World Population Prospects

Data Booklet - 2015 Revision

image of World Population Prospects

The 2015 Revision will build on the previous revision by incorporating the findings of new population censuses and specialized demographic surveys, which have been published since the previous revision. This comprehensive review of worldwide demographic trends and future prospects is essential for assessing the degree of progress made in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and to guide policies aimed at achieving the new post-2015 development agenda, which Member States will adopt this fall. The full results of the 2015 revision will be made available in the form of a two volume report.

Sustainable Development Goals:
Related Subject(s): Population and Demography

Table of Contents

World Population Prospects 2015

7.3 billion people on Earth in 2015 / Global population projected to reach 9.7 billion in 2050, 11.2 billion in 2100

Majority of future population growth will occur in Africa and Asia / The rank order of the most populous countries will change by 2050

Fertility rates, the main driver of population growth, vary around the world

Adolescent fertility has declined, but remains high in some areas of the world

Global life expectancy increasing, but disparities in survival remain

Europe, Northern America and Oceania are net receivers of international migrants; Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean are net senders

Net migration is contributing to population change

Populations in many parts of the world are still young

Global ageing will accelerate in coming decades



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