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Amad Shah Durrānī

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Aḥmad Shah Durrānī,  (born 1722?Multān, Punjab [now in Pakistan], or Herāt [now in Afghanistan; see Researcher’s Note])—died Oct. 16/17, 1772, Toba Maʿrūf, Afg.), founder of the state of Afghanistan and ruler of an empire that extended from the Amu Darya to the Indian Ocean and from Khorāsān into Kashmir, the Punjab, and Sindh. Head of the central government, with full control of all departments of state in domestic and foreign affairs, both civil and military, the shah was assisted by a prime minister and a council of nine life-term advisers that he selected from the chiefs of the leading Afghan tribes.

A member of the noble Sadōzai clan and the second son of Moḥammad Zamān Khan, a hereditary chief of the Abdālī tribe of Afghans, Aḥmad rose to command an Abdālī cavalry group under Nādir Shah of Persia, and, on Nādir Shah’s assassination, the Afghan chiefs elected Aḥmad as shah. He was crowned in 1747 near Kandahar, where coins were struck in his name and where he set up his capital. Embarking on the conquest of regions held by ineffectual rulers, he invaded India nine times between 1747 and 1769, supposedly with no intention of founding an empire there. After an unopposed march to Delhi in 1757, he plundered that city, Agra, Mathura, and Vrindabad.

Before an outbreak of cholera among his troops forced his return to Afghanistan, Aḥmad married Ḥazrat Baygam, daughter of the Indian Mughal emperor Muḥammad Shah. His son Tīmūr remained behind as viceroy of the Punjab and married the daughter of India’s puppet emperor ʿĀlamgīr II. Tīmūr was driven out in 1758 by a force of Sikhs, Mughals, and Marathas, but in 1759–61 Aḥmad Shah swept the Marathas from the Punjab and destroyed their large army at Panipat, north of Delhi (see Battles of Panipat). In the 1760s he attempted four times to crush the Sikhs, but his empire was restive with serious revolts nearer home, and he lost control of the Punjab to them. He is buried in a mausoleum in Kandahar.

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