
Weather in Cleveland

Ohio, USA

Mostly cloudy
40 20 0 -20 -40


Sunrise 06:28
Sunset 20:20

Temperature, °C

feels like

Pressure, hPa

Humidity, %

Wind, mph

Chance of precipit., %

night morning day evening
0:00 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00
+19° +19° +18° +18° +23° +27° +26° +24°
+19° +19° +18° +18° +23° +27° +27° +25°
998 998 997 998 997 997 993 994
45 49 54 65 55 47 65 65
- - - - - - 8 2

What is the weather in Cleveland today?

Today is Saturday, April 27

Mostly cloudy, Rain, thunderstorm. The temperature is +28°C, but it feels like +28°C. The probability of precipitation is 67%. Humidity is 68%. The atmospheric pressure is 998 hPa. A southeastern wind of 25mph.

Sunrise at 06:28, sunset at 20:20. The duration of daylight hours is 13 hr 52 min

More about the weather today

What is the weather in Cleveland tomorrow?

Tomorrow is Sunday, April 28

Partly cloudy, Rain. The temperature is +23°C, but it feels like +23°C. The probability of precipitation is 77%. Humidity is 86%. The atmospheric pressure is 996 hPa. A southwestern wind of 14mph.

Sunrise at 06:27, sunset at 20:21. The duration of daylight hours is 13 hr 54 min

More about the weather tomorrow

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