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If you search Google Maps for the N-word, it gives you the White House

(EPA/Wade Payne)
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Someone on Google Maps just labeled President Obama a very bad word.

A reader points out that if you enter a search for "N***** king" — which contains a particularly offensive racial epithet for African Americans — Google Maps will point you to the White House. We tested the claim on Tuesday night and confirmed that, yes, this is a thing. It even zooms the camera in, automatically. (For sensitivity's sake, we partially obscured the search term and the autocomplete responses in the GIF below.)

Other reports suggest that you get the same result if you search for "n***a house." We've tested this, as well.

"Some inappropriate results are surfacing in Google Maps that should not be, and we apologize for any offense this may have caused," said a Google spokesperson. "Our teams are working to fix this issue quickly."

A mounting list of such pranks has led Google to suspend people's ability to submit edits to Google Maps for the time being.

"We are temporarily disabling editing on Map Maker starting today," product manager Pavithra Kanakarajan said in a message to users, "while we continue to work towards making the moderation system more robust."

Google has pledged to give an update by May 27. Until then, Google Maps users can still report mistakes and inappropriate material from the app.

This isn't the first time Google Maps has been hit by what amounts to third-party vandalism. Last month, people noticed that the White House had been trollingly tagged as former NSA contractor Edward Snowden's lair. Weeks later, the Internet discovered Google's Android mascot urinating on an Apple logo in Pakistan.
