken.
subject:"Juvenile Nonfiction History" from books.google.com
This is the sequel to Breadwinner.
subject:"Juvenile Nonfiction History" from books.google.com
Leon Leyson (born Leib Lezjon) was only ten years old when the Nazis invaded Poland and his family was forced to relocate to the Krakow ghetto.
subject:"Juvenile Nonfiction History" from books.google.com
From her childhood, to her time with the Washingtons and living in the slave quarters, to her escape to New Hampshire, Erica Armstrong Dunbar, along with Kathleen Van Cleve, shares an intimate glimpse into the life of a little-known, but ...
subject:"Juvenile Nonfiction History" from books.google.com
Life in Ancient China explores the daily lives of early the Chinese people, profiles the great dynasties that ruled China over the centuries, and introduces important religious and philosophical contributions, such as Confucianism, Daosim, ...
subject:"Juvenile Nonfiction History" from books.google.com
A study of the influence of German Chief of Staff Helmuth von Moltke, 1906-1914.