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Comments from the Statistics Council Census sub-committee

Population estimates
Preliminary independent demographic analyses of the census results suggest that the final figures probably represent:
� an underestimate of children under the age of five
� an overestimate of children aged between 10 and 19
� an underestimate of men relative to women
� an underestimate of the white population

Error margins (95% confidence limits) for the adjusted population by province, population group, sex and age - reflecting sampling errors around the estimates - are shown in the linked table. In addition to sampling errors other types of measurement errors may be present. [View table]

Labour market data
The census produces lower estimates of labour force participation than September 2001 Labour Force Survey. There is possible under-reporting of employment in the informal and subsistence agriculture sectors, particularly among those working only a few hours per week. The labour force survey questionnaire includes more prompts to clarify these issues, which is not possible during census enumeration. The United Nations and the International Labour Organisation note that labour force surveys are expected to produce more reliable estimates of labour market variables than censuses. Note that the labour force survey figures of September 2001 are the official labour market statistics for the period.