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Adrenochrome in plain sight Lady Gaga

Published on 18 Mar 2020 / In News & Politics

Too bad she wasn't acting.

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thelovegurublaire 4 months ago

Wow, interesting! What the hell movie is this?

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Emile 5 months ago

Why the world can not handle the truth about what has been going on for decades or perhaps hundreds of years. When I was in my mid 20’s, I worked in a machine shop. One morning, I woke up with my neck out of alignment. I was in terrible pain. I went to work anyway, but a coworker saw that I was in pain and recommended that I go to the House of Health and see a guy called Mayo Kahn. I followed his advice and as soon as Mayo saw me, he knows exactly what was wrong. Mayo Kahn was an Osteopath, an advanced chiropractor. The pain instantly went away. What Mayo forgot to warn me about is that the brain kept pumping out adrenalin. Needless to say, as I drove back to work, I found myself literally walking on air. I was as high as a kite, because the brain kept on over producing adrenalin. It eventually stopped and I found myself back on my feet. What a feeling! I would not go through the pain again just to walk on air. Imagine being able to synthesize this natural drug? They can’t but they can extract it from blood, and it is called adrenalin. When extracted from the blood and turned into powered form it is called, Adrenochrome. They also found out that the purest adrenalin is produced by the brains of children. The younger the purer. There is only one small problem. For the brain to produce adrenalin the child must be put under tremendous constant pain. The children are immobilized and tortured by an electrical current. The brain produced adrenalin to counter the pain. The blood is eventually extracted and processed. The child eventually dies and replaced with a new subject. This is beyond horrific in and of itself, but in order to produce the quantities that they need, we are talking about tens of thousands of children being subjected to this torture, just so that the wealthy satanic pedophiles can get their drug. A gram of Adrenochrome can easily sell for $100,000.00 dollars. What the public will have a hard time to swallow is that there are “hospitals” set up to process thousands of children, in this manner, and extract the blood so that they can produce the natural Adrenochrome. In order to keep this process going they need a steady supply of children. How do you insure a steady supply of children to these “hospitals”? You institute a one child policy. What country has a one child policy? The biggest demand comes from the house of Saud, the house of Soros and the European Royals. It is the billionaires’ drug of choice. Why do you think there has been a flood of CEO resignations in the past few year? If you think this is all imaginary, then here is perfect proof. When I was on Facebook, I happened to see a post by Keana Reeves, The Matrix. He stupidly posted a comment that suggested the greatest high anyone can get comes from drinking the blood of a child. He forgot the mention that the child had to be tortured in order for it to have produced a sufficient amount of adrenalin before he drank the blood. Another source of Adrenochrome is directly from the child that has been tortured. That is the reasons there have been a steady stream of wars for the last 50 years. War creates the condition for the abduction of children in order to supply this niche market. These children are abducted, tortured and sacrificed via satanic rituals. These rituals take place in every major city in the world. I believe there is one such place in Boston, Mass. I worked with retired NAVY seal, years ago. He told me about a high security job he accepted. He told me about the children they took into the building. He said he noticed that they went into the building but did not come out. He figured out that this job was not for him. He resigned and was told never to say anything of what he saw under the pain of him and his family’s death. I was skeptical of the story at the time but with this newfound information, I now know the story was true. This is all linked to the CoV-19 virus. The virus may be real but if it is the lethality is not as severe as the MSM is portraying. It is a cover story fed to the public while military operations are taking place all over the world. The 150,000 sealed inditements are being unsealed and they have multiple people linked to each one of them. So many more individuals are being arrested than the 150,000 individual indictments. I believe, the test for the so called CoV-19 virus is really a test for Adrenochrome. If someone is taking Adrenochrome the test will tell them that this person is guilty of being linked to a source of Adrenochrome. Either they have drunk the blood of a tortured child or they are linked to a source of Adrenochrome via the China connection/Hollywood. Just think about it for a second. The flue is a virus related to influenza. There is no test for it. The only way to test for a virus is to put it under an electron microscope. They can not be seen with an optical microscope. The story is bigger than you have been led to believe. Bill Gates gave the WHO millions of test kits for this so-called virus. He knows that they would produce 80% false positives. That is why Hillary Clinton is screaming for everyone to be tested. She wants mass panic. The democrats and their allies in China and Hollywood will do anything to destroy President Trump’s chances of being reelected. They want to keep the old system going. Keep the masses ignorant of their crimes against humanity. Don’t believe anything without doing the research yourself. Use your brain for once in your live before you lose your freedom forever.

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RhNegVirgo 28 days ago

Your statement about there not being a flu test is incorrect. I know this because I was a Medical Assistant in pediatrics for 5 years and I personally collected and ran many flu tests. It’s called a rapid flu test and it’s quite accurate. Not trying to belittle you, just one TruthSeeker to another because we are all in this together and we have to fact check and correct each other for the sake of the mission = truth

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Emile 5 months ago

You forgot to tell everyone that you first have to TORTURE the children before they produce the adrenochrome. The greater the PAIN and length of TIME the greater the adrenochrome and the HIGHER THE HIGY.

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Emile 5 months ago

You are on the wrong side of everything

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Michiganmom10 5 months ago


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