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Exchange Rate Currency Converter

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Exchange Rates

Currency in Europe USD to EUR to GBP to CHF to JPY to CAD to AUD to
GBP British Pound 0.8178 0.8886 1.0000 0.8219 0.0079 0.6128 0.6210
EUR Euro 0.9203 1.0000 1.1253 0.9248 0.0089 0.6896 0.6988
CHF Swiss Franc 0.9951 1.0813 1.2167 1.0000 0.0096 0.7456 0.7556
CZK Czech Koruna 24.8739 27.0281 30.4149 24.9969 0.2394 18.6380 18.8883
DKK Danish Krone 6.8471 7.4401 8.3724 6.8810 0.0659 5.1305 5.1994
HUF Hungarian Forint 283.5900 308.1499 346.7634 284.9922 2.7294 212.4938 215.3473
NOK Norwegian Krone 8.2758 8.9925 10.1193 8.3167 0.0796 6.2011 6.2843
PLN Polish Zloty 3.9784 4.3229 4.8646 3.9981 0.0383 2.9810 3.0210
SEK Swedish Krona 8.9328 9.7064 10.9227 8.9769 0.0860 6.6933 6.7832
TRY Turkish Lira 3.0830 3.3500 3.7698 3.0983 0.0297 2.3101 2.3411
Currency in America USD to EUR to GBP to CHF to JPY to CAD to AUD to
USD US Dollar 1.0000 1.0866 1.2228 1.0049 0.0096 0.7493 0.7594
CAD Canadian Dollar 1.3346 1.4502 1.6319 1.3412 0.0128 1.0000 1.0134
ARS Argentine Peso 15.1698 16.4835 18.5490 15.2448 0.1460 11.3667 11.5193
BRL Brazilian Real 3.1650 3.4391 3.8701 3.1807 0.0305 2.3715 2.4034
MXN Mexican Peso 18.6211 20.2338 22.7692 18.7132 0.1792 13.9528 14.1401
COP Colombian Peso 2,932.8999 3,186.8996 3,586.2422 2,947.4014 28.2273 2,197.6198 2,227.1311

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Popular Currency Exchange Rates

EUR GBP 0.8886 (Euro to Pound)
GBP EUR 1.1253 (Pound to Euro)
USD EUR 0.9203 (US Dollar to Euro)
USD GBP 0.8178 (US Dollar to Pound)
GBP USD 1.2228 (Pound to US Dollar)
EUR CHF 1.0813 (Euro to Swiss Franc)
USD HKD 7.7573 (US Dollar to Hong Kong Dollar)
EUR CHF 1.0813 (Euro to Swiss Franc)
USD CAD 1.3346 (US Dollar to Canadian Dollar)
AUD USD 0.7594 (Australian Dollar to US Dollar)
USD JPY 103.9030 (US Dollar to US Dollar)
USD CHF 0.9951 (US Dollar to Swiss Franc)
EUR JPY 112.9014 (Euro to Japanese Yen)
CNY USD 0.1478 (Chinese Yuan to US Dollar)

Exchange Rate Currency Converter

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