Argentina Population 2024 (Live)


According to current projections, Argentina’s population will reach 45.2 million people by the end of 2020 and surpass 50 million in 2033. The Argentinian population will reach its peak population of 57.94 million in 2079 and then slowly decline after.

Argentina’s population is growing at a rate of 0.93%. Argentina’s population density is around 15 persons per square kilometer and while this is expected to increase in the coming decades, it is well below the world average of 50 persons per kilometer.

The fertility rate is 2.24 births per woman, just above the population replacement rate of 2.1 births per woman. The birth rate is 16.736 births per 1,000 people, which has significantly decreased over the past few decades.

Population Rank
Growth Rate
2024 World Percentage
Land Area
The current population of Argentina is 46,007,755 based on projections of the latest United Nations data. The UN estimates the July 1, 2024 population at 46,057,866.

Argentina Growth Rate

Argentina Population Clock

Argentina Population (as of 4/26/2024) 46,007,755
Next UN Estimate (July 1, 2024) 46,057,866
Births per Day 1,707
Deaths per Day 946
Migrations per Day 10
Net Change per Day 771
Population Change Since Jan. 1 90,207

Components of Population Change

One birth every 51 seconds
One death every 1.52 minutes
One immigrant every 144 minutes
Net gain of one person every 1.87 minutes

Argentina Population Clock

Argentina Population Density Map

2024 Population
Buenos Aires 13,076,300
Cordoba 1,428,214
Rosario 1,173,533
Mendoza 876,884
San Miguel de Tucuman 781,023
La Plata 694,167
Mar del Plata 553,935
Quilmes 518,788
Salta 512,686
Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz 489,505

The capital and largest city is Buenos Aires, an autonomous city that is the second-largest metro area in South America. Buenos Aires has a population of 3 million, with a metropolitan population of close to 13 million.

92% of Argentina's population live in cities, with the 10 largest metro areas accounting for nearly half of the population.

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Growth Rate
Density (/km²)
Population Rank
Density Rank
2024 46,057,866 0.58% 17 35 205
2023 45,773,884 0.6% 17 33 205
2020 45,036,032 0.65% 16 31 205
2019 44,745,520 0.75% 16 31 204
2018 44,413,596 0.81% 16 32 203
2017 44,054,616 0.89% 16 32 201
2015 43,257,065 1.03% 16 32 200
2010 41,100,123 1.02% 15 32 199
2005 39,070,501 1.06% 14 31 197
2000 37,070,774 1.19% 14 31 195
1995 34,946,110 1.38% 13 31 194
1990 32,637,657 1.51% 12 30 193
1985 30,287,112 1.57% 11 30 192
1980 28,024,803 1.61% 10 29 192
1975 25,875,558 1.65% 9 28 190
1970 23,842,803 1.57% 9 28 190
1965 22,053,661 1.62% 8 28 188
1960 20,349,744 1.7% 7 28 188
1955 18,700,686 1.9% 7 28 188

Argentina Population by Year (Historical)

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Growth Rate
Density (/km²)
Population Rank
Density Rank
2024 46,057,866 0.58% 17 35 205
2025 46,337,520 0.57% 17 35 205
2030 47,678,560 0.57% 17 35 206
2035 48,912,958 0.51% 18 36 206
2040 50,014,489 0.45% 18 36 207
2045 50,924,787 0.36% 19 38 207
2050 51,621,175 0.27% 19 39 207
2055 52,068,035 0.17% 19 42 207
2060 52,265,798 0.08% 19 42 207
2065 52,245,374 -0.01% 19 42 207
2070 52,028,279 -0.08% 19 42 206
2075 51,614,967 -0.16% 19 46 206
2080 51,036,103 -0.22% 19 49 208
2085 50,309,412 -0.29% 18 51 208
2090 49,463,448 -0.34% 18 49 208
2095 48,536,699 -0.38% 18 49 208

Argentina Population by Year (Projections)

Argentina Population Pyramid 2024

Argentina Median Age







Argentina Population by Age

There are people over age 18 in Argentina.

Census Years

2020 2020
2010 27 October 2010
2001 18 November 2001
1991 15 May 1991

Argentina Population Pyramid

Argentina declared its independence from Spain in 1816, and the first national census was taken in 1869. Tt was shown that there were just 1,830,214 people living here. Confirmed figures were only recorded on a sporadic basis from then on and the next available results date from 1895. At this point, it was shown that the population of Argentina had grown by over 100% to a figure of 4,044,911.

Further censuses in the first half of the 20th century were just as erratic in terms of when they were carried out. They were taken in 1914 and 1947, but by 1960 the country had settled into a pattern whereby the surveys were carried out every ten years. The 1960 census showed that numbers had grown to 20,013,793 and Argentina has maintained consistent growth to the present day.

Christianity is by far the dominant religion in Argentina with 76.5% of the population being Roman Catholic and an additional 9% being Protestant. The majority of the remaining population is agnostic, atheist or indifferent.

Argentina is a very diverse country of immigrants. Argentines often call the country a "crisol de razas," or mix of races. Between the 18th and 19th centuries, Argentina received more than 6.6 million immigrants, second only to the United States, which helped the country's population double every 20 years.

Most Argentines are descended from several European ethnic groups, with more than 55% having Italian origins. The second-most common ethnic origin is Spanish. About 17% have French origins, and about 8% are descended from German immigrants. Argentina today has a large Arab population, most of whom are from Syria and Lebanon.There are also about 180,000 Asian people, mostly of Chinese and Korean origins. Additionally, the Argentine government estimates there are 750,000 residents without official documents, many of whom immigrated from Paraguay, Peru, and Bolivia.

Argentina has a fairly high proportion of seniors over the age of 65, who account for almost 11% of the population. About 26% of the population is under 15, which is slightly lower than the world average. In 2010, Argentina became the first Latin American country to allow nationwide same-sex marriage.

The official language used in Argentina is Spanish. A variety of additional languages are also commonly used, including Italian, English, German, French, and indigenous dialects.

Argentina Religion, Economy and Politics

The current median age of the population in Argentina is 31.7 years of age, with a total life expectancy of 77.3 years of age. The fertility rate of women is holding steady at approximately 2.25 children born per woman living in Argentina.

Argentina Population Rank 2024
Country Age
Area (km²)
2024 Growth Rate
GDP (IMF '23)
GDP (UN '22)
$631.13 Bn
